Lies And The Truth, a heartland fanfic | FanFiction "Didn't you work the night shift?" When he finally starts to warm to him, after spending a nice day together, Brad ruins it by stealing $2,000 and disappearing in the night. Amy later, brings a stubborn Diva into the barn as Kit drops Ty off at Heartland, Amy becomes jealous and Diva bites her. The lights come back on and Mr. Hanley finds out what's been going on. Amy ties to cheer him up by telling him that she's happy Clint brought him here. She pulled off her glove and accepted the call, bringing the phone to her ear. He shows that he will do whatever he can to help the people around him, and he keeps trying things until he finally achieves what he wants. Ty takes her on a fancy dinner and loses the ring. Jane gives it to him as payment for helping with the horse, amazed he rushes to the plane ready to give the picture to Amy. He's out watching Ghost and is able to talk to Amy, he tells her that he can hear a mate that's why Ghost doesn't want to stay. As Ty's about to leave, Lily stops him and asks if he's embarrassed of her, he claims not to be. The Next Step. Mindy asks Caleb and Ty to take her to Mustang Meadow, Ty tells her Amy will be back from school soon and then can go but refuses to wait so Caleb takes her. They start bustling and Ty stops when everyone comes out the house telling him he's not worth it. He and Jack drive back to Heartland happy, singing along to born to be wild. He also ends up in Jouvie after he beat up Wade trying to protect Lily, even though Lily doesn't stand up for him scared of the consequences with Wade. He finally confesses that Clint believes he's the poster buy and Amy tries to justify that Clint's proud of him. Scott tries to put him at ease with the idea of frosh, but reminds him he'll also need a clear head for his first sheep brain dissection. In the season finale, Amy leaves to go on tour with an Arabian prince's race horse team as one of his trainers. (Letting Go), When Amy returns from her show he congratulates her and she tells him about the plan to join the A-Circuit. He's surprised to see his dad, Brad get out of the truck and tell them it's full of sick horses. Caleb arrives and undermines Ty by offering his help to find him. Ty finishes up at Maggie's and Brad is determined to stay and order a drink with Ty. She asked what she did to make him change his mind. Ty talks to Amy, she asks him how it's going with his dad. They get in Ty's Truck to leave and are greeted by Wade arriving claiming it's a "family reunion. After Ty realises he feels stronger for Amy than Kit he attempts to break up with her but she realises what he's doing and they break up leaving Kit angry and she storms out. When Jack and Tim end up arguing and then fighting he gets confused and Tim admits who he is. After Caleb, Ashley and Soraya leave he tells Amy how fun it would be to go to the rodeo with Caleb and do some travelling. Amy's phone rang through the empty trailer. They overhear Wes and Dutch saying that he's late to meet him, as they leave to load the other horses Amy and Ty jump up to get Spartan. She invites Ty over to hers later that night but he declines. It is based on a book series by Lauren Brooke and follows the sisters Amy and Lou Fleming while living their everyday lives on the Alberta family ranch. Amy's annoyed when Ty's Truck breaks down saying that he willed it to happen because he didn't want to go. He starts off by not liking Ty too much or trusting him too much. When they get to the round-up Ty recognizes the trail boss, Tim, from the open house. When he registered Scott's face he jumped to attention, knocking a few papers to the ground. He arrives back just in time to see Clint then takes the necklace back to Ashley. When Jack hears Ty fire up the truck he rushes out and says he'll take it for a spin to help the battery, Ty tells him the battery's fine it's everything else under the hood. Ty and Amy are together in the first episode. he prodded gently, shaking the younger man's shoulder lightly. The next day, Amy, Peter and Lou find the pair and Amy and Ty share an emotional embrace. Ty tries to convince Lily to stay saying he's not a kid anymore, adamant to protect him Lily is determined. After dinner, Lou tells Ty how excited Amy id about the dance, Ty finally admits that he can't dance so Lou tells him she'll help. He tries to tell her that it's too risky and convince her to leave but she refuses. When he starts to get cold feet she tells him how great she thinks their relationship is and that she's jealous of them. Ty and Amy continue to argue about how to treat Merlin and Amy's not happy that he's being to soft on him causing him to start to act out and walks off. Amy tries again with Ghost and Ty helps her out when he charges her knocking her over. Amy's in the barn, angrily brushing Spartan, Ty tries to talk to her and tells her about a tree fort he had in Vancouver he would take his Mum to to try and keep her safe. Tim helps bandage Ty's ribs and offers them both sandwiches, but Jack declines. Ty finds Badger smoking by the barn and tells him to stop, when he flicks the butt at him Ty grabs him up against the door Amy has to break them up. Inside his phone rings and Amy goes to answer it finding the engagement ring. All the ones with multiple parts are linked together, so there should be no lost chapters! He tries to comfort her by telling her he'll help but that makes her admit that she's scared that he'll be leaving if he gets accepted to college. He arrives at Kit's and she looks stressed and concerned saying Scott needs help as the head and right front legs are stuck. Clint arrives and tells Ty he's passed his probation and wishes him luck for the future. As Ty and Wade are about to fight, Mallory comes out the house and asks what's going on. Ty ends up with Brad for 4 months until he starts to get caught in the crossfire of Brad and people he owes money to. He always does his best to try and protect her even from herself and especially from Wade. He has been placed there under his probation. She tells him that she spoke to Amy who said there was nothing happening between her and Ty, and they kiss. He tells Amy that he's been talking to Scott who said he can intern/apprentice with him, she asks about them and he tells her it's up to her. Luckily Scott interrupted him. He later packs up his truck and leaves. Jeremy also sneaks booze into Amy's drink at a party, trying to mess with her mind so she will sell him Phoenix.Ty gets fired from his job because Jeremy killed his own horse, and had it look like Ty did it. The next day Amy works with Diva again, as Kit drops Ty off, Amy becomes jealous again and Diva starts to act up as if enjoying the misery. he tells her it's because he's worried about school. She admits that she was happy to bump into him since he didn't call her after the rodeo. Caleb dismissed them and Ty starts to get frustrated at him underestimating her. They move the trailer as a bridge between the barn and the paddock, his favorite place. Jack and Ty find a wild house and its baby in trouble, they call Amy in to help. Amy finds him at the party and asks why he left Heartland, he tells her it was because she told him to leave. In the morning, Amy and Ty watch over Merlin as he gets used to other horses, Ty tells her that he's accepted the job at the racetrack so he has more money for school and gives them a bit of time apart, Amy's supportive but looks disappointed. Ty goes to see Kit concerned about her, she tells him that they had 50 head stolen and she's now out checking fences to make sure no more get stolen, Ty tries to comfort her. After Jack insists Ty goes fishing with him, Ty prepares to leave feeling he couldn't say no, being waved off by the girls. At the end of season 1 he decides to leave Heartland to visit his dad. "Amy, I know you're upset." Ty and Amy are elated, until Jack tells them he's going too. Lou overhears this and confronts Ty about it and he is second guessing it because he doesn't want to hold her back. When Amy and Ty share the weekend together at the Fishing Cabin, they both finally declare their love for each other starting a relationship. He rushes back to the plane and starts the fire. (Man's Best Friend), At Maggie's, Ashley, Soraya, Amy and Mallory tell Ty about Mr. Hanley and the ghost story about his farm. He enjoys bossing him around the ranch and giving him jobs to do. When they arrive at the marker they lose communication via the radios and Ty teases Lou about being the most competitive, Amy says she's more competitive so they put it to the test with a play fight. They begin fighting as things are different again, and since Blair is always there they have had no time alone since he got back. Amy takes him to the spirit wheel and as he tries to tell her that he wants more that he doesn't want them to be friends, Amy cuts him off telling him that something with her has changed and she knows that no matter what they'll be ok. (Full Circle) Ty tells Jack about some bad snowfall nearby, he tells him that the wild horses are starving up near the Fishing Cabin, Amy overhears and insists on going. The pair don't spend much time together but when Pegasus gets sick Tim blames Ty for making the decision he did. The next morning, he's loading his truck when Jack tells him to get to work. When Kerry-Anne shows up Ty is disappointed that Amy doesn't believe him, but they soon make up and he proves he's changed. Wade leaves and Ty says he just took a wrong turn. When they go out after lunch he ropes Mallory into helping him. The next day, Ty's out and drives past a motorcycle for sale and stops to check it out. At first, when Ty returns Amy gives him the cold shoulder but finally tries talking to him, not getting any answers. She asks him what's going on and he gets angry saying that he's not an expert because he had a problem when he was younger. Luckily today they had the day off, and they were finally going to get some quality time together or so she thought. He helps Amy work with Venture and tries to build up his resistance of water. He tells her he's only working there and she tries to tell him to quit and he yells at her that she has no right telling him what to do. Tyler "Ty" Borden was Amy's husband, father of Lyndy and son of Lily Borden and Brad Borden. I'm just a little tired after working double shifts.". (Taking Chances), Ty joins Ashley at Maggie's and sees the new commercial for Briar Ridge. Ty supports her decision fully, though is sad for the months they will spend apart. The next morning, Ty sees Mindy coming out of the outhouse. The next morning, Ty talks to Badger by the lake and asks what happened. He tells her that he wasn't a good student but she doesn't believe him. Amy fell asleep for a bit in the truck. When Caleb arrives, Amy makes herself scarce, he goes to talk to Ty and punches him for hurting Kit. He believes it's harsh and tells Amy to let Ghost go. Jack's old truck rumbled to a halt beside Ty's trailer, crunching the cold gravel under its tires. When she gets upset that he left she tells him to stay and he returns to Heartland. When Carl proposes to Lou and finds the ring gone he starts checking the loft. Ty didn't even make it back to the trailer before falling asleep. Caleb starts talking about Amy, much to Ty's jealousy, when they spot the rustler truck pulling onto the field. They spot Spartan running across the field and he gets scared for Amy. Ty and Caleb both complain to each other about their respective girlfriends, they decide they don't need permission and are determined to go to the rodeo on Ty's bike. The trio head over and manage to cut the arrow out successfully and fix him up. The next morning Jack asks what happened and as Amy is about to tell him the truth when Ty jumps in and takes the blame. Jack offers to throw Brad out if he wants, he declines stating it's something he needs to do. Between Ty juggling work and school and Amy picking up clients left and right, she'd barely seen her fianc all week. He takes her out to the jumping course he built for her to remind her it's not about winning she and Spartan love jumping. "Ty?" He rushes off on his bike to find her. After Blair and her boyfriend Grant leaves, Ty starts all over with Amy. Mallory then grabs him for a dance. Ty's sitting in front of the fire and Jack goes to talk to him, he reminds him what he said before about getting near his granddaughters and reminds him not to kiss and run this time. Ty is on the varsity basketball team.Amy likes Ty, but he doesn't know. Caleb stays in the limo with Amy, forgetting his own wedding with Cassandra. Amy later asks him why he went for a motorcycle ride with Ashley if he doesn't like her, she tells him that it was his favorite bike so of course he went. Amy swiftly put the vehicle in park and cut the engine, excited to get to her destination. Ty arrives dressed in his suit surprising Amy and tells her he's going with her, they try to leave but Lou insists on taking pictures first. (The Fix), It's Ty's last day at Heartland before heading to university, he doesn't want to make it a big deal whereas Amy wants to do something big. In the morning, after the cougar attack on the Chickens, Ty continues to worry about Merlin being outside but Amy ensures he'll be fine in the round pen. "Hey listen" Ty hesitated, "Do you think you could come pick me up? That night, Ty has another nightmare about the wolf, he wakes finding the wolf staring at him in his tent only to be woken up properly by Jack coming in to get him out to fish. "No, actually" Ty chuckled weakly, "Scott's sending me home.". He goes up to have a look around, not seeing anything, he looks out the window and sees a hooded figure slowly walking towards Amy. Mallory tells him, that from reading the parenting book, he needs to have time away so that his relationship doesn't suffer, causing him to change his mind and heads out with Amy. He starts working with him while awaiting an acceptance letter for college. Amy gave Ty a small smile trying to get over his disappoint that the evening did go as planned. (Coming Together), Ty is walking through the streets when two guys grab him to beat him up, he manages to get away and the chase him on motorcycles. Amy sees Ty feeding Money "the good stuff" and they both tease each other about helping the competition and learn that they are both staying this weekend. I should get to bed." Ty nodded his head knowing Amy had an early day tomorrow, but it was hard letting her go knowing what she really wanted to happen tonight. He also performs a procedure on another horse to help relieve a pustule from it's windpipe, which Scott tells him he did a good job with. Scott tells him to check his stats before getting Jack's hopes up. When Jack makes Ty go on a supply run Amy tells him that she and Caleb managed to get Venture across the stream. Tim and Ty spot that Pegasus isn't in a good way and move him into the Quonset Hut. Kit drags Ty outside and gives him a present, a new hat. He then goads him telling Ty he's going to go and see Amy, leading to another fight between the pair accidentally letting the cows out. Brad admits that he can't stop thinking about how everything went wrong when Ty was younger and Ty comes round. (Dark Horse) Ty's with Kit in the barn and they both apologize for being jealous and make up. Lisa arrives and asks what's going on, Amy tries to explain but due to a lack of evidence Lisa doesn't believe her. At Ashley's after party she starts bragging about her jumping and coaches so Ty rises to it and tells her and Ben that he's coaching Amy. they manage to get free to see Tim getting shot by protecting Amy. He finally admits that he didn't want to go but not because he didn't want to be with her. Work Search: He moved to get up but quickly sat back down as the room spun around him. When Ty starts to get acceptance letters for college, the pair become nervous about the prospect of a long distance relationship but agree to make it work no matter what. Amy walks off as another horse is bought out and Ty runs after her when he realizes it's Spartan and is bought by Wes. They both decide to wait. In the morning Ty's fixing the tarp when they both get a glimpse of promise from a passing chopper. Full Length:The Next Step - A year after Ty and Amy are married they face an unthinkable tragedy.One Day (unfinished)- (AU) After getting herself into a life-changing situation, Amy is sent to stay at Heartland, a horse ranch where convicted criminals work to rehabilitate and re-home abused horses and forced to find a new life for herself as well. They practice roping together and Caleb tells her he changed his mind and leave to sign her up. Amy is upset that he was so close and didn't say anything, he tells her that the one thing he wanted to say she didn't want to hear. Ty is forced to confront his painful past when a mystery package arrives that leads to new insight. He also comes into his own as he steps up to play a pivotal role in helping Jack deal with a tragedy. They realise their not talking about the bike but actually women and Ty decides to stay to sort things out. When Jack and Tim later get into a fight, Ty watches on as Peter asks if they should break it up, as it gets more violent they rush in to stop it leaving Tim to elbow Peter in the eye. "Whoah, you alright there?" Clint arrives and asks Ty if he's seen Badger, as he's figuring out what to say Mallory arrives and tells him that he was there but talked about hiking to the bus station, Ty and Clint leave to try and find him. When he's working Jack comes by and tells him that Val will need to take over as his sponsor now he's working there, and he seems upset. When she tells Ty he is really upset but forgives her. Back at Heartland everyone is pleased to see him and he and Amy finally share their gifts for one another. After Mark leaves Amy thanks Ty for his help and he suggests celebrating with a movie but is disappointed when she declines. They try to get him to drink the mixture and Caleb arrives and helps. He tells Amy how excited he is for them to have the house to themselves tomorrow when they leave for the trail ride, he offers to make dinner for them both when Caleb interrupts them. Other story ideas was about how Soraya found out that Amy and Ty were together after the end of season two or how Ty and Amy and the family let everyone know that the wedding was back on after season eight episode ten when they got . (The Haunting of Hanley Barn), Ty goes to work with Scott, he tells him he's been accepted to two colleges and hasn't told Amy yet, although receives teasing about one of his choices. Amy and Ty arrive home with Harley and Jack tells them that he can't get an identity on the seller. They have dinner and celebrate Ty's diploma, but Ty hasn't eaten much. She hardly knew this young man from Calgary, but somehow she felt safe with him. He tells them that Wes is out of prison on good behavior. She has to explain to him that kids also need boundaries. They get interrupted when Amy calls for back up with the mustangs at the feed lot. He later talks to Amy about the formal and asks if she wants to go with him, she agrees. Ty comes back from his trip with another girl named Blair Conner, who kisses him the night before she leaves, saying he led her on and knows there's something there. Ty goes to Victor's and picks up Amy. In the morning, he tells Amy that he has a call with his student advisor as he's missed some classes and ensures his plans to go haven't changed. Ty starts to open up to Jack after he showed his aggressive side by trying to stick up for innocent people. She quickly realized there was something missing from the trailer's yard, namely a classic navy truck. As Scott seems to be in more pain, Ty jumps up to check on him, Scott tells him and Amy to stay true as letting Lou go was the dumbest thing he's done, Ty look sat a photo of Amy on his phone to keep him going then gets scared when he notices Scott's passed out. I I just don't feel good to drive right now.". (Come What May) Ty help Jack by fixing his truck, while doing so Mallory rambles about telling the people you like how you feel before it's too late. That night, Amy and Ty are watching Merlin, Amy convinces Ty to leave but but as soon as he hears him "cry" he turns on his heels and stays with him. When Jack ends up back in hospital he tries to comfort Amy when she gets upset about what might happen. Ty stirred slightly, but rather than opening his eyes, he shifted his position letting his weight flop against Amy and snuggling his head onto her shoulder. He tells her that they should just be friends. He goes to help anyway and tries to apologize for the other night, but Amy doesn't want to hear it. They go to work at the Bailey farm and help when Kit's mare has a stillborn and try to help her bond with Merlin an orphaned foal whom she rejects. Ty's out fishing with Jack, who's giving him pointers. 18 (Season 2)19 (Season 3)20 (Season 4)21 (Season 5)22 (Season 6)23 (Season 7)24 (Season 8)25 (Season 9)26 (Season 10)27 (Season 11)28 (Season 12)29 (Season 13), Died: November 24th 2019 (14x01 Keep Me In Your Heart), Partner of Hudson Vet ClinicVolunteer of Granger's Animal SanctuaryVet Assistant (Formerly)Employee of Hudson Racetrack (Formerly)Stable Hand of Briar Ridge (Formerly)Ranch Hand at Heartland Ranch (Formerly), Brad Borden (Father) Wade Dalton (Step-Father)Amy Fleming (Wife)Lyndy Borden (Daughter)Tim Fleming (Father-In- law)Marion Fleming (Mother In-Law) Jack Bartlett (Grandfather In-Law)Lisa Stillman (Step Grandmother In-Law)Lou Fleming (Sister In-Law)Shane Grenier (Half brother-In-Law)Georgie Fleming-Morris (Adopted niece)Katie Fleming-Morris (Niece), Mallory WellsScott CardinalMrs. After the horses are doing well they need to find a place to home them, so they call up Pike River. Amy asked, concern lacing her voice. Jack drives him back to Heartland and he tells Ty that the loft and his job are still there for him. Scott later backs up Ty, saying he'd have done the same thing. She decides to take the year off to figure out her next step. "You okay, man?" Ty studies with Kit at Maggie's, she tries to get him to stop since it's Saturday and asks him why he never finished High School the first time. Ty and Amy Heartland - Fun in Bed - YouTube (Quarantine), Ty and Caleb enjoy watching bareback broncs, when Caleb invites him to go with him to his next rodeo. He eventually tells her that it happened quickly but when he woke up he thought he was on a beach. From what Scott told her before they left the clinic, Ty needed his rest. Amy lets him go, willing to support him and be happy for him, but Tim and Jack are not as happy. Later, Ty's trying to get the halter on Merlin, whose fighting it, when he finally gets it on he praises him. He later, overhears Amy giving Ryan advice about things changing for the better and he tells her to take her own advice. Ty gets better, but the hospital, despite specialists confirming he is fine, won't let him go. Amy silently sighed as Ty's truck heater warmed her frozen toes. He drives Amy to Ryan's house, for her to try to get through to him again. she laughed in surprise, but he was fast asleep. Scott said "Just have a seat. Ty supports Amy through the memorial for Marion, they find a spot and watch as Victor burns sweet grass to mark the spot as sacred. After Ty gets his High School diploma, he asks Scott to work with him, with an interest of becoming a vet. No answer. After Kit talks to Amy and is convinced that there's nothing going on between her and Ty so they kiss, starting a relationship. Lou bursts out of the barn to announce that Brad also took the $2,000 for the horses and Ty takes off in his truck. Upsetting Amy further and causing her to walk home. After a multitude of misunderstandings of Ty sneaking out, she learns that Ty's been learning to dance for her as not to embarrass her. They go to help him move on by shooting, Amy isn't happy with it but she heads home and lets them help Ghost. Ty goes to the Dude Ranch and finds Lou and Peter asking to continue his lessons. After Jack takes his horse out for a training session, Ty finds him near Heartland walking his horse back, he tells Ty that the horse is the problem and needed a break. Ty comes clean and tells him that he and Amy were just trying to get him out of the Loft and apologises. Jack walks in and wants to talk to Ty, he tells him that now his probation is finished he can leave but he can stay and he wants him to think of Heartland as his home. 20 guests "Amy, Ty is waiting for you." Amy saw Lou behind her through the mirror. "Okay You're right." He asks if the new job is and real and she admits it's not, and she didn't come to see him, Wade found her and had no where else to go. The next day, Ty's helping Jack with the fences when Caleb rushes off praising Ty's advice because now Ashley's calling him and leaves. Caleb complains to Ty about Ashley, but he stands up for her and as he lied and took the money and now isn't helping her fix the water heater. He helps a lot with fixing up the trucks, having a good knowledge of mechanics. Amy and Ty talk and he tells her that it's been a weird day as he spent it with his dad and it wasn't a bad day. Mallory and Badger come so that Amy doesn't miss her own graduation. Amy tells Ty about Ashley blackmailing her to help with Apollo or Ben will take the jumps away. Collaborations:The End Where We Begin w/ Heartlandians. They're interrupted by Caleb and they vow to get him to move out, Amy suggesting setting him up with Ashley. Ty pushes through his nerves of operating on a friend and successfully removes the metal and stitches up his leg. When Kit comes by to pick up Daisy she sees Amy riding her. She goes to stroke his face but he backs away. They talk about the last time they saw each other, she was running off to LA with her boyfriend. Ty finds Amy gathering tools in the barn and tells her that the cut came from Wes, he got a favor from Clint to find out where he was. Him and Amy bond when she gives him one of Jack's hats for the cattle drive. Amy asked, more so to herself. Lou is a fan of Amy and Ty's, when Ty gets nervous about ruining Amy's school dance because he can't dance Lou teaches him. Jack and Ty agree to work together to condition Money ready for the race.
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