Ive stopped wearing it out of fear I dont deserve to wear it. I appreciate it. I worry this might be cultural appropriation. What were you thinking? My Grandfather taught me our language, stories and culture beginning when I was a child. It does not take long to find out that certain modes of so-called geisha dress are restricted in Japanese culture for example. Aboriginal beliefs and expression are not by any means alone. I do not believe I would be disrespecting Indian cultures by wearing a sari (unless I chose the very unfortunate day of Halloween to put it on as a costume in which case, please feel free to slap me). I always felt it was OK, but Ive never had the words to explain it to others. My daughters class just read the book Squanto and is having a Squanto Day in 2 weeks where the kids dress up as Native Americans. But it really can be as simple as asking sometimes, or even just doing a little research on the ye olde interwebs. Its possible that my position could change with more thought and if, as you suggest, I can find a local artisan to purchase them from with their blessing. Check Your Privilege: Clothes White People Shouldn't Wear Your post really helped me understand what cultural appropriation really is, and what to do/not to do in this context. Your comment on Lolita makes a great point. Through your tireless research on Tumblr, I have learned a lot about the crassness of drunken white people that I didnt know already. So is it cultural appropriation when Aboriginal people who are clueless about Aboriginal culture and/or interpret it out of context in order to make money do it? In some cultures, they are seen as a status symbol and are used as a marker of coming-of-age. I personally feel the response and the receptivity are often motivated by economics, especially in cases where large firms have borrowed designs without consultation and crediting the original makers. In other communities, the waist beads were tied to infants during their naming ceremonies to increase their hips and waist growth. . Still, even admiration still may offend someone else and it's important to be thoughtful"in a very diverse society. due to invasion and theft as well violence and slander ,oppression racism, xenophobia of bigotry and defamation of character. If you want to wear our waist beads, you should feel comfortable wearing our waist beads." . Is the Fashion Industry Appropriating Native American Culture. It is meant to bring spiritual protection by glaring at any negative people or energy surrounding you. Nittle, Nadra Kareem. The common geisha costume attempts to imitate the maiko. A recent Tik Tok posted by@courtwashere showed a Halloween store selling culturally appropriatingitems, such as dreadand afro wigs, as well as Egyptian-inspired costumes. Appropriation is a form of dubious representation, Delice said. As such, they will never get any respect now. Similarly, Im a francophone but I could not wear the franco-Manitoban sash as Im not part of that ethnic identity. Despite having originated from African cultures, the majority of African communities today see them as bad omens that promote witchcraft and prostitution. Traditionally, if they were adorned by a child and broke, it was taken as a sign of growth. This should be common sense. When appropriation happens, the labor of the original producers becomes invisible and that is highly unfair.. Couturiers like Charles Frederick Worth, who revisited Renaissance costume stylings to create one of the most influential houses for women of the time, including Queen Victoria, set the tone for certain fashions, inspiring elements of what dressmakers and tailors would make for the masses. Theme: Newsup by Themeansar. Oh, those who earned the symbol would still know what they did, and that would never go away, but part of the power of a symbol is what it says to others. For my friends who still find it problematic. When you see the term sacred, please remember that. I know this is an old post but for anyone else who happens to be still reading comments. If I am, I owe a public apology to my Native family, friends, and fellow anti-mascotry activists and to Native people in general. Heres What To Wear in Maine in December! Anyway, what Im wondering is what is the view on cultures that view stories as being sacred and belonging to everybody? Fashion often highlights its admiration of culture through textiles first. Answer (1 of 7): What's with all this appropriating cultures? Its this approach that has thrown aboriginal cultures into the crisis theyre in, of course but until everybody in these crises realizes theyre not alone until Mennonites realize that the Cree are in much the same straits and the Cree realize that the Irish are suffering from many of the same problems, theres not going to be enough of a concerted pushback to do anything. Are Cartier Engagement Rings Worth It? "People are trying to have fresh content. Taking a costume and attempting to make it sexy can also be offensive. It saddens me deeply to see our traditions bastardized, however, as I continue in the telling of our old peoples stories to my grandchildren I take much comfort in knowing they will continue to fan the flames of our oral tradition for generations to come. Not to mention who confusing globalization has made all of this. Unlock new opportunities and expand your reach by joining our authors team. It does not mean we appreciate the other peoples helping themselves to our culture,symbols,willy-nilly. I come from a lot of different ancestry, and one of them is Cherokee but our family has no paper proof for this. Im not sure if its appropriate to talk about appropriation of white cultures (Id appreciate an answer on this, actually) but its a pretty common argument I see and one that I can actually refute. This is such a beautifully well worded article, and your point comes across so clearly, but without conceit. It is also important to consider how the use of waist chains has changed over time and if they have been used in a respectful manner. i would like to wear it but i do not want to discredit any culture or offend anyone . That might not be clear when you first start looking into the issue, however. And I have some questions, in the majority of the posts about cultural appropriation there is always the parallel white-western culture vs other culture, saying that it is disrespectful to wear something of another community or culture specially if the people that are a part of the culture can not wear this symbols without being criticized, because of the white privilege. "It's the same kind of mindset of 'how far can I take my new freedom?'". They especially anchor this belief on 1 st Peter 3:3. Limits of Cultural Appropriation: Decolonization, Not Segregation I had no idea that the Metis sash was something non-Metis people shouldnt wear. These sashes are firstly not the super nice ones that takes a bazillions hours to make and their design hold no specific meaning. Jeff, I know you dont want to hear it, but I find a great deal of what you have to say logically flawed. Unlike centuries past when drawing on cultures for fashion was more commonplace and less contested today, fashion houses, brands and designers are chastised for missteps around cultural appropriation. It also cheapens the symbols earned by others. Im wondering what an appropriate and respectable thing to do with the sash would be? The former is protected free speech (however ignorant or offensive) and the latter is fraud. For example, this: http://respect-mag.com/2013/10/disrespect-native-americans-are-not-dead-kanye/. Every Canadian is entitled to use the Canadian flag for example, and the meaning behind the use of that flag will vary depending on what a person individually wishes to symbolise. . As much as I think they are beautiful and would be warm during my winter commute. You know, your blog is really wonderful for Canadians who arent Mtis, First Nations or Inuits. Heres What To Wear in Toronto in December! A shopper may associate a pair of feather earrings they like with hippies and bohemians and not with Native Americans. I know a white woman (with no FN blood at all) who volunteers at a FN center (details are here left intentionally vague); people appreciate her and like her there, but when she expresses no interest in acquiring the usual accoutrements of FN religiosity, the response normally is, Oh, so youre part Indian after all?, and shes back to explaining that shes merely a white person with good intentions (as on day one). https://fashion-manufacturing.com/disclosure. For women, belly chains are seen as lucky in African and Indian cultures. Usually this consists of being told to check my privilege (sorry, Im young, female, gay and most importantly a former foster kid who grew up in some truly horrible neighborhoods I may be white but try telling my teachers growing up that I was not trouble or jailbait telling me that I have no idea what it feels like to be discriminated against pretty much automatically gets me defensive even IF the person is making a good point.) This accessory came in different designs and colors. Ah, I mean because of the intersectionality because of their Indigenous and gender identities It would make sense to me that any North American Native person could legitimately claim two-spirit even if their particular Nation had no evidence of it being part of their particular background. Therefore, people become vocal on matters of cultural appropriation as a means of maintaining and protecting their own cultural identity, which is already marginalized.. They are versatile and therefore can be adopted into any personality. And given that you talk so much about having respect for others beliefs why cant you extend that respect to people who (from your perspective) dont believe in anything? Religion as a category is not more real than the specific instances that are in that category; and respect between one religion and another is a reciprocal arrangement, unique to each pair, and very difficult to generalize about. I understand the hurt that cultural appropriation can cause, but that doesnt mean every white person wearing _____ is racist like Ive heard too often. Waist chains appear to have been a very fashionable piece of jewellery based on the abundance of historical works of art from India that date to the Indus Valley culture. I am a Canadian woman (my heritage is Maltese and English, but I have lived in Canada my whole life). When someone who never was taught a story tells it, it breaks the chain and things get out of whack fast. Waist chains have been used for at least 4,000 years, and they first appeared on the Indian Subcontinent. Are Native American designers employed by the company? And also, is cultural appropriation only about symbols or can it also be about philosophies or practices? So- thank you for providing this resource for the clueless like me. It is a brilliant phrase that illustrates how many people feel. Your slip is showing, I very much doubt you are Native at all, and no, you wont be spewing ridiculousness here. Waist beads are largely seen as an African accessory. I am of Aniyunwiya descent, I suppose if I were really inclined I could get accepted officially by the US Government. At least, I hope so for the sake of modern Cree young people who have no stories to tell. If you have ever openly worn your waist beads then you can attest to the odd looks and expressions you may have received from a few people. All the misinformation out there is a serious impediment to having Canadians understand who we are. Examples like this allude to exclusivity. So, we want us, our culture and religion to be left alone wish the white people would mind their own business! I believe it is especially this need [to represent the marginalized] that encourages people to want to protect the cultural specificities of their racial and ethnic groups, Morsiani said. When considering whether or not it is culturally appropriate to wear waist beads, it is important to consider both the potential benefits and drawbacks. And he told me to take the eagle feather, and carry it with me at the event, because an eagle feather is supposed to clear the air in front of you. My works are going to be published and sold as prints in the near future and I was wondering if that is okay or cultural appropriation? It was also made using different materials like beads, glass, plastic, leather, or even clay. ThoughtCo, Apr. Not everyone can use those restricted symbols. Your email address will not be published. I have heard everything from Texas to New York, yet almost none of them know what Qualla Boundary is or where it is located. Dreamcatchers are such an overused, stereotypical pan-Indian symbol that its honestly better to avoid in my opinion. We have aztec dancers and offerings. "It's never too early to learn good manners.". Is that cultural appropriation or is it always okay to exploit culture if the culture is one you can make even a shaky claim to? Stephanie is a jewelry lover when she was a teenager. As an African, it could be a great way for you to reconnect with your heritage and roots. Yes. In Africa, waist beads have long been used as a sign of femininity, fertility, and beauty. But the feather earrings, feather hair accessories and beaded jewelry on the contemporary fashion market largely owe their inspiration to indigenous cultures. In the end, everything depends on the subjectivity of the individual and their assessment of the pieces historical context. The more general problem (I mean more general than the specific appropriation of aboriginal cultures) is that the majority of modern people dont respect or value anything at all. I think that the elevating and rejecting crowd are both working from the same model youve described, but justifying this approach in different ways. I think youre talking about those who elevate (often to ridiculous heights). As a non-Native, I wont ever know everything about all different tribes, but, I can at least learn about the culture that goes along with the artisan crafted pieces. Because so much has been said on this topic about colonialism and racism and marginalisation and so forth, I wanted to add in a few points from a related but slightly different perspective than I often see discussed. (I have four other brothers and sisters via the same rite, none of them Native.) If it isnt paired with stereotypical Native American garb, and people arent pretending it is Native inspired, it tends to be fine. The Greek tradition is importantly informed by Writing, right? The sash has become a symbol of identity and achievement. Like many other accessories, they are simply decorations that have been adorned by women, especially African women, since time immemorial. And so throughout the event, I or my dad point out to various people that hes given me this eagle feather to hold, and the reactions of the indigenous people there seemed kinda funny. No understanding of all what they mean, and if they are restricted or not, and why. What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of Waist Beads? What was your mindset? Instead of a chain, a thread may occasionally be worn around the waist. Yes, that shit is offensive. I dont think so. I do have a lot of emotions around it because when I got older, I began to be drawn to many of the spiritual and shamanic beliefs alongside with my Christian beliefs as well. This meant that the child was transitioning into adulthood. There is a real desire to get accurate information out there, for natives and non-natives alike to access. So, the beads breaking could also be an indication of bad posture. Please let me know because if it is Id like to get it covered! "There's been so many events like that in the news, so I think we're at a point now where everyone has heard about cultural appropriation," Moody-Ramirez told USA TODAY. I have found that some of the styles of drawing are creeping into my own thoughts and works of art. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide how they want to express themselves through fashion, but it is important to do so with respect and understanding of the culture from which it originated. most of asia are already aware about what white people have done by tainting Christianity and renaming the Christian lord jesus Christ when his real name is yeshua messiach and he wasnt white . If I am I will not do it. This is the last thing that I would want to happen, so I would love to hear what you think before I take any permanent steps. They are as much my brothers and sisters as those who were born to my mother and father and I love them unconditionally for who they are. if Culture X appropriates something from Culture Y, is it acceptable for Culture Y to take something of equal value from Culture X, or would that be a case of (forgive the analogy) a sacred object for a sacred object makes the whole world disrespectful? Moccasins are just one example of Native American apparel embraced by the fashion world. I think that because of the social and historical context here in Canada at this moment in time, it means something different and is especially problematic when its white people wearing headdresses or bindis or navajo print etc. Over the years, the meaning and symbolism associated with waist beads has evolved, leading to an ongoing debate about the appropriateness of wearing them outside of their traditional culture. I am white and I dont want to participate in cultural appropriation. As i got it i realized the motive on the back is a cat that is wearing something that looks very much like a war bonnet, is that considered offensive aswell or is it someone wearing the bonnet itself? ThoughtCo. I texted my sisters this morning all oh dont yall remember how fun Squanto Day was! (Theyve been doing it over 30 years and we went to same school my kids do.) | I own a long yellow skirt with patterning on it in several colors and have been told it looks like a Bollywood skirt. I am a Womens Studies major, which has serious overlaps in cultural studies, which means that I am very aware that as a white, Canadian woman this tattoo could offend some people. Thats pretty clearly true for the great central asian oral epics, The Cree dont really have what wed call poetry not historically anyway. Elizabeth. because of all the atrocities which have been committed as well Pontius pilates and the romans who are white which killed the Christian lord and whites then converted in 1100 bc e there is allot of tension as the Hebrew Israelites were not white at all.the jews of today are not the true descendants of Abraham they are colonys who came from Europe to Israel and are violating Palestinian rights and lands by settling there and building apartments.why doesnt Kerry and harper sanction them is beyond me. Is it wrong for me to use my drum and participate? On the other, you demand to be treated on par with a religious belief, which makes you actually a competitor of religion, rather than a simple observer of it. I have a couple of questions, however. We are Aztec descendants and my sons father and grandparents are Apache Mescalero people from New Mexico. Etchiboy is a good website I use on occasion as it labels and describes each sash design, I believe with the intention of informing peopel hey this is a nice sash yes but its a FRANCO MANITOBAN sash. I like them. It bothers me to see some of the examples in life. AryaN IndiaN? In Middle Eastern cultures, waist chains were often used to denote religious beliefs and spiritual practices. So again, thank you. Personally, I find the mass commercialization of art and culture problematic. Cultural appropriation is not only . Just as dressing up as a Native American would be inappropriate for Halloween, its offensive to pile on pseudo-Native attire to get in touch with your inner hippie at a rock concert, especially when you know little about the clothings cultural significance. I recently began working at a new school and was feeling very uneasy when the theme day of Cowboys and Indians was brought up. The Victoria Cross analogy is extremely helpful. Regardless of your views, this is an excellent article that provides information, insight, and encouragement in a clear, civil, and balanced way. When its your own culture, you can innovate, change it, interpret it, add to it. I really have nothing else to say to most of that. They are designs with restricted, important meaning. Except I want to avoid all that negative stuff as best I can. Im sure you can think of many more of these symbols of military, humanitarian, academic, literary or what-have-you achievement. Kumi also believes when individuals or corporations try to profit off selling waist beads without giving cultural context they are appropriating African culture. How cool! If they lost weight then the beads would lie elegantly on their hips. Many times appropriation occurs by borrowing textile design techniques, which is often not discussed, so teaching textile history from a social justice lens is important, said Delice. There is a lot more to be said on this topic, but Im going to leave it there because holy, ever longwinded! Each religion is incompatible with the others, and the history of their (reciprocal) relationships emerges from the terrible history of conquest and conversion by the sword. It is simple for us to fall prey to these harmful fashions, especially when online stores consciously increase their inventory of new and appealing jewellery pieces to entice us. and discuss historical background. "Rappers tell the truth," Mr. Lagerfeld said after the . There is a lot of debate on whether or not belly chains are cultural appropriation. I can hear just how clueless I sound in asking this- trust me. A Review of Cultural Appropriation and How To Spot It. It would help me memorise the spelling. Oblivious. "You just need to make sure that you give credit.". What about wearing feathers? Cheers, JJ. Of course, if you think about this rationally there is no truth to this statement, simply propaganda and subjective opinion. Immigration and religion are part and parcel of the process of cultural genocide. This symbol has become increasingly popular on social media platforms and is most commonly hung on jewelry, which many people have started to wear without much prior knowledge of the symbol's background. I was taught how to make dreamcatchers by an Aboriginal woman three years ago (though we used materials that were not the authentic ones typically used). If easy answers is what you seek, I shall leave you disappointed. :D Awesome article! On the other hand, others believe that wearing waist chains is an act of cultural appropriation and should only be done with respect and knowledge of the culture from which it originated. If I ask people from the group in question about these things, no doubt Ill get very different answers from each person.