And just about everything in between. His gaze focused on you, gesturing in an endearing way as you talked with his El. I never really fit in so when you just went with everything I did and cared- he smiles with a slight flush on his cheeks and under different circumstances you wouldve cooed at the endearing sight. I take it you like the surprise? He just nods and calms down eventually, so you take his hand once again (cant pass on the opportunity after all) and drag him inside. Stupid. Heartbreak (and one big misunderstanding) ensues. Bailey nudges him with a disgruntled look and they move, taking the mask off. Which is why you agreed, well also because you were nearly begged to go by your swim coach. She yelled back and Billy scoffed before giving you one last look and leaving again. Surprised but happy you wave back and watch his cheeks color slightly. The girl had bangs, a few colorful hair clips in her hair. Will was in the AV club, talking to someone. The air was humid and the noise surrounding the big parking lot made sure to give you a headache in just a few minutes. A hundred thoughts crossed your mind but most importantly, who could it be? Started yelling at me about how it wasnt real and I was just trying to make them mad and shit, you explain while he adjusts the blanket around your shoulders. El literally assumes Will is. "will, please, i'm right here for you. Ill bring my jacket, yes Will I am so responsible and I do in fact think. The boy in front of you hangs his head in shame and you instinctively reach out to lay a hand on his shoulder in a reassuring motion, pulling back quickly after. lostandfound. When Will turns around, he sees troops securing Mike. The sunset casts everything in an orange hue (though its also some weird blue, thanks to the tarp) when he leans forward and softly kisses you. Not sad. Will is too worried about what his friends will think to realize his feelings for Mike. I dont even know why. Will Byers/Billy Hargrove - Works | Archive of Our Own Will sputtered, shaking his head and raising his hands. His brown eyes are cute, youve always loved them, so it distracts you from your nervousness for a moment. Oddly enough, it was Steve helping you figure it out. Hopper seems drunk, his face displaying confusion. I know you dont trust him but please, shes conflicted and just stares at him, not wavering even as her older sister comes up behind her as well. Letters from El. Heartbreak (and one big misunderstanding) ensue. So, meeting him again after months could never end well, right? What? He chokes on a sob and chokes out another apology as his father speaks up. He watches as your eyes close and your body goes limp in your coachs arms. Weve been friends since forever! Your heart stopped and your mouth went dry. Will didnt want to admit it, but it hurt to know you werent there. Its been a while, huh? You nod and enjoy the comforting gesture. Some girls did turn around at your presence, giving you a once over before going back to their conversation. Of course you were there for the dinners, but there wasnt much talking during those. He looks just as pained, maybe even a little angry. Im serious though, youve left me hanging for a week now and its not funny anymore, with that the serious tension faded and you giggled happily while he keeps his look serious but whiny. The problem, though, was that he was horrible at math. An awkward meetup with Will at the airport. When you found your usual route you pushed his window open with practiced movements and climbed in, the piece of wood doing as a perfect help to reach. Normally Will found himself not minding that, dreams with you? If our relationship was even real. It hurts to say but its the truth - he was okay with killing, something hed kept hidden from you for more or less good reason, what else did you not know about him? Dont go anywhere else, please. The major difference between the two is that Will was fervently loved by. Just a fix-it, slow-burn fic in which byler is real and amazing thank you so much. And even after that you see the moment Eleven forgives him and is ready to just settle down again. She was also the one that helped you figure yourself out. But at the same time it felt like you were using him for your own profit. So, meeting him again after months could never end well, right? Nothing painful. Gareth and Will have been together for a few weeks and things are going great, but Gareth is waiting for the other shoe to drop, knowing that no one stays. Whenever he sees Max and her friends, he thinks back to you saving all of them, in a mall fire as it was known to the public. You crouch down behind some furniture that was definitely rotting and look at him. Having to deal with the struggle of staying hidden, bullies, past abuse and having a crush on his childhood best friend who couldnt possibly be able to like him back. And then she told the teacher it was my fault! And even you couldnt be there for Will all the time. At first you had no idea how to deal with it. The pair of sisters walks away after that but not without Tara staring at Ethan with a harsh glare once more. Will needs to talk with you. He holds back a proud grin. Yes! Or so it seems at first. At least he hopes. Theres still a long way for you to trust him again, after all this wasnt just a small fight that made you part. You dont answer, instead giving him a slow kiss. One of them - the red haired girl - seemed wary at first but warmed up to you quickly. I suck at summaries so long story short: Byler angst, pining and 'unrequited love' (it's requited.). Yes. Its longing, as if he wants something he cant have. In Defense Of 'Stranger Things'' Sweet, Sensitive Will Byers Your best friend and someone youre very sure youre in love with, just made it clear he basically hates you. Stranger things oneshots by Crow Mother. Until he meets artist Will Byers. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you. In one world, on that fateful November night, Will Byers was pulled into the horrifying chaos of the Upside Down. Because the first season is set up as a mystery, Will is forced by the plot to be sidelined and shown as little as possible, save for a few key flashbacks. The rest of the boys were here, too, but there was some tension between all of them. Maybe that shouldve stopped you from committing and entering this relationship. Max scoffs, Dude. But you did get your happy end - just as he did. Its when you move your head to the side to breathe in mid motion that you see him, cheering for you. She wasnt going to go easy on them when it came to being mean. You found it a little selfish of them. One of Billys friends makes an offhanded comment about you and when reaching out for your amused boyfriend he pushes you away - leading to a fight and flustered Billy coming to apologize after. He walks out of the AV room and wanders through the halls - you must be somewhere. It was an unremarkable night. Theres no cheering anymore - only shocked gasps and exclaiming. Im so sorry. The emphasis is on 'so, and you try not to fold. You know parents suck. Heartbreak (and one big misunderstanding) ensue. Its painful minutes until youre being pulled out, your ears ringing and vision swimming. willbyers. Ringing the doorbell you waited a few seconds, illegible shouts sounding from inside. Chrissy Cunningham and Joyce Byers interactions! And one year later here Steve is, the parent of a gaggle of nine year olds. You regain your composure when the bus arrives and quickly tug at the girls arms. Your heartbeat falters at the warmth radiating off of him and the general comfort he gave you. Will spent years being the friend who was there for everyone else, and when he needed someone to listen to his subtle pleading, no one ever did. Being a new student was never fun in any way. The door opens and emotion rushes over you at the sight of Joyce. ms. byers, jonathan, and will would come very often to visit us. You had lost him. I want- I would like to have what Mike and El have, with red cheeks he quickly finishes, with you! Eleven also registers them and when Max starts walking to the rest of your friends she doesnt stay back but follows the girl. Im sorry. He takes you home afterwards, your hands tight in his. Next to you are your rivals. Will is a socially awkward, angsty teen dealing with the downfall of being a queer man in the middle of Indiana in the 1980s. The boy nodded, your small smile and blush still on his mind. Ill wait at the exit after school and we can go together.". Youre staying in Els room - thats okay, right? You nod quickly while munching on the meal - your first of the day. Wills friends arrive and you find out theres more similarities between you and Jane than you couldve ever imagined. You had seen it in the way he hesitated; that he didnt want to leave Max alone. He sighed but leaned more against you, chin on your forehead. They just moved here, so be nice everyone! you could hear Angela giggle evilly from the front, twirling a strand of blonde, curled hair around her finger. She was just frustrated with her friend not seeing how Mike was lying to her. Was this all fake to you? Spoiler alert: they're very Will-centric. Youve sent me two letters, Ive written a thousand times. You guys hung out basically all the time, either in Mikes basement or a different spot, sometimes even in the woods. Theyll come back begging you for forgiveness! She imitates said boys begging and whining and it gets a laugh out of you and El. It started as a joke on your part - leaving after graduation and going back to California. Youd signed up for it months ago, when it was first announced. While you and Will spent quite some time planning new campaigns, the others wanted to do different things. Im so glad to see you here! 'Stranger Things': Is There a Secret Connection Between Will Byers and Stop whatever youre doing, its important! he misses the pained look on your face, happy when you get up to follow him. The boys were the ones that had tried to convince you to come too but eventually gave up. Trying to cough you dont manage to keep yourself afloat which doesnt work. Yeah, but you did lie to her. Will says and you swear you melt at his voice. warnings: misunderstanding :(, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort word count:1,044 Coming outside the hot midday sun immediately makes you squint your eyes and huff due to the sweat already building. Will doesnt instantly answer, only looks down. Why was it so easy for you? The girl, Jane, in contrast wore a big smile on her face. Jane was shoving her stuff in her bag, still zipping it up when she made her way to you. And he explained it. The couples - Max and Lucas as well as El and Mike - constantly spent time with each other, doing couples activities. Nancy goes into the kitchen and come back with a plate of spaghetti and a fork. They're surviving. I wouldve never done that but at least they wouldnt have tried anything. He looks at you for a reaction and though youre shaken youre also surprised he was so adamant on keeping you safe from the beginning. If you were that annoying, why did he never say anything? Parking your car down the street in a small space engulfed by some trees you exited and breathed in deep - you couldnt make any noise at his now, so you needed to stop crying. You sent an awkward wave to everyone before they focused back on the lesson. Where are we going? He asks and you just chuckle. Yo, you okay? He flinches and sends you a glare, shrugging. Losing you was probably, no, definitely Billys biggest mistake - and hes made a lot of mistakes in his life. Its only up to them to understand how to fix their bond without making the situation worse, shouting lies to each other is certainly not the best way to start. After he had destroyed it nearly completely you and Jonathan had gotten up to repairing - putting some new pictures and drawings on the wood. NO, NO! Will shouts. Also, I know its super fucking late and I do know theres nothing to excuse this. Alright, lets see what theyre doing. The brown haired girl hums and fastens the bandana around her head. Youre confused - didnt he, like, hate you? But he wasnt all that tough when he trusted someone. Its a peaceful quiet and you enjoy those few moments. It smelled of cigarettes and his perfume, comforting. More compliments come from the group and youre basically flustered the whole time. Dr. Brenner walks up to Will. Amazing. He hasnt noticed your presence yet, still focused on the small piece of plastic in his hands. And its all fluff?? He convinces his friends to come too. Will took the seat on your right, Jane on your left. All just because he was stupid and said some stuff he didnt mean. Will sighs, Mike. notes Im mad Tumblr deleted the first one. His hair was dripping with sweat, his white muscle shirt nearly see through. he never blamed him. Mike meets him there to find out what happened. a lumax spiderman au that everybody (me) was asking for, Joyce and Hopper decide to take a spur of the moment vacation with their children one week before Christmas. It had taken Mindy the longest to trust Ethan - though youre unsure if she does - but she tolerates him by now. His eyes display worry and one hand is laying next to yours. Suddenly, the door bursts open and Mike as well as the others stand in the doorway. Hi, Jane whispered, happy look on her face as she turned to you. A year later, it comes to a head on Halloween in a desolate forest well past midnight. While walking over you made sure to make it seem as if youre walking past his house - so if his dad was watching hed just see you as another passenger. Whatever, you thought, waiting for them to take their seats which they quickly did. He has blood coming out of his ears and nose. Dont complain. He starts listing off the names and hands out small papers with the address on them. Now, with his hand in yours, you pull him up the hill, him nearly tripping with your rush. Only about 30 seconds. Three students were hanging up a poster that informed them about upcoming holidays and everyone else was getting the necessary stuff for school or talking with their friends. Will opens the door and there is Mike, standing next to the door completely soaked and- in fact, not wearing a jacket. To you, that made him all the more attractive. El looked a little lost. He exhales and settles his eyes on you for a moment before looking towards the doorway again. tags violence, blood, scream 6 spoilers, probably unrealistic but whatever :), a/n idk but u couldnt stop thinking abt this so I wrote it heh. or, Billy gets incredibly protective when he finds he has to get you to the hospital instead of school. Just glad youre with me., He scoffs and slaps your shoulder lightly - lightly in his book. It was some time later that you said goodbye to Max. Except one of them. Yeah and you always do that! In order for him to pass, he needs a tutor so he can graduate and get the hell out of Hakins, Indiana. For him, it was all friendly. Will. Youre all lying on the floor when the door slams open. Time to show everyone how its done. Theyre moving.