We will keep fighting for all libraries - stand with us! Meanwhile the 91st Division received orders attaching it to the Thirty-fourth French Corps while marching through the area of that corps in Belgium toward Dunkerque, France. By afternoon of that date the units had been assembled in the woods designated above. On, October 30 the remaining units of the 91st Division moved to a position assigned by the French Corps Commander at Desselghem just east of the Lys River. The Division reserve, consisting of only the 346th Machine Gun Battalion, was placed on the road toward Seneux Farm to cover the artillery and road to Very, thus assuring the safety of the left flank. They fled to their cellars when firing occurred, but they were apparently so used to warfare that they did not care to move when the Germans evacuated their villages or farms. Instead of effecting its crossing before daylight, it merely reached the banks of the Scheldt between Eyne and Heurne about daylight November 3. All of the colors with their escorts, their regimental and brigade commanders, with colors of Seventh French Corps, formed facing the cathedral at Aiz-la-Chapelle. Colonel H. C. Jewett, 316th Engineers, was sent forward about 9 oclock to relieve Brigadier General F. S. Foltz, and overtook and assumed command of the brigade near Very crossroads. During the night Captain Leavell, 316th Engineers, attached to the 181st Brigade Headquarters, with a small detachment, penetrated farther into Audenarde, making reconnaissance of all the bridges which had been destroyed, returning to Brigade Headquarters by daylight. Holding Tronsol Farm, just in zone of the 35th Division, and Grange aux Bois Farm, just in zone of 37th Division, the 91st at 14:30 oclock was ready to advance farther. Colonel F. C. Endicott) consisted of the 346th Machine Gun Battalion (motorized) and one battalion of infantry with attached machine gun company from each of the infantry brigades. By this time the 361st Infantry had lost 36 officers and 793 men. Unknown At 17:36 oclock, September 28, the Corps Chief of Staff had informed the 91st Division that the 35th Division was in Exermont. A further element of power was the presence, close behind the line, of a group of small woodsLes Epinettes Bois, Les Bouleaux Bois, Bois de Baulny and Bois de Cierges. First Objective: High ground north and south through Stuivenberghe. 8TH FIELD ARTILLERY BTRY C-BTRY E 8TH FA. 435TH AERO SQ CONSTR - 455TH AERO SQ P.D. On November 24, 1917, General Greene and the Chief of Staff left Camp Lewis for France to study the actual conditions with which the Division would be called upon to cope. It seemed as if all the guns in France were gathered together in the crowded forest. Contact was reported with the 35th Division that afternoon, but the troops proved to be a combat liaison group, the main body of the 35th Division being farther south. The 33rd Regiment, Ohio Infantry mustered in August 5 to September 13, 1861 at Portsmouth, Ohio. This man proved to belong 157th Regiment of the 117th Division. A machine gun company of this regiment in position west of Tronsol Farm fired on the enemy in front of the 1st Division as it was marching up on the left of the position held by the 91st. Colonel A. D. Cummings, who had been promoted just after the Meuse-Argonne and attached to the 361st, assumed command of the regiment. The 32nd Division relieved a battalion of the 361st Infantry which had held Grange aux Bois Farm since September 29. They have bravely contributed to the liberation of a part of Belgian territory and to the final victory. 54corps artillery.Schallmess Truppe No. Co. 1st Infantry Regiment. Detachments of military police were on duty with each Brigade Headquarters to be used for conducting prisoners to the rear. As a result of the congestion in the camp at St. Nazaire, the movement by rail was interrupted from March 25 to 30. As the entire infantry of the 91st Division could not be advanced to the hills north of Gesnes, it was necessary to order withdrawal of the advanced elements of each brigade to the line along the northern border of the Bois de Baulny and Bois de Cierges, holding the two farms named above as centers of resistance. As the Division railhead was at Froidos, south of the Verdun- Clermont highway, all supplies, including rations and forage were forwarded at night by truck and wagon, and noise as possible avoided. At 21 oclock, October 10, the 181st Brigade was transferred from the 1st Division to the command of the 32nd Division; and orders from the latter division directed a renewal of the attack on October 11, the 181st Brigade to attack on the left of the 32nd Division. Ten centuries after Charlemagne, after the wars of the Revolution and of the Empire, Napoleon made Aix-la-Chapelle the capital of a French department for the same reason. 21ST CO CAC FT PREBLE-5TH CO DC OF S. N.Y. CO CAC PLATTSBUG N.Y.-1ST CO FT CONSTITION, 1ST CO CAC PORTSMOUTH NH-6TH CO CAC POTOMAC MD, 7TH CO CAC POTOMAC MD-63RD CO CAC REDES TO 3RD CO CAC PUGET SOUND, 3RD CO CAC PUGET SOUND-5TH CO CAC RESERVIST, 5TH CO CAC PUGET SOUND-9TH CO CAC PUGET SOUND, 10TH CO CAC PUGET SOUND-13TH CO CAC PUGET SOUND, 13TH CO CAC PUGET SOUND-16TH CO CAC PUGET SOUND, 16TH CO CAC 1ST CO FORT WARD-115TH CO CAC FT WINGATE NM, 115TH CO COAST ARTILLERY CORPS-76TH CO COAST ARTILLERY CORPS, 76TH CO COC REDES TO 2ND CO CAC FORT WADSWORTH NY-4TH CO COC FT HANCOCK NJ, 4TH CO CAC FT HANCOCK NJ-HQ CACSAN FRANCISCO, 147TH CO CAC 1ST CO CAC FT WM SCOTT CALIF, 60TH CO CAC FT WINFIELD SCOTT CALIF-4TH CO SAN FRANCISCO AT FT WINFIELD SCOTT CALIF, 158TH CO CAC FT WINFIELD SCOTT CALIF-7TH CO SAN FRANCISCO AT FT WINFIELD SCOTT CALIF, 64TH CO CAC FT WINFIELD SCOTT CALIF-29TH CO FT MC DOWELL, 29TH CO CAC DEL MONTE CALIF-32ND CO FT MADSON CALIF, 32ND CO CAC FT TOTTEN NY-66TH CO FT BARRY CALIF, 66TH CO CAC FT SHERIDAN ILL-18TH CO C.D SAN FRANCISCO CALIF, 25TH CO CAC FT MILEY CALIF-38TH CO CAC SAN FRANCISCO CALIF, 39TH CO CAC SAN FRANCISCO CALIF-3RD CO CAC SAVANNAH GA, 74TH CO CAC FT SCREVIN GAF-1ST CO CAC FT HAMILTON, 3RD CO CAC FT HAMILTON NY-1ST CO CAC FT WADSWORTH NY, 1ST CO CAC FT HOWARD MD-15TH CO CAC SOUTHERN NY, 162ND CO CAC FT MONROE-1ST ARMY ARTILLERY TRK CO, TRUCK CO D ARMY ARTILIARY-CO C, 2ND CORPS ARTY PARK, CO C 2ND CORPS ARTY PARK-DET N.C.S CAC FT CASWELL, DET N.C.S CAC FT CASWELL-DET N.C.S CAC FT HOWARD, DET N.C.S CAC FT LEONARD-DET N.C.S CAC FT WINFIELD, DET N.C.S CAC FT WINFIELD SCOTT-DET N.C.S CAC COLUMBIA, DET N.C.S CAC COLUMBIA OREGON-H AND S CO 3RD AA, MED DET 3RD AA SECTOR - USA TRANSPORTS WARREN MERRITT, PENN STATE COLLEGE TNG DET - SATC WEST TENN STATE MEMPHIS TENN, SATC UNIT EAST TENN -SATC STOUT INST MENOMONIW WIS, HQ DET 1ST MACHINE GUN -CO B 1ST MACH GUN BN, HQ DET 2ND MACHINE GUN -CO C 5TH MACH GUN BN, 12TH MACHINE GUN CO B - 15TH CO B MACH GUN BN, 15TH MACHINE GUN CO G - 19TH CO A MACH GUN BN, 19TH MACHINE GUN CO B - 24TH CO C MACH GUN BN, 24TH MACHINE GUN CO D - 41ST MACH GUN BN CO A, 41ST MACHINE GUN BN CO B - DET 102ND MACH GUN BN, 103RD MACHINE GUN BNHQ 52ND BRIGADE - CO C 106TH MACH GUN BN, 106RTH MACHINE GUN BNCO C-CO A 110TH MACH GUN BN, 110TH MACHINE GUN BN CO B-113TH MACH GUN BN CO C, 113TH MACHINE GUN BN CO D-118TH MACH GUN BN, 118TH MACHINE GUN BN CO B-ORD PERS 122ND MACH GUN BN, 122ND MACHINE GUN BN ORD PERS-ORD DET 126TH MACH GUN BN, CO A 126TH MACHINE GUN BN -HQ DET 130TH MACH GUN BN, 130TH MACHINE GUN BN -CO A 133TH MACH GUN BN, 133TH MACHINE GUN BN CO A -CO A 137TH MACH GUN BN, 137TH MACHINE GUN BN CO A -MED DET 142ND MACH GUN BN, 142TH MACHINE GUN BN ENLORD CORPS -CO A 146TH MACH GUN BN, 146TH MACHINE GUN BN CO A -CO C 149TH MACH GUN BN, 149TH MACHINE GUN BN CO D -CO B 302ND MACH GUN BN, 302ND MACHINE GUN BN CO B -CO B 306TH MACH GUN BN, 306ND MACHINE GUN BN CO B -310TH MACH GUN BN, 310ND MACHINE GUN BN CO B - CO C 313TH MACH GUN BN, 313TH MACHINE GUN BN CO C - CO A 317TH MACH GUN BN, 317TH MACHINE GUN BN CO A - CO D 320TH MACH GUN BN, 320TH MACHINE GUN BN - CO A 324TH MACH GUN BN, 324TH MACHINE GUN BN CO A - E.OC.M.A. The spirit of Montana dominated in the 362nd. The first position consisted of a double line of trenches and wire, running along the south edge of the Bois de Cheppy on the high ground just north of the Buanthe creek. Some elements in the rear were ordered to withdraw by daylight, the Division P. C. being established at Oostroosboke by 12 oclock, November 4. At 2:30 oclock, all the guns of the corps and divisional artillery, silent up to that moment, went into action together. That of the 91st Division, managed by Lieut. At the beginning of these wars the German invasion was stopped there by the soldiers of France, as it has again been stopped in Champagne. The district is wild, sparsely populated and poorly provided with roads. 128 electric power company.Wirtschaft Co. No. That afternoon General John J. Pershing, Commander-in-Chief of the American Expeditionary Forces and personally commanding the First American Army, visited the P. C. at Cote 290. Wherever possible these patrols should be equipped with sirens with which to alarm the troops in support; we must look for a surprise attack. Hostile artillery action was limited to the usual harassing fire, with the exception of two occasions when the sectors of the 35th Division and 79th Division were raided by strong German patrols. Brigadier General J. This movement seemed to be suspected by the enemy, as all roads and especially road crossings were subjected to heavy artillery fire throughout the night. From that time until the 181st Brigade rejoined the Division on October 16, at Revigny, that brigade, as will be later described, served with the 1st Division, First Corps, and the 32nd Division, Fifth Corps, and later with the 1st Division, Fifth Corps. Although the 363rd Infantry found no trenches sufficient for protection, and as, the night was warm them men preferred lying on the ground on the hill, no casualty occurred during the bombardment, as projectiles from the our own artillery passed well over the heads of the men. The fourth and last organized position, the Kriemhilde Stellung, was five to seven kilometers to the north. 13TH BN DET CO A FT MCPHERSON GA-CO D 28TH BN FT MCPHERSON GA. 28TH BN USG CO B-US LEQUIDATION MISSION IN ENGLAND. Please extend to your officers and men my appreciation of their splendid behavior and my hearty congratulations on the brilliant record they have made. No casualties were suffered from either. The machine gun company of each regiment was attached to and fought with the 1st Battalion of that regiment; the 347th and 348th Machine Gun Battalions sent two companies each to the regiments of their brigade and these were attached to the 2nd and 3rd Battalions of the regiments. Meanwhile, General Greene had been organizing his staff with a view of its permanency. 9TH FIELD ARTILLERY BN BATRY B-HQ & HQ BATRY 10TH FA BN . It was necessary to order the Brigade Commander to withdrawn his right flank and entrench for the night with his left near the southeast corner of Spitaals Bosschen and his right flank near Steenbrugge. On October 25 the Division was moved to an area south of Roulers with Headquarters at Chateau-Rumbeke. Colonel, now Colonel, L. C. Bennett succeeded Colonel Coleman as Quartermaster. A Medal of Honor was awarded him and delivered to his widow, for his heroic conduct above and beyond duty. 36TH FIELD ARTILLERYMED & SAN DET- BTRY A 41ST FA REGT. On the 13th, Commanding General, Thirtieth French Corps, received a review of the 361st Infantry at Audenarde. They took their place and established military bases in readiness for further invasions towards the west. During the period of inaction which the 91st was forced to undergo from September 30 to October 3, the enemy was enabled to organize his badly strained front beyond Gesnes and in the Bois de la Morine. The ground on which these camps could be established had not yet been relieved of the dead French and Germans. No one in the Division was informed of the route to be followed, or as to the point of destination, except that Dunkerque was to be the regulating station for the Division after arrival in Belgium. On the right of the 91st sector somewhat the same condition pertained. During the night bf October 9-10 the concrete blockhouse on the northern slope of Hill 255 continued to harass the troops.
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