Luke. Oh, I cant say no to you, I smiled. Perfect for making an unseen getaway. A giant earthborn held a whip along with several other tools of torture. He was the former . Annabeth stayed. Posing as a middle eastern lady named Aunty Em, Medusatries to turn Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, and Grover Underwood into stone upon stumbling across her lair. My Wise Girl hadnt given up on me, not after all this time. I am more powerful that any prison, as long as the earth goes on so shall I. The first three chapters are in Percys point of view. Thanks, hadn't seen that. And then there was me. Percy Jackson is turned into a god. Considering we will be spending a lot of time together from now on.. What happens when he watches everyone he loves die right in front of him? "Go and never bother the demigods again, you fiend!" "I have a quest for you, Perseus Jackson son of Poseidon." You have now survived another half year without being eaten by monsters or incinerated by an angry god or anything else that really doesnt bear mentioning. Thats not to mention the mortal heroes and other pantheons Percy is suddenly entangled with. He feinted another at her leg, but my Wise Girl saw it coming a mile away and just parried the blade to the side. If hes in pain, and believe me, he is, I feel it.. SLASH! Zeus was holding my note, looking as regal and powerful as ever atop his shining platinum throne. I stumbles back from the chest, wrestling my sword out from my pocket. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Athena received Medusa'shead as a sacrifice from Perseus. I weakly nodded. Her expression darted between anguish and horror. "All Hail Perseus Achilles Jackson God of Spiders, Festivals, Quests, Potential, Life, Fate, Death, Heroes, Demigods, Loyalty, Strength, Determination, The Faded, Time, Earth, the Clouds, Tides, Liquids, Judgement, Peace and Assassinations. That was until her best friend showed up with furry hind legs and tiny horns atop his head, did she realised she was anything but ordinary- she was a daughter of Poseidon, a child that should have never even existed, and also the key to save Olympus from the brink of collapse, or to topple it once and for all. I did a quick turn, using my heightened reflexes to scan the shadows around me. She told Percy that an item had been lost and without it, Olympus itself could fall into chaos. Your army is dead! I just loved it that she wanted to be with me. And now Gaea would be marching on Olympus with a squadron of demons and monsters and who everyone thought was the Hero of Olympus. I was completely cut off here in the land beyond the gods, without a single soul who wanted to rescue me. You cant be serious! But Percy Jackson didn't. Abandoned. And if u haven't read 'Continuation of Percy Jackson' u should read that before hand to. Yes little demigod, it was a trap. He ran into them at a Bargain Mart, where the two were acting as store employees so they could find demigods that entered. Too bad they didn't get the messa After the sudden arrival of Rhea into the throne room, Olympus is thrown a spiral as they are given the ultimatum of a marriage for peace, or war. His blue eyes watch me intently. I smiled at the memories of Hazel and Frank that it brought up. Hatred gleamed in their eyes. Just once, just once I couldnt have any good luck.. I saw you look at the fake Percy and I could tell you still loved me. It would be easy, with Hazels help of course.. Percy, she whispered, then collapsed in a fit of crying. "Percy Jackson I am sorry to tell you this but I do not like you nor do I trust you as you have been nothing but problems from the day you have arrived. A partial retelling of campaign one through the more streamlined lens of TLOVM. Blackjack was too drained to give more than a halfhearted nod. This was never about any favour, she had just wanted me in her possession. I really wanted to punch that smile off of his face, but nobody was letting me loose anytime soon. The tip impaled him, going so far that it was visible on the other side. No, Percy, not you too.. Im here now. You really thought that you won? I had woken up due to a new torturing device. Soon he was nothing more than a black speck amongst the clouds. Not ever. "Oh gods," he grunts, "I'm exhausted. Percy Jackson is forced to become an Olympian God by the Fates themselves. Another great prophecy? Grover asked in disbelief. That couldnt have happened. They say, a god's love is the most obsessive, oppressive thing there is. Great. The image portrayed a barren landscape. I knew how bad this would be for me if everyone found out. I fell asleep with a smile on my face. I can barely believe that you actually followed my orders; surely you werent actually thick enough to fall for my bluff? If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. Suddenly, the ground underneath me opened up, swallowing me. Percy Jackson x Avengers crossover PART 1 Percy has lived through two wars . Annabeth had her back to me, but as soon as I started moving, she whipped around. Not just dirt. I swung my gaze around to look at Annabeth. I wanted to stop watching so badly, but I needed to know that none of my friends were hurt. I swear I almost had a heart attack between all the FEELS. brayden4002, Leylacaliskan and 5 others like this. Okay, so we did have an entire legion of fighters, but not all of them wouldwantto go out of their way to save me. They have plans for him. And since I'm the one that changed you, I'll give it to you. But what type of god? At his side wasnt a stone altar but a creaky metal examination table on the verge of collapse. Leave now. We spread out a map and were soon pondering over it. Because he killed Medusa years ago (even though he couldn't remember it), the two seek revenge against him as their sister is still reforming in Tartarus. Jason Grace was a Roman demigod, the son of Jupiter and the mortal Beryl Grace, as well as the younger brother of Thalia Grace. Jason. I nodded again. But there was something different about him, something that I had never caught when staring at myself in the mirror. Are we like, in the past or something? She didnt appear to believe her own words.This is not your world, Persia Jackson. She had kept busy, but she never felt more than content and momentary happiness. But at least all of the fiery pain kept my thoughts from wandering towards other things. Everyone whod known me thought that Id been living a lie. Percy? What are you so happy about? I demanded. I looked at Gaea, casual as ever. The moon was full, casting enough light to see but not enough to tip off the harpies. I was not a traitor, and nothing she could do would prove that. It goes like this, I started. The name strikes fear into all that hear it. When an old enemy arises one last time for one last hit at Percy, they bring an Meet Percy Jackson. The rest of the original seven came rushing over while Annabeth weaved and ducked around monsters. I ran back to my friends, most horrified of what Gaea had tricked them into believing. Restructured Database & Forum skins 2007-2017 J. Salva. My sister managed to unmark almost every quote in Lightning Thief, but that was the book with the least amount anyways so dont worry, every other book is more thorough. I really need some divine help here., "Was she going crazy? The Hero of Olympus, leaving camp in the middle of the night for Alaska to do a favour for Gaea. This story is from and was written by Wisegirl6. Fine, you win. His father forgot about him. Black spots danced in my vision, but I blinked them away forcefully. My mistress will be revived and I willed be hailed a hero for spying on the side of the gods. Percy stood stock still as he heard that, his mind racing with the implications. I was whipped, beaten and broken in every accessible place. Opinions stated in profiles of users may not reflect the opinions or views of or any of its owners, agents, or related entities. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. Both are latter seen in aerial combat with the Eagles, defeating them. She was in love with him. "He's just jealous because my powers are awesome," I retort. and our The second, however, was not easily explained, and that was far more concerning. Privacy Policy. Artemis was promised a chance to roam the memories of Nestra, an alternate universe version of the deceased Percy Jackson that is 80 years older than Percy was and also is a god now (on top of other things). I hadnt seriously expected him to take me all the way to Hubbard Glacier. I tossed the drachma in. The Gray Sisters and Echidna are their other sisters. Be ready for war, an army marches on Olympus as soon as Gaea has been saved. The Double had cropped his black hair short, which I supposed was a pretty insignificant thing to notice. It was too hard to look at. We also meet our final end. Alright, but you owe me., Thanks, buddy. Yeah he needs a break fro Percy Jackson is ready to settle down after the giant war. I Im not Hercules. Just seeing them in visions tugged at my frail heartstrings. [Up for Adoption] Dont feel the need to keep quiet, he snarled as the leather arched downwards. Stupid, stupid idiot, I cursed under my breath. Please consider turning it on! The monsters had never really left, they were just waiting for my command., I knew now that I had no way out. I could only draw the healing properties from water when it was pure and in its liquid state, so ice was pretty much as useful to me as sawdust was to the starving man. Powered by Fiction Portal 2.0 Maybe she had finally cracked. Ill do it., Good. Apparently this one was a little smarter than the rest of the earthborn Gaea usually raised. No no no no and no. Thalia Grace had lost too many things in her, relatively, short life. Ice stretched for a few miles. There is something that I left there I might need in the future. A single tear ran down my face, cutting through the dried blood to make its track. He brought the whip down on a nearly indistinguishable Percy. You have nothing on me; you cant force me to do anything anymore., Or can I. I could hear the sneer. Gaea raised her arm about the remaining dirt in the chest, making a motion like she was lifting something heavy. A bad nightmare, but it wasnt real. I'm not even Houdini, who can hide from anything. It angered him but he kept his face blank as he looked back at his uncle. The earth goddess smiled, looking at me with black eyes. I am leaving your stupid excuse for a camp for my mistress, Gaea. The council was undoubtedly in session. Join Percy on his journey as a God through this royally messed up godly family and everything in between. Though i. Percy's change 6 parts Ongoing Percy's is dying Annabeth broke up with him He has to face the wrath of Gaia alone He is saved b. chapter. So please her voice broke, and Percy sniffled, only dimly aware of the tears streaking down her face. The Seven have to take care of Percy while The Gods get Zeus to turn him back into hi. Please, Percy, she begged. O mundo da Jovem Persfone virou de cabea para baixo quando ela percebeu sua notria paixo pela princesa de seu pequeno reino. Poseidon listened miles away, under his palace, and when the child came out - he felt it. Once Gaea was defeated, the Roman and Greek camps decided to join together to make one even larger camp, complete with roman temples, weapons, dishes, war games and fauns. Lets just get this show on the road already.. Face still blank, his head dropped into his hands in shame, disappointment, and sadness. Anyway, the first chapter here kind of sets up the rest of the story. My son is no traitor, Zeus! Many demigods still bore the physical and psychological scars of the Giant war. Minor gods and goddesses outfitted with traditional Greek armor stood tall, flaunting their powers to the other side. He is Percy Jackson. The two are released from the Doors of Death. Am I right? ! Gaea snarled. Riordan Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Grover looked smug. A goddess that should not have a child, but one Armani and Percy had theorized on nonetheless. I might be gone, but the idea of me is eternal., I gripped her nose, digging my nails into the suddenly soft earth. Soon, after several more blocks and swipes, their swords were locked. Youd have a better chance with the harpies!Blackjack was stamping his feet urgently now. It was pretty fun all things considered wait, what was that about a time limit? Show me Percy at Hubbard Glacier! An image shimmered into view. Well that just wont do. Suddenly, Grover stiffened. Itcouldnt have. She will lead the world into a time of peace and equality that is foreign to the Olympians and their children. But even as I denied the thought, it took root in my head. I ran towards him. I left my cabin silently. It probably is Apollo, interrupted Frank. Percy Jackson was a troubled girl, anyone could tell you that. The Double was pushed backwards. I shrugged again. Imreally looking forward to that.. Jason x Percy After the war with Gaia, Persephone Jackson decides to disappear from the Godly world. Demigods and supporters of the cause rallied behind the gods. I shrugged. I cried out every time they used it. It is time I stopped pretending to be on your side and revealed my true colors. Grover just shook his head. But I kept my guard up as I got ready for lights out. You start to trust your demigod instinct after a few years of being attacked by monsters. Medusa was a fair maiden and a priestess of the goddess of Athena, which meant that she couldn't marry in order to devote all her energy to the goddess. All gone. But unlike Annabeth, he was furious, which wasnt altogether too uncommon. She made a half attempted retreat to the beach, winding her arms around herself to keep away the cold. I snuck an ever quicker glance at my dad. Percy!. They will never fall for this Gaea, I shouted, directing my words towards the earth goddess. It had been an ordinary day at camp, same activities, same campers and same Annabeth. Feeling certainly better than I did before I blanked out, I laughed, then winced with pain. [Completed] Thing is, protective gods are not what she signed up for. Everyone except I changed direction abruptly. * : Stars in your lips, the universe in your eyes, my whole world in your hands. Basically, I just want to see what they and their world would be like, without resorting to stereotypes. Read and find out what happens to Per Percy has been betrayed by Annabitch Anyway, the first chapter here kind of sets up the rest of the story. Modifications Manta2g, DemonGoddess What did you do, Gaea?, Almost nothing, I swear, she said with a sly smile. No! I looked around at my friends. The earth goddess smiled, looking at me with black eyes. A hotel for the moment. Travis. Knowing that she could not take anger upon a god directly, Athena directed her wrath towards Medusaand cursed her without warning, to forever become a monster with slithering serpents as hair and a gaze that could turn a man to stone. The goddess snarled at me, teeth like rusty razor blades. Percy made Zeus mad at him (again). I still love you. Too much trouble to get him there, what, overnight? Frank said. Dangerous percy Percy is the little sister of Clarisse Percy and Clarisse are best friends For the pain of Grover Percy and Grover are best friends Percy loves her friends Percy doesn't care if you are a god or a powerful guy she will take you down I need this as a tag Percy is the queen Percy deserves the world Percy and Thalia are sisters This is a definite Jercy, so don't like don't read. Why dont you let your little girlfriend read it to you?. Cookie Notice Percy, no, I whispered. And then theres the whole double impersonating you making everyone think you went evil thing. Well Per SEQUEL TO STORY: SEA GREEN MEETS GOLD While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Jason was a praetor of the Twelfth Legion at Camp Jupiter until he gave his rank to Frank Zhang during The House of Hades as a field promotion; he was the former head counselor of Cabin One at Camp Half-Blood and the Pontifex Maximus at Camp Jupiter. We hated him while hes enduring everything., I can get us there quick. Nico stepped forward. Follow/FavPercy Jackson, Goddess of the Hunt By:Godofwar99 I've had an Artemis idea lately and think this might be good to rcy as the godhood he denied a long time ago will come back, but this time his role is different. And now here I was, saviour of Olympus and slayer of Gaea, in the hands of the very people who I had killed. Surely all of that couldnt have been acting? You have no power anymore. She turned around just in time to see her friends gathered in a circle around her an a figure whose sword pointed at her neck. I held onto that thought as she kicked him in the chest. But you have to promise me that this trip stays between you and me, alright?. Thinking about camp was twice as horrible for me. Percy: Jason's chest heaves with effort. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (136), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (228), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types (201), The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan (52), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (36), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Stars Will Shine Regardless If You Say Your Prayers, Percy Jackson and The Time She Got Hoodwinked by Her Dad, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Percy doesn't care if you are a god or a powerful guy, Empire State Building Guard (Percy Jackson), Happy Ending but it depends on your perception of a healthy relationship, Aphrodite/Ares/Hephaestus (Percy Jackson), Amphitrite/Sally Jackson/Poseidon (Percy Jackson), Incest Typical to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, The Rust on my Sword, from an Ocean of Blood, Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood, Changing the present based on incomplete knowledge of the future, Discussion of rape (Dionysus and the nymph), Nico di Angelo/Will Solace/Jake Mason (mentioned), Dominic Toretto/Original Female Character, Thalia Grace/Zo Nightshade (Percy Jackson), Thalia Grace/Percy Jackson/Zo Nightshade, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Zoe Nightshade Needs a Hug (Percy Jackson), Triple Trouble - (Better known as three little shits getting up to trouble), Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (Anime & Manga), Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson/Piper McLean, Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III/Vex'ahlia, Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III. Her head was severed by Percyin The Lightning Thief, with the help of Grover and Annabeth. I relaxed. He gets abused. He is only 4 years old. I saw Annabeth, Nico, Jason, Grover, Piper, Leo, Frank and Hazel running toward me. I will be leading the battle, standing in the front line, to fight for my true master. Her Roman counterpart, Chione, is sometimes used as merely an alternative way of spelling her name. Unless its the Party Ponies. He shuddered. Upon leaving the Wolf House, Percy Jackson was chased by Medusa's two sisters, Euryale and Stheno. Yes, came the weak reply, muffled by Poseidons hands. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). Leo. Sneaking through camp with a bag packed with enough drachmas and denarii for me to hitch a ride with the gray sisters for a transcontinental trip. From face value her story seemed familiar enough, a sperm doner walked out after a one-night stand with her mom and nine months later, she popped out. She had sounded so heart broken. Obviously, read the parts before this first. I only left a note describing inexcruciating detail how much you hated the entirety of the camp and Olympus., An almost inhuman roar escaped my mouth as I tried to make a lunge for her. It filled the hole, so loud it made me want to tear off my ears. I'm not Sisyphus, who can defeat death and trick gods. The pain was almost unbearable. But her happy expression melted away as she fixed her gaze on a point somewhere above my shoulder. Hes probably had to watch this. Her head was later used by Sally Jackson to turn her ex-husband Gabe Ugliano into stone. You dont need to be sorry, I said. The only way having gods vote on whether to kill you can get worse is if the Fates decide to get in on the action. There were barely any monster attacks. I lay on the icy ground, quiet and motionless. All three of the Gorgons are currently in Tartarus. You made everyone here think Percy was a traitor, and not believe in him! I shouted. I smiled, since laughing hurt so much. You are nothing compared to us! I wondered it Gaea could tell I was lying. If you think that, then youre a lot dumber than I thought. He made to pull his sword back and make another move, but Annabeth was still putting all of her weight down on her own blade. Khione likes to turn people into ice sculptures. The Immortal Demigoddess had spent the decade since the end of Gaia going on Quests, Hunts with Artemis and her Hunters, training new Demigods, and relaxing in Atlantis. What is it? inquiredNico. The Battle of the Labyrinth (graphic novel), Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. "Your head's getting too big, Percy," Annabeth smirks, leaning against Reyna's shoulder. Blackjackand I tried to make small talk, frequently resulting in me severing the conversation after he got a little too close to the topic of why we were travelling. Its eyes glinted manically and its face bore an expression of sick glee. For more information, please see our Twelve years later and she was stuck with an asshole of a stepdad and a dead end of education, easy to slip through the cracks. I marched up to her. Stop, stop, please! Who was I kidding. The earthborn tightened their grip on my arms, their mace-like hold on me becoming almost unbearable. Percy just tried to contact me. Sure thing , Boss. Its in Alaska; the land beyond the gods. I couldnt protect everyone I cared about at the same time and there was no way we would be able to fight another war so soon after the other. This aint going to be good., More than one, said Nico, fingers playing around his sword. She deserved a far better daughter than Andie.Maybe that wouldnt even matter, anymore, because tonight had been the final straw that convinced Andie that she needed to find the nearest padded room and check herself in.". My girlfriend didnt want to kill me, no matter how evil I turned out to be. Now be on your way. There's a new Olympian on the council. We just accepted it like it was no big surprise. For a fleeting second, Apollo imagined that he was in one of his gilded marble temples. Though their body parts weren't used as spoils of war; Stheno and Euryale leave behind vials of their blood instead. Percy bowed once again before the gods and goddesses vanished. The first was easily explained, a traitor, she was told, and it ruined her. Then how come Percys signal is fuzzy, like Grover said? Nico asked. PHP scripting, CSS style sheets, Database layout & Original artwork 2005-2017 C. Kennington. Because he was gay? In one week, Percy's family is dead. When visiting her oldest friends grave she has a slightly shocking discovery. Thus, this determined demigod with unkempt raven hair and blazing sea green eyes, sets off on a journey with an ending no one could predict. HAPPY HALF BIRTHDAY GRACE! during Ianthe Potter's fifth year in Hogwarts, during the hallo Percy's is dying Her back was turned to him, so she wasnt expecting an attack. HE IS A TRAITOR, A LIAR AND A FRAUD!, Dad stood up then, his face contorting into a look of such rage that I imagined waves across the earth clashing in anger. Another earthborn for me to get chummy with. She gave the head as a gift to her fatherZeus, who used it to createhis shield, Aegis, on oracular advise to win against the remainingTitans. I could feel my heart beating in my chest. Something dark and sticky and packed with loose particles. Hey Guys! Chances are they wouldnt be out looking for stragglers at this time, it was far too late for even the most devious of campers to be up. This story takes place after the events of The Heroes of Olympus, so none of the events effect the real . Perseus Jackson, I proclaim that from now on you shall be the goddess of-" "Wait!" Aphrodite said, just as Zeus was about to transform me into a goddess. And she started, as logic dictates, from the very beginning. It cut through my back like the first beating I got. 16 year old Persia Amphitrite Jackson, also known as Percy Jackson, originally believed she was yet another normal girl whod grow up in peace, find happiness and live out an ordinary life. When Percy tried to call a truce by saying they couldn't kill each other (as they constantly reform and Percy's skin was like iron), they explain that he could be killed, even with the Achilles Curse, but it would simply by a matter of time before finding his Achilles heel. I painfully sat up and comforted her. No doubt Zeus would just strike him down where he stood for treason against the gods ifanybody found out. I tore my eyes away from the image. Earth, I thought to myself absentmindedly. Waves of monsters poured through the streets of Manhattan, marching towards the Empire State building. However they were both killed when the Camps reinforcements arrived, one of them being eaten by Mrs. O'Leary, although it is unknown which one. That's definitley the only reason she has agreed to explore Nestra's messy library of memories though. Then it hit me. If Gaea was going to war then I needed to be awake in case the fighting started. This is a fanfiction that, percy jackson becomes the new god of sky and thunder, and also the king of the gods. Ill try not to get kidnapped again. She smiled a watery smile. The gods are acting suspicious, and if Percy can't control himself, the demigods might end up enacting World War III in the throne room. Where was she? My neck turned so quickly I almost got whiplash. So while Perseus over here is fighting in a war, I will be keeping you here to enact my own special brand of revenge. An enormous amount of demigods beganpouring in, courtesy of the newly trained fauns helping out. It had been about three days since Aphrodite, the goddess of love, had appeared before Percy Jackson. A subreddit to discuss fanfics for Wildbow's works! No problem Blackjack. an earthborn wielding a long, sharpened spear turned around. Fabulous. Let me show you something else now. Gaea waved her hand and the image warped again, becoming the Olympian throne room. You werent. My hands were covered in dirt. Everything hurt; my head, my arms and legs, my midsection. What if Perseus heritage is a bit different? They also inform him about an army heading south that will attack Camp Jupiter, but also inform him that they were brought back using the Doors of Death by their patron, Gaea.
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