WSCC SPH106 Makeup Quiz #2 Flashcards | Quizlet They can do this by implementing culturally sustaining practicespractices that not only accept but foster students cultural norms and values. Ideal and real culture pattern are ? A) Strive to get to know coworkers and quickly get on a first-name basis. I was asking questions. Members of low-context cultures assume that listeners share similar attitudes, values, and beliefs. Culture is such a powerful influence on our outlooks and behaviors that often we are not even aware of it, instead believing our perspectives are just the way things are. In the context of increasingly diverse classroom settings, such unexamined beliefs can lead to avoidable conflict and a loss of valuable instructional time. A lot of times I think it can be helpful, especially as were talking about sustaining, which really means not only acknowledging but supporting young people in bringing in not just the young people and the teachers but also families, caregivers, or community members to both acknowledge and support those differences as well. Using the information above, consider these questions. D) individual job advancement. Click here to view examples that illustrate certain specific perspectives and approaches that might result in cultural gaps. So if youre able to ask or youre able to read a book or able to sit through PD and receive some wonderful information, I think that truly helps us to achieve that closing of the culture gaps. C. Type Something quite different. So my response is not to yell at you. Updated 10/2/2018 6:31:18 AM. Why do you think a cartoonist might create a very thin character with a huge hat? Identify the foundations of existing practices, Review practices to determine and reduce potential areas of culturally based conflict, If cultural gaps exist, determine whether practices have to be done in a particular way or whether changes can be made, Establish and teach clear classroom expectations that help students feel safe and secure, Be open with students about differences in school practices and expectations and those in the home or community. Providing directions in the form of a question implies an expectation of choice or an option to decline. Teachers may not realize how much of their daily routines and practices are influenced by their cultural practices and upbringing. And why is that? Members of generation Y are good at multitasking,but tend to ignore tasks they aren't interested in (which can be detrimental to their jobs and to themselves). I understood it was a party. This information can be gathered formally or informally through: Meetings (Meet the Teacher night, parent-teacher conferences), Frequent two-way communication (emails, phone calls). 3.2 The Elements of Culture - Sociology - University of Minnesota Lets talk about why a students behavior or students behavior more generally may not align with the school and may not align with what those expectations are. So when Im expecting them to be sitting and quiet, that might be unnatural to them, and it might be something that they need practice and examples and repeated exposure to before it becomes natural to them. And so, as a parent, Im going to trust that you know your job. A. Evacuation of surrounding populace So to examine that gives us a better understanding first of what it is. communicated., Prejudice is different from stereotypes because we tend to shy away from ingroupers. C) learned behaviors shared by a group. Lori Delale-OConnor, PhD D. Financing governmental response measures, Which of the following factors does NOT impact the working conditions in a disaster area? A lack of eye contact indicates deference or respect. Weegy: Culture influences all of the following EXCEPT FOR: Notions of time. When cultural practices involve easily observable characteristics such as the clothing people wear, the food they eat, the languages they speak, and the holidays and traditions they celebrate, we often refer to these practices as visible. Another student asked do the boys get a party, or is it only for girls? Or we didnt recognize that this might be an area where were clashing, but we have already developed this sort of respect and acknowledgment for each other as cultural beings. Take a moment to read through the table below. All rights reserved. But for me, what Ive experienced is its OK to ask a question and not to have malice behind it. But its taking it an additional step further and saying, not only do we value that and talk about it in the classroom but lets see how we can connect our classroom practices so that your space and your family and your community is enhanced by what were doing in the classroom. Recall that Ms. Rollison expects her students to raise their hands to speak. So in a situation where there is a gap of information when it comes to me and another students culture, Ill make sure that in a separate environment during a separate time period, not necessarily in front of the rest of the classroom with that student, to ask questions, to both ask how they were feeling about what happened in that moment, but then also how to better my understanding of that moment. Culture influences all of the following EXCEPT FOR: A. Values that And then after talking with the student and clarifying the situation and then also asking them what they would like to see in that classroom going forward, would they prefer me to speak to the class when theyre not there, when they are there, and what would make them the most comfortable going forward to make sure that the students in the classroom understand as well as I do? Although culturally sustaining practices may look different depending on the context, teachers can: Many districts have personnel who can offer teachers information, training, and supports on topics related to equity, diversity, and inclusion. All rights reserved. A) monochronic Cultural Factors | CULTURAL FACTORS Culture encompasses the set of beliefs, moral values, traditions, language, and laws (or rules of behavior) held in common by a nation, a community, or other defined group of people. Culture: Definition, Influence and Factors Affecting Culture the sociocultural influences that affect the consumer's behavior include all of the following EXCEPT, the process by which an individual selects, organizes, and interprets information to create a meaningful picture of the world. The best time to weigh yourself is in the. If you believe that all people on SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) are inherently lazy and don't deserve governmental assistance, what type of prejudice does your belief reflect? And so the more that teachers can invest towards getting to know their students and their cultures, the more that theyll be able to bring that information into the classroom and be able to apply it in meaningful ways so that their students can engage and participate and feel like a part of that classroom community and feel like they are being integrated and part of the learning process, as opposed to being individuals who are being spoken at and having to do learning one specific way. So its very relaxed and nonjudgmental. Standing very close to someone when speaking is seen as violating personal space. This can include cultural liaisons and community outreach specialists with personal knowledge and understanding of the cultures represented in the community. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Choose the better of the following sentences. -the preferred brand is on sale. Members of a low-context culture feel the need to make information clear, direct, and explicit, as they view themselves as individuals, World-mindedness is the opposite of ethnocentrism, Culture is influenced by all of the following EXCEPT. Copyright 2023 Vanderbilt University. So if they are willing to share, Im willing to learn. B) I refuse to do that. includes observing the outcomes of others' behaviors and adjusting your own accordingly, product attributes that are used to compare different offerings when making a purchase decision, the influencing of people during conversation, in either positive or negative ways, is called, the process by which people acquire the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to function as consumers, Perceiving a difference in one's ideal and actual situations is the initial stage of the purchase decision process, one that is known as. B) arrive promptly at meetings. When you are working in a disaster area, it is common to work with different types of first responders. O urban gentrification. However, racial identity is the product of social, historical, and political contexts, and thus students racial and cultural identities often share many commonalities. Page 2: Cultural Considerations and Behavior. In low-power-distance cultures, differences in power are minimized, whereas in high-power-distance cultures, differences in power are accentuated. Any of the shared rules, expectations, and practices that guide, inform, or influence the behavior of people in a certain culture or social group. What may appear as noncompliance to a verbal/written instruction or rule may in fact be a language misunderstanding. consumer socialization. Listen as Lori Delale-OConnor discusses culturally sustaining practices. Providing directions in the form of a question (e.g., Can you join us for group time?) implies an expectation to comply. In Exercises 777777 through 848484, rationalize the root (or roots) in the given expression. The major elements of culture are symbols, language, norms, values, and artifacts. The U.S.and Canada are typical examples of high-context cultures. the process by which people acquire the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to function as consumers. D. Notions of time Weegy: Culture influences all of the following EXCEPT FOR: Notions of time Score 1 User: True or False: Section 508 only effects employees who work with technology and procurement, not . In the table below, note how the number of disciplinary removals for Black students is twice the average among all racial/ethnic groups and nearly three times the average for White students. Other ways that behavior management plans can be more culturally sustaining would be to have the teacher build relationships with the students or to have the students have positive interactions with one another. While working on a small group project, one member prefers to manage and schedule meeting times, working on one problem at a time. B) deictic We are born with knowledge of our culture's expectations; we do not need to learn them through experience. B. . Note: If you have worked through Classroom Behavior Management (Part 1): Key Concepts and Foundational Practices, you may have completed this assessment. Ask for student input Discuss components of the classroom behavior management plan (e.g., rules, procedures, consequences) with students. Cultural differences are particularly important to understand as the U.S. student population becomes more and more racially, ethnically, and linguistically diverse. I must confess the influence of culture is so huge, culture can influence customs, beliefs, Values, and laws. Teachers are expected to collaborate with family members or community elders. A State TERT organization's deployment process. Lets talk about this. They had to pick out their colors, their shoes, their fingernails. The United States is an example of a highly feminine culture. Providing directions in the form of a question implies an expectation of choice or an option to decline. b) Are the necessary assumptions to perform inference satisfied? When I think about families, some great examples are do you know how to contact a teacher in the way that the teacher expects and is deemed appropriate? User: You will not gain weight from Culture influences all of the following EXCEPT FOR: a learned predisposition to respond to an object or class of objects in a consistently favorable or unfavorable way is a(n) _____. a. is experiencing generalized feelings of stress with no identifiable cause b. has been In a low-uncertainty-avoidance culture, members prefer structured work with clear delineation of power and authority. School Behavior Support, /wp-content/uploads/module_media/beh2_elem_media/audio/beh2_p02_cottrell.mp3. The United States is a high-context culture. O indigenous environmental infrastructure. Personal influence, reference groups, family influence, and culture are types of _____ influence on the consumer purchase decision process. Modules, case studies, activities, & more, Sample syllabi, curriculum matrices, & more, Sample PD activities, planning forms, & more, Resources & tools for independent learners, Feedback and testimonials from IRIS users, University of Pittsburgh School of Education, Department of Teaching, Learning, and Culture. B. The chart on the left is labeled Students and is divided as follows: 47% white/non-Hispanic (blue), 27% Hispanic (gray), 15% Black/non-Hispanic (orange), 6% other (green), and 5% Asian/non-Hispanic (yellow). D) disrespectful. And if you do youre rewarded and rewarded in the sense of you might get better grades. And I think the culture of schools and classrooms, particularly within the context of the United States, theres a very strong historical component that often we overlook, that we just sort of accept it as this is the way it is, rather than questioning how did it get this way and does it serve the needs of the teacher, of the building staff, of the students, of their families? Its difficult for the teacher to be able to differentiate one lesson 20, 30 different ways for each individual within the classroom, but if they can think about collective similarities across students and see how they interact with one another and how they can help one another to learn and grow, that will allow for opportunities to change and adapt these structures within the system. University of Pittsburgh School of Education, /wp-content/uploads/module_media/beh2_elem_media/audio/beh2_elem_p02a_oconner.mp3. Resilience and Redundancy They have an idea of the classroom, and they want to stick to that and make all students within that classroom abide by that particular structure. A) monochronic B. The contents of this Website do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. D) using the most up-to-date methods. I think connecting with that is also building relationships with students, with their families, with the community, and that is in part because it helps you to better understand the students as cultural beings. Asked 10/2/2018 5:52:24 AM. Question. To notice if the goal is being met, they check the gasoline usage for 50 company trips chosen at random, finding a mean of 25.02mpg25.02 \mathrm{mpg}25.02mpg and a standard deviation of 4.83mpg4.83 \mathrm{mpg}4.83mpg. Chapter 5: Understanding Consumer Behavior Flashcards | Quizlet On the other hand, during that same period 79 percent of public school teachers were white and non-Hispanic. Consider why she (and the school) require students to share and participate in such a structured manner. C) parallel-context IRIS | Page 2: Cultural Considerations and Behavior And a lot of that stems from not necessarily a students ability to do something but their understanding of how school works essentially, and their families understanding of how school works. Cultures that rely heavily on subtle nonverbal cues to convey meaning have a ________________ orientation. Teachers are automatically regarded as an authority figure (based on role/position or age). B. Beliefs and reactions to situations. Although teachers should have an understanding of the differing cultural perspectives of their students, they should also keep in mind that not everyone with the same ethnic or racial background has the same values. One or two specific ways of how to behave and how to act within a classroom or a school environment, those sort of ways of acting and behaving does not necessarily always align with how other cultures think about or process appropriate behavior. Copyright 2023 Vanderbilt University. Have students interview each other about their familys culture and practices then provide them with an opportunity to share what they learned about their peers with the class. Its hard to feel valid if you feel that youre not understood. D. Reliability, Scalability, and Portability, Common resources fall into five general groupings. An organization's culture can be described as the personality of the organization. School Behavior Support, /wp-content/uploads/module_media/beh1_media/audio/beh1_p03_cottrell.mp3, /wp-content/uploads/module_media/beh1_media/audio/beh1_p03_patterson.mp3. These practices are designed to recognize and bridge cultural gaps and represent a shift from the traditional focus of schools, where students are expected to adopt white, middle class norms and to change or shed behaviors that dont align with the schools or teachers expectations. The process whereby an individual learns his culture from infancy, through experience, observation, and instruction is called ? The Command Staff are incident management personnel that the Incident Commander or Unified Command assign to directly support the command function. In Mexico and Germany,you are expected to use a person's formal title unless that person has specifically invited you to address him or her casually. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Another piece has been just having courageous conversations, and I think thats a wide spectrum. C. Local and State channels A pair of pie charts is used to contrast the ethnic makeup of students and teachers. In low context cultures, an important goal of communicators is to help each other save face and maintain social harmony. Anthropology(Quiz 2) Flashcards | Quizlet Employees whose values match the values of their supervisors and of the organization tend to be more satisfied, more committed to their jobs, and more successful on the job. Therefore, option 'a' will be the most correct option here. Federal and national channels TRUE. This can result in a cultural gap. School of Education, Andrew Kwok, PhD A long chain of islands is known as what? First-generation college students from a working-class background tend to lack all of the following skills EXCEPT: Which generation is most likely to regard correct spelling and grammar usage as a sign of competence? Students who actively participate are engaged. b. Wow! Culture influences all of the following EXCEPT FOR: A. Values that Click on the tabs below to learn more. The idea of misbehavior has multiple different definitions, and the way it can look in one certain classroom or within one certain school can differ, and without specifically aligning that or coming to an understanding of what that can look like theres going to be discrepancies. Cultural expectations are often ________________ to the people who live and communicate within that culture. Its important to understand your students culture. D. Beliefs and reactions to situations. State and Federal channels Weegy: In physics, power is the rate of doing work. A. The largest number of Native Americans in the region is found in the corners Arizona and California both Standing very close to someone when speaking indicates a close relationship. C) Social contexts reveal much information about relationships. By understanding their own cultural perspectives, those of their students, and those promoted by the school, teachers can better identify cultural gaps. Eliminating implicit bias, which is, like it or not, we all have them. Group of answer choices How we communicate with others The basic elements of communication How we even view life and death. Texas A&M University, /wp-content/uploads/module_media/beh2_elem_media/audio/beh2_p02a_kwok.mp3, KaMalcris Cottrell And youll see cultural differences in that. Listen as Andrew Kwok discusses the importance of teachers understanding their students cultures. religion. Engage in a conversation around these differences and work to build a classroom community that acknowledges them and bridges this cultural gap. If the ways that families know and value education aligns with the ways that the schools, their young people grow to also know and value education. prejudice can lead to stereotypes. * For refund and privacy policy information visit our Help & Support page. University of Pittsburgh School of Education, /wp-content/uploads/module_media/beh1_media/audio/beh1_p03_oconner_a.mp3, /wp-content/uploads/module_media/beh1_media/audio/beh1_p03_oconner_b.mp3. When you are done, click the Finish button to get some feedback. Compromises needed to address discrepancies in cultural norms. B) cooperative problem solving. And so that, I think, is the difference between really thinking about culturally responsive, which is responding to who students are and where theyre coming from and their experiences and their different ways of being. We do have nonverbal signals that the students can show that they agree or that theyve done the same thing or theyve had the same experience. Its important for teachers to understand that culture can: Race is not synonymous with culture. Teachers should identify and anticipate potential cultural gaps that may influence their behaviors and interactions with students. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following is not part of the definition of culture? User: Culture influences all of the following EXCEPT FOR: A. B) sets of values, beliefs and norms. layered. But thats not necessarily culturally responsive in the sense that its not necessarily considering what the students need in order to succeed within the classroom. Keeping all resources for private-sector use only We talk about our behavior. D) polychronic, Jules takes time to chat with his friends at the beginning of the meeting, even though it means the meeting will start late. Culture is the set of values, norms that defines the ways of life of people.
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