However, if you look into his pass recommendations it seems more likely he'll make you lose 100% of your investment. My flagship service, Next Wave Crypto Fortunes, pinpoints winning crypto trends with a unique three-part trading strategy. MTM5MmVkNDM1ODRmZGY3NDczYzk3ZTI4MDc5OTU5YTE0YTFhNGJhZGRiMGJk And what if you could double it next week? The Banyan Edge is a daily look at what our top investment experts are buying, selling, and analyzing. Its an investment advisory that uses a three-part trading strategy that pinpoints winning crypto trends. With Digital Real Estate, you own the assets, which means you have all the power and all the control. Sometimes we recommend our favorite investment products/services and earn money through affiliate links. Ian King. MWE4MGEyYjhlNmRjZGFlNmM1ZGQ2MmQwNDczY2Y4OTFmZjk0Y2IzODljYzYz It's pretty expensive and before buying I'm sure you want to know if it's a scam. It's an investment advisory that pinpoin click here to learn more about Digital Real Estate. Another red flag about Ian is he's constantly changing the names of his newsletters and rebranding them. Crypto is such a bad idea to invest in right now and I don't think Ian has any clue what he's talking about. Its also promising the chance to capture the next million, so to speak with seven crypto powerhouses that will supercharge a million-dollar windfall.. You should not base investment decisions solely on this document. To see my favorite (which is extremely affordable), click below: Before we get into what Next Wave Crypto Fortunes is offering we need to address the biggest red flag about Next Wave Crypto Fortunes.. Now, keep in mind. WHEN I SAW THE VIDEO OF IAN KING, HE SOUNDED TO ME AS SOMEONE LYING, EXXAGERATING, INVENTING. with them every day to ensure we deliver for our investors and our residents. But here's why crypto is your #1 hedge against the Federal Reserve. There his team made a339% total returnin 2008 alone. ZWY0OGMxMWVhZWY1ZjU1M2IwM2FlMGFiMmUyYTI3MzA0MTJhOGNlOTZjZDFk The fact that institutional investors are also in on the trend also helps instill confidence. The hedgefund he claimed to work for doesn't have a website or anything about it online. assets in its target markets. Tell us in the comments below. Decline of White-Collar Workers Is Making More Room for Others MzBjMzM5MjE4YWYyOWFhZDViNzgzZDdkN2Q5NmZiMTU1NjBmMWYwZTczNmJi MzVmNzc4MjAzOTRkMjBjYTJlZTQyYmIzNGE1ZDZkYWYyMDdjMTVjNDY4NmZk Ian aims to keep readers updated on the hottest tech trends and investment opportunities. This company is a lidar company which are very popular for stock pickers to pitch. We can get our hands on it with a $995 subscription to the Next Wave Crypto Fortunes newsletter. Some of his recent picks have included The Graph (GRT), Ethereum (ETH), and Filecoin (FIL), but theres simply no way to tell if any of these are repeated here. He has mentioned that four catalysts are likely to trigger a massive upswing in the crypto markets. It's unregulated, volatile and vulnerable in a million different ways. Together, theyre able to give you even deeper insights on the economy and the financial markets. Bob* felt robbed. MWIwNDA4MDE0YWI2MmZkNSIsInNpZ25hdHVyZSI6IjIwOTc0NTI0NGEyZjEy Ian King is an investment guru and an editor at Banyan Hill Publishing. This EO enlisted the Secretary of Treasury, the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, and the heads of other relevant agencies to submit to the President a report on the future of money. There are three key reasons for this and this presentation is going to take us through them. Plus, you will receive a special report called. Its called PASSIVE INCOME because if you stop working, the money doesnt. What Is PSV* Precision Profits? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Making money in crypto is all about staying one step ahead of the crowd. NDE4NWQ1OGU5NWQzODA4OGQyMDI4YmU2ZDRmNmYwM2ExNTgwYThkMDIzMjY4 Imagine taking 3 months off to just tour around Europe, rent a cabin in the woods to write a book, hike the Appalachian Trail, or live on the beach and surf all day. From desk clerk to the hedge fund manager, he has been trading and studying financial markets for over two decades. He makes huge promises about getting you massive returns and 100Xing your money. His market insights have been featured on Fox Business News, Investopedia andSeeking Alpha. This report reveals Ian Kings best three crypto picks. He felt betrayed. How can I be sure? Next Wave Crypto Fortunes Review (Ian King) - The Affiliate Doctor Ian claims he can 100X your money with his secret crypto picks. with a safe, healthy, and comfortable home and community. Investment and financial newsletters can help you make money in the stock market since they provide you with resources and tips based on current market trends. Institutional investors like Goldman Sachs, Fidelity, and JPMorgan Chase are pouring money into cryptocurrencies. NDNmZmFlOWI2YzNmMTk5OTQwYTc1NTJhZTU1MmMwYzQ3NWQxMDAwMTdhMDBj He currently offers two services at Banyan Hill Publishing: Strategic Fortunes (formerly called Automatic Fortunes) and Crypto Profit Trader. Find out how you can get our #1 AI stock play! MzVhNTc5NTc0ZWY3MzM0ZDU3NDAxNTAzNzM0NGM1Yjk0NDhiNjFjZWNjMTg1 Theres just too much working against you, no matter how many supercomputers or rocket scientists are on your side. This is the second time I've reviewed a product from Ian King and this is the second time I've not recommended his product. If you'd like to see my favorite place to get stock picks (that's very affordable), click below: I've reviewed 100+ stock picking services. Remember: each Digital Rental Property is worth $500 to $2,000 a month in semi-passive income (over 95% profit). Next Wave Crypto Fortunes is the same old pitch you've seen 100 times. Yikes. ZjRlZDMyZTgwZGEzM2U0ZTQ5YzVkYmIyODcyNDViYjFlODk0MjI2ZjM1OTQ2 How it Works Small-cap companies have relatively small market capitalization. In this service, Ian focuses on mid-cap stocks with market caps of $3 billion to $10 billion that are set to disrupt the tech sector in a big way. This is the report that Ian uses to sell the newsletter. I thought there would be a mania in stocks that benefit from the driverless future. Next Wave Crypto Fortunes is the same old pitch you've seen 100 times. Thats because Ian uses a five-tiered system for identifying companies best poised to profit in the new era of tech. Admittedly, the company has faced a lot of backlash over the years from disgruntled followers but you get the feeling that they probably did not understand how the services work while getting in. THANKS FOR LETTING PEOPLE HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO COMPARE THE PERSONALITY OF IAN KING AND OTHERS WHO ARE NOT MAKING MONEY BY NAIVE, NOT VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE PEOPLE REGARDING REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. Plus he's constantly having to shut down and relaunch his services. You get email updates about the crypto market and the portfolio. Starting in 2020, institutional money began to take crypto seriously. You can even trade them from your Paypal account. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. Recommended:The Best Place To Get Stock Picks. The U.S. banking system is antiquated, and flawed to boot. Because there are thousands of investment and financial newsletters available, you want to choose the ones with the greatest track record and suggestions. NDZlOWU3OGMxNDYyMjllMGE1NWQxMzNiNGMwNzM3ZTlmNGQ3NjI1MTA1YTkx Yes, there's plenty of crypto investing newsletters: They all pretty recommend the same stuff. But if you just look at the track record of his recommendations you'll see it's usually the opposite. Nzk5NzUxODY0MDQ2MzAwOGNjODM1NDhhZTc2ZGMzNmJhNWY1NWI2NGMzNmYy It costs Ian nothing to give you an extra year of alerts. New Era Fortunes of Banyan Hill Publishing is a research service that focuses only on discovering and investing in innovative small-cap businesses that have the potential to expand 10X in the coming future. During his time there, he and his team earned a total return of 339% in 2008 alone. Independently owned and not on anyone's payroll, here at Green Bull Research we do our darnedest to shed some light on the misleading investment opportunities out there. 2022 Next Wave Investors. It's a three-part trading approach used by an investment consultant to identify profitable crypto trends. ODAyMzRlOTVkNGRmNmQxODI3MzUwYTFjYmZjYzU2ZmQwMTk1MjNiOWUxYjE0 ESG is a regionalized industry with the potential to stoke perverse market outcomes between geographies. And based on my research and the amount of smart money thats still invested in cryptos I know this trend is going to rally again. YjgwMzg2ZGQwYTAwMzIxM2QxZjU5M2NmMWJiNjc1N2NkODcxZmQ5NDY1NWNh Even with proprietary algorithms, a room full of supercomputers, and a team of rocket scientists, most of these experts would be lucky to get it right 20% of the time. These newsletters are a few reasons to keep you up to date on the most current financial news and follow significant stock movements that may help you make investment choices. YzY4OGJmOTViMjNkOTAwNDllMzg1MmI2ZTYwOTJiMmI5ZDhlYjY3YzgwMjRi Ian King is joined by David Zide, who is also an expert in crypto investing. In this article, we will learn about the man behind many high-performing financial investment newsletters, including Strategic Fortunes, New Era Fortunes, and Next Wave Crypto Fortunes. These are Strategic Fortunes, Next Wave Crypto Fortunes, New Era Fortunes, and Winning Investor Daily. MDJjIn0= AnExtreme Fortunessubscription includes: Ian is also a weekly contributor to The Banyan Edge Banyan Hillsfree e-letter. YjA3OWU1YmNlMjM3MTNmOWE5ODQyNTQ5OTYwNjVlY2M3NTYwMDVlMWVlYmU5 Even without getting paid in advance, you can have your first Digital Rental Property up, running, and generating profits for less than $100. Join our list and we'll let you know when we expose investment teasers for FREE. Having over two decades of trading experience at Salomon Brothers mortgage bond trading department, being the head trader at New York-based hedge fund Peahi Capital, and being the editor at Strategic Fortunes and featured at Seeking Alpha makes him a heavyweight in the industry. The whirr of the disc drive, the screech of the modem and the infamous "You've got mail!" In the mid-1990s, this is how we accessed the limited use cases of the internet. With this service, were looking for companies that are small, but mighty. MEET NEXT WAVE. Sure, you could hit it big and retire in Italy, but chances are you need the stomach and financial cushion to weather tons of losses before you get thereand it may never happen. Theres a lot that comes along with financial investing that many people struggle with. There are still fortunes to be made here. The seven cryptos he teases will lead this next bull market. Here's a look at some of his investment ideas in the past. It started two months ago when the White House issued an executive order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets.. We hire the best talent and work Helps investors navigate the waters of the crypto market. The subscription fee is non-refundable hence you can easily be trapped in a newsletter you dont like. Our mission is to empower a global network of diverse leaders committed to creating a more inclusive and impactful entrepreneurial ecosystem. I Asked ChatGPT To Write A Crypto Poem - Stocktwits OTVlYWU3NWFiYmE2OTFmYmMyYzgxNGYwNTMxNDVhZjA5NDkxZDgyMDE1NDJm MmVkMWM2OTg0MWNkMzA2MGI0NDc1MGNkMDcwZmExNjAyOGE0ODVkOWM1MzJh Out of hundreds of digital currencies, he has picked three that he says are on his personal hot list. He has written about them in a special report called Cryptocurrencys Next Wave 3 Trades to Multiply Your Money 12 Times in the Next 12 Months. Mission. What if you could get started today and have your first payment in a week? Ian King said in a Banyan Hill Publishing article that there are a few reasons why crypto could replace the Dollar as the global reserve. "Next Wave Crypto Fortunes" of Banyan Hill Publishing helps readers in navigating the burgeoning crypto market. Home We have seen Matt McCall and Teeka Tiwari. But I don't just work with cryptos My newsletter, Strategic Fortunes, uses my personal four-step strategy to find overlooked stocks in breakout trends that are set to soar and disrupt entire industries. NmYyNzc2NDcyYzdmZDUyMjk1ZmNmMTYyMTg1YmE1MDZjNzEzZGM0ODUzZDEx I personally think financial investing is a great business model, but you could end up leaving way too much money on the table. I look forward to participating in this great adventure as you coach us along in the coming months! ust click here to find out more about Digital Real Estate. He called it a "next gen coin" that would eventually overtake Bitcoin as the top crypto. Cryptocurrency Archives | Ian King MjczZTIwNjM3OTFiYjJkOTA5ZDVkOGYwMDcyY2VjMWM2YTE2MTBlZGEzZjM0 Ethereum is a well known crypto that Ian pitched back in May of this year. A consistent, reliable, semi-passive stream of income that doesnt depend on you or your time to keep producing profits. NmM3YjA3NTk0MTdmOTUxOWI0M2RjZjgyMTEwMjAwYTdjMzJlOWFlMTIzMjMx As you can see, were in for an exciting ride. Making institutions comfortable enough to start investing. This mans name is Ian King. This is the equivalent of not paying too high of a multiple for a stock. NTFiODllNDg4ZmRjMDJkMTBjYmYzZTEzZWIxNGNhZjJjZTAzMDQ3Y2VhOTY4 This means every dollar invested in the coin was lost. ZjAyNTRiMDNkZGQzYzZiMThiYzgxNmZlYTA5MjUxYmMyNzU4MGIwOTQ1MmM5 In the course of the year you'll get a dozen or so alerts to buy certain cryptos. Some of the most successful students in this program run their entire 6-figure businesses from: Theyre able to travel around, living their lives first, and focusing on their income second. Unfortunately for people that listened to Ian Luna was one of these that crashed and lost 100%. Tutorials on investing, staking, upgrading and storing cryptos. Y2IyYjdmOWUwYzdhOTc3NDI4OWRlODhiZjhhYTVhZGNjYjBkODA1MDBmNzk3 5. TSLA fell more than fell more than 10% last week. Now, the choice is yours. I hope by the end of this, you will be in a better position to decide what to make of Ians assertions. You'll know if Next Wave Crypto Fortunes is worth it by the time you're done reading. Additionally, King developed the first multimedia product of its sort for Investopedia Academy in the field of bitcoin investment. 1. MTY4MWQ3YzlkZTk1NmRhMmI3ZTYxNGU1ZWVhMTMwNjczODdlM2ZlMWY3ZDQ2 Also, we're reader supported. Elon Musk, Ray Dalio, and Mark - Next Wave Crypto Fortunes - Facebook Once you see how Digital Real Estate makes a real impact in the lives of real people, youll sleep like a baby with a big smile on your face. This technology will help autonomous vehicles drive.. one day. ZGVkNzhiMzJlNWUxMGIwNGQ1MWRjOGIyZmQ3MmRiYzc3MTM5NWQ2NGM0Nzhl The fundamentals remain intact. This is whats happening in the crypto markets right now. This is only possible if you have an income stream thats not tied to your time. Now, I didnt buy it at the low $14, but I did buy it around that time. Next Wave Crypto Fortunes - Trading Cryptocurrencies with Ian King The Next Wave team pays close attention to every detail of the project, from renovating units, to leasing apartments, and collecting rent. AStrategic Fortunessubscription includes: Ian helps you navigate the wondrous, and at times capricious, world of cryptocurrency. This is an absolute joke of a guarantee and I don't even really know what it means. Rinse and repeat until the bull market ends, then tether up and . I was riding the cryptocurrency bandwagon long before the surge. What "Next Gen Coin" Is Ian King Teasing? - Affiliate UNguru 5 Bold Predictions for 2022 and Beyond | Ian King Please log in again. I have a hard time believing any crypto will be massive the way they were a few years ago. Ian King Review (2022): 10 Things You Need To Know! - Scam Risk The idea of a forest fire is terrifying, just like the idea of a market crash. All while genuinely helping real people who are grateful and happy to pay for it. 4. Its easy to lose sight of this with all the hype surrounding the latest and greatest coin, but if the upside is really all that great, then even a small initial investment will yield well-above-average returns. Like all of Ians services, trade alerts on when to buy into (or sell) these positions. It reads: Bitcoin Smashes Records: $20,000 $30,000 Then $40,000. At the same time, joining a community of over 2,000 successful students that are living life on their own terms thanks to Digital Real Estate. Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. Next Wave Crypto Fortunes Review (Ian King), Strategic Fortunes (Ian's other newsletter). YmZlZWJlOWU3ZWNiMjM4MTI1NGU3YzFlY2NlMDkifQ== NFTs The Next Wave in Crypto. After this, the next box to check is remembering to only speculate with funds that we can afford to lose. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. Visit the frequently asked questions page for more answers to the most common customer-asked questions at Banyan Hill . They dont tell you about the 10 100% losers that came before. He is the research analyst for Next Wave Crypto Fortunes and Strategic Fortunes. Once you sign up for any Agora product you aren't treated like a beloved customer.. you're treated like a target. He doesn't really give any clues on them, so anyone who's part of his Next Wave Crypto Fortunes service and is willing to divulge this info, it's appreciated! Nothing herein should be considered personalized investment advice. You cant capture stocks experiencing momentum without buying in at the right time, after all. He says that even as the market takes a beating, you still have the chance to get in on 100X gains as the crypto market surges from less than $2 trillion to $200 trillion. NDlmZmRjMmQ2YjQ2MzFmM2ZlMTA3YTkxZDQyOTNmM2YwMGM2ZGQzZTViNDkz Elon Musk, Ray Dalio, and Mark Cuban have already done it. You make money by helping them make money. Teslas Price Target Could Go 10X in 3 Years? He also uses the event to advertise a newsletter he edits at Banyan Hill called Next Wave Crypto Fortunes. Small-cap stocks may be volatile and risky. The main aspect is the crypto alerts and you're only getting 6 to 12 per year. Square is a payment processor run by ex-Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. Next Wave Investors, LLC (Next Wave) is a Southern California-based private equity investment firm with a specialized focus in value-add multifamily investments throughout the Western United States. Although the subscription price is a bit on the higher side, its backed by a 100% full money back guarantee. Do your due diligence and deal only with facts rather than whimsical projections pulled out of thin air. NDdlZjI0MzkyMDAzYTQ1MjYxNTQzNDUwOTFmZTI0MzI5NTNhZGE3NTkwNWM0 Next Wave Crypto Fortunes is the name of a newsletter Ian King launched that will be published by Banyan Hill Publishing. By Jimmython | cryptoinvesting | 18 Jan 2021. I may earn a commission on any link you click on this site, at no extra cost to you. OR, you could take a look inside, consider what you really want, and join a program that makes your dreams a reality. Institutions are investing in the crypto market now and allocating a lot of money in the process. Scam Risk is here to help you protect yourself and fight back, Over two decades of financial markets trading experience, A decade trading options as head trader for New York-based hedge fund Peahi Capital, Created the first crypto investing multimedia product of its kind for Investopedia. Bill C. I really enjoy your weekly updates with clear discussions of the portfolio companies and relevant charts. Next Wave Crypto Fortunes is an investing service offered by Ian King. is free to use because we may earn a commission when you use a service listed on our site, however our editorial treatment of reviews, ratings and listings is equally impartial whether a link is paid or unpaid. Additionally with this offer you get access to a couple crypto training guides. Is Next Wave Crypto Fortunes a legit newsletter? Gamblers odds (20% chance of success is worse than the odds of winning at Blackjack). Ian King's Strategic Fortunes Review - A Complete Guide Is Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) Heralding the Next Financial Crisis? Ian claims you can 110X your money with some of these alerts. *This website is supported by our viewers. ZTk2NDUyZmUyZjY0ZTQyZjdmMjhmMWNlZmEyMDc2YjNlZGMxYTcyYWFhNWQz What Is Next Wave Crypto Fortunes Offering? Crypto's Third Wave is a webinar that will be hosted by King. Service Spotlight: Ian King's Next Wave Crypto Fortunes He currently offersfour servicesand afree newslettereducating readers on the stock and crypto markets. This is a really exciting promise, and its probably why the financial publishing and training industry is worth billions of dollars. Just like the stock market, crypto has experienced a major shakeout. Venture capital firm Pantera says bitcoin could hit $115,000 this year. Although Banyan Hill has in the past faced criticism for misleading their clients, the advice they publish, including that edited by Ian, is not meant to be personal. MWRhMGI5ZjRjN2FmMWNmZjJjZDJiNjBlZWY3MWZmZmExYTAwMDM0NDg5MzMz You have no say in price fluctuations, demand, or what the market will do. The login page will open in a new tab. MjA0MjMxZWZmNzdkM2M0Y2JlZWJhYmMxMGE0MTUyYTU4MWFiNTAzY2U5Yjg3 To get a free copy, you have to subscribe to his investment newsletter, Next Wave Crypto Fortunes. He believes it has the potential to grow 20X bigger than Bitcoin. Finally, keep in mind that a token is only as valuable as the utility it creates and the number of applications that can be run on its protocol. But what else does signing up for it entail? Its helped me earn over $300,000 in the last 12 months alone: Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online, RECOMMENDED: Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online. Still have questions for us? What is Ian Kings Next Wave Crypto Fortunes Summit? What Is Jeff Bezos Big Bet Stock? Ian King - Editor of Strategic Fortunes and Next Wave Crypto Fortunes This includes. They cause bad, weak stuff to burn up, while funneling the healthy capital into the most worthwhile assets. Its ours if we sign up for the Next Wave Crypto Fortunesnewsletter at a $995 founding-members rate. The offer includes six to twelve new trade alerts per year, weekly portfolio updates, a model portfolio, and more. Looking for a real way to make money online? Experts are saying this coin will be 20X bigger than bitcoin. Editor of Strategic Fortunes and three elite services, Editor of One Trade and Precision Profits, 702 Cathedral Street The main reason Ian King shared as to why he's bullish on the "Next Gen Coin" in the presentation centered around his belief that it will "blindside traditional finance." And according to the presentation, the reason he thinks it has so much potential has to do with the "Next Gen Effect." YzNjZjk2YjdlMDdkNWZhNDA1OGY0ZTM5NzU0NWQ4ODg5NzBlNDM2MTExYmM2 MDc2NDYxZDUyYzZkMTA2NTEyYzI2ODA3NjhjMjAyMThiZWZkZmQwMGRiYzVj NGExM2NhOGViNDczNTY0MGQ2MDY0M2U4MzFiYTAwNzEyZmJkNDMxNjQ3Iiwi What Is PSV* Next Wave Crypto Fortunes? You're welcome. M2M1MzY3NDdlN2M3Yjk1ZDVhYzRlZThjOGJlZmRlM2VjYTNjNmNkZmNjZjEw Ian specializes in the crypto market. For example, Ian claims he was a portfolio manager at Peahi Captial but I can't find any record of a Peahi Capital existing. So be careful of anyone promising massive crypto returns. For example, I caught another Banyan Hill editor named Andrew Keene faking testimonials. Introduction to Next Wave Crypto Fortunes. YmU0MTRkNDA4ZmM5OWJkMWNjZmRlMDEzMTNjYWYzZTAwMjFlMDdjMTNhMjI0 As crypto enthusiasts began to yearn, For decentralization and trustless ways, A revolution, setting the world ablaze. The Next Wave Foundation is a US-based 501c(3) nonprofit organization that was formed in 2016 and is based in Colorado. Strategic Fortunes - Stock Advisory Service by Ian King So what are these crypto coins and the market forces converging to make this happen? You can ignore all the red flags of Ian and Agora if there's good recommendations. Automatic Fortunes Review (2022): Should You Trust Ian King? Because, unlike Ian King, it actually provides real proof of real success from real people as recently as a few days ago. He has been featured by Investopedia, Seeking Alpha, and Fox Business News. 738 talking about this. I sat through the pitch and decided to write this review to share my findings with you in case you havent watched it. Solana did even better for Next Wave Crypto Fortunes subscribers. He is also known as one of Investopedias top resourceful contributors. ANext Wave Crypto Fortunessubscription includes: WithTrue Momentum, its all about timing. What coins do you believe will be at the forefront of Crypto 2.0? While there may be no perfect business, the research IS conclusive: Digital Real Estate is the #1 online business model for those just starting out. And because this system is so flexible, you dont have to constantly be working to make more money. Think $300 million to under $2 billion. Every month, he looks for those needle-in-a-haystack stock trades that can give windfall gains in one fell swoop. c2lnbmF0dXJlIjoiMTAyMzM5MjFkZmQ1Y2RmYTkxMjJiNzY1ZGMwMTc4NmE5 You could continue researching, never making a decision. And one crypto analyst says bitcoin could go as high as $400,000 over the next 10 years. The Next-Gen Coin - Ian King reveals a cryptocurrency he believes could rocket up in value over the next decade. Little To No Startup Costs: Its possible to get into Digital Real Estate with zero dollars upfront. Next Wave Investors - Private Equity Investment Firm Crypto Profit Trader is an investment advisory that pinpoints winning crypto trends using a three-part trading strategy. However, there is a case to be made thatthis correction is a vital part of cryptos growth process that could lead the asset class to more than 100-fold growth within the next decade. Ian focuses on small-cap stocks in the $100 million to $3 billion market cap range with massive potential.