Desepated waiting next chaftrr please seep up to delivere the new obe in abundance, To the author, dont know how to say it enough!! Is the book "The Amazing Son-in-law Charlie Wade" still going - Reddit Her family is one of the wealthiest family in the country but she waited for me. . Lets just run along and be patient. A man that patient deserves a reward!! Tambin yoooo ms captulos urgente me mata esperar la salida de ms captulos y me los devor!!! Should of put mom in the car as well!! Hope more chapters are loaded. I have checked all the possible areas. Another feature inside of Charlie is indifference. One day he finds that the aunt who brought him to the orphanage is on the deathbed. But at least you will have read it privately, before deleting. However, a mysterious person came to Charlie with a stunning information. Ya muri? i have had been desperate and frustrated sometimes awaiting for the next chapters. Click on chap yet and scroll down all chapter s are there.up to chapter2100 I am on2115. OMG it seems that im not the only one who cant resist reading chapter per chapter hahahaha such interesting and worth reading.. anyways waiting for chapter 2139 and onwards to be updted. What was the reason for Avellas grandfather to have her marry Marven? It is not uncommon for them not to have feelings. Not interference of replenishing an account for coins. Avella, did not respect Marven nor did she defended or stood by her husband because Avella let her relatives disrespect Marven. Thank you again. Te apoyo, que continue, pero si dos capitulos diarios es muy poco, mejor subieran 100 o 50 una vez por semana , asi lo leemos y esperamos la proxima. As a lesson, the author tells us that life and relationships therein should be predicated on the purity of the soul rather than the bank balance. Just over 1 year has passed in the novel and its already 2700 chapters so I guess for 3 years it will be total of 20000-30000 chapters , Excelente libro, hacia mucho tiempo que no disfrutaba de la lectura, muchas gracias al autor y a quien lo sube a la web. She is now countrys top most celebrity with hundreds of millions of fans. I used new tab and deleted history as advised by one reader, then so happy to see chapters up to 3420. LLega hasta el Capitulo 2798, Me encanto la novela pero paciencia porq a mi me gusta de principio a fin. as to how many chapters there are, i dont know or who knows. The story development is good so far, it is also consistent when it comes to character dynamics. Its 4 year already and you dont mention having a child yet (hehe although I have a deep vengeance within me and will likely face extreme dangers ahead and having a child isnt suitable now but its okay to bluff this foolish lady hehe Im so smart). Every aspect of human nature carries its opposite. And the child might return to Ye family sooner. Pero ahora desde el captulo 2595 en que se presenta al Sr Watts, hasta ahora (2676) todo gira en torno a l, su hija y el rescate, y esto aparentemente en un lapso de 3 o 4 das Ya van 82 capitulos muy cortos rondando este punto y an no se define. Qu pesar qu no est complet y se demoran en subir los captulos, ya voy en el 2616 y no se ven los otros como va el desarroll faltan muchos todava.. Yo lo tengo hasta el 4675 me falta capitulos, Amigo como lo conseguiste aera no podrias compartir conmigo ? Man she just knows that hes a Feng Shui advisor and thinks their family of four might face danger if his feng shui becomes counterproductive one day. Maybe tha author think that man should not be polygamous. Besides you arent rich person are you? Posiblemente no la vaya a dejar porque en esa relacion d3 m!erda 5e basa la historia. Its already 40 chapters ahead of the last update on the chapter list. he has a motive to kill marvens parents. SO OBVIOUSLY this book is complete till this point!!! The novel The Charismatic Charlie Wade is an Urban/Realistic novel. Im very interested what Mervin will cooked up to fight the forces of Joseph. But what the heck!!! No girl wouldve looked at him if he was still that low class person. Thats the example of ideal wife. La novela como tal es muy buena y adictiva, el problema es que tiene mucho relleno, entiendo al autor de este enlace que la traduccin es muy laboriosa, y valoro mucho su esfuerzo, espero nos pudiera proporcionar ms captulos para no perder el inters, y nuevamente muchas gracias por lo que hace. Or you have other girls in your mind and feel guilty for them doing something with me? Back then, Charlie was as poor and miserable as a beggar. And please double check the chapters before u upload! She likes him. Estoy de acuerdo con Adler de que debera casarse con todas. Si la familia Gu fuera tan unida a los wade como dicen, porque el mayordomo no hizo algo para evitar el matrimonio con avella o porque no dejaron a charle a su proteccin teniendo los Recursos y el supuesto cario hacia l? The chapters listed now are through 8/12 chapter 3420. So youre leaving me for other woman? La otras mujeres del harem :), estn ms deslumbradas por sus poderes que enamoradas de l. Plus, theres the added advantage that he could take over running the Ito family fortune. Que matrimonio ? Also i do hope to see the rest of this chapters of your story published. His wife was being obedient to her grandfather and ensured he slept on the floor with absolutely no love. I look forward to reading this interesting story everyday. THANK YOU!! Del captulo 3580 en adelante hay muchos que no cargan, a veces hay que saltar hasta 2 captulos para que cargue el siguiente y seguir leyendo y se pierde la continuidad de la historia. 5. Well done Lord Leaf, thanks for all the updates Khan. for the past 3 years avella never love him so why not divorce marven her grandfather is dead i think she just keep marven for being slave, for me i would rather become construction worker then being slave. It isnt disgusting. Marven has lived a hard life the last 20 years. Sara is the only one who truly loves him. He loves the wife because of the challenge of being treated like garbage, but she doesnt love him and never will. Avella did not bother to know Marven at all even at the very begining. The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 1 - 60 please make a moment for sarah and marven. podras checar si est bien tu comentario ?? What happened to you? Is this novel complete in this site? Keep up the good work. With the many other side stories brought in and the main focus being lost though is where it gets dumb. Just k!ll all those that have ill intentions to your girl. Author, I just want to let you know that I love this novel so much. No tanto por gratitud por haber sido buenos amos antes, sino por la ambicion de pertenecer y emparentar con el poder de la familia ye. for me 2 years of marriage is enough to know if there is love, i think avella didnt want to divorce marven because if she did she would be force by her parents to marry a rich 2nd genaration and become a housewife and have a kid with a person she dont love, and i think avella wants to work and prove herself so i think avella being married to a rich 2nd generation is not an option, and being married to marven is better like having a slave, i think avella will be the one who ask for divorce when she found out that marven is rich and from the ye family. What if a person who possesses no riches but instead is bestowed with a heart of gold? Also it would ruin the story if his wife suddenly becomes an unlikable character. Cuando es la prxima actualizacin de capitulos por favor Give it to me fast please. I just ask that you keep putting on the content and releasing it and letting me know. Permita que sus padres lo menospreciar, su abuela tambin y la dems parentela ni se diga. It has been a great book so far. Made it to chapter 300 but the site wont load any more chapters. Still for Sara, Marven is prudent and while working as a construction worker he was still able to give to the institution that took care of him after his parents died. In a world that is driven by accumulation of power that is built upon deceit, where can we find solace? The novels name is literally The Amazing Son in Law. How is Marven going to bring Zynn back to China. Besides he has a pill for everything! What is he afraid of? Then hes found and is married but she still expects a marriage from him. El captulo 1866-1870 no est, repiten del 1861 al 1865 :c. Encontraste esos captulos? The fluency has broken already .. she would divorce him she never divorced him when they were at their lowest but she is serious in divorcing him once she founds out she is not the man she knew. Es y sigue siendo interesante la novlea, pero en los ultimos capitulos como todos los demas.opino que hay mucho relleno y poca accin y adems pocos capitulos. I prefer to read and voice my options instead, but thank you anyway. Yo quiero que se quede con Sara. I can read any other book while wating to continue this book!!! Where are chapters after 1255 ?? Empezaron dando el libro completo, y ahora te envan dos captulos por da,,,,,Me pregunto y cundo vamos a terminar, estn saliendo ms libros. I have been hooked to this book. WILL SHE STAND BY THAT UNKNOWN CONSTRUCTION WORKER DESPITE RECEIVING HUMILIATIONS FROM FRIENDS AND FAMILY? Where are all the chapters after 3398 that seem to be misssing,, Estoy muy triste porque hoy no subieron captulos nuevos. Please leave Dave alone. Please dont take it to the heart). Not counting his wife, these are the women who love him: El problema no son los 60 captulos, es la subdivisin de un captulo en 60 tramos, comparado con los primeros es lo que me parece, que se divide una pgina en 4 o ms partesy la verdad es un poco cansino el tratar de leer una novela de este modo. As Ive stated before, how much can you really be in love when youre 6? He most favors Chinese. Muy a lugar su comentario, el comienzo fue demasiado emotivo y cada vez que se adentraba en la historia se pona mas interesante, ahora ltimamente se a puesto muy aburrida, Tanto afn en esperar los captulos y sigue contndole a Hamid como fortalecer su territorio y nada que contina la historia Me estoy aburriendo ya, La verdad tambin estoy perdiendo inters, ya empec a leer otro libro, porque cansa esperar los captulos diarios, tienen mucha razn diciendo que el autor o la persona que sube los captulos si bien se agradece, de esta forma se pierde el inters en la narracin, Cada cuanto salen los capitulos??? Besides who wouldve fed the family if I separated from the family company? Its been almost 2weeks!!!! It should be 4 chapters in day as far as I remember last week. Avella treated him like a stranger because he was a stranger. Meiqing, is more worldly with a higher-level of temperament & experience then Avella (like most of Master Marvens harem eg: Warnia Song, Gu Giuyi and Ito Nanao.) Try refreshing the page. I have pretty much caught up at chapter 2518. If he didnt save her father Im sure she wouldnt care about him either despite them being childhood sweethearts. he has lost it earnestly, even the chapters are now too small, he hardly finishes a scene in one chapter, it is becoming boring and he doesnt even care, Missing at least 1 chapter between 2757 and 2758 please correct, cada cuanto tiempo actualizan los capitulos?? Sometimes this fact could be uncomfortable for us readers. But I found a similar book called the Toxic Son-in-Law, that had its own character like Marven Ye/Henry Wade, I read all 23 Chapters of that book in three weeks where I was able to come back and pick up on this one. enough of explaining too much of just a piece of underwear!! This news astonished him who has paid the bills? Her grandfather set up this marriage but she is totally ignorant about his identity. Read best novel here Subscribe to us and get more amazing stories Time map:0:00 - Hopeless life0:10 - Counter . And Its not just my speculation, its 100% certain as confirmed by the author itself. How I wish I would wake up each morning to find 10chapters uploaded. Although I dont like you bluffing people and show them feng shui but Im not stopping you that means I trust youll not harm yourself, me or our family. Pursuing his love while also coveting his son-in-laws wealth how can you justify him as a ideal character? are the remaining chapters available ? Beautiful Novel to read and follow! The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 5463. Isnt Sara insisting on being with Marven doing something similar? I hope you will understand and try your more efforts to continue entertain your readers. [Latest Update]|| The Charismatic Charlie Wade by Lord - YouTube Someone lose mentioned how hes helped his wife. May I suggest you scroll through these bits so it doesnt affect your feelings?! But can u pls upload 2153 now pls, Please publish the latest update, ive been killing my time reading this amazing son in law novel. I guess I am disappointed because it started as a romance and has become something else. Please update 1566 to 1600.. please kindly update 100 chapter per day, Waiting for chapter 1486+ Amazing son inlaw, we will be glad of we can get 100 chapters per day please! If you cant open any just change the digits in this link in your browser URL. Why it suddenly stop updating. Anyway I do understand you are a busy person as wellstill, thanks much! I may go back and start over again. Cuando la actualizan? Are we being nice to the people around us who are less fortunate? I have completed chapter 1460 and waiting for next series of chaptersit has really kept me glued and its very interesting Its just a story and the writer has its own style and he has already finished his story framework up to the ending. We should separate. Me qued con las ganas de seguir leyendo ms captulos pero llegu al capitulo 2686 despus de pasar un mes pegado al celular da y noche por lo adictivo de la trama y ahora no s qu esperar, pues siento que este argumento de la novela da para otros 500 captulos pus quedan muchas situaciones por resolver, Yo voy por el capitulo 2755 y la verdad ya estoy perdiendo interes, Its over 24 hours and no new upload! She has created a romanticized fantasy of love and Marven in her head. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 01 to 1000 Free Online Hahaha . Please update more.. i cant wait for chapter 2515.. Please, I havent seen any updates for the story Are you alive? Hi Qasim, can you please update The Protector from chapter 2332. I didnt think about that one. I really enjoyed reading this book and Im hoping that you could publish the remaining chapters of this book ( the amazing son in law Ive finish reading the chapters from 1 to 1100 ) I am waiting for the next chapter thanks. He swore that one . Saludos cordiales a todos los lectores de esta novela tan excelente. Si bien aprecio su anlisis bien informado y preciso de esta historia que nos ha durado demasiado, debo decir que cada vez me desintereso ms de la historia y me decepciona cmo ha cambiado. Estoy de acuerdo, la nica que sin importa nada siempre lo a querido es Sara, las dems se enamoraron por sus grandes habilidades y algunas por favores que le hizo a sus padres y abuelos, el debera vivirla a todas y casarse con Sara. asi perderemos el interes y comenzaremos a publicar comentarios negativos. So their not missing chapters just click on the next link and the story follows perfectly they are just mis numbered and can we get an update on the status of when more chapters will be released left off on a huge cliff hanger and while I support cliff hangers not knowing is kinda painful been checking every two hrs to see if its been updated. In fact this 1331-1336 was uploaded yesterday only. La trama es muy buena .. Do you even know what slave means ? Pero si alguien lo ofende en repetidas oportunidades, le hace pagar el precio. i think that Cataclysmic Front master is one of those from hong kong, marven defeated 2 of them, how many left? Waiting on next chapters for like 3 days what happened we were getting 4 to 8 chapters a day then it just stopped please post new chapters. Please dont be annoyed I need to finish this story. Gracias, Te apoyo, yo no soy de leer, pero apenas comenc esta novela nunca pude parar de leerla, ahora ando esperando que actualicen ms captulos empezando desde el 2629. The Amazing Son In Law (Volume 2) by. can you load this chapter? I have thus far read up to chapters 234 by buying coins and frankly I hope not to incur too much on this.