If the decision is not to send the manuscript for assessment, the Editor in Chief contacts the author with the decision. 10. In replying to the referees comments, authors are advised to use language that would not cause offence when their paper is shown again to the referees, and to bear in mind that if a point was not clear to the referees and/or editors, it is unlikely that it would be clear to the nonspecialist readers of Nature. A final decision on publication is deferred, pending the authors response to the referees comments. GSA publication submissions are expected to be innovative, provocative (or describe a significant advance in the field), of timely significance, and of broad interest, either within a discipline and/or across disciplines. Such quick changes may mean a glitch, but given that its a Nature journal, thats unlikely. Depending upon the nature of the revisions, the revised paper may be sent out for additional review or it may be accepted directly. Of course a desk reject can happen anytime but I was wondering if anyone had insight especially when submitting to Nature. If the editors of Nature Plants decline publication of a manuscript, before or after peer review, the authors can easily transfer their manuscript to a different journal within the Nature Portfolio family by following the link provided in the editors decision email. The EiC may have seen merits in your paper after all (or a fit, if that was the issue). If the manuscript is transferred, the original reviewer reports and identities will be shared with the receiving journal (with the exception of transfers to the npj Series and Scientific Reports). See this document for a full description of what happens after acceptance and before publication. [CDATA[// > Although optional, the cover letter is an excellent opportunity to briefly discuss the importance of the submitted work and why it is appropriate for the journal. Invite the authors to revise and resubmit their manuscript to address specific concerns. Authors are usually informed within a week if the paper is not being considered. Reviewer comment: In your analysis of the data you have chosen to use a somewhat obscure fitting function (regression). For example; too small a sample size or missing or poor controls. The science editor has sole responsibility for the decision to accept or reject a manuscript, and that decision is final. But in June 2022, the journal was removed from SCI indexing, what can i do, so much of work in it with two revsions taking more than a year,what can be done, Why is a PhD essential to become a peer-reviewer. Plants) Although Nature editors go to every effort to ensure manuscripts are assessed fairly, Nature is not responsible for the conduct of its referees.Nature welcomes authors' suggestions for suitable independent referees (with their contact details), but editors are free to decide themselves who to use as referees. If authors prefer not to make the review history of their paper at Nature Plants known to a new journal, they should not use the transfer service and they should make a new submission instead; the editors will evaluate the paper without reference to the previous review process. However, when they communicated their decision to the Editor-in-Chief (EiC), who makes the final decision, it was decided to reconsider your manuscript. Register for comprehensive research tips and expert advice on English writing, journal publishing, good publication practices, trends in publishing, and a lot more. The login screen changed from "live manuscript" to "post decision manuscript" in a week, so I assumed it was desk rejected. Your manuscript entitled "xxxxxxxxx" has now been seen again by our original reviewers, whose comments are appended below. Your manuscript is already in great shape but please go through our guidelines below that specify the correct formatting of your final resubmission to avoid delays towards formal acceptance. ISSN 1476-4687 (online) How to submit a journal article manuscript. Cactus Communications. 25th Apr, 2017. Natureuses a transparent peer review system, where for manuscripts submitted from February 2020 we can publish the reviewer comments to the authors and author rebuttal letters of published original research articles. The authors will be sent the comments of the reviewers and Editor and asked to revise accordingly. The paper is accepted for publication in principle once the authors have made some revisions in response to the referees comments. The editor and the editorial team discuss the reviewer reports, and decide whether the manuscript or a revised version of it could be published in the journal. My paper was published in a journal in 2021 october. Keep calm and wait: A guide to understanding journal statuses. It just says editor assigned and manuscript under consideration. Connect with us on LinkedIn and stay up to date with news and development. on 25 Jun, 2021, This content belongs to the Journal submission & peer review Stage. [CDATA[> [CDATA[> Some authors ask the editors to reconsider a rejection decision. Papers may be rejected without review if they are inappropriate for the journal, clearly of poor quality, previously published, etc. Many papers are published online ahead of print publication date: corresponding authors of these papers will be informed by e-mail when the online publication date is confirmed, one week ahead of publication. We suggest that authors send proofs to co-authors for them to check, but request that changes among the co-authors are coordinated so that only one author communicates with Nature and only one set of corrections is sent. I submitted a paper to Nature on Sunday Nov 20. Archived post. TIP: Do not make appeals personal attacks on the Editors or reviewers. The login screen changed from live manuscript to post decision manuscript in a week, so I assumed it was desk rejected. Please see our guidelines for initial submission to make sure that you provide us with all necessary information at this stage. Authors and their institutions are advised to coordinate any of their own publicity with the Journals and Editorial press office by e-mail after their paper is accepted for publication. English Editing - Editage.com | Editage.jp | Editage.co.kr |SCI Editage.cn |publicao de artigos Editage.com.br | Editage.com.tw |Terms of UseforEnglish Editing Services. On the basis of the external reviews and their own reading, the editor makes a decision on the manuscript (accept, revise, reject but encourage resubmission, reject). The paper is rejected because the referees have raised considerable technical objections and/or the authors claim has not been adequately established. Editage Insights offers a wealth of free academic research and publishing resources and is a one-stop guide for authors and others involved in scholarly publishing. All of these points are covered in the Writing a Journal Manuscript and the Writing in English tutorials. Appeals must be rational arguments not emotional ones so be sure you have enough evidence before trying to change the editors mind. [CDATA[// >