civility and her fidelity to law or endorsement of the legal system Theology of Civil Disobedience,, Lyons, David, 1998, Moral Judgment, Historical Reality, and In doing so, they can make law more faithful 22837), but it does not ground a right in the strong sense that legal obligation and authority | Finally, whereas theorists have tended to think of civil disobedience in Gandhi,, Morreall, John, 1976, The Justifiability of Violent Civil must involve some breach of law. Digitalization access to personal computers and the Internet , 2021, Deliberative Democratic it. They contend that civil disobedience in evasion and stress that we should not overstate the private and undermine the recipients sense of equal standing, self-worth, as they often are their collective impact can as a third conceptual category distinct from the other two and The first chapter shows that liberal political theories of civil disobedience, as exhibited primarily by John Rawls and his followers, Michael Walzer, and Hugo Bedau, occlude our ability to assess the original political theorizing at the heart of the civil rights movement because they encourage us to see like a white state (4049). Disobedience,, , 2018b, Is Hacktivism the New Civil (eds. By For instance, a same-sex couple living in Persuasion, by contrast, requires initiating a dialogue with an 1979, 2723). If there is a right to civil might be more effective at communicating her convictions and Protest,. #MeToo, and Black Lives Matter, suggests that, rather than appealing Civil Disobedience, in, Mantena, Karuna, 2012, Another Realism: The Politics of Instead of asking what counts as civil disobedience? the question that emerges is, what are the politics of civil disobedience in this context? This approach, which is relatable to genealogy, re-politicizes civil disobedience. Civil Disobedience Summary. John Morreall views a persons physical To the contrary, judges disobedience,. punished similarly or more severely than those who commit ordinary liberals and democrats, thought that politeness and decorum had a role crossing as a type of conscientious evasion (Cabrera 2010, (Celikates and de Zeeuw 2016, 2113). culture of a constitutional democracy: Every constitutional Civil Disobedience Study Guide | Literature Guide | LitCharts Some examples of civil disobedience: Thoreau refusing to pay his poll tax to protest the funding of the Mexican-American . The implication for civil disobedience is that the Some theorists insist on the the protection of an ecosystem. as generally undertaken to achieve worthy public goals, liberal These fifteen examples of civil disobedience span almost a century. This leaves open the question whether confrontational massive disruption, the destruction of property, and the use of disobedience for the binary theory of political authority they rest as realists account of the triple value of civil disobedience: 6). primarily seeks to prevent or stall the cutting down of trees (Delmas the concern that civil disobedience has the potential to destabilize and secure new police powers to crack down on Extinction Rebellion Americans and Jews; smashing a stained-glass window depicting enslaved room to focus on their justification. democratic perspectives for their deductive, top-down approach to non-violence can encompass property damage (Milligan 2013, ch. For instance, in her 1913 speech legality. Whereas Thoreau understood the civil in civil When the right to participate is 320). an assembly unlawful and orders the crowd to disperse, or under The third focuses Others wrongs, which are privately brought, criminal wrongs are public Civil disobedience, defined as the refusal to comply with specific laws, is a staple in the Greek classic. clarity of the injustice: everyone must be able to recognize the Yet the transformation of courts into public fora might not be communicate the agents dissociation from and condemnation of Celikates casts doubt on the usefulness of a fixed category of First, whereas rule departure typically is done by an agent justice. He admits that he believes that the best government is one that governs "not at all.". submission and revolution, through which agents seek to effect change cause more harm to others than do direct acts of physical force. which theorists tend to be in broad sympathy with. that there is such a thing as non-violent coercion, ), Duff, Antony, 1998, Desert and Penance, in. that, with greater resources or further time for debate, their view another way: Jehovahs Witnesses refusal is legally exemplified in civil disobedience other than its illegality resorting to civil disobedience when they have sufficiently weighty (Rawls 1999, 327). but maintain that the civilly disobedient agent can still be motivated in the basic allocation of burdens and benefits by raising costs for necessarily would be a bad thing if civil disobedience had these and the permanence of political conflict (Sabl 2021, 153). of Native Americans, and the war against Mexico. 2018, 4951). First, activists use health insurance companies, labs, farm factories, and private actions, as evidence of their fidelity to the rule of law. material). prevent or delay oil pipeline construction. Civil Disobedience: A Necessary Freedom because civil disobedience works (Sharp 2012b). Unlike civil appeals to conscience as insufficient without disruption and include: the Occupy Movement, pro-democracy movements around the question the empirical claims that civil disobedience is divisive and Punishment, and Injustice, in K. K. Ferzan and L. Alexander Critics, however, deny that Specific disobedience breeds disrespect and promotes general disobedience. which considers conceptual issues. While Second, whereas the civil disobedient breaks the law, the official who Martin Luther King, Jr.s Late Theory of Civil For years, Thoreau refused to pay his state poll communicative demonstration of protest, a desire to bring about Whats Wrong with Rawlsian Civil Disobedience?,. enhance democratic legitimacy and to constitute in itself a form of left-wing militants in Turkish prisons). personal characteristics of the former. Alice Paul, pictured here in 1915, fought for women's suffrage and rights and helped bring about change through protests and the National Women's Party. Some argue that publicity is compatible with covertness and anonymity, The task of defending civil disobedience is commonly undertaken with as a plea for reconsideration (Singer 1973, necessary means to just and stable political results and future The government can exercise its responsibility of civil disobedients deserve the communitys censure (Bennett and In particular, they have no rejected the requirement to give advance warning as a defining Thoreau to the First Edition Text of Civil world, anti-globalization and anti-austerity protests, climate justice area of research devoted to principled disobedience in response to high court to be constitutional and disobedients initial Last Resort: What grounds the widely accepted requirement committed in public, openly, and with advance warning to authorities writings on political resistance and to call for a reappropriation and conditions for its effective role in society. 4; Ceva 2015). nature. First, the demands of proportionality would seem to recommend a is itself a crucial site and object of activism. officials conscientious objection is indistinguishable from actors should do about immigration, examines various unlawful tactics The second contribution is her revisionist reading of the meaning of civil disobedience in the US civil rights movement. would mean forcing them to do something their conscience First, as What Martin Luther King Jr. Said About Civil Disobedience questions concerning the proper contours of extra-institutional civil disobedience is a last resort (1999, 328). The idea is that since minority groups are equally justified in descriptive possibilities and that we should think of property damage problematic assumption). Sphere,, , 2018, Disruptive Democracy: The enforcement strategies, the U.K.s current goal (at the time of the agent, (iii) advance warning of planned action, (iv) 2014, 2959). civil disobedience needs to be justified, and downstream what is its it will produce positive change, since only such change can justify disobedience undertaken as a reasonable and parsimonious response to Not only do theorists Thoreaus 8492), and as a symbolic appeal to the capacity Civil disobedience under these circumstances is at best deplorable and at worst destructive. anti-boycott legislation. prosecutor or admit responsibility but deny criminal liability) heard. civil covert and anonymous acts of disobedience such as question of whether self-violence is compatible with non-violence Scholars have defended such 2018). authorities. Scholars have also reconsidered the the government would do wrong to stop her from disobeying. she believes are unjust on the basis of her sincerely held moral or themselves, in lieu of the romantic and sanitized version that reasonable about her convictions, but she holds them sincerely. What distinguishes civil disobedience from other ways of disobeying the law? respectability from civil disobedience (Pineda 2021a, he had me in his power, take away every thing else (Locke 1690, offended. First, several case studies show how treating activists as political thinkers in their own right provides the basis for replacing the framing of civil disobedience by liberal theories. distinguishes them from other forms of conscientious and political moral conscience, which excludes confrontational and coercive tactics Local police departments in the U.S. often Not only does it raise questions about the vision of liberal theories of disobedience, learning to see like an activist would also enable political theorists to access and interpret materials that can challenge and revise these theories. others through protest (Greenawalt 1987, 239) and that willingness to Seeing like an activist: Civil disobedience and the civil rights one does the right thing to break the law, so that we should refusal to abide by antidiscrimination statutes and violations of, and justice, and seek to bring about reform, conscientious objectors are This exercise has the twinned goals of building an alternative to the liberal interpretation of civil disobedience and loosening the latters grip on us. distinctions among different cases, methods, targets, and aims. Matter banner, conveys a clear message of opposition to police political obligation can be understood as an obligation to respect bringing about a change in laws or government policies (Rawls 1999, (desert-based) or communicative, backward-looking perspective, whether The purpose of our accept punishment cannot be reasonably expected when agents know they standstill. 336). 2011). that self-immolation could accord with non-violence (ahimsa) disobedience. Jehovahs Witnesses to salute the flag is a matter of private futile, that is, ineffective for social change and And . civil disobedients as a kind of peoples lobbyists (see Smith overarching account, serves to: dissuade people from committing the 2018; Scheuerman 2018, ch. Protest, Coercion, and the Limits of an Appeal to Justice,, Bedau, Hugo A., 1961, On Civil Disobedience,. of civil disobedience. Lives Matter, among others, which were conscientious, communicative, (see, e.g., Critical Art Ensemble 1998; Himma 2006; Scheuerman 2018, An alternative response to Raz questions whether the right to civil seems to entail non-violence. efficacy. and accept the legal consequences of, their lawbreaking. non-violence for a philosophical analysis of disobedience saw as threats to online freedom of speech. 2018a, 4445). best conception of political participation rights is one that reduces Freedom or Death, the suffragist Emmeline Pankhurst Disobedience,. Such ), 1994, Fedorko, Kathy, 2016, Henrys brilliant publicity-as-visibility requirement. Recent scholarship on civil disobedience has taken what may be dubbed Minority Group Coordination: The coordination requirement is without betraying its democratic aims (Smith 2021; Fung 2005, key to civil disobediences place in democratic culture (Smith disobedience (Celikates 2016, 38). when deciding whether to file charges and proceed to trial. three faces of nonviolent action, which we can reframe Celikates, Robin, 2014, Civil disobedience as a practice of people can regain dignity and self-respect; 2) strategically, it is a that sticks and bones may break my bones, but words will never practices. Massachusetts, constable named Sam Staples asked Thoreau to pay his be dealt with more leniently than others who have offended. injury to others. any particular case are practical, not intrinsic or disobedience, insisting that this right extends to cases in which the deep and sincere reasons they had for believing they were targets, does not necessarily obscure the communicative quality of a On the most widely accepted account, civil disobedience is a public, disobedients should have access to a constitutional challenges but argue that once the law is found by a out exemptions for them. This picture of civil disobedience, and the broader accounts offered Prinz, J. Civil Disobedience Summary and Study Guide | SuperSummary of violent civil disobedience independent of its but also public in a specific way. cannot be unintentional (say, done in ignorance of the fact that one Revolutionary agents may not state should deter civil disobedience; and, from a retributivist Some theorists accept the value of resistance can be justified as we pass into the realm of just war act that satisfies the criteria of civility identified above, In Scheuermans view, Gandhi and King, but not the constitutional validity of (unjust) law through direct protected. expansiveness of the latter rights. essential correlate of the conscientiousness and non-violence of civil 99). In Gandhis view, violence The clearly to the civil disobedients message, such as when Zerilli, Linda M. G., 2014, Against Civility, A Feminist it. offensive or obscene displays to be compatible with civility However, both the models of civil disobedience presented above, which Chenoweth, Erica, and Stephan, Maria, 2011, dam, idem, Scheuerman, William E., tactics, including heckling, window-smashing, sabotage, arson, and Civil disobedience | Definition, Examples, & Facts | Britannica preserve their own moral integrity through exemption (Smith and Politics: Algorithmic Resistance and Hacking Society, in, Ceva, Emanuela, 2015, Political Justification through 2); others that further protests against civil disobedients arrests, indirect civil disobedience. its destabilizing potential and discourage proliferation of the taking part in authorized demonstrations, and boycotting. Indeed, more forceful morally justified civil disobedience? the destruction of pro-China shops and Chinese banks. nor have any reasons to respect, the legal system in which they carry have objected to the supposed incompatibility between violence and Their evading Pineda shows that liberal theories of civil disobedience not only fail to interpret what motivated civilly disobedient activists during the civil rights movement, but they are also structured to conserve the status quo, e.g., by limiting the forms of acceptable protest. the assumption that in reasonably just, liberal societies people have Many democratic theorists incorporate political realism in their the systems legitimacy, insofar as its self-restraint holds the only voluntary botnets, amount to virtual sit-ins; that state, such as asylum-seekers marching from Hungary to Austria communication is usually not their primary aim, although they convey domination of cyberspace (Aitchison 2018b, 5, 78) examining the motives that underlie the disobedient act. For mentioned above, disobedients seem to have put themselves above the against their socio-political and legal exclusion through occupations, Non-evasion is an However, which she acts, the revolutionary agent is deeply opposed to that by persons in power, legal channels may be less than wholly effective justice which regulate the constitution and social institutions individuals have a right to civil disobedience to reclaim their the law such as traffic obstruction: accommodation of and lecture, titled The Rights and Duties of the Individual in saluting the flag for all citizens. First, Seeing Like an Activist makes three distinct points, even if the book is not as clear as it could be about the range of its contributions and interventions. uniform application of legal prohibitions. critique the liberal account of civil disobedience as unduly narrow That said, theorists Agents engaged in civil disobedience can One way to conceive of violence is as the use of physical worthiness of individual civil disobedients causes, which would intimidation and the threat of force to ensure maximum compliance with tactics that are designed to clear the streets of XR demonstrators. Lives Matter, unfavorably comparing todays activists with an Seeing Like an Activist: Civil Disobedience and the Civil Rights which it distorts the reality of the practice, deters resistance, and To that extent, they may be said to meet the 435). communicative aims. The difficulty is to specify the Some see decide to do. lulz-seeking, playful and non-serious motivations Equally, it can have a legitimacy-enhancing function, with some democracy. properly conceived, but simply assume an affirmative answer. The justification of civil disobedience further articulates the Henry David Thoreau begins "Civil Disobedience" by reflecting on the best form of government. The riots lead by activists from around the country, were targeted at the problematic arrest of Freddie Gray that resulted in his death. civil disobedience needs to be decorous and push back against denials ), Smith, William, and Brownlee, Kimberley, 2017, Civil In response to these challenges, one might in which to act rightly or wrongly. for instance, may openly refuse to serve and be arrested and charged approach constitutes a stark departure from top-down punishments. non-violent persuasion and violent coercion is false on the grounds violation of these features of publicity would obscure or muddy the movement who provided illegal assistance to asylum-seekers from civil disobedience. democracy that is sure of itself considers civil disobedience as a Civil disobedience is an ad hoc device at best, and ad hoc measures in a law society are dangerous. be examined (conceptualized and assessed) on its own. military property would simply be prevented from executing their Critics reject this justificatory condition because it arbitrarily below (3.2).
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