The exercise of power through a process of persuasion is known as. Which group of women is most confident that they can maintain employment that would provide sufficient income for their families after divorce? Homework Clinic is a free homework helpline for anyone who signs-up. Unit 5 (Ch 13-15) Flashcards | The scientific study of social behavior and human groups is known as. Which of the following is considered a major problem regarding homeschooling? Use the following information to prepare a cash budget for the month ended on March 31 for Gado Company. There are different types of stepfamilies, according to the text. Which sociological perspective would be likely to suggest that polyandrous cultures devalue the social worth of women? Which of the following statements concerning sibling relationships is false? In sociological terms, members of a minority group. Black adolescents are _____ likely to experience their parents' divorce and _____ likely to experience their remarriage. A. Although Sarah's parents divorced seven years ago, the counselor at school attributes Sarah's poor school performance and Max tells his friends that his mother is a "real marshmallow" who does whatever he wants and who never enforces the rules Which of the following statements about stepfamilies is true? C) teachers in middle and junior high schools are less likely to trust their students. Instead, his response is, "I'm the father and I love unreliable generalization about all members of a group that does not recognize individual differences within the group. Facts for Families information sheets are developed, owned and distributed by AACAP. Why have Anne and her family gone into hiding? C. indulgent B. sleeper effect of divorce. self-fulfilling. Which of these statements about social change is true? They are usually quite clear and unambiguous. Capitalism is an economic system in which. Kohlberg's theory of moral development states that: When Billy is asked why he should not lie to his parents, he responds, "Because you will get in big trouble if you are caught lying!" B. isolated from the larger community and lose an important chance to improve their socialization skills. Exam 2- Chapters 4 Families Flashcards | B. less; more Which of the following is the second-leading cause of death in adolescents? C. Authoritarian parenting is most prevalent among White middle-class families. adults try to meet the competing demands of their parents and their own children. Mental age divided by chronological age, multiplied by 100 yields a(n). Which of the following is NOT one of the functions that William F. Ogburn argued the family provides? General customs and practices that are found in every culture are called. A. Stepfamilies are common, with about 400 forming every day. Kohlberg claimed that moral reasoning had how many identifiable developmental stages? Steve remarries Mary and lives with her until she dies. Chapter 7 Flashcards | Quizlet The average salary of teachers in the United States places them. A) naturalistic observation. Younger children have a harder time adjusting to stepfamilies than older adolescents. Your support will help us continue to produce and distribute Facts for Families, as well as other vital mental health information, free of charge. D. 60%. ___ is the presence of positive masculine and feminine characteristics in the same person, Bem argues that androgynous individuals are more competent, flexible, and mentally healthy. D. Siblings may have very different experiences outside the family. Which of the following is not a finding of social scientists regarding the effects of divorce on adolescents? ____ is a period of rapid physical maturation involving hormonal and bodily changes, occurring primarily during early adolescence. Parents should consider a psychiatric evaluation for their child when they exhibit strong feelings of being: In addition, if parents observe that the following signs are lasting or persistent, then they should consider a psychiatric evaluation for the child/family: Child and adolescent psychiatrists are trained and skilled at providing comprehensive psychiatric evaluations of both the child and family if serious problems develop. Which of the following is not a finding of social scientists regarding the effects of divorce on adolescents? A. hormonal surges of puberty A primary factor in childrens short-term and long-term adjustment to divorce is: What are some common feelings experienced by adults after a divorce? C. greater alienation from school than other adolescents his age. A) Adolescents have an easier time adjusting to a stepfather if they have a poor relationship with their biological father. Which of the following statements about adolescent health is TRUE? following, except: D. authoritarian parenting has equally negative effects on adolescent development across all ethnic groups. A) reactive aggression A diagram showing one of Mendels crosses. D. guilt. A) comprehensive high school B. giving adolescents free rein. D. living in a safe neighborhood, A. the quality of the parent-child relationships at home. Which of the following statements about parent-adolescent conflicts is TRUE? Question Complete 1.00 points out of 1.00 5 Which of the following statements concerning stepfamilies is true? The main advantage of defining a family in substantive terms is that there is no confusion about who is, and who is not, included in a family. D. sibling discrepancy. B) Younger adolescents have a harder time adjusting to stepfamilies than older adolescents. A. become less nurturing toward Denise. kinship system that favors the relatives of the father. Adolescents have an easier time adjusting to a stepfather if they have a good relationship with their biological father. The family is a household unit, and kin do not always live together. A. Steve then marries Rachel, and they get a divorce, too. They often spend time studying together. A decline in political participation allows governments to. A) Adolescents who engage in traditional bullying often also engage in cyberbullying. The concept of the sick role is associated with which perspective? At times Jessica was even exposed to some domestic violence. If you were a betting person, what demographics would you bet best describe Everett? b. Funerals are found in every culture and thus are a cultural universal. Jacquelynne Eccles describes all of the following changes in school environment when moving from elementary school to middle school or junior high school, except that: It embraces a number of major and minor gods. Recent studies of Mexican-American families have found that stress and conflict are higher in Latino families in which, Luis and Carla Hernandez are getting a divorce. A(n) ___ is an adolescent who breaks the law or engages in behavior that is considered illegal, Wyatt, whose parents frequently use harsh punishment. D) The tendency toward lethal violence is almost impossible to detect in adolescents. In general, the rate of divorce for remarriages is ________ than that for first marriages. D) the self-fulfilling prophecy. Strategies for improving early environments of children who are at risk for impoverished intelligence include all of the following, EXCEPT: The majority of people with mental retardation experience ____ retardation, Researchers have found that gifted individuals with world-class status in areas such as the arts, science, and sports all share. Developing good stepfamily relationships takes some work. Changes requiring considerable adjustment for families with adolescents typically include all of the following, except: curiosity. Malique has been assigned to give a report on the risk of alcohol dependence in later life based on the age of onset of alcohol use. legitimate power conferred by custom and accepted practice. D. by displaying psychosocial maturity, leading parents to encourage further development of maturityThrough which of the following behaviors does an adolescent help shape authoritative parenting? According to the textbook, approximately _____ of American children will experience their parents' divorce. It has been 10 years since Everetts divorce and he has remarried. C) the lost boys. Taisha was discouraged from taking math classes throughout her high school years. Psychology - The Biological Perspective, Communication - Writing Negative Messages Quiz level 3, Pre Exam Quiz 5; Human Development and Family Studies, Quiz Preview 10/ Psychology - Principles of Social Psychology, Quiz Facts 7' Psychology - Cognitive Functioning, Quiz Lot 2. C) relative aggression Which of the following statements is true of stepfamilies? According to a Johnston study, which of the following was the drug of choice for adolescents from 2008-2011? Through which of the following behaviors does an adolescent help shape authoritative parenting? Which of the following is considered a cultural universal? Regarding adolescents and parents, which of these statements is TRUE? Unlike race or gender, age is not socially constructed. Which of the following is a common referral bias involving learning disabilities? C. the classification of "single-parent household" often includes other adults, such as the unmarried partner of a child's parent. C. indulgent. F 3. Cameron does well managing his behavior, emotions, and thoughts. torn between two parents or two households. Question: Which of the following statements is true of stepfamilies? A) school climate B) standards-based reform What is this process called? preconventional, conventional, and postconventional. All the following are common components in programs designed to prevent or reduce adolescent problems, EXCEPT: which of the following is NOT one of the four problems that affect the most adolescents? 39 D) teachers in middle and junior high schools are more likely to believe that students' abilities are not easily modified through instruction. A) tracking Which of the following statements about stepfamilies is TRUE? following types of discipline, except: Which of the following statements about stepfamilies is TRUE: During the elementary school years, children grow and average of ___ inches a year. B. A) Stepfamilies are those in which A myth about stepfamilies is that: A) stepfamilies are real families. There has been a significant increase in childlessness. An ecclesia does not exist in the United States. The pluralist model of power relations in the United States suggests that. D. authoritative, The term given in the textbook that describes siblings who are deliberately trying to be different from each other is: B. less mature and more conforming to their peers. B. family contextual transformations. Mark is a teenager who generally respects his parents. If you need immediate assistance, please dial 911. Billy's response reflects the ___ stage of moral development. Easy Quiz 1, Sociology - Family - Quizgoat In girls, estradiol is a type of estrogen associated with all of the following, EXCEPT: The ___, responsible for reasoning, decision making, and self-control, doesn't finish maturing until the emerging adult years. Which of the following statements about Autism Spectrum Disorders is TRUE? communist societies would naturally evolve out of socialist societies. Which of the following statements concerning stepfamilies is true? What is the difference between a family and a kin group? They are usually not a problem for remarried couples. Above the underlined verb, write S if the verb is singular or P if it is plural. For Jews, God's true nature is revealed in the Torah. isolated by feelings of guilt and anger. C. Adolescents fight more often with their mothers than their fathers. Please make checks payable to the AACAP and send to Campaign for Americas Kids, P.O. Mrs. Lopez is: Researchers have found that family management practices are positively related to: both parents brought children from previous marriages to live in the newly formed stepfamily, About ___ of all children whose parents divorce will have a stepparent within four years of the separation, a majority of children in stepfamilies do not have problems. D. how much time they have left to live themselves. According to Kenneth Dodge, which of the following is NOT a step that children go through in processing information about their social world? Matt most likely will complain about, In service learning, students may engage in. norms governing everyday social behavior, the violation of which raises comparatively little concern. One potential reason that Mallory and Mikey, a brother and sister growing up in the same family, have completely different personalities may be that: -They have very different family experiences, both through differential treatment by parents and their own perceptions of similar experiences (A). B. self-fulfilling. 45 minutes of moderate physical activity and 15 minutes of vigorous physical activity daily. A) highly variable; things like social skills, friendliness, and sense of humor B. not transformed family life; however, these technologies have caused parental influence to be overshadowed by the peer Donna, a 33-year-old divorce with two sons, and Mark, a 50-year-old divorc with two daughters, become engaged and live together; although they are strongly committed to one another, they eventually decide not to get married. Children living in stepfamilies tend to do much better socially, educationally, and emotionally than do children from single-parent homes. Chapter 9 Quiz Questions Flashcards | Quizlet B) Victims of physical or verbal harassment are usually very different from victims of cyberbullying. Which of the following scenarios would Amy, an older adolescent, be most likely to accept her parents' rules? incidence of diseases in a given population. A. She also supports his friendships by arranging frequent play dates in her home and elsewhere. Jesse has just married a woman who has two adolescent daughters. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) represents over 10,000 child and adolescent psychiatrists who are physicians with at least five years of additional training beyond medical school in general (adult) and child and adolescent psychiatry. Mrs. Lopez monitors her son's behavior and makes sure he gets to baseball practices and games on time. At what age do children begin to show motor manipulative skills similar to the abilities of adults? B. Siblings may experience their family environment very differently. family; 1. 2 Replies; 1173 Views; Which of the following is most likely a positive consequence of divorce for children? Which are the two most common reasons that American adolescents live with only one of their biological parents? B. attending a good school . Which sociological perspective views marriage as a social institution closely tied to human reproduction? Although she is intelligent, a likely long-term implication of this biased tracking is that Taisha will: ADHD is a disability in which children consistently show one or more of the following characteristics, EXCEPT: Some experts believe ADHD is under-diagnosed in children. C) small schools have more material resources. B) students in large schools are more likely to participate in school activities. ch 12 test 3 Flashcards | An individual defines himself based on where he works and what he does at work. Kohlberg classified moral responses into which of the following levels? D. peer group. the tendency to assume that one's own culture and way of life are superior to all others. Which of the following is correct regarding age? Which of the following adolescents is MOST likely to make a good decision? According to Kohlberg, Jenny's actions exemplify what stage of moral reasoning? The budget should show expected cash receipts and cash payments for the month of March and the balance expected on March 31. a. cursive letter size becomes smaller and more even. all property is communally owned and no social distinctions are made on the basis of people's ability to produce. Which of the following is a minority group in the United States? ___ is the heightened sense of self-consciousness in adolescence, described by David Elkind, Adolescents feel that they are invincible. A) Setting unrealistically high standards may end a marriage prematurely. Federal Title IX policies required schools to. C. 40% Younger children have a harder time adjusting to stepfamilies than older adolescents. A) peer orientation; crowd orientation Some people were resistant to the technological and social changes associated with the Industrial Revolution. According to research, _________ can be an effective way for enhancing the development of adolescents' reasoning abilities, B. the more parents believe in the stereotypes, the worse their relationships with their teenagers become. Stepfamilies include far more infants or preschool children than elementary and secondary school children. Apparent and True Orbits of Alpha Centauri. Dawn has always enjoyed school and excelled in her classes. According to the U.S. Census, this group is considered a. The greater risk for emotional and behavioral problems among foster care children could be because of the foster care placement itself. A. family discussions in which decisions, rules, and expectations are explained. B. aggression large, organized religion that is not officially linked with the state or government. In identity diffusion, crisis is ___ and commitment is ___, ___ is the status of individuals who have undergone a crisis and made a commitment, According to a 2009 study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, ___ account for the largest increases in media use in early adolescence. This society is called: Each member of the newly blended family has experienced loss and faces adjustments to the new family situation. D) athletic ability and school achievement; unknown, -Things like social skills, friendliness, and sense of humor; highly variable (B), Sarah is a popular teenage girl who has just been made captain of the cheerleading squad. B) crowd orientation; clique orientation D. Social support from relatives has been found to buffer the effects of living in a single-parent household. Which of the following statements about ADHD is FALSE? New stepfamilies face many challenges. D) school vouchers. Which child would be expected to have the most conflict with his parents? Class Assignment (CA) #14: The Family (max. A.Because ethnic minorities are more likely to live in dangerous areas, parental control may actually be beneficial for these B. less busy Approximately how many married people have been married more than once? D. school experiences, Which of the following is least likely to be affected by genetic factors? -Mekwi gets poorer grades and behaves aggressively towards his classmates (C). A. transformed family life, and as a result, parents don't really make a difference. D. midlife crisis of adults, C. intergenerational conflict with parents, Adults tend to be ______ when their children are adolescents than the past generation. B. differential treatment by parents See Page 1. B. nonresponsive. A women and her husband, their children, her parents, her mother-in-law, her sister, a parakeet, two Irish setters, a cow, and five chickens live together on a farm in the Midwest. Children would be better off living with a couple in conflict than going through divorce and living with a new stepparent.D. In a single act of unprotected sex, a teenage girl has a ____ risk of acquiring gonorrhea. About what percentage of divorces in the United States have remarried? Soc 105 Quiz 15 Flashcards | Quizlet The worldwide increase in intelligence test scores that has occurred over a short time frame is called, after-school programs that emphasize drill and practice. Which statement is true about stepfamilies? B. being the central setting for their adolescent's narrow social world. a sense of virility, personal worth, and pride in one's maleness. Peers usually have more influence than parents on matters of: The popular notion of a "generation gap" has only been supported in differences between parents and children with regard, Jim and Stacey are the parents of two preteen girls. They are becoming less standardized as stepfamilies become more common. A. greater exposure than other adolescents to violence. The leading causes of death in adolescence include all of the following, EXCEPT: _____ is an eating disorder in which the individual consistently follows a binge-and -purge pattern. Which of the following does your textbook define as a family? F 2. Declaration of Independence. The most common type of childhood cancer is, Over the last three decades, the percentage of children who are overweight has. is a written statement describing a specific program for a student with a disability. Secondary education refers to A. family socioeconomic status B. greater family cohesiveness than other adolescents his age. From a parent's perspective, stepfamilies occur when at least one of the adults is not biologically related to the children in the family or has children from a prior relationship.