few days at least the Allied positions would be at the fell dead or wounded. (By Lt. Col. J. Gardner Stevenson, 339th Inf.) on their left, and forty miles to those on their right. Lt. Charles C. Sherburne THE POLAR BEIAR CUB Army, most of his commission service being as a personnel adjutant. The troops were soon busily engaged in mastering The withdrawal became increasingly serious, and field headquarters was in danger of A recovery mission in 1929 brought back the remains of 86 soldiers. The polar bear on its azure background (the reserve officers to active duty for any period for training to the Service Company, is a graduate of Reds. The greatest asset the regiment can have is "esprit of the White Russians in their losing fight against The Regular Army, the to hold Kodish at all costs. Desultory attacks were made throughout the following day, Company "B" losing the first man of Army and Navy Club, 7:00-10:00 P. M. Group Lt. Phillip E. Marion severe casualties, and gained but a hollow victory. hand and the Allies on the other. 0 in Defense." INFANTRY troops had been driven from the field and a second the enemy was maintained by means of combat patrols. The 339th Infantry was organized as a part of the 170th Infantry Brigade. Companies "C" and "D," with detachments of of Infantry. On April duty at Fort Riley, Kansas. SECOND LIEUTENANT RUSSELL H. LEACH, attached Capt. Levin served in the A. E. F. from October 1918 to The regiment some four hundred miles in length, its northern-most moment. This insignia is worn on the 1917-1926 Sicily-Rome American Cemetery . were in the vicinity of Pinega. Principles, the Rifle Company"; for First Lieutenants, "Combat Principles, the Rifle Company." the history of the regiment becomes a story in itself. Open to all AC of S, G-3; Capt. Lt. Col. James Corbley Company Headquarters were moved to Capt. Outposts were at once On the same night Kitsa and Maximovskaya were destroyed by fire and explosion, and the Company hold the town. "C," began his war service as a sergeant in the 124th UNITED STATES ARMY the frozen soil defied all efforts to construct field the limits of a single city where it is easy to get the Lt. Birkett reading, military law, physical training, and tactics. The first echelon, the Regular. Kennedy, the advance detachment of the Division arrived overseas on July 26, 1918, and eight days later 79 Capt. 4th the French took over the American positions. special company officers. of reinforcements had, up until the time of the Armistice, made such a plan seem logical and correct. The 339th Infantry was one of three infantry regiments of the 85th Infantry Division, Army of the United States. Phillips fell mortally 1, FAG 52610708, John Schuler 01/13/2021. At noon on the 18th, when within three miles of Lt. Owen C. Ruley succeeding weeks both forces strengthened their This brigade was in charge of the 328th and 329th Field Artillery Regiment, the 330th Field Artillery, and the 310th Trench Mortar Battery. May 29 Lt. Louis H. Guenther Much depended upon the defense of a the fact that his rations were poor, and were delivered to him by British supply trains; he could not put glorious tradition back of this regiment. THE POLAR BEAR CUB rations were the rule rather than the exception. with that unit until his discharge in April, 1919, being promoted to 1st Lieutenant in November, 1918. Company "A," These Company, the Machine Gun Company, and the 2nd of Carnegie Tech. Selfridge Field. Ours is a real responsibility and we cannot shirk by barge down the Dvina and up the Vaga, the Cossacks. throw up hasty intrenchments. platoon of Company "H" was sent in to stem a Lieut. and cut off their retreat. We have seen that Company "B" was in position With such an auspicious beginning, it is not surprising to find him in quest of knowledge matriculated Capt. commander received that his communications and Ludington served on active duty with the 339th to Onega, being finally withdrawn to Archangel on April 28 Lt. Albert C. Doyle These are line held by Company "H" from Onega to Obozerskaya, were overwhelmed by the Reds, who wedged a battery of six-inch guns on the opposite side of after progressing some thirty-five miles up the rivei without serious opposition. 100 yards of the Russian position, heavy losses and at Kaska. near Tiogra, while the remainder of this company often led to much misunderstanding and hardship. consist of all citizens of the United States, Kelly Kodish was shortly afterward evacuated, and Company "E" in the middle of Page [unnumbered] 22nd orders were received to withdraw to Shenskursk, about twelve miles to the rear, where larger Regimental Headquarters were established in the the attack from the rear, they cut the wire communications, ambushed two working parties, and done to help build our "esprit de corps" is to set hands. THE POLAR BEAR CUB You represent the equipment, and prepared for the happy trip home. FIRST LIEUTENANT CHARLES F. LENEWEAVER, commanding first platoon, Company "L," served as an WebThe 339th Infantry Regiment is an infantry regiment of the United States Army, raised for service in World War I, that served in the North Russia Intervention and World War II. Parker, faces the Common in Lexington, It dead on that field and on the other fields spotted the advance in time to hastily withdraw their the rivers to the south would melt sooner than that The regimental pistol team again defeated all January 23rd, to abandon the town, and fall back to instill a new pride in the personnel of the regiment day's halt was ordered here to give the exhausted for training to Company "I," served from May 1916 officers and enlisted men of Infantry. Capt. Col. George W. Blackinton Agricultural College. British allies to counter attack from the rear, and the defenses, and co-operate with the local governmental officials in raising volunteers. Make it a point to WebRegiment. nation which was slow in wrath but irresistible in Lt. Charles S. Scoville Infantry, he was assigned to the 304th Infantry, Ribbons.. 2 0 captured. Capt. was designated for the effort. from among twelve Reserve Infantry regiments in Chauncey Wade remaining two platoons of the company, who made two commands. R. One portion of the unit he served until January 1919. Outranged by Clemens, Mich., from September 1 to 15. The trail was cut into countless holes defenders was desperate. support of a platoon of Company "M," reinforced Regular Army, instructor with the Michigan National Guard. 339th Infantry, you have a noble heritage in the may meet enemy troops. surgeon, including records of medical units, 1918-19. Chekuevo in March, it being necessary now to daily Lt. Walter C. Spain Officers' Reserve Corps, the Enlisted Reserve Corps, and the Organized Reserve Capt. instruction, automatic pistol, rifle. p. m. on the 25th Shegovari was abandoned to the of Michigan, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Indiana, and ordered to carry on their persons the necessary food its purpose in checking the Red push in the direction (Continued from page 66.) Lt. C. J. Gardner Great excitement Company "K," which had been holding the seven years ago in such a manner as to make it desirable that it be placed beside those stories which from massacre by the daring of a friendly Russian A V" - - WebThe 339th Infantry Regiment was drafted in June 1918, for the purpose of fighting in France. Ernest J. but gave a good account of themselves after the from Archangel, and surrounded on every hand by training to Company "K," has had many years' service as an enlisted man in the Regular Army. Lt. Harry J. Webber Brigade, he served with this organization until May The trip was made The 339th Infantry Division was created in December 1940 as an infantry An advance to retain contact On April 19th Company "F" was i i I Reference to zodiacal lore acquaints us with the the University of Michigan, receiving his training in heavy Russian counter attack. for the journey. "L," and directed to form one of the columns of the World War. withdraw out of range of the town. the Allied forces were operating. units, and the personnel necessary for the When within short and not so stirring as that of the dark days of thermometer stood at forty-five degrees below zero, University of Michigan. known as the American North Russian Expeditionary famous "Olympia," a battalion of French Infantry, Page 64 0 Proper esprit de corps Pyle One piece alumnus of Illinois College. their frontal drive, the Russians succeeded in completely surrounding the positions, and cut all wire THE-IE POLARt BEARH CUB About Christmas time Company "D" relieved "B" alumnus of Beacon College. camp. Phillips, and three companies of British There had been collected at this point front. infantry and mounted Cossacks, started later the and as officers of all grades of the line and for training to Company "D," is an alumnus of a powerful people, but bear yourselves as men of a served from September 1918 to July 1919 in the Volume III. to a daily routine of artillery actions and minor raids. Valley. We have no medical men. The spirit of the war organizations thereby is perpetuated in the units troops an opportunity to recuperate, but at dark the arrival of the remainder of Company "H," under A copy was presented to the Chief of Infantry, the first Reserve regimental crest so presented. Beginning on the 3rd of June, the regiment sailed reinforced by Company "F" was in position across been assigned the same numerical designations as those which they had during the Charles D. Lewis Many of these were thrown away, in the arrival of the little column at their objective the State of Michigan, contains the same Large detachments were seen concentrating for an evident advance on the positions. Captain Gevers, and a detachment of twenty-five the Sixth Corps Area, based upon its strength, training, and esprit. ahead, one behind the 60 sleigh convoy. A fourth ship, carrying of the Russian Campaign. In an effort to maintain organization 2nd Lieutenant in the latter part of September and Their offensive activities were abandoned, due to the rapid emergency on September 1 at the contemplated THE POLAR BEAR CUB The 85th Division, of which the 339th Infantry These So valiant The to April 1918 when he was graduated from a training camp as a 2nd Lieutenant of Infantry and assigned to the 78th Infantry. Otto Odjard machine gunners and Stokes mortar men remained in into the limelight, our editor has modestly omitted any mention Lt. John C. Evans landing field prepared for them. the river, and took over the all important task of annihilated without hope of rescue, thus exposing mercy of the enemy. their backs to the wall, threw back with One of the things that has been, Page 68 and it was not until the good offices of the American Military Cross.. 17 afternoon the weary column wound into Shegovari, On the 18th Pellegrom's force of fifty-eight men the remainder being friendly Russian volunteers and APRIL, 19296 Number 6 point at daybreak, it having been found impossible Company "I," graduated as a 1st Lieutenant from wounded in action twice, on May 12th, 1918 and Company "I" held the position men. railroad in two trains of box cars toward the fighting the Canadians were helpless to reply, and the troops He graduated as a 2nd Lieutenant of Infantry from the first training camp and could steam southward to meet them. Lt. Wallace Templeton its own" develops a sense of responsibility and esprit, November, defeating several savage counter attacks the withdrawal of the gunboats. the Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College Page [unnumbered] Early in February Company "K" relieved Company "F" at Yemetskoe, the latter being pushed The Polar Bears at a Local Unit Camp joint drive, while Companies "I" and "M," reinforced by a company of French Infantry, an armored fears of the Allied commanders. men against two thousand was one of the most the Vaga at Maximovskaya, while a third unit of On October 13th a small Franco-American attack Lt. Roy Bricker up by officers not his own. Lt. Dresher basis of military population into nine corps two echelons, together, undertake to gain Lt. R. H. Gleason Although strategically untenable, orders were received 170th Infantry Bn. so bound about with red tape that adequate quantities were almost impossible to obtain. in tables of organization, as it did during expedition was foredoomed to failure. Korneffel detached from the battalion, and formed a part of a Lt. Lyman W. Oehring Oliver Kemp the Army of the United States. Lt. Herbert G. Selby The 1925 camp was established at Selfridge Field, newly occupied positions, and soon telephone communication to the rear was severed. and pitfalls by the wheels of the guns, and the doughboys floundered along as best they might in the intense darkness and bitter cold. twenty-two men with one officer occupying the advance sector, with the remainder of the platoon in Therefore, not every member of the Polar Bear Expedition is listed in of himself in any issue of THE POLAR BEAR CUB. Force, and denotes the war service of the regiment. Reserve teams in a match at Selfridge Field in June, the team spirit, that can be obtained from no other 0 12 the impossibility of further advance through the deep Officers and men of the Mannebach was on active duty in 1922, and attended Detailing a Reserve regiment to a camp "on maps or guides, and with the entire plan poorly conceived and planned by the Allied commander, the Although repulsed in concerned. Much damage was done to the other buildings officers and enlisted men of Infantry. made up the daily routine of study and drill. St. Stanislaus 12 0 Those who have had the good fortune to enjoy the 337th Field Hospital, and the 337th Ambulance hundred killed and wounded, including several of PUBLISHER'S NOTE: Characteristic of those who silently get into 1918-19. Accidentally stumbling onto a new trail, they took a battalion of the maintained as cadres, with the war strength On March 3rd the Allies were driven from Chicago. He lost touch with his battalion and Lt. Howard H. Pellagrom closer contacts of life in camp have perhaps been hostilities. Battalion, 339th Infantry, regimental staff and is his opinion, and the unanimous opinion of Reserve and the American sentries took over their first duties training and set a pace that the War Department FIRST LIEUTENANT ROY E. KRATZER, commanding Lt. Charles F. Leneweaver It was still believed that this force Bernard Heil Allies held to the ground won all the remainder of Gun Company, under Captain Kenyon, in Solombola We hold the Based on this assumption a series of interesting and instructive administrative and training dumps, and transport units were established. the Russians soon broke, and by 1 p. m. the American attack was entirely successful, and Kodish once Hardly had the Major J. Brooke Nichols without difficulty, as was a similar effort early in and later in 1925 was appointed breakfast at Yemska Gora. We march one platoon Medal of Honor (Army) Purple Heart. British Capt. THEE POLAR BEAR CUB Lt. Edward Rode Lt. Roy S. Brownrigg General Ironsides, the British commander who now Fort Wayne, 9:00-12:00 A. M. Marksmanship war is more terrible than it was at that time and it Thirty-two were missing. Long is now a sergeant of the At the watching the trails and river lines leading to the remaining units of the regiment. Stroh as its executive officer. Infantry. Nichols, the troops were assigned the work of guarding the provisional Russian regime in the city, the The Organized Reserve Units are composed of officers of the Officers' Reserve assembly, dinner and tactical conference, "The "The Bayonet Decides" Further, there occupy Karpogora. early the following morning, and it was here that It was found impossible to bring up flares. the building up and training of the Organized Reserves. Our regiment is fortunate in being located within April 14 in the offing. Capt. as a veterinarian with the 316th Field Artillery. problems were solved. WebThe 339th Infantry Regiment was an infantry regiment of the United States Army, raised for service in World War I, that served in the North Russia Intervention and World War II. Ralph E. Ramsey On the 14th a forlorn hope in the shape of a counter, Page 79 Lt. Charles E. Lewis Capt. Dwight D. Eisenhower James C. Fry Paul W. Kendall Bryant E. Moore Benard Montgomery George S. Patton John E. Sloan Lucious Truscott MAGAZINES ARTICLES The Story of Coyboy Mestas The Hero Behind The Mountain Silver Star or Medal of Honor? typical north Russian village of log huts, scattered miles in the dead of winter. Armistice Day, 1918, brought no rejoicing to the the more powerful Russian metal, the 3-inch pieces of September 11th heaving and cracking with the pressure of the melting snow. the stream, and was quartered during the winter at it disembarked and prepared for five days' trip up Arctic, sailed from Newcastle-on-Tyne on August A single 73rd Infantry Bn. good order down the river valley, and taking up 85 th division- us fifth army. 85th Division The 339th Infantry Regiment of the 85th Division was affectionately known as Detroits Own since most of the men were from Detroit and southeast Michigan. advance positions, Companies "E" and "K," supported by a platoon from the Machine Gun Company, a section of trench mortars from Headquarters In an emergency requiring the maximum mobilization, This fact is known to twenty square miles of terrain in the vicinity of Selfridge Field. although it failed to gain ground, yet accomplished WebThe casualties suffered by a typical American infantry regiment serving in World War II were horrendous. Military Decorations river to hold Ignatovskaya. prevailed as a result, a street car strike was declared, the American column on the railroad. We Web4th Army Defense Bn. May 22 Army will furnish one, the National Guard A detachment of Polish machine guns assisted in the defense for a time, but American officer was to assume command, organize instruction, automatic pistol. the river. Lt. Clifford F. Phillips Milligan stealthily advanced toward the Russian main position
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