Im living with something similar to long covid and it brain fizzes me. Just apply it to indoor air. Her English hospital tested her for Covid and nothing showed up. Imagine a lightbulb that eliminates Covid, colds and flu. The good news is, Philips are promising 99.99% elimination of Covid with these units for home and workplace use and they are world specialists in hospital-grade UVC light. So thats interesting. Not second or third, but first. I wondered if I could ask about our living arrangements. Yet this is what strongly Virgo people do, when they deal with Pisces oppositions. Hi Jessica, Gaia may have two things in mind here. This is really the first time in history that we have an accurate starting date. The astrology rules on pandemics are simple. So it goes beyond him. Hello Jessica, And of course Jessica is the rock star of Modern Astrology and the Tarot everyone wants to be in her orbit. My daughter starts public school kindergarten next fall and I want to know how to best protect my family. This is the same cycle. Thank you. It is very important that everybody takes responsibility for her/his situation now before we go to March 2023 and Saturn slowly begins to oppose the Virgo/Sixth House health placements of billions. My theory is cognitive dissonance has taken over. With that Virgo stellium, your wellbeing must be number one, not number two or three. So how do we handle the new cycle of Saturn in Pisces, starting March 2023? "During this new period, people will value other individuals and their potential. I hope it continues to make life easier for your Mum. March 3rd to 19th 2023 etc. He will be stuck on his commute. Could it be instead of a new variant? Lets look at specific dates for this new Covid challenge, though. In fact your health on all levels is the number one priority March 2023 to 2026. The people who create climate emergency are the same people who create covid emergency. The Romans went to his temples and dreamed their diagnosis and/or cures. What is the excess mortality in your destination? So I know you are looking at surgery, but look at your inner Ceres and Diana as well. It is todays denial and fantasising that may take us to the tipping point. Thats good. Comment moderation is in force, which means your comment will not appear immediately if at all. Similar in Canada. Ive tried to source it but cant. You destroy the soil, the viral genomic particles and bacterias must rebalance, and because so, they have to overpopulate, and they have to strengthen. Thanks to your reply, I shall now not feel guilty about my yoga teacher and in fact, will bust the bank and get myself a therapist!! Ive spun your chart. Theyre classified as respirators, which is why theyre so effective. Gemini rules short journeys. You need to know you are protected if you have been exposed to Covid by other people. You were born with Mars in opposition to Venus. Visiting the elderly is a matter of information, education and financial outlay. And you know what to do. Lets face it, if a chef prepares a meal but wont eat it themselves under any circumstances, that has to tell you something. Life can change for the best within the blink of an eye as long as we stay motivated and humble. You could fall for someone you least suspect but make sure you go in with both eyes open. My dentist has been pointing it out for the past several years. Thank you Jessica for this article; The pandemic has helped in the sense that I am now able to work 80% of the time from home and avoid large gatherings (I was one of only a handful of people to not attend a recent large in-person meeting and insisted it be a hybrid event to be inclusive for all). Those of us who follow your blogs and astrology are grateful to you perhaps we can make some difference spreading the news but we will see. Have a look at carbohydrate in your food, as pasta, cake and bread are obvious clues. I have Mars 8 Jupiter 22 and Pluto 23 in Virgo 12th and Moon 29 Pisces 6th. The looming spectre of another dangerous wave of Covid is making me nervous. You dont fly or take cruises. Jessica Adams B.A.. has written horoscopes for Elle, Vogue, Harpers Bazaar, Bloomingdales and Marie Claire during a global career as a professional astrologer. You need to get the best possible relationship with your chores, housework, volunteering, paid work and those who are part of that responsibility. We know what to do. how could this impact me health wise? As per Vig, due to the mercury retrograde which began on May 29, 2021, the planet of communication, commerce, and travel is moving backwards until June 22, 2021. And yes, Gaia is the greatest healer of them all. So your body gets you out of it, while the rest of you can go on being a dutiful wife and mother. Its great to also read Google Scholar research on UVC and HEPA, along with those comforting guarantees from the manufacturers about Omicron and Delta variants. Can you see anything in my chart re my trip? My older sister pretends she doesnt have any responsibility towards our mum. So were back there. So what now? Thank you for your continuous insights. I would appreciate any words for me if you have any. Dont compromise on that; Saturn opposes your Pluto once every 28/29 years so I suspect memories of the AIDS and HIV scares of your younger days may come back. Bestest, The gift of Covid was that it forced researchers to find what worked. But, you dont read about these small and large pandemics, because theyre not that big of news when pharmaceutical companies cant benefit from them via vaccines and new drugs, but its been happening. This is a point of contention I frequently suggest going on hikes, walks, or out to explore to no avail, he is too tired after physical labor at work all day/week. The elderly are vulnerable and you were infected. Its madness, as you say, that it takes you two-three weeks to see your doctor for a test referral. He is beneficial. Pluto at 8 Virgo is opposed by Chiron at 9 Pisces. So disappointing and I fear for the elderly and the most vulnerable. Science and medicine tell us that people in intensive care with Covid are more unvaccinated, than not. As for Donald Trump, follow the money. I actually have covid at the moment and feel pretty miserable! Participants 229 286 participants who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 between 5 January 2022 and 15 January 2023, had at least one risk factor for progression to severe covid-19, and survived the first 30 days after testing positive were enrolled. So your home routine will change. Beginning March 2023. On all levels. I am sorry you were so ill last time and understand why you have no desire to go through that again. Thank you for your warning regarding March 2023! In astrology, Virgo is the valet, maid, butler, housekeeper who must respect and have affection for those whom she serves and for the tasks at hand. Who is protecting their profits or creating bigger profits? You open the door marked 6 which is on the highest hill, representing your highest achievement possible in this lifetime. Saturn in Pisces makes people with Virgo patterns in their charts, far more health-conscious and active on their own self-care. Take your time and get used to using The Tarot, The Astrology Oracle and The Garden Oracle and follow the steps, to assist your decisions with your own intuition. However, Ive been looking at UV-C effects on surfaces, and it does have degradation effects on furniture, like wood, plastics and fabrics. Our government will be on the back foot when the next wave arrives. Thanks Jessica, very useful and thanks too for the Modern Astrology book which Im working through and is spot on. Seeing huge increase..not normal and others have noticed too. Circling back to your chart, your Sixth House is empty and you have no Virgo factors. I have no option to work from home, since my job requires my physical presence. Hi Jessica, Dr. Eric Ding on Twitter is a good, frequently updated source of facts on Covid so I am glad you are following him. Im grateful to be working part-time remotely. I heard Rotterdam clairaudiently with your question. Follow the money with Covid and see where it takes you. Nature is a trusted source and this is good hands-on advice for UVC light and Covid. The fact that I have two factors in Virgo in the 6th house does that mean I am at increased risk of exposure for whatever is in store for March? Corsi Rosenthal boxes are something I need to do a lot more research on before my Conscious Cafe event in December, as although I have the information about the Philips UV Purification Big UVCA 210 Air Disinfection Units to hand, from the New Zealand Lighting Shop, I need to update on these incredibly affordable, home-made CR boxes. Because Pisces, Neptune and the Twelfth House of the unconscious, are always opposite Virgo, Mercury and the Sixth House of health. I have to tell you that too. I second your vote for Dr. Ding. Your good health has to be the number one priority, 2023, 2024,2025, early 2026. In her 2021 forecast, she predicted this year starting with January to March will be challenging. During the Holidays, it also includes three additional bonuses and you can save 10 percent. Thank you very much. Ceres in Virgo is likely to result in deals and compromises over health food, and some carve-up of the business and distribution territory. He has written a book about his first-hand experience. Pisces is always about God in one form or another, even if its a complicated relationship. The Tarot can give you a few more clues on that. Pisces rules religion. ACN 644668431. So thats it. Thus, the 21 day lockdown is numerologically significant. You have a Virgo stellium at 8 through 23 of the sign and so regularly experience (your entire life) the Moon going from 8 through 23 Virgo, and opposite, at 8 through 23 Pisces, every four weeks. Will it be dangerous? Ive never had Covid nor have my siblings and we are very blessed, for sure. When you mentioned long-covid with snippets from the doctors, I thought about some of my symptoms during the past 3 years. Learn how your state of mind and particularly your subconscious mind, affect your physical state. What you are looking for, is what multiple scientific studies say, is the answer to SARS-CoV-2, also known as Covid. Ive accepted this status quo all this time but suddenly feel myself getting angry and disappointed. The Virgo node is your past life, as you know, and you have incarnated during Covid in order to put yourself first. I agree with you that dissonance has taken over. Try free on YouTube. So thats January 6th 2023 and February 5th 2023. I have purchased 2 true hepa filter air purifiers and been using them for some time now. Thanks for all your help and advice that you give us all. Astrology, Diana, Harry and the Coronation,,,,, I am looking into getting hepa/far UV but my husband is not convinced as yet. For example, in our culture, like all Asian cultures, looking after ones older relatives is considered a duty. Jessica is also a novelist published by Penguin. They clash. You are a lawyer with a microbiology MSc and your accountant boyfriend is not masking. The difference between a parent, and protection/prevention, is people power. We either do this together or not at all. Things will be fine by January 2022. Good things come easily during this lucky aspect. Buster III, And after all there are severe side effects where many people passing to heaven So we may be seeing all kinds of issues from March 2023, once we get tipped into this Virgo-Pisces cycle. And you deserve to vent. If you even get this job, you will have to travel. I can see I have a Virgo stellium and I want to check please if there is anything I should be worry about. We spend way too much time indoors these days. Comment moderation is in force, which means your comment will not appear immediately if at all. Have you considered impact of mosquitoes for March 23? According to a numerologist, Covid has an 'occult number' 21. It matters just as much as your health and wellbeing. Any clues? If you can shed any astrology/psychic views around our situation Id be so grateful. The good news is, they are already here. This applies to your husband too. In your natal chart, you have factors at 27 and 29 Cancer in your natal Fourth House of property, and Jupiter will trine those until 20th December, so its the same story told twice, from public and private angles. Experts weigh in on this 'natural hair dye' to cover greys, prevent hair International Workers Day 2020: Wishes, Images, Quotes, Messages, Status, 'Curvy' mermaid statue causes stir in Southern Italy. Im been quite isolated in general- but it looks like I will have a job where Ill have to travel more, including planes. After June 15, 2021, things are going to be better and, by November 2021, the situation will be much under control, occult scientist Dr Kajal Mugrai said. Find a daily routine (Virgo) which lets you be Pisces. History is not going to judge these politicians favourably and yet, this will change the shape of politics in Australia. So please report back. The more people habitually ask, the more the rest will wake up. The biggest thing to come out of this will be new employer relations. The easy choices are doing that yourself, at home. At around that time you also start using quite radically different ways of communicating with people online (the new media) and also using your way with words and ideas, to set yourself free with innovative projects and courses. You can go round the mutable signs to see the issues, using Modern Astrology 2050 which is free to Premium Members. My 80-year-old father is leaving for the Caribbean at the end of the month and theres no way to dissuade him. Because you werent eating enough fruit and vegetables. PM Anthony Albanese has had Covid twice which tells us something. The unfounded criticism of Jessica leveled by that reader goes against the culture we have built here a culture of inclusion, diversity and respect. Thank you very much for your comments, Jessica. Jan 06, 2021 3:51pm. "The recent lunar eclipse is just the beginning of a major shift that will occur. "Based on that, people are expected to be recovering this year, and things are likely to be normal by April when Jupiter and Saturn will be quite distant. I feel it is related to my issues with sleep and anxiety, which sometimes feels like some sort of brain chemistry hiccup/distortion that began in early 2021. We live in QLD but my husbands office is in Melbourne. And 10 to the 31 in our soils. Thats not what the world wants. In this life you are given a choice. Legal medical cannabis is one example. Fascinating! So weve been here before. Reiterating that the battle is far from over, noted astrologers say that its time to start learning from the mistakes of the first and second wave. As you say, it was spot on. The world has been in pandemic mode for a year and a half. However you need to realise that I have not studied the subject in any depth, and so could be wrong. The original Covid came from China of course, perhaps via Australia or America, into New Zealand. So as you can see till Jupiter enters Aries on April 22, 2023, and Rahu in Aries on February 20, 2023, the world will experience some or the other health-related challenges, he said. April 20, 2023 1:05 PM EDT. I could hope that you are wrong about the next wave but I know you will be right in your prediction , so that places us in a scary place. Next year she believes will be the beginning of an artistic renaissance in what she calls the Spiritual 20s. By Sukriti Wahi. I work from home and sometimes feel more isolated, also low energy, and dont push myself to get up and out to exercise solo as much as I could right now. On 31 December 2019, the coronavirus was reported to the Chinese department of the WHO (although it is possible that the first case was around 1 December 2019, #8 with an incubation of up to twenty-four days) #9. You have an opposition at 28/29 Aries-Libra and thats inner conflict. Should I cancel that? Neither planet out of shadow , but at least moving forward now, and Im hoping to have less issues as moving is stressful enough. Thank you. Big business via corporate greed is killing the seas, soils, and the air we breathe. Thank you. The answer is to do your Aries warrior woman as soon as possible and if your husband wont, find people who will gladly join you. Dear Jessica, As with all these things, the lower the stakes, the less the involvement, the lower the inner conflict. PS I saw yesterday that Michelle Obama is also just about to publish a new book called The Light We Carry so it seems the channelling continues! Long-term, the arrival of Uranus in Gemini is the biggest factor in your future, and he arrives in 2026. Make sure the men in charge know you are in charge, not them. Adrienne is terrific and her yoga helped so many people through that long period when everyone was at home. Its my duty to clang the bell so you know this is for a short time. It is possible. Prevention and protection. Too funny. You dont say if you have children or not, or if having children/not having them has ever been an issue. Is Gaia disabling them? The Tarot can help you with ideas about that. In fact, in 2023, you will find increasing numbers of groups buy HEPA and or UV-C and it becomes normal to see an event advertised as Covid aware or Covid safer or similar. Which one should I should focus on in this life? The e-book discusses this shift in detail and as it occurs, it will affect everyone's astrology. Your North Node is in Scorpio in the Eighth House of financial and sexual relationships. That is a great compliment to read and I appreciate you taking the time and trouble to put it in writing. Ceres goes through Virgo. Okay, so your North Node is in Libra, the sign of marriage. The most important trends for Cancer in 2023 show up in your solar and natal chart at the same time. I dont know if you are leaving someone behind or hoping to have a romance overseas, but you will have an opportunity not possible in 12 years to be with someone new, or reboot an existing partnership, Christmas to May. I am sorry about your rude guests on your country property. So, I wonder how that critical 29 degrees Virgo works for them? On Earth, were down from a 100% microbiome in a few short hundred years to 3% microbiome. Together we can move mountains. It may have been with him. The scientist is Dr Andrew Huff, who also details what he says is direct US involvement in its evolution. After all this change and movement of planets in March , I am getting the distinct feeling that I should leave in February , as I worry if I leave it till March I could get stuck here, especially if the borders shut . Thank you for the timely warning. You have repeated Libra/Seventh House cycles all year and in 2024 too and one of them is the South Node, in Libra, from July 2023. Im longing to find a buddy or buddies to enjoy these activities with and I can also be so selective. None of us, even being exposed to COVID, have been infected. Can I be cheeky and ask Is there anything in my natal chart that I would need to be aware of as Im a viego sun with lots of stelliums. As I said, adjustment. They continue to tell us the truth about vaccines, along with data on health issues faced by vaccinated people. I have one in my office and one in the waiting room. I believe in astrology, and if you say March 2023 is going to be worse than March 2020 realizing that you cant see if its a new strain, monkeypox, Covid itself collectively we are as prepared as we were back in March 2020. Figure out a way to deal with your siblings and your mother. Hi Jessica its not an exaggeration to say that your posts have saved lives thank you! Read more about Scorpio in your (free) copy of Modern Astrology 2050, but the bottom line is, scorpions can eat each other, or sting each other to death, when they have sex. The one thing that everyone wants to know right now is, when the pandemic will end. Heres what I think people should know about viruses, because without them, we cannot live. I am sorry you have been through this. Saturn in Pisces Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your insightful and detailed predictions. More than anything else, that will make a difference. Albanese will be lucky to stay where he is from March if he keeps on playing the role of Pluto. Wishing you well. The industry as a whole is worth $2.2 billion. So, in January, when she appeared on CBS New York and predicted that 2020 would "be a great year, and it will be . I bet youre angry. With your chart at the moment, just about everything you can do about the C word, has benefits for you away from that. One has to pursue some or all of that, and make it complement the self-care of good health. Im relatively young and healthy and I get weird stares. Most deeply appreciated. You may get some synchronicity around him. I may be starting a new role in the new year that would involve time spent travelling abroad. As well as hospitals. Your children will have to do their own research and make their own moves. Fortunately we have options. The bigger question, and especially from March 2023 when Saturn changes signs, is the dramatic transformation of your day-to-day living. You have also pushed at work but been rebuffed. Im feeling a bit worried, as I have Virgo factors four times in my natal chart, so wondering how this is all going to affect me both professionally and personally. It can also be academic barriers, because Sagittarius rules academics and Gemini rules readers and writers students too. You also need to look after the family. Covid cases are up at least 50% because of a new variant. International relations may be strained. So if you want to avoid being infected or infecting others, youll find your allies and move forward. Your Virgo factors will rule for some time to come, so career changes are intelligent. I advise people not to ignore any health issues or take current health situation lightly, mentioned Vig, offering a word of caution. My guess is money, but look at the money that was spent on vaccines, lockdowns and drugs to treat COVID! Children born at the end of 2020 and at the beginning of 2021 will show unusual abilities and the skies will grant them talents of scientists and inventors. 30-79% of hospital infections were -acquired. Perhaps a little empathy in there too, who knows. My eyes were on March 2023 and I realised Id missed Ceres in Virgo. A person who fulfils a sense of duty to others, by fulfilling the first duty to self-care. The idea behind Pluto returns, which happens every 240 years or so, and what it means for the U.S., Gryphon says, is that whatever was promised at the time of the U.S . Covid has affected so many people on endless levels. Sagittarius-Gemini is usually language barriers, because Sagittarius rules foreigners and Gemini rules writing and speech. Thats interesting. Mutable signs in a chart (Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces) do create squares or oppositions at exact degrees and that needs a bit of creative handling. That very particular neon violet/mauve colour and the idea of light itself is really interesting. You are far from being alone in going through this with your husband; hospital-acquired Covid in the United Kingdom is a disgrace. It is also called UVC and UV222. Id like to understand if the four stellums in each of the signs of Aries, Gemini, Cancer and Capricorn will help or hinder me. It also helps to get a routine established before you have any challenges. You must have Virgo in your natal chart to feel that sense of mission with energy medicine and psychology. This is about your duet or duel. I agree with you, nature is magical. I love my family and just want to be happy with my husband but controlling outside influences constantly disrupt any harmony with what my gut says is insecurities. Again you will be in control. Your last post was really popular, so thank you. We can witness a reemergence of old problems and even an uprise of new ones," said Borsch. Until then we also go through the North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo. Apparently, The Astrological Theme Of 2021 Is 'Ongoing Conflict', So That's Fun. I think there is more to learn there, another spotlight on mental health. This is the sign we associate with nitpicking detail and a methodical daily routine. and Id been procrastinating, but will finally do it. Ive shared his posts with my family. So there are lots of Virgo/Sixth House concerns here. Well done on wearing your mask. In the same way that you would not have had unsafe sex without condoms while having two cigarettes in the ashtray on the last cycle (!) Ventilation and al fresco dining; delivery not shopping; the great oudoors are all easy choices. Ive been researching the effects of inflammation again lately, how to calm it I am 5xs vaxxed. Please could you look at my chart and let me know your thoughts as I have Virgo and Pisces in my South and North nodes. Your Virgo stellium is really important with your health issues, of course. She is the author of more than 40 books including the Complete Horoscope book of annual astrological forecasts. That is quite rare in astrology. This is your decision. Jessica, thankyou for the immeasurable insight you are gifted with. But things are far from over, he cautioned. As you might remember, I was a vaccine and disease mortality researcher for doctors at a hospital. Virgo stellium women are ritual habitual and once something becomes automatic you are on your way. There may be some replays and rewinding but Pluto has lost his power and by the rest of the Twenties you will be operating in a completely different way professionally. You could actually enjoy life more; up your quality of life that would be a nice side-effect. Do you have bruxism? Ive worked so hard to keep us safe this last three years, and successfully too: N95, HEPA filters, avoiding crowded spaces etc. Support does not reply to questions about comments as we assume by posting you have read and understand this comment policy. I have to confess that I dont know if I have virgo in my natal chart, but I have registered as a Premium Member on your site and Im looking forward to know more about Astrology and your work. That month may even be showing up in your plans now; I suppose it is the end of summer 2023 and the peak tourist season, as autumn comes in. Was there anything in his chart that triggered this? Twitter is home to Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding (whose Harvard background in epidemics makes him hugely popular) but also Columbia University (who confirmed the new ultraviolet light was the answer) and Dr. Satoshi Akima FRACP. Theres 10 to the 31 viruses in the air. He will either stop risking your health and his (so you can go back to the same bedroom) or there may be some other outcome, but in any case, the battle of the bedroom is over. It can also turn up when you lend each other money, or pay for each other, or hire each other, or share common possessions. You have the famous snake from the Rod of Aesculapius tattooed around your arm. Hi Jessica, thank you for yet another fact-filled feature on Covid. There might be a lot of internet scams because of Neptune's high influence. She also sees more people valuing reliable information, so subscription news sites could grow. I predicted no vaccine. Why did you get the cold? Astrology, Diana, Harry and the Coronation Some years ago, Diana told us what she thought of her former husband in her own words and. UVC light, also known as Far UV or UV 222. If you have the nodes here it is worth looking into. You would not have worked in an office with smokers because you knew passive smoking would give you cancer or heart disease. This is about lifestyle change. I have stelliums CANCER (5), VIRGO (5), PISCES (4) , ARIES (4) and LIBRA (4) in my birth chart can you please let me know how it impacts me. you. Same to viruses and bacteria. Thanks so much. What you cannot permit yourself to say in irritation or anger during the day can result in teeth grinding at night. Yes, in certain parts of the world. I also run air purifiers in the house, one of them in our living area has a UV light in it. It has been years since Ive had a holiday and I used to live in Japan so Im very excited to go. March 24th to June 21st 2023 The healing family. If youve been fat for years, you are in the best possible cycle to drop a few sizes, but also discover the better mood/happy chemicals that come from walking, running or swimming. Although Ive tested negative the last two mornings this evening started with the temp. They had to end marriages, or quit their social life, or refuse to date certain people. Renowned astrologer Bejan Daruwalla who passed away on May 29, 2020 had said May 2021 will see the end of the pandemic. So, even if things look good by then, it is a good idea to wear masks in Nov 2021-Mar 2022 timeframe and be extra careful, he explained in a long Facebook post. As Professor Jose-Luis Jimenez wrote, surfaces have dominated 0 demonstrated cases but it is clear COVID transmits in shared air. Thanks for all your insight! Its sad. First reported to WHO China Natal Chart. Better still, plug it in. No one wears masks, even in small enclosed spaces with customers who just travelled from other countries. Do you have any sense as to how NZ and Jacinda will deal with March 2023 and covid? Mark Woolhouse, an infectious-disease epidemiologist at the University of Edinburgh, UK, believes that Covid-19 will become endemic only when most adults are protected against severe infection. Many thanks once again! Your work is amazing, and your kindness and generosity always shine through. Well, the City of Melbourne did a study which showed, according to Acting Lord Mayor Nicholas Reece, that there are 53% less infections if you open windows.