Readers, be aware: Since the verdict has been decided and was read in open (public) court, I am legally allowed to openly discuss about the case. In civil cases, two or more parties disagree as to who owes whom damages. Second and beyond days will get the pay. During the Rampart police corruption trial in 2000, in which the jury convicted three LAPD officers of conspiracy, an alternate publicly accused the impaneled jurors of having anti-police sentiments, saying she would have acquitted the officers. You don't want to struggle staying awake during a trial. To answer your second question, it is not uncommon for jury trials to last more than a single day. Nothing, she said. But Moriarty said the judge could also just instruct alternates to refrain from researching the trial on their own during deliberations, while stopping short of sequestering them with the rest of the jury. Addressing whether she wanted to serve on the jury at the start of the trial, the alternate juror, Lisa Christensen, specifically said that she " didn't know what the outcome was going to be . Taylor Berman), Movies Should Be An Hour And Forty-Five Minutes. 3. You eat the sandwich next to an 80-year-old man who is wearing a fedora and eating an entire pound cake with his barehands. Another mumbles so much you can never hear what shes saying. If a juror is faithful to that oath, there is nothing to be contrite about. Judge Kathleen A. Kennedy picks a number from a souvenir Dodger helmet to select a replacement juror in the Grim Sleeper murder trial last year. But Minnesota criminal defense attorneys said the judge could make sure that alternates maintain their ability to rejoin the jury if needed. Trial juries are composed of at least six people sworn to decide the facts based on the evidence presented. They do not participate in the deliberations and therefore, they have no say in the verdict. We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Indeed, the death of George Floyd during the course of a police arrest in May triggered mass demonstrations in cities throughout the nation last summer that were marked by riots, looting, arson and violence. I always thought juries had to be made up of twelve people. Her jury summons came under her maiden name and went to her ex-husbands home, so she almost missed the first day in court. Heres a look at how alternate jurors will work in thetrial of the former officer charged with murder and manslaughter: During the criminal trial, alternate jurors will be indistinguishable from their peers. Just six sentences are devoted to alternate jurors in Minnesotas Rules of Criminal Procedure, the rules that govern how criminal prosecutions work in the state. You want to scream out that you used to live down the street from where the accident happened, so clearly you are the most qualified when it comes to judging who was being negligent. A judge decides the laws that apply to a particular case, but ordinary men and women, picked at random from the community, sit as the jury to determine the facts of a case. (It is rare that the election is made because of simple strategy: the more strangers the plaintiff has to convince, the the greater the odds that the plaintiff will be unable to convince everyone.) The evidences and hearing of the case is heard by the alternate juror also. In misdemeanor and civil cases particularly, states often provide for verdicts based on the agreement of three-fourths or five-sixths of the jurors. One of the hot topics in the local news is about the upcoming Mehserle trial (better known as the "BART police shooting trial"), and SF Gate was able to show readers some of the, Welcome to Akit.Org, home to the Complaint Department and started on. She recognized a man the defense planned to call as a memory expert. (Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times), By the end of O.J. Clarification (March 22, 2021): This story has been updated to make clear that while the last jurors chosen for a panel typically serve as alternates, the court has not specified whether that will be the case in Derek Chauvins trial. One tablet of MDMA is bad enough for a possession charge, but having a baggie full of 200 of them? It got even more silly when the D.A. An alternate juror who replaces a juror has the same authority as the other jurors. Local, state, and federal employees are not eligible for the $15 stipend and you must notify the jury office. 234. Before long, as dozens began to leave, she remained and was eventually chosen as an alternate. Alternates often feel frustrated, ignored and unfulfilled, said Philip Anthony of DecisionQuest, a jury and trial consulting firm. Pennsylvania Code: Rule 645 - Seating and Retention of Alternate Jurors. 11. (3) Retaining Alternate Jurors. Christensen responded that she lives about six blocks from the Brooklyn Center Police Department, which was besieged by protestors and has been the epicenter of violent riots since Wrights shooting. Simpsons nine-month murder trial in 1995, all but two of the original 12 alternates were tapped to join deliberations. She sat through hours of testimony in Department 109 some of it boring, the rest disturbing and put her job and personal life on hold. General Mills is issuing a recall for some brands of its flour amid a salmonella outbreak that has been linked to flour. A $300-million (minimum) gondola to Dodger Stadium? We are incredibly worried about the state of general information available on the internet and strongly believe our mission is to give voice to unsung experts leading their respective fields. Read our editorial standards. (The lawyers have a right to object to these questions, just as they do to questions posed by lawyers during the trial.) There's no prohibition on having the defendant draw the numbers of alternate jurors, but the general practice is to have the clerk of courts do it, said Ion Meyn, an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin Law School. We have reviewed our content for bias and company-wide, we routinely meet with national experts to educate ourselves on better ways to deliver accessible content. Sometimes a juror has to be removed from the jury ("is excused") before the end of the trial, for example, if the juror becomes ill. To avoid having to retry the case, extra or "alternate" jurors are selected to hear the case with the jury. >>Evidence 1. No. The lawyers can also chat with the judge if they all mutually agree a juror is not suitable for a jury (e.g. Jury stipend is $15 a day and $2.50 for mileage, but won't get paid if it's their first day. Alternate jurors serve just as regular jurors do they sit with the regular jury throughout the trial, listening to and observing the same evidence. You are whisked into the courtroom when the rest of the jury announces their verdict. You become very opinionated about the inefficiency of the New York justice system, which stretches a three-witness civil case over an entire week. That's so that the alternates don't yawn off during proceedings and are ready to step in if another juror is unable to continue. The judge won't reveal who the alternative jurors are until attorneys have finished making their cases. A second officer at the incident scene gave testimony about the drugs that the person had in possession, and it was a lot of drugs. Based on the answers given, each lawyer can excuse so many potential jurors for any reason, but they don't have an obligation to respond to why the juror was excused. Immediately after the last trial juror is sworn, the may in its discretion direct the selection of one or more, but not more than six additional jurors to be known as "alternate jurors", except that, in a prosecution under section 125.27 of the penal law, the court may, in The United States Supreme Court has ruled that there is no right to a jury of twelve persons. >>Judgment 270.30 Trial jury; alternate jurors. In addition to challenges for cause, each lawyer has a specific number of Alternate jurors may also be selected. Despite Christensen not having participated in the deliberations, her interview nevertheless provides revealing insights into what the jurys decision-making process was. The lawyers can also chat with the judge if they all mutually agree a juror is not suitable for a jury (e.g. The United States Supreme Court has ruled that there is no right to a jury of twelve persons. Alternate jurors will step in if a juror cant continue in the trial for reasons such as illness, a family emergency, or further exposure to information on Floyds death that would taint their decision. He said alternates could be chosen many different ways, but declined to give details. But Moriarty said the judge could also just instruct alternates to refrain from researching the trial on their own during deliberations, while stopping short of sequestering them with the rest of the jury. Alternate COMSEC Custodian [National Security], Alternate Non-Emergency Services Provider, Alternate Payee to Qualified Domestic Relations Order. About the Trial Process - jury_service - California What are alternate jurors? Our content experts ensure our topics are complete and clearly demonstrate a depth of knowledge beyond the rote. During trial, some judges in some states wont tell the panel who the alternates are, a tactic to ensure everyone pays attention, said Greg Hurley of the Center for Jury Studies at the National Center for State Courts. We did not identify ourselves amongst each other, so we did not say our names, occupations, or anything about our families..