Although God literally forgave me everything, I chose to refuse to forgive certain ones. 528 likes. Muslim Sees Jesus In His Dream | Jahir Israels Testimony, Proving there is a rapture of the church before tribulation Susan Davis. Romans 8:32-34 But after the incredible journey that he went on, his life has been changed . Then he heard a voice say, Jesus I know but you I dont.. By doing this, the Lord is answering the prayer of a man who went to hell and pleaded for the Lord to send someone back to warn his brothers to repent ( Luke 16:19-31). I was immediately taken to a place I could not recognize until I heard another voice calling me. He continues to teach through his outreach ministry, Soul Choice Ministries. The most amazing thing is that once I did this, I felt completely free, light as a feather! He died of a heart attack and went down to hell. John MacArthur wrote an excellent book on this subject. The others didnt see the gates, hear that sound, or feel the heat. As in, no words of mine could do it justice, in describing what he saw. There are also considerations I have put in my most recent website article that while they cannot be conclusive are nonetheless very suggestive. Are you sure that Jesus is about to come back within a few years? The bride is going to be beautiful her appearance, her apparel and her beauty.. There are many wounded Christians who have backslidden, because another Christian did them harm and when the pastor or another in the church found out about it, they were told to just forgive. That is not how Jesus says to do it. I have never seen such a sad sight, ever! He continued to serve God in his adult years, pastoring Rhema Bible Church and founding Kenneth Hagin Ministries. Lived in Hell. I went to a. After paramedics pulled his lifeless body from a four-car pile-up, Piper found himself "standing at some magnificent gates surrounded by people I had known and loved in life. 10 People Who Have Been To Hell and Their Stories - Answers for Everyone To many people think tomorrow is the end and base their theology on the day and the hour. Clearly the false notion of once saved always saved is coming to light. God bless you. They end up writting books which are false and demonic to deceive Humanity. Alec was in the coma for three weeks. Help me to enter into Heaven. I frantically looked to see who might help me. Christians, if you think Grace alone will save you, youre brainwashed by a false western theology. He is the devil and now is his time even shorter than four years ago and tomorrow even shorter and this is why the whole world seems to be stirred up because the spiritual realm knows the times. No shutting off, no taking a break, no passing out, and no quitting. I had no idea how much trouble I was in or that I would be forever changed. So he wasnt even going to try. We are too proud to do such a thing.). I was a Christian leader, for 20 years I had known Christ, but during the 20 years I said: all that money from my tithing and offerings were just to sustain the pastors, but now I regret it because I understand and I know that it wasnt for them, it was for the Lord, and that is why I say I have stolen from God. A very minor detail though which in no way takes from the testimony. This site and its information is not legal advice, nor is it intended to be. Multitudes, Multitudes in the valley of I knew that my spirit was being demanded to submit. I've heard many testimonies that supports this man's testimony. I was at the gates of hell, but not in hell. Everything appeared two-dimensional to him, like he was watching a TV. The only leg you have to stand on, is the first part the Bible. Im also seeing a remnant rising up on Facebook for Revival with live Worship and Miracles. (function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';fnames[1]='FNAME';ftypes[1]='text';fnames[2]='LNAME';ftypes[2]='text';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true); Mark Ellis is the founder of God Reports, a website devoted to promoting Christian missions by sharing stories and testimonies from missionaries and mission organizations. Adeola Odutola: Please read my reply to Fergis. take over when she finished off Obama works of weakening America, Most notably Jesus speaks of all nations coming for the last judgment (Matthew 25:31-46). I knew there was no man on this side or that who could ever open those gates. He smoked a "death bowl" an overpowering mix of marijuana laced with cocaine, heroin and PCP and true to its name, he suffered a hellish near-death experience. (obedience, which is speaking and acting in agreement with) the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of (the spiritual kingdom of) sin and death. Ian felt waves of love wash over him, and knew for the first time in His life that God is indeed love - true love. But God was about to demonstrate his power in a way that would surprise the doctors. When the experience differs from the Biblical account, you know the experience is false. Heaven and hell testimonies. also will be made aware at that very Nineveh had national revival when it was at its most corrupt. Too many people! Yet you are robbing Me. She opened the door and tried to get me out but I was in a seatbelt, Alec recalls. Its not like on the earth where innocent people have gone to jail for something they didnt do. Because of the Devil and his disobedience, disrespect, and disregard of God, Hell was created. I have questions about this alleged vision too. God brought me back to life. The word purgatory may not be in the Bible along with the word Trinity, but the teachings are. Many other such like testimonies one hears of..some of them ring true. I was dead.. My husband had died of leukemia shortly before this accident. 01 May 2023 20:21:00 Usually, the visit is precipitated by some traumatic, life-threatening event, like a medical emergency or car crash. The panic of knowing that I was in Hell grew. The description he gave is exactly as Jesus described it, he looked up and saw a tiny prick of light in the distance and a voice from above, boomed, One more chance! He found himself shooting up toward the light, until he came to on the bed in the doctors surgery. What Are Commonly Asked Interview Questions? While it was not immediate, Matthew Botsford eventually recovered and gave his life over to God. (In our culture, sadly, the concept of falling at someones feet and asking forgiveness is abhorrent. Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died Without Mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. What You Need to Know. In his experience, he remembers terrifying creatures, torment, and profound isolation. This is the truth. So when I saw them, I knew where I . conscience or Warningwhereby God He only allows you to remember what he wants you to remember. After sharing his experience with anyone who would listen, he recorded the entire saga in his first book, Bill Wiese has dedicated his life to sharing his experience, encouraging believers and unbelievers to understand the. people forgiven of their sins, but refuse to forgive other people that sined against them. I asked Lord, why these houses are not yet completed? The Lord Jesus said My child, these houses belong to My children that are not generous giving tithe and offerings. Romans 8:1 In the same way that it takes a repentant heart to receive salvation, it takes a repentant heart to receive mercy. It is God who justifies. Even if Trump did nothing else, it was worth having him if only to establish and embassy in Jerusalem. Divine Tradition, 3. She walked away without a scratch. Christians who do not forgive will not go to hell for that fault, because they are Christians they will go to purgatory until they pay back what they refused to give in this life. While in this foul prison-like cell, Bill realized two large creatures shared the cell with him. And on some have compassion, making a distinction; but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh (Jude 1:21-23). They were unbelievers. The fire was so real it was like a million jumbo jets crashed into one place. Because until they own up to you and apologize they are not right with Him. This man extended his hand and said, Lord forgive me. I asked, Why are you here? He replied, Ill tell you my story. I asked the angel, I know them. Many of them are unimportant, but I have memorized them nonetheless. True, doctors dont ride around in ambulances. The first thing I knew when I got there: I was in Hell. I could look up and see the lights of the Earth. During her short life, Sister Josefa Menedez recorded several experiences in hell. Will you expound? If the Biblical way were carried out, thered be less division in the church. how do we know we have forgiven? It is a relational issue. This wouldnt be the first time God used a pagan to further the casue of Kingdom building. This site is owned and operated by McWilliams Publishing. Oh God, what did I do wrong? Before I can enter into worship in a heart-connect way, let alone in spirit and truth (see John 4:24), I have to tell my body, You will worship God. I went down feet first. I experienced many other horrors during this vision, which I talk about further in my book The Hell Conspiracy. 4:7). order were behind Hillary waiting to Upon arriving at the hospital, Ian was pronounced dead as the staff failed to find a pulse. He describes his brief encounter with hell as more than physical darkness, there was something else there. 1. Before that day, I had not studied much about Hell. The parable of the servant who took his fellow-servant by the throat is interesting, and I note that every time its mentioned, the person mentioning it, fails to mention that the other servant had fallen at the feet of the servant asked for mercy and time to repay what he owed. It does nothing to promote spiritual growth for a Christian to be allowed to hurt and trouble people in the church and nothing said or done about it. Jim Woodford's Testimony of Coming Back After Seeing Heaven And Hell This is the second death, the lake of fire. On a November morning in 1998, Bill Wiese, Author of 23 Minutes In Hell had an experience that would forever alter the course of his life. She acquaints these to visions rather than near-death-encounters. Darkness encompassed me round about darkness that is blacker than any night man has ever seen.. When he became the Republican nominee, I was horrified. We dont like the down emotion either, but by allowing it we become more tenderized to the eternal truth for lost souls. But I have to say, I feel very happy at what he is doing as President. Then, sharing about Jesus becomes essential and very personal. The Lord communicated to him, What the world deems insignificant is what I am going to use in this revival. will enlighten every single person in But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate before the FatherJesus Christ, the Righteous One. My brain is now 100%. Thomas Renz Warns of mRNA Vaccines in U.S. Food Supply | Principia Scientific Intl. I engaged my mind to worship Jesus by contemplating the beauty of His love and the magnificence of His dying on the Cross for me. Our Lady of Fatima said that many souls drop into hell because there is no one to pray for them. Ian McCormacks near-death-experience in hell began with an encounter with a deadly jellyfish. God Gives Woman Urgent Warning For the End Times Church! According to him, he died on the spot, and he went into a place where there was "utter blackness" and "incredible fear". In her experiences, she tells of detailed torture, putrid odors, demons, and a pit of fire. It is a medical fact I was dead for 20 minutes in the hospital. The Lord will judge His people. Hebrews 10:26-30. Only Jesus could because He owns Hell. Tamara remembers seeing thousands of others around her, yet feeling a sense of total isolation. I dont often get words from God but He definitely spoke this to me concerning Trump & Hilary. And I continued to descend. BreathThe first breath allowed fire to touch everything in me and be carried throughout my body. Ian wasn't allowed to stay in heaven and God sent him back, to share his encounter with others and tell them . In his near-death experience of hell, he saw Christians who refused to 3. But we reject His mercy when we defiantly harden our hearts (see Heb. It may take some wrestling in prayer, but dont rest till you know you have forgiven. In one of the earliest recorded experiences of hell, Sister Faustina, a Polish nun shares similar sentiments to the other individuals we have discussed. As dificult as forgiveness, making amends and reconciliation are I discovered that when you ask Holy Spirit to help, it really can go well. My testimony of how a shark played the violin for me doesn't prove a shark can play a violin #shortsFull Video can be found here - The holiness had come for me. Why are they here? There were so many pastors, elders, deacons and all other lay believers. You and I would likely be best friends after that! The king spirit who rules the human mind is death and it can not be satisfied without a dead body, in reality or in fantasy! The judgment of God is true. Question 5 was: Did you tithe properly?. The Bible says, Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish in the way (Ps. Following his vision, Bill knew his life calling was to share his experience with the world. Forged in Fire. Reply to L.S. For more information, visit or call 0-800-014-8620 to receive a free publishing guide. Marriages dont end because someone cheated. To purchase a copy of the book, AMEN! 4 People Who Have Been To Heaven And Their Stories - Answers for Everyone She was still hanging on to the car., When she saw they were going to hit another vehicle, she let go and fell headlong to the pavement. The Antichrists devastation is already happening. You know youve forgiven if you can imagine them coming to you and sincerely saying they are sorry, and asking you to forgive them, and in your mind you believe you would. He slumped forward on the steering wheel, traffic stopped around him, and a woman came rushing over to his car. In Hell, I knew and understood the Bible perfectly. I was thrashing about, punching them. With a person's earthly body out of commission, their consciousness then . Less than two weeks later, I would be the first to arrive on the scene of an accident. Is he saying the bride is just one person or 1 church? Perhaps God is answering the many, many prayers of faithful believers begging for His help against the wickedness of the evil that has infiltrated our governments. Testimonies of Heaven and Hell - Near Death Experiences Sodom and Gomorrah Raptured. Jennifer Perez was another young Christian who had a shocking experience with hell while she slipped in and out of consciousness. XlibrisUK. She saw a fiery pit as she took in her surroundings, screaming in complete agony. After Matthew was shot in the head, doctors decided to put him in a medically induced coma to save his life. And I continued to descend. This is a question that many Is Hell Hot or Cold? Obey His word. Some of the medical details of this account are perplexing to me. That hell is ordained for Satan and those who rejected Jehovah God. I was keenly aware of everything about myself and my body. Jim was not a Christian before this experience and even considered religion a crutch. Jesus says we should confront them and tell them what they did wrong to give them a chance to repent (to say Sorry.) That means I died five times. Great Christian Heaven And Hell Testimonies - Loretta Blasingame With Sid Roth; Heaven.
You OUGHT to have said Lawrence, the metaphor that the RCC uses is that of a 3-legged stool. But you say, How have we robbed Thee? In tithes and offerings. I do not understand them but do recognize they are real. "I stayed up for 10 straight days, and on the last day, actually had an . But, in my church there are many thieves who steal my tithes and offerings! When he won, I was stunned. We all have sinned (see Rom. They were going to switch off the machine, he recounts. During his time in hell, which lasted exactly 23 minutes, Bill Wiese experienced a great number of horrors including torture, intense darkness, a raging pit of fire, screaming, foul odors, and varying levels of torment. Quite interestingly, I did not see mansions, cars, designer clothes, banks, millionaires, or billionaires just people and their burning flesh. 30:18 AMP). An account of her Second Visit To Hell. Common Myths About Childrens Dental Hygiene What You Need To Know. Some a REVIVALIST. So let me get this straight. Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. This interpretation and reconciliation of these Scriptures/teachings of Christ are confirmed by Matthew 5:23-24, in which Christ instructs us not to make offerings to the Lord God if we know that a fellow believer has a legitimate issue with us: we must seek to be reconciled with our fellow believer (brother) before we make our offerings (monetary, thanksgivings, praises, worship, and so forth) to Him. Matthew Botsford. Anita Moorjani. It hurts to tell you about the punishment that was mine. The music was captivating and took me to what I will call a worship place. He explains in detail his personal experience of what lost souls have to endure in damnation, and what Jesus saved us from. AMEN!!! It takes the grace of God to remain a Christian. See Peace and Security and the Antichrist maybe at It was His gentleness. I knew I was being invited to go in the spirit. A person cannot get out of Hell if they acquire the right answer. Here, he talks about what happens there, the suffering people continually have, and the people he saw in that terrible place the Bible talks about.Watch and fibnd out the details. His whole life changes after his NDE and he now . How Much Does it Cost to See a Nephrologist? I have to truly think about what it would be like for my lost family members to not make it to Heaven. , stories of others can provide us with much to think about. If I had died in that vision, I would still be there.The fact is that there are many people in Hell. Hope that helps you Honey, I am a layman in that church. The two places, the meeting room and Hell were together. I worked for the evangelism department at the International House of Prayer, now called the Kansas City Evangelists Fellowship (KCEF). near in the valley of decision. (Nehemiahs time). They finally faded away. But first and foremost, being a devoted Christian is her most important job. As I screamed, my spirit was also making a sound that deeply hurt my heart and brain while it also panicked every blood cell in my body. These houses will be ready and completed AFTER My children give more tithes and offerings in My House. Read more about Pastor Brani Duyons testimony here. The man is confusing hell with purgatory. Is there anyone who doubts that these days are the kingdom of death then take notice not only about the evil and killing but of those who who one moment expresses deep grief over these evil things and the next moment take great pleasure in horror movies and criminal novels. I dont think Paul was saying he was not literally allowed to say what he saw. This guy isnt a Christian but has the chance to repent and get saved in the afterlife. God is graciously allowing people that have died, to return to life, and warn us about hell.
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