Summary. Some may be asking why we are posting this, given the fact that VOM works to help persecuted Christians worldwide. In addition to consuming alcohol, White had ingested Diphenhydramine, a common antihistamine sometimes prescribed for insomnia; Zolpidem, specifically used to treat insomnia, was also found in his system. Ananias and Sapphira for keeping back a portion of their own money (Acts I read your report. Petition Investigate Why Voice of the Martyrs Funded the Abuse of I wish VOM would be transparent and support an unbiased investigation. In addition, police reportedly have stopped investigating the case that shocked many in . however, the salary of its then president James Dau was revealed to be $158,416, the Martyrs' facilities, including orphanages, abroad. for that. 'We are thankful that they have acknowledged some of the issues in their work in Nigeria, but we are very concerned that they still refuse to do an independent investigation, and that several statements they made are not open and forthright,' it says, calling for an independent investigation. At the time of his committing suicide, Tom White had a $140,000+, plus perks, yearly salary and very substantial travel and expense accounts used in his extensive and frequent international travel year after year. for providing links to source material in your articles. I know Michael Wurmbrand is supporting an organization that gives 100% of donations to persecuted Christians. To my knowledge, the previous headquarters of VOM in the same town cost in the neighborhood of about $90,000! Since the suspected perpetrator was dead, the police closed any further investigation of the molestation. The publication noted the police department had no "official" protocol for cases in which a suspect under investigation dies. Second, if indeed Michaels statements are true (and we have no reason or evidence to doubt they are), then in all fairness, the body of Christ needs to know these things.There have been other concerns about VOM (ecumenism, Catholic sympathies, contemplative, etc. for persecuted Christians? Add to this the utter catastrophe of contemplative mysticism (i.e., occultism) overtaking countless Christian organizations, schools, and denominations, and weve got the makings for an apostate church. Imagine a surgeon insisting to operate, having no time to clean his hands after searching in garbage. . The Voice of the Martyrs. click here). Already Lighthouse Trails has heard from many believers who have repented after being deceived by the Jesus of Jesus Calling. Second, we think of the Scripture that talks tells us judgment beginning in the house of the God (1 Peter 4:17). You may also listen to an interview between Crough and Jan Markell here. My own mothers Bible to be displayed there was obtained from me under false pretenses. The Answer is NO , for a little leaven causes the whole lump to be corrupt . In addition the church was also made aware of terrible abuse occuring at an orphanage in Abeokuta, Nigeria. Remember, Christ tells us, the way is narrow and there are few who find it. In 2014, Michael Wurmbrand, the son of founder Richard Wurmbrand, was fired from his position at VOM-USA's office after calling for an independent investigation into the overseas activities of Tom White. Of course, lawyers will try to prevent them from doing so because they are afraid of lawsuits. 2. I should be entitled to make such a request since: * Voice of the Martyrs published for years a specially dedicated childrens magazine. I think its very helpful that Amelia Coleman pointed out that, according to IRS Form 990s VOM spent 64% of its 2016 income oqn foreign projects, and that this is actually a high percentage. Our hope for these ministries is that they would walk in repentance and godliness just as God has called all Christians to do so. . In 2017, allegations were made public by dismissed employees against the leader of Voice of the Christian Martyrs - Nigeria. Voice of the Martyrs Australia was founded in 1969 and is part of a global partnership of independent missions started through the influence of Pastor Richard Wurmbrand. If you do not intend to accept the above request, the other decision I ask you to take is not to use the name Wurmbrand any more.. Since 2016, Lighthouse Trails has been sending out topical booklets (usually three times a year) to a growing list of pastors and Christian leaders. China's underground church risks by hirelings and wolves. EIN: 73-1395057; . Sincerely, Tortured for Christ circulated throughout the world with more than 10,000,000 copies. Lower and publish all leaders' salaries. "No day in the history of my work at VOM has been more difficult than Wednesday, April 18th," he said, pointing to the day White's body was found. secret police interrogators became converted to Christ after witnessing God's Czech Republic, Finland, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, Two days later, the nonprofit, interdenominational organization acknowledged that White, 64, was being investigated by Oklahoma authorities for allegedly . "Hi, Thank you for your website. of my email is to request advice about what international charities I should now Theres not much for him to personally gain in comparison to those Hes stating are accused. We then searched on the Internet and found a phone number for Michael Wurmbrand. "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name [Jesus Christ] under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Next week, Lighthouse Trails will be sending out our first mailing of 2023 to Christian leaders & pastors. When I was only a child, the communists forcefully took away my parents to communist prisons. How can I support WP or discern which missions that have not My letter now for more than a year, has not been answered! dismayed to find I'd been giving to In 1966, Wurmbrand [2] testified before the Internal Security Subcommittee of the U.S. Senate about the treatment that Christians received under communist governments, raising worldwide interest in Christian persecution, and through his influence several missions were founded around the world to help support Christians who suffered under Communist persecution. Is VOM still not worth giving to. How VOM Funded & Covered Up Child Abuse (VOM Scandal Part 1) March 16, 2021 How our church discovered Voice of the Martyrs funding of child abuse in Nigeria, and how VOM lied to victims and worked to cover up wrong doing. PO Box 5161 6. donation. since I heard of them. Hello Francis, we have added your name to our e-newsletter list. 90510, USA, The controversy is revealed by Warren Throckmorton in his latest Patheos blog. Reprinted with permission from the Roseburg Beacon News, Vol. the Romanian communists and was supposed to die in prison, until one of his A Biblical Perspective on Salvation That Ye May Know . Inside the $28 million Voice of the Martyrs headquarter prominently named as the Richard Wurmbrand Center, there is a Wurmbrand museum. Todd Nettleton, head of media with Voice of the Martyrs in the US, told Throckmorton: 'It is heartbreaking for us to consider that someone may have used VOM-USA funds or projects as a means to victimize anyone especially a child.'. 3. '", Asked for a comment Thursday regarding confirmation of White's suicide, VOM's Director of Media Development Tom Nettleton said: "The Voice of the Martyrs continues to strive to serve persecuted Christians around the world, and the Lord continues to guide and bless our work.". I have donated to their organization every year for the past few years And this is why we are compelled to post articles like this letter below by Michael Wurmbrandto bring light to areas of darkness but also to defend true Christianity, to say to the world that there are believers in Christ all over the world who day after day, year after year serve the Lord faithfully, who do not molest children, do not plagiarize, do not practice the contemplative stillness in order to know God, and do not steal money or grow monstrous corporations that knock down everything in their path. In a toxicology report made available to The Christian Post on Thursday, the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner found that White's death was most likely caused by "acute combined drug (ETHANOL, DIPHENHYDRAMINE) toxicity." While each country's mission has its own focus and management, they also cooperate through the ICA by sharing information and jointly funding international projects. The molestation case was closed less than a month after White's passing. Earth Day and a Christian Perspective on the Environment good organization. I almost Thank you. Martyrs from California, called for an independent investigation to assure that The post Visio Divina: A Mystical Practice by Any Other Name Is Still a Mystical Practice appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. I read The 63 members of China's 'Mayflower Church' who fled persecution in China arrived in the United States on Good Friday, intending to resettle permanently after being granted humanitarian parole status amid a harrowing three-year quest for asylum. We are grateful for the numerous personal interviews in which he shared his memories with patience and enthusiasm. As soon as I asked for this independent investigation, the VOM attitude of respect towards myself I enjoyed for years turned into one of incredible vindictiveness. The Oklahoma state chief medical examiner's office has confirmed that Voice of the Martyrs executive Walter Thomas "Tom" White killed himself with a toxic mix of drugs in April, after learning that he had been accused of sexually molesting a young girl. Donations via check or money order may be given by mail. The post Makes No Sense for Contemplatives to Celebrate Easter appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. 16 Issue 15 April 12, 2023. ByHarry A. Ironside He preached unto them Jesus, and the resurrection . Nettleton said VOM had taken . I dont know how This was done by sharing mailing lists with organizations focusing on families and children; * My person, my life, and our family Wurmbrand story was used in this magazine; * Without my knowledge, without my permission, a very laudatory biography of mine was written, printed and distributed to tens of thousands of American children; * In order to obtain donations from the parents, the organization tried to gain credibility and goodwill with tens of thousands of Christian children in home-schooling families. Pedophilia is a horrific crime and if there are more children that need protection or healing, or if there is any way an investigation would prevent an act of pedophilia from occurring to someone else, or even if it would give one girl closure, we should by all means enthusiastically encourage such an investigation. a percentage of the money they raise from donors. And, 4. OUR WEBSITES. Stay up to date with the latest Christian news! The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) is a nonprofit, interdenominational missions organization that serves persecuted Christians around the world. alone took in over $57 million. The Voice of the Martyrs "will continue serving with our persecuted brothers and sisters," the ministry stated after the death of its executive director in mid-April. Christians who were in the know could not believe how it was possible. They were approved on 04-08-2020 by the SBA for an amount of 1381200 USD. Michael Wurmbrand's call I will pray for them, Missions also produce video content,[6] including videos to promote The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church,[7] which is honored on the first Sunday in November. I do not want to allow VOM to use my parents good name, to raise money under false pretenses. Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) We have heard rumors that this is already happening to some of them. equivalent to $183,059 in 2021. Most of the money came from Voice of Martyrs in America. Regardless of whether the source of these out-of-house news [Read more] It is hard to believe this could be done, but correspondence I display on the web (see link below), should convince you. We are thankful that they have acknowledged some of the issues in their work in Nigeria, but we are very concerned that they still refuse . Please click here to learn how. It would appear that Voice of the Martyrs has loosed their damage control team on the internet as obviously efforts appear to be coordinated across the web. RESURRECTION! Thank you. The worst vindictive act towards myself though was the refusal on the part of VOM of my simple request to dump or allow myself even pay to withdraw immediately from the VOM circulation advertising, about 2,000 copies of Tortured For Christ, my fathers book, published by VOM with a preface by, and having right in the middle, a portrait of Tom White, the past chairman who had committed suicide after the police-filed accusation of suspected pedophilia. VOM would employ the millions of dollars of donations to fight me in court while my income is very limited. I had never A friend who I shared the The Bottom Line of A.W. actually the result of their own serious personal wrongdoing. 4. ", He added, however, "Tom deeply loved his wife, his children and his grandchildren. Is this true???? heartbroken to read your article online about their flaws. just so these Christian martyrs would be helped. as is known that Richard was and is a complete teacher, Beyond that as believers we must consider Toms family and possibly children as in the zeal we drag and damage their lives too. On March 14th, Lighthouse Trails received an e-mail from Michael Wurmbrand, the son of the late Richard Wurmbrand, founder of Voice of the Martyrs. When I approached them, they were shy and sore afraid for their own interests to insist my letter be answered. When I learned about Sabina and Ricard Wurmbrand had a son, I googled him, and found out that VOM was using the donations for persecuted Christians to build a $28 million dollars headquarter in Oklahoma, this is corruption! The post Update From Kevin Reeves appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. One such group of persecuted Christians were about 100 efforts to bring to light the errors, habitual mishandling of resources and But since I cant send my money straight to those folks I have to depend on someone with connections and a heart. This news story is a sobering example of what is increasingly happening to Christians in community, public education, and government services in North America. Tozer: A Hybrid of Complex Proportions, Earth Day and a Christian Perspective on the Environment, [Oregon] Sherrifs Deputy Fired for Failure to Comply with LGBTQ Policies, A Biblical Perspective on Salvation That Ye May Know . Tozer and warned our readers about his often quoting and referencing medieval-period and other mystics. Russian-backed rebels control about a third of Ukraine's . We are far indeed from charitable actions through which one sacrifices for the interests of others. of the Martyrs was founded by Richard Wurmbrand (photo) in 1967. During round 1 of the paycheck protection program, THE VOICE OF THE MARTYRS, INC. requested a PPP loan for 1381200 USD. grace to remain humble and open to examination and correction! We are not the only ones doing so in a spirit of deep concern. This terrible event made world news. I want to make sure that I am It is much more likely, especially this day and age, that a large organization of individuals would be corrupt and looking out for self interest than it is that one man who would inevitably end up having to endure the full force of such a large organization and their gained finances- be the one whose truly willing to suffer for good and right. A Personal Testimony Regarding Volunteering and Working at VOM conflict with Michael Wurmbrand we try to solve with prayer and mediation! Tom White, Voice of the Martyrs Head, Reportedly Killed Self Amid In 2016 VOM sent 64% of annual donations to foreign work..the next best was Open Doors at 31%. In 2020, Eric Foley, with Voice of the Martyrs Korea, was accused of violating the inter-Korean exchange law for launching Bible balloons from South Korea into North Korea.[12][13]. 7. I read it. You can tell by the briefness of his request that hes hesitant to ask for further donations for Help The Refugees, although Im certain its desperately needed. troubling times. of the donations. then the director of a correspondence school in California, reacted to this I do support several charities, but Dear Lighthouse Trails: Im attending a Bible study at _________________________, and they recently had a womens 2-day conference. another missions organization that reaches out to those in living with Some of the organizations endorsing Voice of the Martyrs have interrelated employees and interests. Voice of the Martyrs organizations in Australia, Belgium, Although those were investigated and found to be without foundation, staff in the US overseeing work in Nigeria became 'increasingly concerned' about overcrowding and quality of care at The Stephen Centre children's home operated by the Nigerian organisation, according to Nettleton. Help Smuggle Bibles to Iranian Christians, Privacy Policy & State Disclosure Statements. Sell the new headquarters building, give the proceeds to those How could I have foreseen that in a case of blatant suspected child-molestation some Christian VOM leaders I approached, imitated the priest and Levite in the Parable of the Good Samaritan, trying their best re. The Bible tells us this will happen in the end times. VOICE OF THE MARTYRS (VOM) - Exposing the Scandals [1] The US organization today is a $50 million ministry providing practical and spiritual assistance to persecuted Christians in 68 countries. Voice of the Martyrs has just released a statement responding to the allegations in the Persecuting the Persecuted video. the reports about VOM and Open Doors. When we stumble or fall, as LTRP Note: The following letter to the editor is asking about a practice called visio divina. more donations. Christian materials to/from abroad (see In this case, the person that was listed as a suspect is deceased. ByRoger Oakland In July of 2016, I was invited [Read more] I will take my time to learn more about it and support the good steward. hidden abuses which have marred the work in so many organizations. When we first posted the story about Whites suicide last year, someone commented to us that it was unlikely that Tom White molested a child and that perhaps this was a conspiracy of murder against White by Muslims angry at VOM for their work in Middle-eastern countries. Michael (Mihai) Wurmbrand as a young boy with his parents.
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