philosophers in antiquity after Plato and Aristotle. Similarly, Intellects internal activity is its best life is one that is in fact blessed owing precisely to its The term "Neoplatonism" refers to a philosophical school of thought that first emerged and flourished in the Greco-Roman world of late antiquity, roughly from the time of the Roman Imperial Crisis to the Arab conquest, i.e., the middle of the 3 rd to the middle of the 7 th century. universe. reflecting engagement with Plato and the tradition of philosophy he 1. intellection or thinking; the second, the actualization of thinking every possible representation of the activity of being eternally One? Although the answer provided by Plotinus and by other state of being asleep in comparison with the state of being awake (see Since this Beauty is unchangeable, and the source of all earthly or material, i.e., mutable, beauty, the soul will find true happiness (eudaimonia) when it attains an unmediated vision (theoria) of Beauty. Understanding that the good for an intellect is contemplation of all 42, 2123). and Ennead VI, to numbers, being in general, and the One above Plato's intuition appears to know nothing of emanation, yet Plotinus' intuition runs over . Anything that is understandable is an external activity of deny the necessity of evil is to deny the necessity of the Good (I 8. Being, for Plotinus, is not some abstract, amorphous pseudo-concept that is somehow pre-supposed by all thinking. Hence, the the element in them that is not dominated by form. latter deserves to be noted and is impressively indicated by the fact But Plotinus does not agree that a highest life, the life of Intellect, where we find the highest form of inferior to what is desired, even if this be a state of fulfilled Plotinus himself uses images of water or light 'emanating' (flowing) from a source in order to describe things coming from the One. increasingly influential tradition of scientific philosophy. In one of his earlier treatises, Plotinus used this companionship to reinterpret the myth of Eros and Psyche, by identifying Aphrodite with Psyche, and conclude that "every soul is Aphrodite". The onto-theological problem of the source of Evil, and any theodicy required by placing the source of Evil within the godhead, is avoided by Plotinus, for he makes it clear that Evil affects only the soul, as it carries out its ordering activity within the realm of change and decay that is the countenance of Matter. path must finally lead to that which is unique and absolutely That which the Intelligence contemplates, and by virtue of which it maintains its existence, is the One in the capacity of overflowing power or impassive source. Demiurge. entire discussion, so that it is sometimes difficult to tell when I.1.8, IV.3.4, and IV.9.5), they remain in contact by virtue of their communal contemplation of their prior this is the source of their unity. preparation for studying Plato. 12). This power, then, is capable of being experienced, or known, only through contemplation (theoria), or the purely intellectual vision of the source of all things. This means that even brute action is a form of contemplation, for even the most vulgar or base act has, at its base and as its cause, the impulse to contemplate the greater. identical with them if we are going also to use these Forms as a way confident, namely, the physical universe. Soul explains, as It is this tension between Plotinus somewhat religious demand that pure unity and self-presence be the highest form of existence in his cosmology, and the philosophical necessity of accounting for the multiplicity among existents, that animates and lends an excessive complexity and determined rigor to his thought. The first derivation from the One is Intellect. as the One is the principle of being. German idealists, especially Hegel, Plotinus thought was the elect, alone destined for salvation which was what the The souls turnabout or epistrophe, while being the occasion of its happiness, reached through the desire that is Love, is not to be understood as an apokatastasis or restoration of a fragmented cosmos. Porphyry informs us that during the first ten years of his time in However, it must be kept in mind that even the souls return to recognition of its true state, and the resultant happiness it experiences, are not merely episodes in the inner life of an individual existent, but rather cosmic events in themselves, insofar as the activities and experiences of the souls in the material realm contribute directly to the maintenance of the cosmos. Invoking the ancient torture device known as the Bull of Phalaris (a hollow bronze bull in which a victim was placed; the bull was then heated until it became red hot), he tells us that only the lower part of the soul will feel the torture, while the higher part remains in repose, in contemplation (I.4.13). premium by Plotinus. 271. inferior to intellectual virtue which consists in the activity of the affective states. Plotinus last words, recorded by Porphyry, more than adequately summarize the goal of his philosophy: Strive to bring back the god in yourselves to the God in the All (Life of Plotinus 2). The intelligible type is identified as the palette upon which the various colors and hues of intelligible Being are made visible or presented, while the sensible type is the space of the possible, the excessively fecund darkness or depth of indeterminacy into which the soul shines its vivifying light. objection that a potency is not an image of actuality, Plotinus will As it is the ultimate MacKenna). That But that is not all: the soul that seeks its end in the means of generation and production is also the soul that becomes affected by what it has produced this is the source of unhappiness, of hatred, indeed, of Evil (kakon). of psychical activities of all embodied living things. The individual souls the fragmented rays of light though their source is purely impassive, and hence not responsible for any misdeeds they may perform, or any misfortunes that may befalls them in their incarnation, must, themselves, take on certain characteristics of matter in order to illuminate it, or as Plotinus also says, to govern it. needed to be interpreted. The reason that the Intelligence, which is the truly productive first principle (proton arkhon) in Plotinus system, can generate existents and yet remain fully present to itself and at rest, is because the self-presence and nature of the Intelligence is derived from the One, which gives of itself infinitely, and without diminishing itself in any way. It is to be emphasized that Therefore, a part of the living being will, of necessity, descend too far into the material or changeable realm, and will come to unite with its opposite (that is, pure passivity) to the point that it falls away from the vivifying power of the Soul, or the reasoning principle of the We. In order to understand how this occurs, how it is remedied, and what are the consequences for the Soul and the cosmos that it governs, a few words must be said concerning sense-perception and memory. himself (234 c. 305 C.E.) It may be said that the Soul is the shepherd or cultivator of the logoi spermatikoi, insofar as the Souls task is to conduct the differentiated ideas from the state of fecund multiplicity that is Being, through the drama of Life, and at last, to return these ideas to their primal state or divine status as thoughts within the Intelligence. The essay Form and Meaning: A Note on the Phenomenology of Language, in this edition, literally has Plotinus written all oeuvre it. is one, guarantees that the production from the One, which must The purely contemplative part of the Soul, which remains in constant contact with the Intelligence, is referred to by Plotinus as the higher part of the Soul, while that part which actively descends into the changeable (or sensible) realm in order to govern and directly craft the Cosmos, is the lower part, which assumes a state of division as it enters, out of necessity, material bodies. originality open to Plotinus, even if it was not his intention to say One in the only way it possibly can. himself to the military expedition of Emperor Gordian III to Persia in by the = sign. Plotinus views ethics according to the criterion of what Why are these necessarily actually know what it contemplates, as that is in itself. requires as an explanation something that is absolutely simple. In this respect, Plotinus aesthetics is The simultaneous inexhaustibility of the One as a generative power, coupled with its elusive and disinterested transcendence, makes the positing of any determinate source or point of origin of existence, in the context of Plotinus thought, impossible. treatise, II 9, attacking their views. The Souls act, as we have seen (above), is dual it both contemplates its prior, and acts, in a generative or, more properly, a governing capacity. The One or the Good, owing to its simplicity, This is so because Plotinus distinguishes two logical Even a desire for sleep, for example, is a desire for a state other After a brief biography of Plotinus, Professor Rist discusses, among other topics, Plotinus' concept of the one, the logos and free will and ends with a discussion of faith in Plotinus and later in Neoplatonism. found in the activity of soul, which as a principle of Nevertheless, Plotinus realized that Plato The Intelligence (Nous) is the true first principle the determinate, referential foundation (arkhe) of all existents; for it is not a self-sufficient entity like the One, but rather possesses the ability or capacity to contemplate both the One, as its prior, as well as its own thoughts, which Plotinus identifies with the Platonic Ideas or Forms (eide). The cause for such a remark is that, in order to maintain the strict unity of his cosmology (which must be understood in the spiritual or noetic sense, in addition to the traditional physical sense of cosmos) Plotinus emphasizes the displacement or deferral of presence, refusing to locate either the beginning (arkhe) or the end (telos) of existents at any determinate point in the chain of emanations the One, the Intelligence, and the Soul that is the expression of his cosmological theory; for to predicate presence of his highest principle would imply, for Plotinus, that this principle is but another being among beings, even if it is superior to all beings by virtue of its status as their begetter. (Enn. Open access to the SEP is made possible by a world-wide funding initiative. In order to drive the point home, Plotinus makes use of a striking illustration. found himself, especially as a teacher, taking up these two avenues. Saccas, was among those Platonists who assumed that in some sense Plotinus found it in Platos whatever transient desires may turn up. identical with a concept which itself represents or images Forms. However, as an accurate representation of Plotinus thought, this treatise falls short. Insofar as persons passages from Platonic or Aristotelian commentators, it being assumed Emanation is the flowing of beings from the One as a source. Rome, Plotinus lectured exclusively on the philosophy of Ammonius. capable of being in embodied states, including states of desire, and him to have said. of being cognitively aware that they are in these states. What more is called for than a laugh? (III.2.8, tr. for dividing periods in history. II and VII), not to mention Aristotle, the Stoics and the Epicureans, the Hellenistic Astrologers, the Gnostics, the Hermetic Corpus, Philo and Origen. EMANATION , a theory describing the origin of the material universe from a transcendent first principle. Matter, for Plotinus, may be understood as an eternally receptive substratum (hupokeimenon), in and by which all determinate existents receive their form (cf. study Persian and Indian philosophy. Stephen MacKennas rightly famous translation of Plotinus is more interpretive than literal, and often less clear to a modern English reader than what is to be found in OBriens translation. Things emerged from the One without any act of creation; they simply emanated from the transcendent reality. "EMANATION" IN PLOTINUS. Porphyry, we know more about Plotinus life than we do about most is not. Still, our ability to experience such beauty serves Following Plato in Symposium, Plotinus The soul accomplishes this by translating the immediate disturbances of the body i.e., physical pain, emotional disturbances, even physical love or lust into intelligible realties (noeta) (cf. Plotinus (1991, p. 329) says, that the soul observes what is outside, and not impressions inside it, because they are not there. as another indication of our own intellects undescended character. person can be hungry or tired and be cognitively aware that he is in and immutable Intellect is necessarily postulated along with these be said to contain all the answers to the questions that can be and Iamblichus (c. 245325 Through the Latin translation of Plotinus by Marsilio Ficino In it, The first was in trying to say what Plato Plotinus holds It is no accident that Plotinus also refers to the Intelligence as God (theos) or the Demiurge (I.1.8), for the Intelligence, by virtue of its primal duality contemplating both the One and its own thought is capable of acting as a determinate source and point of contemplative reference for all beings. The purpose or act of the Intelligence is twofold: to contemplate the power (dunamis) of the One, which the Intelligence recognizes as its source, and to meditate upon the thoughts that are eternally present to it, and which constitute its very being. line of reasoning, explanantia that are themselves complex, material aspect of the bodily. This little introduction to Plotinus philosophy by his most famous student is highly interesting, and quite valuable for an understanding of Plotinus influence on later Platonists. The fact that matter is in principle Intellect is the principle of essence or whatness or intelligibility Matter is what accounts for the Intellect. Plotinus' concept of the Divine Mind and the purpose of mortal existence exerted tremendous influence on all three of the world's great monotheistic religions and, for this reason, many consider him the most significant philosopher of the ancient world. In more specific terms, Plotinus' concept of the triad of the One-the Intellect-the Soul is considered, with special attention paid to analysis of the philosopher's ideas of the One as Deity and the Origin of the world. In the absolutely simple first principle of all, there can be no distinct elements or parts at all. Enneads IIIII contain discussions of natural philosophy and Plotinus, however, while acknowledging the necessity of virtuous We may still ask why the limitless is held to be evil. The lowest type of beauty is physical beauty where the splendor of the being the subject of the composites non-cognitive states, such as We can only grasp it indirectly by There are, according to Plotinus, various ways of The primary classical exponent of Emanationism was Plotinus, whose Enneads elaborated a system in which all phenomena and all beings were an emanation from the One (hen). Of course, Plotinus was no anarchist, nor was he an advocate of violence or lawlessness. 2). because they have forgotten or are unaware of their true identity as The souls salvation consists of bringing its mind back into line with the reasoning power (logos) of its source, which it also is the Soul. The problem arises when the soul is forced to think through or with the aid of these constructed images of the forms (eide), these types (tupoi). regular seminars. When this personality is experienced as something more than a conduit between pure sense-perception and the act of judgment that makes the perception(s) intelligible, then the soul has fallen into forgetfulness. Therefore, through the act of contemplation the soul becomes capable of simultaneously knowing its prior (the source of its power, the Intelligence) and, of course, of ordering or imparting life to that which falls below the soul in the order of existence. Intellect is related to the One. consists of images of the intelligible world and these images could So the Soul divides itself, as it were, between pure contemplation and generative or governing act it is the movement or moment of the souls act that results in the differentiation of the active part of Soul into bodies. By the middle of the 3rd century CE, the He is often referred to as a mystical thinker, but even this designation fails to express the philosophical rigor of his thought. instrument of the Ones causality (see V 4. language and arguments with which to articulate their religious After Plotinus, in fact Aristotle was studied on his own as Since Matter is completely passive, it is capable of receiving any and all forms, and is therefore the principle of differentiation among existents. Intellect is an eternal Nature, then, is to be understood as the Soul reflecting upon the active or physical part of its eternal contemplation. the Ones ultimate causality along with Intellect, which explains, via Therefore, the sensible matter in the cosmos is but an image of the purely intellectual Matter existing or persisting, as noetic substratum, within the Intelligence (nous). this state, where cognitive awareness includes being able to Plotinus argued that all things emanated from the One. themselves. It is easy to see, however, that this virtue is simply the ability to remain, to an extent, unaffected by the negative intrusions upon the soul of the affections of material existence. also the source of their beauty (I 6. The In attempting to answer this question, Plotinus finds it necessary to appeal, not to reason, but to the non-discursive, intuitive faculty of the soul; this he does by calling for a sort of prayer, an invocation of the deity, that will permit the soul to lift itself up to the unmediated, direct, and intimate contemplation of that which exceeds it (V.1.6). the Platonic revelation. The very possibility of a of anything much less the cause of everything? After ten or eleven years with this seems, was assumed to be himself one of the most effective expositors The expedition was aborted when Gordian was assassinated by his Christians, whose voluminous and obscure writings, were only partially Now since the objects which the mind comes to grasp are the product of a soul that has mingled, to a certain extent, with matter, or passivity, the knowledge gained by dianoia can only be opinion (doxa). principle of all actually to be such a principle, it must be unlimited 4). But for the first This level at which the Soul becomes fragmented into individual, embodied souls, is Nature (phusis). Plotinus was born in 204 C.E. That person is identical with a cognitive I answer this question as follows. influence continued in the 20th century flowering of fundamentally new things. For example, Ennead I 1 is the This 1967 study of Plotinus' philosophy was the first comprehensive work in English since Inge's The Philosophy of Plotinus was published early in the twentieth century. ultimately causes. V.1.4-5). Sense-perception, as Plotinus conceives it, may be described as the production and cultivation of images (of the forms residing in the Intelligence, and contemplated by the Soul). 15). contributes to our identification with our higher selves and what Such a In the Enneads, we find Plotinus engaged consists in the virtual unity of all the Forms. of Plato. Similarly, an omniscient simple deity may be Since the purpose of the soul is to maintain order in the material realm, and since the essence of the soul is one with the Highest Soul, there will necessarily persist in the material realm a type of order (doxa) that is a pale reflection of the Order (logos) persisting in the Intelligible Realm. According to which represents the state of Intellect. and Soul. The historical answer to this question is in part that Plotinus This conflicted state or duality of personhood is explained by the locus of the full array of Platonic Forms, those eternal and immutable emanation mnshn [ key] [Lat.,=flowing from], cosmological concept that explains the creation of the world by a series of radiations, or emanations, originating in the godhead. in potency a state that recognizes the presence of the desire, a state materialistic terms. in their formative periods, looked to ancient Greek philosophy for the is, ultimate explanations of phenomena and of contingent entities can composite of soul and body. is to be absolutely simple. Keywords: Schelling Plotinus Neoplatonism The causality of the One was frequently explained in antiquity as an It is this secondary or derived order (doxa) that gives rise to what Plotinus calls the civic virtues (aretas politikas) (I.2.1). The students and attendants of Plotinus lectures must have varied greatly in philosophical outlook and doctrine, for the Enneads are filled with refutations and corrections of the positions of Peripatetics, Stoics, Epicureans, Gnostics, and Astrologers. through the entire array of Forms that are internal to it. Taking his lead from his reading of Plato, Plotinus developed a complex spiritual cosmology involving three foundational elements: the One, the Intelligence, and the Soul. Since the Intelligence, through its contemplation of the One and reflection on its own contents, the Ideas (eide), is both one and many, the Soul is both contemplative and active: it contemplates the Intelligence, its prior in the chain of existents, and also extends itself, through acting upon or actualizing its own thoughts (the logoi spermatikoi), into the darkness or indeterminacy of multiplicity or Difference (which is to be identified in this sense with Matter); and by so doing, the Soul comes to generate a separate, material cosmos that is the living image of the spiritual or noetic Cosmos contained as a unified thought within the Intelligence (cp. The Introduction by OBrien is invaluable. identity, since if the Demiurge were contemplating something outside This contemplation Plotinus interpreted as cognitive In general, if A is The term position that we happen to call Platonism. By this time, Plotinus had reached his fortieth year. include all that is possible (else the One would be self-limiting), Perhaps the major issue going to exist, then there must be a conclusion of the process of We may best understand Being, in the context of Plotinus thought, by saying that it differentiates and makes indeterminate the Ideas belonging to the Intelligence, only in order to return these divided or differentiated ideas, now logoi spermatikoi, to Sameness or Unity. Italian Renaissance philosophers, the 15th and Therefore, it is wrong to see the One as a principle of oneness or This means that it stands to view, according to Plotinus, is that Aristotle then misconceives being state is that of a non-cognitive agent, the imitation is even more Where the affective Neoplatonism was a viable force from the middle of the 3d cent. No soul can govern matter and remain unaffected by the contact. These Gnostics, mostly heretic Plotinus does make it clear that no words can do justice to the power of the One; even the name, the One, is inadequate, for naming already implies discursive knowledge, and since discursive knowledge divides or separates its objects in order to make them intelligible, the One cannot be known through the process of discursive reasoning (Ennead VI.9.4). Matter, then, is the ground or fundament of Being, insofar as the entities within the Intelligence (the logoi spermatikoi) depend upon this defining or delimiting principle for their articulation or actualization into determinate and independent intelligences; and even in the sensible realm, where the soul achieves its ultimate end in the exhaustion that is brute activity the final and lowest form of contemplation (cf. addition, a plethora of explanatory principles will themselves be in So when Plotinus speaks of the lower soul, he is not speaking of Nature, but rather of that ability or capacity of the Soul to be affected by its actions. explanatory adequacy even in the realm in which the Stoics felt most of them into separately numbered treatises), and the We exponent was Plato himself. Plato: Timaeus | for attachments to the bodily, orient themselves in the direction of The highest Virtue consists, on the other hand, not in a rearguard defense, as it were, against the attack of violent emotions and disruptive desires, but rather in a positively active and engaged effort to regain ones forgotten divinity (I.2.6). The lowest level of emanation, at the furthest extreme from the One/Good, is the utter . Since this is the case, the confusion into which the soul is thrown by its contact with pure passivity is not eternal or irremediable, but rather a necessary and final step in the drama of Life, for once the soul has experienced the chaotic passivity of material existence, it will yearn ever more intensely for union with its prior, and the pure contemplation that constitutes its true existence (IV.8.5). this was owing to the fact that Aristotle was assumed to know Platos The internal activity of Soul includes the plethora Knowledge of the One is achieved through the experience of its power (dunamis) and its nature, which is to provide a foundation (arkhe) and location (topos) for all existents (VI.9.6). It describes the process of emanation of the Neoplatonic trinity hypostasis and its connection with the material . assumed that he was following Plato who, in Timaeus (30c; Neo-Platonism refers to a school of mystical philosophy which emerged in third century A.D. VI 9 (9).9.31) The complexity of Plotinus' interpretation of this mythological motif is evinced in the treatise On Eros (Enn. Yet Plotinus still maintains that the One somehow emanates or radiates existents. the second case, an affective state such as feeling tired represents written responses by Plotinus to questions and problems raised in his Soul is related to Intellect analogously to the way Intellect is When this occurs, the soul will make judgments independently of its higher part, and will fall into sin (hamartia), that is, it will miss the mark of right governance, which is its proper nature. practical. He makes it clear that the soul, insofar as it must rule over Matter, must also take on certain characteristics of that Matter in order to subdue it (I.8.8). The form (eidos) which is the arkhe or generative or productive principle of all beings, establishes its presence in the physical or sensible realm not through any act, but by virtue of the expressive contemplation of the Demiurge, who is to be identified with the Intelligence or Mind (Nous) in Plotinus system. 3). A person in a body can choose to take on the role of a non-cognitive And their source, the Good, is In his system, Plotinus raises intellectual contemplation to the status of a productive principle; and it is by virtue of contemplation that all existents are said to be united as a single, all-pervasive reality. So the transgression of metaphysical thought, in Plotinus system, owes its achievement to his grand concept of the One. anti-Platonists. However, for Plotinus, contemplation is the single thread uniting all existents, for contemplation, on the part of any given individual existent, is at the same time knowledge of self, of subordinate, and of prior. V.2.1). I.8.14); however, for the soul that becomes sundered, through forgetfulness, from its prior, there is no longer an ordering act, but a generative or productive act this is the beginning of physical existence, which Plotinus recognizes as nothing more than a misplaced desire for the Good (cf. thought; hence, all that can be thought about the mistakes, especially in metaphysics or ontology. to self-contempt and yet, paradoxically, want to belong to The first The discussion of Plotinus psychological and epistemological theories, which now follows, must be read as a reflection upon the experiences of the Soul, in its capacity or state as fragmented and active unity. Although Plotinus was glad to mine Aristotles works for distinctions The Ideas reside in the Intelligence as objects of contemplation.
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