Come on, love! Harry absolutely loved pregnant Y/N, except times like this. "Will you give me a massage?". Just fucking ruin everything weve worked for?. I rushed to his side, letting him take hold of me, so I could help him slip off his shoes. He kisses the girls forehead a few times before pulling away, taking her hand and leading into the bathroom. Harry One Shots No more Crying falling Birth Anxiety Alright, you have another contraction coming very soon. If he had been watching where he was going, the coffee would have stayed in your mug and not have ended up all over him. She tried so hard to make it seem like she was okay, but I knew better. Sorry for taking a short little break, Ive been feeling a little better but I missed writing too much so I had to come back. She wishes she could, especially dreaming of being able to buy something Harry would buy for himself and just be able to try and repay somehow for everything he has done for her. Are any of you single? Your chest was bobbing up and down as you tried to regain your breath. You stood there frozen in place as you stared at the guitar laying on the ground. "Harry, seriously, you need to calm down it's just pain in my stomach it will be gone soon." "But Y/N it's never been that bad.", he said worried. Zayn Malik Comforts Harry Styles During Health Scare - The Inquisitr Can we talk, yeah? He asked quietly as you moved to the side so he could step inside the hotel room. Of course he was a normal person, feeling the occasional doubt and worry about not being a good parent but he knew with Y/N by his side he could do anything. "heyyyy." "heyyyy.". Both of her hands wrap around his much larger wrist before he could say a word, her tongue licking up his finger and cleaning it, eyes glued with his. I felt the pain slip away slowly and my stomach began to relax again.Yes babe, its better thanks. Until now, you thought you had. They stayed like that for a while, Y/N fondly watching as he would pull various things out of the oven watching the gleam in his eyes as everything finally came together and placing it on the table, not letting her move or help with a thing. Harry pressed his stomach against your back and he hid his face on your neck. His eyes were somber and a deep green, filled with remorse and hints of sadness. Im sure the studio tomorrow will be magic. He makes his way over to the bed pulling back the covers and throwing them on the floor. This was a gesture he always did when they were amidst mobs of people and flashing lights. He threw himself onto me Lou! I watched his torso lightly raise and fall with every slow breath he took. You leaned your head against his shoulder and nodded your head, happy that you were away from all of that. Life has been a bit crazy lately but Im trying my best to push through and get back to normal! You rolled over to the other side of the bed, quickly pecking your sleeping boyfriend on the lips. Im here. You nod and watch as the doctor and nurses prepare everything around you. Harry Styles Imagine: So Into You - These are all incredible! Harry Fucking Styles Masterlist - Tumblr "Yeah, I think so." Harry Styles Imagine: Harry Gets Mad When You - we'll be a fine line. I almost made this into four parts, but decided to just give you this extra long bit! He had never felt so happy. Wiping your face, you unlocked the car and he opened the door to face you. Shes so close, Harry thought to himself, feeling her heart beat against his own, her lips are so, so close. #harry styles . I'm sorry for falling off the face of the earth. You grip at Harrys hand tightly and do as you were instructed, taking in deep breaths when you could. All I ever want in this world is you and you alone, okay?, She nodded, burying her face in the crook of his neck pressing a kiss to the warm skin before pulling back and looking into his eyes, Okay. She sniffled, I-Im sorry, I am- Thank you, Harry. So Harry began, fingers drumming onto the table, how have you been?. Breathing a sigh of relief, you walked towards him and took the flowers from his hand. Ill never be able to repay you, we have to return it., Repay me? Dont you think youve done enough? The words stung as they left his mouth before he turned away from you and continued to get ready. Thank you for doing all of this for me. She whispered, sliding off the counter and heading to the table where they sat across from one another. Youre right Harry, its not okay. By the time you were in the SUV, Harry by your side, you realized you had been holding your breath for the duration of what just happened. You knew that even through all of your mistakes, Niall stilled loved you and that was what was most important. He just stood there, staring at his guitar with his mouth ajar. You couldnt believe he was telling you to leave. Something abt Y/N getting her period at H's place and she panics bc she accidentally bled through his sheets and she's embarassed and her cramps hurt. As much pain as you were in, it dissipated when you saw Harry slip out of the back of his car. And I love you for apologizing for what happened. You didnt know what to think. "I wish I could make it stop.". Abruptly the pain in my lower stomach came back and rushed through my body. Just fucking ruin everything weve worked for? His voice was hard and distant, breaking your heart in two. Y/N changed out of her gown, borrowing a pair of Harrys big t-shirts and leaving on the spandex she had underneath as he sat across from her in a pair of sweats and his white tank undershirt. I was just stressed out for this meeting and the suit thing just sent me over the edge. Resting his hands on your hips, he brought you into his as you smelled the flowers in front of you. You go rest, its been a long day. Leaning forward, you gave him a peck on the lips before opening the fridge as he walked into the living room. The action caused your mind to go cloudy, forgetting what you were going to say or for a brief moment, what you were fighting over. My preferences arent going to be frequent because I am in the middle of writing a new Harry Styles fanfiction on Wattpad that you all should check out here. It truly takes my breath away. Going up behind him, you wrapped your arms around his torso, resting your head on his back. that is literally the sweetest thing in the whole world. I found him bending down as he tried to take off his shoes, but soon he straightened up - his back probably didn't want to let him. I wont go in that room anymore. And Im sorry you know.But for what babe? For rejecting you earlier, I just wasnt No babe its really not your fault, Im sorry for pressuring you I thought youd be okay with that because I saw you looking down at my.. you know. Oh no Im sorry for ruining our morning. It sounded like music to your years. Youre always working so hard, Y/N. You have some time before you need to leave. You tried to reason with him, feeling guilty that you spilled liquid all over his lucky suit. Make sure to check out my Harry Styles fanfiction I have going on Wattpad HERE. She playfully shoved him away as he pulled her body into him, but he quickly pulls her back in, giving her a tight hug and a couple quick pecks. He did indeed keep his promise, arriving home around 25 minutes later and greeting the tranquil girl in his bathroom, leaving behind all of the products he picked out for her as he moved to replace the bed with an extra pair of sheets he threw in the drier, just so they were warm. Harry laughed as he watched your jaw drop. You wanted to say, looking up at your best friend, but instead you say, help me finish it? I shouldnt have directed it towards you, Im sorry.. The time to push was now. You rolled your eyes, but didn't make any attempts to get up. Her eyes wandered around the shop, admiring the different materials and luxury items she could never even dream of purchasing. You lean into your husband, his arm wrapping around your shoulders, his other arm resting under yours to support the baby as well as you both smile at Anne as she holds up her phone. We could always start with that awful painting my mum bought us., Harry:I cant think with you in the car, Y/N and Im too pissed off to be around you right now.. Harry looks over at you, smiling. I-I would never do something like that, but he was drunk and wouldnt listen to me. Once inside, Harry helps her out of her coat and leaves both their jackets at check-in. What am I supposed to do now? You kept walking, ignoring his pleas as he came after you, successfully unlocking your apartment door rapidly, but you catch a glimpse of rings as he hand stops the door. Very very Happy Birthday! "Will you do something for me?" The two exchanged a few words to each other before the door was closed and Harry immediately walked over to his suitcase to find something semi-clean to wear. I know how much it meant to you. She shakes her head as the tears start rolling down her face, her hormones making her break within an instant. We all imagine things :) The tears falling from your eyes mixed with the rain drops on your face as frustration overtook your body and you sat down at a nearby bus stop to shield yourself from the rain. Are we ready to begin then? The doctor questions after he walks into the room and checks all of your vitals and the machines. Liam was due home in a few minutes and you knew you werent going to hear the end of it if he saw the stain on the rug. You can do it, sweetheart. He also has always known he wanted kids and he felt ready, granted he wasnt the one pushing it out. Im really enjoying it right now. Okay sure babe. he smiled down at me.I shifted a bit until I was laying on my right, my body facing his side. The footsteps were slow and quiet as they headed for the living room. At the release of a shaky breath, he looks over at her and he could feel his heart break, hating himself as he sees her cry again, feeling worse and knowing its because of him.