Advantages of Oxfam are they dont have to pay tax. The Oxfam confederation works in 87 countries around the world. All work is written to order. There numerous rival organizations that have affected the ability of Oxfam to achieve its objectives in various countries. 8 million. This has helped it avoid any political confrontation with the international leaders. Too many NGOs obediently fill out reports that provide an impossibly immaculate account of success. They have to know all about wht customer wants and what kind of material should use. Not having to answer to a corporate boss is the dream of many and the flexibility that owning a business franchise creates provides this option. History Of Oxfam: Non Profit Organisation - The Success of the McDonald's Franchise - 1280 Words | 123 Help Me Roche, Chris. The activities of Oxfam have had massive impact on a number of global issues because of its direct engagement with governments and the citizens of various countries. As the war in Yemen extended into its fifth year, Oxfam continued to provide life-saving aid to some of the most vulnerable communities while also supporting the legal challenge that halted at least temporarily the sale of arms to Saudi Arabia which are fuelling the conflict. Essay On Oxfam. As nurses we need to support our clients and help them in anyway possible to find and seek out treatment. They have been financed to make it possible for the groups to start business operations without getting loans from the financial institutions. Samplius is for students who want to get an idea for their own paper. The following are some of its specific roles. Oxford: Oxfam GB, 2003. Finance department is responsible of balance sheets, profit and loss of tesco and responsible to keep records of fund and all planning of Tesco financial income and loss. The danger of this donor reaction to the Oxfam scandal is that other NGOs with less robust procedures will shy away from being open about abuse. This was due to a number of factors including a challenging year on the high street and changing patterns in charitable giving. In response, Oxfam completed an organisational restructure to deliver cost-savings and launched a new strategy to ensure maximum impact in tackling poverty while taking account of the financial outlook. The organization established affiliates in various countries as a way of devolving its operations. Campaign initiatives, planning and putting into practice new tactics and strategies to spread climate change.oxfam is trying to make relationships globally with international NGOs to develop prosperity. Government, Customers, Employees, Local Community, Suppliers, and Pressure Groups: they all have equal importance in building of Tesco Customers. It is affected by organizations rules, polices and decisions. Print. Not all clients are dealing with issues of events like recovering from knee surgery or a heart attack. The organization has also made massive efforts in securing gender justice in various countries, especially in parts of Africa, Indonesia, India, and Bangladesh. Oxfam Case Free Essay Example - StudyMoose They all depend on the donors majorly from North America and Europe, just like Oxfam. Oxfam was previously a collection of 17 individual organisations that collaborated in 1995 in order to form a single association. They had to suffer in silence. Gender Equality and Sexual Exploitation: Introduction to Gender Equality; Mainstreaming Gender Equality in NGOs; Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse. They are part of a global movement for change, that empowers people to create a future that is secure, and free from poverty. At the same time, the impact of the pandemic on some of the worlds poorest and most vulnerable people means our work is more vital than ever. Oxfam has to be accountable in its operations to various entities that partner with it in its effort to eradicate poverty, human sufferings, and social injustices. The major Oxfam rivals include Medicins sans Frontiers, CARE, International Rescue Committee, Mercy Corps, Catholic Relief Service, Concern Worldwide, and Action against Hunger. Oxfam started as an organization that was focused on helping the poor and other disadvantaged groups in the Great Britain during the Second World War. Oxfams main intention and goal for these plan are mainly to change peoples lives around who are in need and mainly to help change and influence their decisions that physically as well as mentally affecting their lives; additionally help spread the message of equality so these individuals are able to enjoy their rights as being a normal citizen and human being. Women in Sri Lanka, India, Mozambique, Indonesia, Ethiopia and various other countries have been liberated because of its activities. In UK OXFAM GB was originated in 1942. StudyCorgi. These communities have been pivotal in mobilizing donors to give their contributions. And also out of seasons sale which shows selling at low cost. The Individuals, celebrities, politicians and organizations across the run campaign for collecting funds and to remove illiteracy and poverty. It is important to note that some of these organizations have good reputation in helping people in cases of natural disasters and wars. Women have been empowered and can now make independent decisions about their careers. According to Rugendyke (65), Oxfam was started in 1942. Their operations have been a hindrance to the success of Oxfam in achieving its strategic objectives. It has made concerted effort to eliminate social injustice and poverty around the world. We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. Women became their property, and they could not leave such abusive marriages based on their culture. Every income of the organization is fully accounted for and regularly published so that donors can monitor how their contributions are spent. To the local communities in which Oxfam carries out its functions, there has been efforts made to ensure that this firm remains accountable. This is the only way through which it can maintain a steady flow of donations in these regions. As one NGO executive aptly put it: the risks around transparency undermine a lot of learning across the sector. It has been working tirelessly to achieve global equity in its campaigns as a way of fighting poverty. It later moved to the United States, Germany, and many other nations around the world where they felt their services were needed the most. NGOs that disclose wrongdoing should be commended, providing they make a genuine attempt to rectify errors and improve practices. Realistic Tesco is third big company in world. In fact, there has been a clear communication system that allows the organizational partners to evaluate how this organization has spent the resources that are obtained from various sources. The organization should institute the five pillars of practical management that are feedback, transparency, dialogue, resource allocation, and verification in improving its operations (Lang 109). Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. He is assisted by seven divisional directors in various regions, and one international director stationed at Oxford GB. Oxfam's work focuses on long-term development programs, emergency assistance, and political advocacy on issues including agriculture, education, health, climate change, emergency response, and more. Its mission is to enable people to fight poverty by offering them with moral and material means of achieving this. Water and sanitation. Stakeholders stand for great influence in organization. It acts for attitudinal change to facilitate in development, socially and economically. To the success of a business, the suppliers supply goods and services to them and in exchange being paid on time and receiving the payment orders, however in relation to Oxfam, they mainly rely on their main suppliers which are internal stakeholders known as donors and provide materials which would use them to help the people in need including food and clothes. In this assignment I am going to be looking at the roles of marketing in two contrasting organizations, Tesco's and the Oxfam. Strategic aims and objectives Oxfam works for trade justice, fair trade, education and aid, health, HIV/AIDS, conflict ,campaigning and natural disasters, human rights, and climate change. October 31, 2020. Issues like rape were considered normal without giving any regard to the torture that the victims undergo when such incidents occur. To campaign for a fair-minded world. Specific Reducing Poverty is specific objective. It has also developed policies that seek to promote entrepreneurship among the youths as a way of creating more employment opportunities. Organisations that are serious about stamping out abuse will, for example, need to increase their capacity to undertake rigorous background checks on potential and current employees. Its activities have become great success in empowering the societies and fighting the poor. success stories | Oxfam International The following are the affiliates. It is clear in their mission statement that Oxfam also strives for equality and fairness, therefore supporting a society in which all are equal. They depend on the donations from the governments, institutions, and individuals in North America and Europe to fund their activities. The following diagram shows the organizational structure of Oxfam. As theyre a charity based organisation, their aim isnt to make a profit but to make a lot of money which they will then spend on helping people. As mentioned before, a stakeholder is an individual group or organisation that has interest in how to run a business categorizing between internal and external stakeholders. Information Management for Development Organisations. All computer software are working, all business websites are accessing.( (modern). And 105 stores in France managed by wine producer and 44 in Hungary managed by international. In other natural calamities such as the Pakistani floods, the Haiti earthquake of 2010, and the cyclone in India, this organization played a pivotal role in helping the victims get the basic needs such as food and water., On the other hand another way of thinking about it is - just how bad. The National Famine Relief Committee had been formed earlier to look into the national needs, especially on issues of famine that resulted from the inability of most of the citizens to engage in the economic activities due to the war. "The Oxfam Organizations Information." To remain accountable to the donors, this organization has been regularly publishing its income and expenditure on an annual basis. essay writers. Oxfam believes in fairness in distribution of resources. Rugendyke, Barbara. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! Green, Duncan. NGOs, Civil Society, and the Public Sphere. It has particularly been pivotal in fighting for the rights of women in various countries around the world (Brand 109). The Oxfam Education Report. Print. Managers will judge the consequences of transparency too grave. As an affiliate of the National Famine Relief Committee, Oxfam managed to convince other affiliate members and the parent organization that relief was not just needed nationally. Essay On Oxfam - 642 Words | Bartleby Additionally the growth of Oxfam influences donors to help and overcome the people suffering by poverty as well as affected by famine, which is the extreme shortage of food, from other parts of the world. Oxfam's letter seems to be written by a less important person in the company compared to the Salvation Army. Success is not reached by simply creating a business, however. The audited accounts of the firm are published to ensure that any possibility of financial misappropriation is eliminated. The Remarkable Journey of Tesco: From One-Man Business to Global Giant PLC private limited company and dont allow its shares for sale publically. Donors do not have a good record of being proactive when presented with evidence of abuse. I would like to recommend the both different organization one is profit gaining Tesco and nonprofits gaining Oxfam have good customer connection because Oxfam is an international charity which is focused on fighting poverty and providing them shelter.and Tesco is providing daily needs products for customers and also providing funds to Oxfoam so that they can participate in decreasing poverty. Print. Although Oxfam is a charity organisation and is not owned by any individual, there are staffs that are paid as well as a CEO. We are glad that you like it, but you cannot copy from our website. However, the net of blame needs to be cast wider than NGOs. This has a knock-on impact. Sometimes the organization would receive donations in the form of products other than cash. Retrieved from, StudyCorgi. Watkins, Kevin. The organization, ARNOLD, James (2002). Privacy statement. Oxfam's objectives is fighting poverty and for human rights, in more specific term, injustice in all over the world. Public Limited Companies (PLCs) shares to the general public it contains Minimum of 2 but no maximum number of shareholders. However, this does not mean that the donor countries may not need their help. Oxfam has developed offices in these volatile regions where leaders of these communities or individuals can come and ask for the documentations of the donations received, and the amounts that have reached people. The Oxfam Organizations Information. Women in Sri Lanka, just like in Bangladesh, suffered from male chauvinism in the society. As healthcare providers, we need to have open minds and be able to understand all different types of clients. Oxfam provides employees and volunteers with a diverse, inclusive, and safe work environment. For instance, a person may decide to donate a diamond bracelet as a way of demonstrating that the disadvantaged group deserves human dignity. It is also important to note that transporting such donations to the regions across the world may not only be time consuming, but also very expensive. Oxfam has also been actively involved in policy research in order to develop reforms that can help in fighting poverty and social injustices in various parts of the world. Bridging the Divide: The reform of global food security governance. Even before the impact of the pandemic, online sales had increased by over 13 percent for both donated goods and the Sourced by Oxfam range of ethical and sustainable products, The positive trend in online sales has continued in the run-up to Christmas, helping to alleviate some of the financial impact of shop closures during the lockdowns. It is important for this organization to maintain dialogue with various stakeholders, especially governments in countries where it operates in cases where there is a conflict of interest. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! Express values in activities that are meaningful. New York: Routledge, 2007. However, the net of blame needs to be cast wider . Oxfam America in the United States, Oxfam Australia, Oxfam Canada, Oxfam-in-Belgium, Oxfam France, Oxfam Great Britain, Oxfam France, Oxfam Germany, Oxfam Hong Kong, and Oxfam India (Oxfam 21). And Flexible commitment. Those at the top of the aid chain donor governments did not listen to warnings of wrongdoing. Greece was particularly identified as a country whose citizens were under the eminent threat of starvation because all its borders were locked by the two forces in the war. Franchises .A business which has bought the right to trade under established name in different cities.e.g McDonalds, KFC. Tesco has achieved it by good quality products. This means that the organization has nothing to hide. Oxfam Marketing and Rebranding Plan (PESTEL / SWOT Analysis) 1. Goodwill is no different. Why is oxfam successful essay . Success Essay- In today's world everyone wants to be successful but what is a success. Planning, calculating and the passing of information form rival is called mission. When the resources are diverted to other projects that they did not approve, then they will feel cheated. Over 62,000 people participated in Oxfams Second Hand September campaign, pledging not to buy new clothes for 30 days to help people and the planet. In such countries, Oxfam has developed the developmental programs that are meant to empower the youths. They are an independent organisation, registered as a charity, affiliated to . StudyCorgi. It is a trouble reliever organization which includes 14 countries organization with 3,000 partners in around 100 countries to decrease poverty and injustice .It can be define as an International organization which helps and provide training and financial aid to people in developing countries and disaster areas. It does not also rule out the possibility of the recipient nations giving out some support to help their own people or other people in the international society. They would also want a variety of products to choose from key holders, Key stakeholders in a business organization. Disclaimer: Services provided by StudyCorgi are to be used for research purposes only. And maintain furniture. It was one of the local committees that were started to boost the operations of the National Famine Relief Committee (Leather 66). Oxfam at 75: How the Oxford based charity became a household name Oxfam research has been successful because they have made life changing changes in country's were poverty is high. The Great Britain, being one of the major partners in the Allied Forces, had a strong influence on such decisions, and Oxfam believed that if it could persuade the government to allow for food relief into this country, then it will be able to save many lives that were endangered in this country. In each of the Oxfam affiliates, there are general managers who are in charge of the daily operations of the firm. Perhaps one of the areas that have made this organization to be resented by some of the oppressive regimes around the world is its advocacy for the rule of law, and the need to hold governments accountable in delivering their mandate to citizens in a fair and equitable manner (Lang 98). Why is oxfam successful essay : r/EducationWriters - Reddit The organization has been vocal in denouncing the military rule that has been experienced in various parts of the world. However, some sponsors have faulted activities of this organization, accusing it of being too political in some countries. And co operates for helping in medicine, education, or emergency rescue. External stakeholders of Oxfam Then there are others that are funded by federal and state government. Oxfam is an international, large, charity organisation where in 1995, Oxfam was formed and created to support and make an impact towards the poor and poverty as well as working and campaigning together to reduce the global stages of injustice. Powell, Mike. Oxfam Oxfam does many things to help people. In these regions, women were largely considered subordinate to men in almost every aspect of the social life. According to Green (78), Oxfam International was formed in 1995 by a group of independent non-governmental organizations, and was finally registered The Hague in Netherlands as a non-profit foundation. Oxfam International had a global mandate to help the poor and other disadvantaged members of the society to live in dignity as human beings. As a multinational charitable organisation, Oxfam has many supporters, nevertheless, they still want to better themselves and help more people. The Essay Writing ExpertsUK Essay Experts. Oxfam made 79.6 million pounds on sales from donated goods. The international charity organisation has independent associations which consists of 4 organisations working with over 100 countries which includes Germany, Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Great Britain, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Ireland, The Netherlands, Quebec, Spain and the United States, all with the main purpose of not only to help people to campaign for things that include ending unfair trade, encouraging western nations to aid poorer third world countries but mainly helping people effected by natural disasters, struggles with human rights and also providing shelters and donating food and clothes. However, Oxfam worked with the local community to transform this mentality. Currently, Oxfam operates in over 94 countries around the world through its 17 affiliate organizations. Use time and resources efficiently. Oxfam is trying to pay as much attention at each stakeholder as it can, because the company wants to reach its aims and objectives. Responding to emergencies. The few who were lucky enough to proceed to college were strongly advised to avoid science courses and even business law courses as they were seen as preserves for men. Oxfam helped over 11 million people despite challenging financial year In those countries, which have largely shaped the system of legislative regulation of the sector (USA, UK, Australia, etc); the state spends huge sums on research programs in the field of standardization of the NPO. The focus still remained fighting poverty, human sufferings, and other social injustices. New York: GRIN Verlag, 2007. October 31, 2020. The Oxfam Organization's Information | Free Essay Example - They are also successful because they have thousands of volunteers worldwide which brings in more money to fundraise towards charity. Comparison of Tesco and Oxfam - Tesco is a shopping mart where we can purchase our essential things.
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