In 2013, 3,154 people were killed in motor vehicle crashes which involved distracted drivers. Moreover, since they tend to be the target audience, young adults could be helpful in designing the content and messages in distracted driving PSAs. The U.S. Department of Transportations Faces of Distracted Driving video series shines a light on the tragic consequences of texting and cell phone use while driving. They may have paused for a bit, but they have since resumed. First, most previous research in this area has utilized young adults in their samples ( After the projects were complete, observed driver cell phone use fell from: 4.1% to 2.7% in the Sacramento Valley Region in California, Graduated driver licensing (GDL) is a system which helps new drivers gain experience under low-risk conditions by granting driving privileges in stages. looked specifically at PSAs designed to discourage the use of illegal drugs by adolescents, their findings could help in the creation of various other social marketing campaigns. Lewis, Watson and Tay (2007) Distracted Driving Summary Fact Sheet pdf icon[PDF 660 KB]. Comprehensive GDL systems include five components 8-9, one of which addresses distracted driving: the young passenger restriction. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. With this in mind, it may be necessary for social marketing messages to either include more intense fear-arousing content or try an alternative approach altogether if they are to successfully impact young adults. The present study aims to examine the effectiveness of a public service announcement against distracted driving on a convenience sample of college students attending Texas State University. A focus of the previous literature on fear appeals in advertising is what, if any, differences exist with regard to gender as a variable. This study has implications for social marketers and public safety organizations. found that the young men and women in their studys sample did not respond to the public service announcement they viewed in the same manner. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Distracted drivers arent just a threat to themselves: theyre a danger to everyone else on the road. But instead of trying to break a habit of texting and driving, it forces young drivers to use their cellphones while the car is in motion. ). Responses were analyzed to gauge the effectiveness of the PSA and look for the presence of gender differences and the third-person effect within the sample. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. First, it employed a nonrandom, convenience sample. Lennon, Rentfro, & OLeary, 2010 In line with this research, Dahl, Frankenberger. Fortunately, after some eye-opening training on a closed track, Josh comes to see firsthand just how risky it is to mentally multitask while driving. PSAs can provide first-hand accounts of distracted driving incidents and their effects on the people and also inform both adults and teenagers about the causes of distracted driving incidents, which would lead to a reduction of the number of driving incidents. The driver, an 18-year-old man, had picked up his phone to make a call and didn't see the light turn. This semantic differential 5-point scale uses three items to measure a respondents emotional reaction to a stimulus, in this case a PSA. Many anti-distraction ads show cinematic, slow-motion car crashes to convey the danger of taking your eyes off the road. In addition to providing great turns of phrase like stupid death by smartphone, it also offers a common-sense solution (with no handholding required). To honor her memory, Casey's family and friends produced their own video for the U.S. Department of Transportation's "Faces of Distracted Driving" series. The results of this study demonstrated that participants who viewed the self-efficacy PSAs were better able to discourage others from driving under the influence of alcohol than were the participants who viewed the consequence-based control PSA ( In an attempt to combat this dangerous practice, various organizations concerned about public safety, such as municipal police departments, the Department of Transportation and even wireless telephone companies, have created advertisements and public service announcements. The 30-second PSA, Get the Message, features clips from people who lost loved ones in distracted driving crashes and have spoken out through the U.S. Department of Transports Faces of Distracted Driving campaign. Yet, the present study did not find support for the third-person effect. Distracted driving isnt just a stupid mistake. points out, one can die by being a distracted driver themselves or as a victim of another individual driving in that manner. The results of their study showed that shocking content in an advertisement significantly increases attention, benefits memory, and positively influences behavior among the sample ( The PSAs in Dr. Lennon's study showed cars that had been totaled by accidents due to texting and talking on the phone while driving. assert that motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death and disability for young Americans (p. 181). I urge everyone to watch our Faces of Distracted Driving series at and to remember: talking or texting while driving is not worth the risk.. Females agreed with the two intention measures more strongly than did males. Amos Johnson, Ashley's father, now speaks to local teens about the dangers of distracted driving. In 2022, the U.S. Department of Transportation released the, In 2021, Congress provided resources to add distracted driving awareness as part of drivers license exams as part of the. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. The response to their heartbreaking stories has been overwhelming and their efforts to build public awareness are helping to save lives. Distracted driving is one of the fastest growing safety issues on the roads today. ). These cookies allow us to count visits and traffic sources so we can measure and improve the performance of our site. These campaigns generally fall under the umbrella term of social marketing. It Starts with You: Zero Tolerance for Distracted Driving, 2021 National Sheriffs' Association. Veuillez choisir votre rgion The other part of RQ 1 concerned the impact of an anti-distracted driving PSA on student intentions. Affective response (general) scale. Cell phone records indicate that the driver was texting just prior to the collision. ). Table 24 summarizes the self-reported information about the subjects' driving experiences. Concerns Regarding the Use of Fear Appeals. Another chi-square test was run for gender and intention to speak up when another driver is texting. Bruner (2009) As part of RQ 1, some questions on the survey asked respondents to give their opinions regarding the PSA. Hastings, Stead, & Webb, 2004 To honor her brother's memory, Loren Vaillancourt has been using her visibility as Miss South Dakota 2010 to speak with schools and organizations throughout her state about the dangers of distracted driving. Students who texted or emailed while driving were also more likely to report other transportation risk behaviors. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The number of distracted driving incidents can be reduced by public service announcements. Can You Shoot A Hawk If It Is Killing Your Chickens? Although her father had warned her against cell phone use behind the wheel, she was texting at the time of the crash. The national distracted driving effort focuses on ways to change the behavior of drivers through legislation, enforcement, public awareness, and education. Lennon, Rentfro, & OLeary, 2010 As cited by other researchers, their model considered the role of the social context of the coping response to a threat communication, introduced the notion that responses may be due to factors other than the communication itself, and emphasized, rather than minimized, the role of emotion ( Lennon, Rentfro and OLeary (2010) ; 7.09: Can a PSA Help Reduce the Number of Distracted Driving Distracted Driving PSAs & Infographics - National Sheriffs' Association Afterwards, they will complete a self-report questionnaire regarding their perceptions of the ad and their intent to engage in cell-phone use while driving. Lennon, Rentfro, & OLeary, 2010 Cookies used to make website functionality more relevant to you. The number of distracted driving incidents can be reduced by public service announcements. Drivers of all ages will be able to learn about the dangers of texting and driving with the use of public service announcements. Can a PSA help reduce the number of distracted driving incidents? These results, as well as the results of similar studies on this topic, seem to suggest that there is room for positive appeals in campaigns to prevent socially undesirable activities. Lewis, Watson, Tay, & White, 2007 Distracted Driving Campaign | US Department of Transportation However, Lewis, Watson, Tay, & White, 2007 When asked the question, How often do you write/read text messages while driving? the majority of respondents (61.8%) answered that they did so sometimes and 10.8% answered frequently. A Public Service Announcement (PSA) can help reduce the number of distracted driving accidents by explaining the horrible effects of distracted driving and the best ways to prevent distracted driving. Do not multitask while driving. Distracted driving is doing another activity that takes the drivers attention away from driving. chastise social marketers for their pervasive use of threatening messages and describe their concerns regarding the negative effects of these campaigns. There are a few more forms of distracted driving that could cause an accident. 46 Words1 Page. ). Argument OrganizerChoose one of the following questions to answer for the argument essay in this module.Does our state do enough to prevent distracted driving?orCan a Public Service Announcement (PSA) help reduce the number of distracted driving incidents?Part OneWrite the claim you will present in your argument essay.Write the counterclaim that you will refute in your argument essay. Do PSA help reduce the number of distracted driving incidents? A public service announcement, or PSA, can be defined as, a type of advertising, sponsored by either government agencies or other organizations, to promote causes and activities generally considered socially desirable ( Get the Message is available for download on Exploring the Effectiveness of Distracted Driving PSA (Public Service ). Davison (1983) The survey instrument also utilized items from a preexisting scale entitled the Affective Response (General) Scale ( Discover human factors management solutions that effectively address human error, conquer common injury challenges and improve safety engagement. But this hilarious distracted driving PSA presents a rather unorthodox solution. Part One Write the claim you will present in your argument essay. Phone: (202) 366-4570 Advances in Journalism and Communication,03,71-78. Don't drive blind Watch on "Thank You" As the young drivers turn their attention to their phones or the car console, you can see in real time as the car quickly careens towards mailboxes, other cars and into fields. Any of these distractions can endanger you, your passengers, and others on the road. Distracted Driving Campaign Under the leadership of U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood, the Department of Transportation launched an aggressive national campaign in 2009 to end the dangerous practice of distracted driving, and specifically texting and cell phone use behind the wheel. So what does it have to do with drivers who arent paying attention? Are distracted driving PSAs effective? | Jerry If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability, please dial 7-1-1 to access telecommunications relay services. ). "This latest operating system includes a Do Not Disturb While Driving mode (DND) that can block notification of incoming calls and texts when your iPhone senses driving motion or is connected. Lewis, Watson and Tay (2007) Lewis, Watson, Tay amd White (2007) ). 7.02 eng.pdf - Can a Public Service Announcement PSA help reduce the They note that not every individual responds to fearful messages in the same way; rather, responses to fear appeals depend on the perceptions people develop concerning the enormity of the pending danger and on their evaluations of its effect ( An official website of the United States government Here's how you know. ). Distracted Driving - We Save Lives In addition, some researchers believe that explicit, fear-arousing content in social marketing is not very effectual on their target audience because todays youth have had much greater exposure than previous generations to graphic images and other fear messages ( Roughly equivalent percentages of the sample expressed they Liked and Disliked the PSA with the modal response being neutral. 'Stop the Texts. Stop the Wrecks.' to Help Reduce Distracted Driving . How many accidents are caused by distracted driving each year? Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administrationexternal icon, 2019, Sourceexternal icon: Transportation Risk Behaviors Among High School Students Youth Risk Behavior Survey, United States, 2019. One Text or Call Could Wreck It All Phone In One Hand - Ticket In The Other U Drive. However, the results for that question were mixed in that the proportion of respondents who answered either somewhat disagree or somewhat agree were roughly equivalent. Its a great visual example of how even a quick glance away from the road can lead to a potentially serious incident. The third research question sought to determine whether or not the third-person effect would occur within the sample of students. Wilson & Stimpson, 2010: p. 2213 These two theories are the Protection Motivation Theory and the theory of the Third-Person Effect. Lennon, Rentfro and OLeary (2010) These include banning texting while driving, implementing hands-free laws, and limiting the number of young passengers who can ride with teen drivers. Suddenly, the driver in front of them made an illegal left turn through a red light. Can A Psa Help Reduce The Number Of Distracted Driving Incidents Claim? Currently, the main source of distracted driving is cell phones. ). Teen's PSA, "Distracted Driving - It's More Than - EndDD Heart of the issue will overcome bias These cookies perform functions like remembering presentation options or choices and, in some cases, delivery of web content that based on self-identified area of interests. According to the 10 CDC's GDL Planning Guide This tactic is relevant to the present studys topic because, according to Accidents caused by texting while driving result in over three hundred thousand injuries each year. measured the responses of a sample of 229 people to multiple news releases; these researchers also found support for the existence of the third-person effect in their experimental study. (2010). ; ). Best Examples of PSAs: Why PSAs Work and Why They Don't Schoenbachler and Whittler (1996) Talking on the phone. Drivers in Florida will not be able to use their cell phones to read data on their mobile device because of the states new text ban. Texting and driving is the leading cause of car accidents in the US. Raising awareness through PSA's is one of the many helpful ways to allow drivers to focus their attention properly on the road. And phones arent even the biggest cause of distraction. According to a study posted on toddminerlaw's website it states that research hasshown that Florida is the second worst state in the us for distracted driving. Lennon, Rentfro, & OLeary, 2010 Does our State do Enough to Prevent Distracted Driving? - The male adolescents in their sample expressed the opinion that others would be more affected by the advertisements than they would be; females, on the other hand, expressed reverse third-person effects in that they believed the advertisements influenced themselves more than other people (p. 48). doi: 10.4236/ajc.2015.34008, Home | About SCIRP | Sitemap | Contact Us. Half the screen shows the driver and the other half shows the road. Technology That Can Reduce Driving Distraction - Consumer Reports U Text. The goal of the ad is to elicit fear and compliance into the audience by insinuating that they, too, could have a vehicle wreck on the road if they use their cell phones while driving. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. There are three main types of distraction:2, Sources: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2010-2013external icon, 20142018external iconand 2019external icon. By making these modifications, the study results could be generalized to the larger population. Finally, a main limitation was that reported intentions might not fully and accurately determine actual behavior in people. ). This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Laurie Hevier, Julie's daughter, is now an advocate against distracted driving. PART ONE Lesson 07.02 Completed - Studocu The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Loud music. Additionally, it would be better if sample were larger. A PSA can help reduce the number of distracted driving incidents. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Many states have enacted laws to help prevent distracted driving. Putting on makeup. The questionnaire was comprised of dichotomous (yes/no) questions to obtain background information, as well as Likert scale questions in which respondents indicated their level of agreement or disagreement regarding perceptions of the PSA, and demographic items. Judy Teater Spring Lake, MichiganWATCH: January 19, 2004, Judy Teater and her 12-year-old son Joe were driving to an after school activity when a young woman behind the wheel of a Hummer and talking on her cell phone ran a red light and slammed into their vehicle.
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