Source DHSC Analysis of Electronic Staff Record. NHS terms and conditions pay poster 2022/23, NHS Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook. 5. This publication is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated. 1. Funding arrangements will be confirmed by NHS England and NHS Improvement or DHSC, through usual financial reporting channels.3. Assignment Number - First eight digits of your employee number; If you have more than one post, it will be indicated with -2 -3 and so on. This is the Income Tax deducted by your employer before you can even get a sniff of your salary. More information on State benefits can be foundon the Gov.UK website.10. How will employers receive funding for this? In the hopefully rare circumstances, where an employee does not believe that their overtime payments and any corrective payment has been correctly calculated, we would encourage conversations with line managers to address this issue in the first instance. However, records of the payments made for overtime, and additional standard time, are kept. The Court of Appeal position is law. Having due regard to the need to foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it involves having due regard to the need to: 6. However, insofar as any such cases involve extensive surgery and lengthy absence from work this report would suggest that the approach to other cases of long-term absence because of a disability is applied to absence because of this protected characteristic of gender re-assignment in the above circumstances. The NHS Staff Council hasagreed a frameworkto help NHS employers make corrective payments to eligible employees for the period between 1 April 2019 and 31 March 2021. There is no data available on this protected characteristic. 44. Continue to book and record leave on the roster and this will be transferred into ESR as normal, but you will now also need to identify bank holiday leave separately. These contributions allow you to use certain state benefits (might differ if you are on Tier 2 Visa) such as state pension. We understand there is some misunderstanding around this so are providing the following clarification. If an individual meets the eligibility criteria, they will be eligible for a corrective payment based on the overtime pay they received in one, or both, financial years 2019-2020 (1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020) and/or 2020-2021 (1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021). We often link to other websites, but we can't be responsible for their content. Should this payment be uplifted to 16 per cent? Calculating WTD for an example or two could help you better understand how to calculate WTD pay for your employees or what data to enter in a working time directive calculator. What is currently paid? In this payslip, NHS nurse's tax code is 1283L which means 12,830 of her salary will not be taxed. The UK is well known for collecting high tax rates and high cost of living. We don't as a general policy investigate the solvency of companies mentioned (how likely they are to go bust), but there is a risk any company can struggle and it's rarely made public until it's too late (see the. Pay is calculated on the basis of what the individual would have received had he/she been at work.' Hence, she contributes 9.3% of her salary. *If you normally record your bank holidays (all part-time employees and usually those that work shifts) then the new way of identifying the bank holiday applies to you. This multiplier is intended to appropriately compensate eligible staff. Both eRoster and ESR have been updated to reflect this new requirement. They are known as WTD payments because the payment is made in recognition of the Working Time Directive legislation. The proportion of staff who undertake additional activity and eligible for a corrective payment, is similar to that for the wider workforce we do not envisage any significant equality impacts on this basis. Anatomy of an NHS Payslip. Annex C Figure 7 sets out the data on part-time staff by gender. Doctors' rights. I have a 0hrs nhs job. In this example 10 hours were worked on a Sunday and therefore a 60% additional payment is due, calculated as 10 x 60% x hourly rate (15.9158) = 95.49 Inner London = High Cost Area Supplement and is payable at either the Inner (20%) or Outer (15%) rates. Employers should make arrangements to process payments in these circumstances. What corrective payment will part time staff receive? You will be automatically enrolled in the NHS pension scheme as you start your employment to the Trust. Tax code? Our previous advice was that payments should be processed by the employer where the original work was undertaken and may mean that an individual receives a payment from multiple organisations. Owned & Managed by James Court Creative Solutions. It does not automatically follow that staff that have a declared (or undeclared) disability are unable to work either additional standard hours or hours above their contract full time hours. NHS employers will take into account any previous payments of this type made to employees when calculating any corrective payments.This framework agreementconsiders all overtime (voluntary and non-voluntary) and covers all contractual annual leave.11. The European Working Time Directive has been fully implemented across the NHS and applies to everyone. The NHS ESR central team are delivering a webinar to provide an overview of the Agenda for Change (AFC) average pay functionality and how it works within the ESR system. Main features of the legislation are: An average of 48 hours working time each week 11 hours continuous rest in 24 hours 24 hours continuous rest in 7 days (or 48 hours in 14 days) A minimum break of 20 minutes in work periods of over 6 hours NHS terms and conditions pay poster 2022/23, NHS Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook, The webinar is aimed at HR professionals and payroll users and will. NHS staff who undertake regular overtime or work on bank contracts to undertake additional hours may also be able to claim these as regular payments and should be encouraged to complete a case form. There are c.1.2m (head count) AfC staff. While the proportion of those from a BAME background (13%) who completed additional activity is lower than BAME representation in the workforce (19%) there is no evidence that the Framework Agreement will have a disproportionate impact. The principle response to that is as follows. The case of Flowers v East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust concerns the interpretation of the Working Time Directive, Working Time Regulations 1998 and section 13.9 of the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook (agenda for change - AfC), and the treatment of overtime payments and, in particular, payments for voluntary overtime in the calculation of holiday pay. For more details on pension and changes effective October 1, 2022, please see link: Handbook amendment number 49 No. 3.3 Each NHS employer will use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that the corrective payments are completed and paid to relevant employees by 30 September 2021. This option is also favoured by trust leaders. But these taxes are also the main reason why the NHS survives and other state benefits are in place. Why is the multiplier set at 16 per cent? Addn Roster Hours NP gives your monthly pay for any additional hours in the month above the 40 standard hours. HealthRoster Creator and Approver Training. 6. 70. The EWTD requires the working week to be an average of 48 hours, with further rights relating to break periods and holiday allowance, such as: 11 hours rest a day. This figure may be higher as we cannot guaranteed that everyone declared their disability. This week I explain to you the NHS payslip? Pay during annual leave will include regularly paid supplements, including any recruitment and retention premia, payments for work outside normal hours and high cost area supplements. Where different commitments have been made locally, before 1 April 2019, NHS employers will need to work with trade unions to decide how the commitment will be delivered.12. Enough of the boring bits. Pay your JMCGH, BGH, CGH, MGH, TLC, or LIFT Bill. This leave time does not count as WTD pay and extends the length of the WTD period. An NHS employer has a local agreement in place and has been making some payments already for non-guaranteed overtime on statutory annual leave. 57. Around 50% of the NHS workforce covered by the Handbook have more than 10 years service and will be entitled to the maximum annual leave of 33 days (plus 8 bank holidays). This means that an employee could work overtime in any given week as long as he does not average more than 48 hours per week during the assigned period. You will be automatically enrolled in the NHS pension scheme as you start your employment to the Trust. It enables corrective payments to be implemented quickly from a data and payroll processing perspective. 18. An agreement has already been reached in Scotland. 51. A wage slip is intended to give a person a record of their most recent paycheck, which includes a given pay period. For instance, if she worked 10 hours overtime the computation will be like this and will be then added to her gross pay. It is crucial that annual leave is recorded in the roster accurately and timely with rosters being finalised as per current deadlines. No. This agreement covers England only. 46. 3. 36. No. Figure 1 at Annex C shows that around 80% of the AfC workforce is female. 14. Your amount of contribution will be based on your salary. Initially it appeared as though compliance with the WTD would be relatively straightforward for most NHS organisations. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. NHS Widening Access Scheme: Tax and NI Contributions. Since nurses work on shifts to care for patients 24/7, unsocial hours such as night shifts, weekends and bank holidays have enhanced payments. PT Salary/Wage - this is the actual salary you get per year according to your contracted hours; pro-rata for part time. 65. The NHS Staff Council has agreed that this corrective payment is the best way to resolve disputes on the treatment of overtime and additional standard time within annual leave pay. The parties are very mindful of the importance of equalities in regard to the matters dealt with in this Framework Agreement and Guidance will be issued by Department of Health and Social Care on the implementation of this Framework Agreement taking into account equality issues under the Equality Act 2010 including the fulfilment of the Public Sector Equality Duty. I probably dont need to discuss any further your Net Pay because this is the only section in the payslip that we gaze our eyes into every pay day. For the purposes of thecorrective payments framework agreementonly, NHS employers and the trade unions have agreed that four months in each financial year is an appropriate threshold for establishing regularity of overtime. For new starters with 24,907 income, 7.1% of your salary will be deducted. Looking at all the numbers in your payslip might be intimidating. You can also view our FAQ Page for Working Time Directive. All parties to the Framework Agreement are agreed that it is crucial to have a limit to those to whom these Framework Agreement and corrective payments apply. For the avoidance of doubt all claims for underpaid holiday pay relating to overtime payments up to 31 March 2021 are intended to be resolved and corrected by the terms of this Framework Agreement and not pursued. This is a term used to describe payments made to employees to cover the loss of enhancements when taking annual leave. Trade unions will not support existing claims (in either the Employment Tribunal or the County or High Court in connection with the issue of the inclusion of overtime payments in the calculation of paid annual leave under section 13.9 of Agenda for Change or the Working Time Directive or Working Time Regulations 1998 covering the period up to and including 31 March 2021) in the event of individual settlements being offered and unreasonably rejected. The framework agreement applies to staff employed by an NHS employer (as set out in Annex 1 of the handbook) as of 31 March 2021. Staff can manage their Bank Holiday requests via Employee Online using the existing Annual Leave request process. No further corrective payments will be made. The effect of that is that the use of a single scalar is in practice the only possibility. A public authority must, in the exercise of its functions, have due regard to the need to: 2. Both full-time and part-time workers pay a percentage of their gross salary into their pension each month. Will cost of living increases to pay be considered in the calculation of corrective payments? The existing legal claims lodged in the Employment Tribunal or the County or High Court, will be resolved through local settlement discussions between the relevant employer and the claimant along with their legal adviser. NHS employers will adjust any corrective payments to take account of pay during annual leave that has already been made for overtime. WTD Pay - additional pay if you work additional unsocial hours or if have additional leave under WTD. This analysis finds, all staff meeting the Framework Agreements eligibility criteria (see Annex B), regardless of protected characteristics, should be eligible for a corrective payment. 63. Most NHS employers use the Electronic Staff Record (ESR) HR and payroll system to manage payments to staff. WTD?? What do members of staff do if they believe they are eligible, but their NHS employer says they are not? 59. 69. Which A: I haven't noticed but B: seems to be less that stat minimum? There may be some occasions where, for reasons of a protected characteristic, someone has not been able to meet the eligibility criteria (for example, maternity, or long-term disability related sick leave). Figure 5 at Annex C shows that 72% of the AfC workforce identifies as heterosexual, with the majority of the remainder falling into the not stated and not known categories, 2% gay or lesbian and 1% bisexual. NHS is well-known for having a comprehensive and generous pension scheme as part of its recruitment and retention strategy. It provides a corrective payment for the two-year period prior to make sure overtime is included in the calculation of holiday pay from 1 April 2021. be employed by an NHS employer (as listed in. 25. 7. For those who are exploring to work in the UK, this will also help you understand how much registered nurses are being paid and its coverage. What about TOIL? TCS Advisory Notice (01/2023). Night Duty 37% is the pay for any hours receiving an enhanced rate of 37% of your hourly basic pay. After all, those hours worked are hard earned and you deserve to be rewarded with the right compensation. This is the National Insurance. The Working Time Directive has applied to the vast majority of employees in EU member states since 1998, including consultants and doctors outside training. AFC in Summary. 1.1 The corrective payment period to which this Framework Agreement and any corresponding corrective payments apply is the financial years 2019 to 2020 and 2020 to 2021 only, namely 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020 and 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021 (the corrective payment period). Will staff still get a payment? In preparing this equality analysis, consideration has been given to all the statutory objectives under s149 EqA: the need to avoid unlawful direct discrimination, indirect discrimination or harassment; the need to advance equality of opportunity; and the need to promote good relations between different groups. What forms of additional activity are included in this agreement? For instance, if a worker takes 10 days of leave in a period, that period must be extended by 10 days before WTD can be calculated accurately. NHS pension? Regular overtime is where an employee has received overtime payments in at least 6 out of the previous 12 months. In your payslip you may notice a WTD payment, this is a working time directive payment in lieu of holiday pay, paid at 10.17%. But Gov. Staff will receive personal information about how their individual corrective payment has been calculated. There has also been consideration given to the impact of age. Relaxing the regularity criteria for staff shielding, self-isolating due to COVID-19 for a reason relating to their disability would mitigate the risk that they are excluded from consideration for a corrective payment. 30. There has been a change in the way Trusts need to pay WTD entitlement, moving away from the current WTD payment to the AfC average method (see below for details). Figure 6 at Annex C shows that the religious breakdown of the AfC workforce is 45% Christian, 3% Muslim, 2% Hindu,2% Sikh, 1% Buddhist, with the remaining 32% either Atheist, not disclosed or not known. For staff who are pregnant and continue in active service but choose to reduce the extent to which they work beyond their minimum contracted hours, NHS employers are urged actively to consider relaxing the test of regularity to, for example, two occasions of overtime within the period of 12 months. Separating it out in the payslip is not required though - their obligation is to pay you correctly, how they choose to put it on the payslip is up to them. 19. Staff will need to provide evidence, for example, their payslips, payments that they have received for either overtime, or additional standard time. You can easily conduct a SQL YTD query, which tells you how many hours an offshore employee has worked in a year, and then divide that number by 52 weeks in order to determine how many hours they averaged per week. Payroll and HR departments will notify staff of their entitlement and how and when their corrective payment will be made. Read the agreement on how employers should calculate overtime pay whilst on annual leave. They are known as WTD payments because the payment is made in recognition of the Working Time Directive legislation. Further the scalar of 16% is a generous provision and means that the annual holiday entitlement for all staff is respected. Will overtime pay received by part-time staff who have worked more than 37.5 hours in a week during the pandemic be included in their corrective payment? NHS Terms and Conditions annual pay scales for 2021/22. It is a government-funded medical and health care service that everyone living in the United Kingdom can use without asked to pay the full cost of the provided benefit. It is for use by workers or employers. 'Pay during annual leave will include regularly paid supplements, including any recruitment and retention premia, payments for work outside normal hours and high cost area supplements. The Framework Agreement applies to both overtime (above the full time equivalent (FTE) of 1) and additional standard time (AST) for part-time workers which is the difference between the contracted hours for part-time staff and the FTE hours for their grade. Where this is for a reason relating to their disability, they may be disadvantaged such that they are excluded from consideration for a corrective payment. H. This Framework Agreement has been developed in full awareness of the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) and the duty to comply with it. 3. 23. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. Basic Pay - This is . Do you understand your pay? Anatomy of NHS payslip -- How much do UK Registered Nurses (RGN) get paid? Employers will be planning to pay the corrective payment before the end of September 2021, and staff should wait to be contacted. I've gone back to the employer and will phone payroll later to clarify, as well as checking my payslips. 42. Moving now to considering age discrimination in regard to any suggestions that the requirement that staff be employed as at 31 March 2021 is age discriminatory because older staff may have retired prior to that date. I've gone back to the employer and will phone payroll later to clarify, as well as checking my payslips. That in itself necessitates the identification as to the limits of those who are eligible for corrective payments. These payments are non-pensionable and will be subject to employer deductions for tax and NI.4. The Electronic Staff Record (ESR) will work with NHS employers to provide guidance on the types of payment that should be included within the descriptions of overtime in payroll systems.5. To mitigate this, in these instances, NHS employers are urged actively to consider whether the criteria for eligibility should be adjusted in order to ensure that those with a protected characteristic impacted by such circumstances are not disadvantaged. It's been few days since you have seen your latest payslip. Employers are urged actively to consider whether the criteria for eligibility should be adjusted in order to ensure that those with a protected characteristic impacted by such circumstances are not disadvantaged. 134.70 (contracted hours per month) x 15.39 (hourly rate) = 2074.38. Is unsocial hours pay included in this framework agreement? 2.2 For the avoidance of doubt the eligibility criteria set out at paragraph 2.4 below in connection with the regularity of payments of overtime have been agreed specifically for the purposes of this Framework Agreement and are not to be understood to be providing any more general definition of regularity in connection with matters outside of this specific Framework Agreement. By deeply understanding the figures in a nurse's salary, you can spot if there are errors, if you've been paid correctly and make better decisions about when to do extra work. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). Staff on long-term sick for a reason relating to their disability may be disadvantaged such that they are excluded from consideration for a corrective payment. What is more the existing national system of payroll simply does not and cannot provide a breakdown of staff by reference to their length of employment and resultant holiday entitlements. Yes. During the 2-year corrective pay period, staff who are pregnant may choose to reduce their discretionary effort, for example, they may choose to work fewer hours (if any) beyond their contracted hours, they may also be on long-term sick leave, or shielding for a reason relating to pregnancy. The forthcoming strike in England by members of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) to be cut short by a day. Joint negotiations began between NHS employers and NHS trade unions in December 2020 and concluded on 1 March 2021 with agreement reached in principle on a corrective payment made pursuant to the terms of a Framework Agreement. NHS employers and trade unions have agreed to work collectively (both nationally and locally) to resolve outstanding legal claims. NHS is an abbreviation for National Health Service. Manong George : Filipino UK Nurse 15.2K subscribers Subscribe 467 Share 59K views 2 years ago. But have you ever really taken a closer look on your payslip or do you just look on the bottom right hand corner of it to see how much you've been paid? Bear in mind that this is just a rough guide as tax calculation is complex if you consider other factors such as taxable pay, tax free allowance etc. Data on the details of actual overtime and additional standard time worked may not have been retained or may be incomplete. The case is due to be heard in June 2021 and it is important to note the judgment may change the position in law. NHS salary follows Agenda for Change which is the main pay system for NHS staff excluding doctors, senior managers and dentists. NHS Nurse worked 23 hours night duty and 39 hours Saturday. Below you can find FAQs on the following areas: Yes (according to central estimates, which will be updated at the point that actual payments processed).2. When requesting or recording a Bank Holiday its necessary to record under the correct leave type (Reason) within Employee Online. "pay during annual leave will include regularly paid supplements, including any recruitment and retention premia, payments for work outside normal hours and high cost area supplements. Direct, as well as indirect, age discrimination is also uniquely justifiable where the discrimination is the result of a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim. Finally, the period summary gives you an overview of your gross pay and all the deductions that have been made. 27. 49. In both instances staff may not therefore meet the regularity criteria set out in clause 2.4 of the Framework Agreement and may be disadvantaged such that they are excluded from consideration for a corrective payment.
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