Scenario: Nick Bostrom However, matriarchal society will impose criminal penalties on men who insist on resisting the new realities, as well as on men who commit other crimes against women. Protestations had turned to protests; and the world changed. There is certainly some validity to that perspective. A man is never to be independent of female authority. Many suburban regions will become dominated by househusbands and female service workers. This led to an increase in the sophistication and technology of breast pumps and breast milk storage devices, so that men as primary caregivers could feed their babies breast milk as fresh as posssible. Men learn to accept their new role in society and to gain new purpose in serving and pleasuring women. They are the fire that fuels the fearless activism of millions of women across the globe. These fictional societies have long been one of the primary ways to explore implications of gender and gender-differences in science fiction and fantasy. The Akan social organization is fundamentally built around the matriclan, wherein one'sidentity, inheritance, wealth, and politics are all determined. Anthropologist Jill Nash reported Nagovisi society was divided into two matrilineal moieties, which are then divided into matriclans. These plugs and rings could also have vibrators built into them, so that the woman could train her man, but also use these devices for both disciplining their men and also for pleasuring them at times when it suits the woman. Founder of The Pink Protest and author Scarlett Curtis shares her vision for 2030, and asks whether feminism is anywhere near "done". In 2020, the Canadamerica's first female Prime Minister, Jill Tynan, was alarmed that while men were the primary caregivers, they were still leaning on women to handle the household chores. "She uses her platform for good, always! In Minangkabau society, women usually rule the domestic realm while the men take the political and spiritual leadership roles. Virtual reality She discovered that Mosuo children belong only to their mothers their biological fathers live in their own matriarchal family home. We are approaching a maternalistic future where men are prohibited from voting, running for political office, and owning real estate, and this is one of the first steps towards this brave, new world. Despite womens marches and small victories, its hard to imagine what would happen if women as a collective were to take over, or even go on strike on a global scale. It's the story of boys in skirts, girls in spaceships, governments with compassion and sex without power. Scenario: David A Kekich Since 1980 when men and women voted in about equal numbers, women have consistently outvoted men as the chart below indicates. Solar power So if we find my world to be a dystopia, then we are already living in a dystopia.. Upon marriage, every woman acquires her own sleeping quarters. Ms. and Mr. Jane Doe instead of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. Society will assume that the husband will adopt the wife's surname by the year 2050 (unless he plays professional sports or has a job that requires a post-secondary diploma) and everything will be catered around getting the husband to adjust to his new role as his wife's helpmate. Then these girls start to unlock the ability in older women, and all hell breaks loose. What would the world look like if women ran the show and men becameobsolete? Male-dominated definition: A male-dominated society , organization , or area of activity is one in which men have. (modern). Scenario: The War in Space Outline, Anonymous Fewer than one in five of the world's landowners are women, and in 18 countries a husband is still allowed to ban his wife from working. The resulting gender gap of 23 points was the widest one in the last twenty years. By contrast, 81% of men identifying with or leaning toward the GOP perceive that the obstacles that once made it harder for women to get ahead are largely gone. More recently, a January, 2020 poll found a 19-percentage-point gender gap in President Trumps approval rating. In 2015, every UN country agreed to 17 sustainable development goals, and number five is gender equality. Young men are disadvantaged when applying to female dominated jobs There are about 40,000 of them, according to The Independent, and they practice Tibetan Buddhism. Go to hell, said another critic. Our goal is to create the perfect femtopia society, similar to the 1950's with one big exception the gender roles are 100% reversed. 14 Feminist Heroes to Know and Celebrate, According to Global Citizens The Minangkabau : the world's largest matrilineal society. The effect is most pronounced among Americas younger generationsPlurals (the best name for the generation after Millennials) and Millennialsbut a rise in Democratic affiliation, albeit a smaller one, has also occurred among Gen Xers, Boomers and even Silents, Americas oldest adult generation. 10 Societies Run by Women - Listverse [1] By 2015, this number would sore to 220 women for every 100 men. You are seen as complete once you become a mother. In this respect, Waihong, who doesnt have children, is regarded more keenly. Reproduction It's been a year of huge change around the globe, so in 2019 BBC 100 Women is asking: what could the future look like in 2030?. Some women's liberation movement people even believe that God is female. Especially men, he joked. These world leaders made a promise to end FGM, value unpaid labour, promote empowerment through technology and ensure women's full participation in leadership and decision making. Unemployment would soar to 12% by 2011. At the very least, I hope that future generations will find The Handmaids Tale just as implausible as The Power seems today. Ms. and Mr. Christina Ellison would later become trailblazers to marriages across the 21st century and beyond. Hiring women to lead corporations can be beneficial too. Safran is the first aerospace company in Europe to be recognised by a UN scheme for promoting gender equality. The Nagovisi live in South Bougainville, an island west of New Guinea. Among voters of each and every racial background and ethnicity, women have increased their identification with the Democratic Party. Nash observed that when it comes to marriage, the Nagovisi woman held gardening and shared sexuality at equal importance. An ancient tribal community of Tibetan Buddhists called the Mosuo, they live in a surprisingly modern way: women are treated as equal, if not superior, to men; both have as many, or as few, sexual partners as they like, free from judgment; and extended families bring up the children and care for the elderly. Female World Order Future Female Dominated society April 29th, 2018 - As women are taking over society in the western world more and more young women are finding out it is indeed there right to bend Future Female Dominated society 3 / 5. That would be telling., With life centred on the maternal family, motherhood is, unsurprisingly, revered. In the future, all women will be liberated women, and expect men to take their last name. In The Power, the new society that has sprung up out of the ashes of our current world is one that is clearly female-dominated, and seemingly peaceful. By the 22nd century, a matriarchal society will be a world-wide federal government run completely by women. After all, feminist activism is an act of science fiction. Many men who underwent the change to a matriarchal society had difficulty with the adjustment. Husbands will adopt this mantra in their lives: I am subordinate to my wife because she is the head of the family; just as philosophy is the head of scientific endeavors. Female Taking ControlMales Submitting! - The New Age Lifestyle Lineage is traced through the female side of the family, and property is passed down along the same matriline. For a young Mosuo woman, thats not unusual. Neuroscience A widower would be under his daughters authority, or, if he had no daughters or his daughters were young, he would return to his mothers authority unconditionally. 1: The Scene - Forward Female Future Free UK p&p on orders of more than . I grew accustomed to shuttling between Singapore and Lugu Lake, navigating a hectic city life and a different rural rhythm in the mountains, she says. Scenario: Emergence of India The men provide strength, ploughing, building, repairing homes, slaughtering animals and helping with big familial decisions, although the final say is always with Grandmother. And a January 2020 NBC-Wall Street Journal poll indicated that suburban women identify as Democrats over Republicans 47% to 34%, up from 43% to 40% in 2010. Scenario: Ben Goertzel No Men Beyond This Point, film about female-dominant world, sparks outrage. being a feminist in a male-dominated society for over 16 years . Social media platforms like Reddit are majority male users. Sawers also told men to chill out (and maybe seek some counselling?) because his plot-lineis just a joke. "She is the queen of uplifting and supporting women," Norton said. To order a copy for 15.29, go to or call on 0330 333 6846. Senators are women, became the first majority female legislature. Grandmother sits at the head of the table; her sons and daughters live with her, along with the children of those daughters, following the maternal bloodline. So there we have it - the tantalising hints of a female-led future utopia in which money and equality run through society like rivers. By the year 2105, women will hold all the government positions, dominate the intelligentsia, and become the legal head of their households. Men and women practise what is known as a walking marriage an elegant term for what are essentially furtive, nocturnal hook-ups with lovers known as axia. ), The basic premise of The Power is that teenage girls all around the world start to develop a power inside of them that gives them what amounts to a permanent, internal stun gun. This movement started in the year 2001 when the world's first matriarchal marriage was historically recognized around the world. if you are serious about this subject and want to learn more message me here. However, whereas The Handmaids Tale tackles life in an extremely male-dominated society that restricts women to the roles of wives, servants, or walking wombs, The Power covers the start of a power shift toward a female-dominated society, with the two historians that are used as framing characters living in a world where its preposterous to think that men could ever be the ones in charge. In the future, women dominate the planet and men are just - Gizmodo But with most superhero stories, its just one person being powerful and defying the norm. To even ask that question is to see the Mosuo through our eyes, our way of doing things. Women own and inherit property, sow crops in this agrarian society, and run the households cooking, cleaning and child-rearing. Part of why I lovedWonder Woman so much was because its still so unusual to see any woman defy conventional power dynamics and be able to be so fearless. Women called fraws have somehow come to rule over men (called plugots). The kinds of work that are exploding include many female-dominated professions such as nursing, childcare, and elderly care, and men feel boxed out of those markets. Ladzu and her friends may still be living for motherhood, but she is part of a pioneering generation in transition: she is married, and to a Han Chinese man. But this isnt how the Mosuo see it to them, marriage is an inconceivable concept, and a child is fatherless simply because their society pays no heed to fatherhood. Pedro Pascal Joins the Hottest Cast in Town, Gladiator 2, Donald Trumps Lawyer Really Thought Victim-Blaming Was the Best Way To Go in E. Jean Carroll Suit, Peter Pan & Wendy Reminds Adults That Growing Old Doesnt Have To Suck. It's extremely rare for a society run by women to function simply as background. But couples never live together, and no one says, I do. Bombardier has set a goal for women to hold at least 30% of its board director seats . Standard Timeline Kurzweil's predictions, Paranoid(Admin) It helped evolve the way most women see the world, helping to identify weaknesses and act upon them . Over four million people participate in this culture where women are respected and even favored. I get a lot of dinner invitations, and my friends are always egging me on to find a nice Mosuo lover. Has she? Lesbian marriages would triple between the years of 2010 and 2020. Our society may tolerate male . Maglev train RyansWorld: Lunar Protectorate Thats simply not one of their choices. The actual documentary that will be inspired by these comments: Male fragility, and their inability to understand a joke.'. Importantly, one of these people, Tunde, is a man. I certainly hope we will see more books like The Power, where not just one woman takes charge, but women as a collective find their inner strength. Househusbands and stay-at-home fathers were now required to wear chastity belts throughout the day and only would have them unlocked at the wife/partner's discretion. Some girls are more powerful than others, but all of them suddenly find themselves able to physically fight back against men in an extremely effective way. 'A male-dominated team does not reflect society': why are only 5% of Emailus. The setting of Lauren Beukes's 2020 novel Afterland (released in some markets as Motherland) is a near-future world transformed by a pandemic that killed 99 out of 100 men, but it spends almost no page space addressing the new world's power structure. The non-commissioned ranks of the military are still dominated by men, but women hold the majority of high-command positions and commissioned officer ranks. still make up just 3% of mediators in major peace processes, collective GDP could be boosted by more than $6 trillion. By standard definition, a matriarchy is a family, group or state governed by a matriarch (a woman who is head of a family or tribe). Anthropologists and feminists have since created more specific classifications for female societies, including the matrilineal system. Gay marriage would decline 45% between 2010 and 2020. Also note that the viewpoints and opinions that may come across in this scenario are not necessarily the viewpoints and opinions of the author. The trailer shows women partnering up to co-parent their kids, asmen stand on the sidelines. With most women assuming the role of family breadwinner and men as primary caregiver, it became increasingly more difficult for women to breastfeed their children on a regular basis. Scenario: Stoic Viper's Forecast, StylusEpix(Admin) The wry-humoured moviepremiered at the Toronto International Film Festival last fall and is set to bereleasedin the citythis weekend. The Gender Pay Gap And The Career Choice Myth - Forbes After all, feminist activism is an act of science fiction. Click to share quote on Twitter: "It's a mockumentary," someone replied. Since (mostly) Chinese tourists began arriving in the early 1990s, bringing paved roads, an airport and jobs for Mosuo people, their traditional way of life has started to feel outdated to its young inhabitants. Traditional gender roles have resulted in a gender barrier which exists solely to discourage women from training and eventually acquiring well-paying "traditional male jobs" (engineers, lawyers, doctors, politicians, businesswomen, corporate executives, professional athletes, etc.). RyansWorld: NASCAR, SamuraiClinton Scenario: European-Union Strengthens, Yunzhong Hou(Admin) The future is female: How the growing political power of women will Since the 1960s, the women's liberation movement has struggled to give women the same civil rights as men. How Gender Stereotypes Kill a Woman's Self-Confidence Cosmetic treatments Social Media is gendered, and there are so many different ways you can layer that. This new rising class has money and the chance to meet people outside the Mosuo community; many families are renting out land for hotels to be built on. At age 10, boys leave their mothers home to stay in men's quarters and learn practical skills and religious teachings. Nanotechnology These would be menial tasks and would only be open to one gay spouse per household. Sounds pretty great at the moment, doesnt it? Viewpoint: The magical world of 'The Female-Led Future' The Chinese government officially classifies them as part of another ethnic minority known as the Naxi, but the two are distinct in both culture and language. Find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and use #100Women, AI chatbots 'may soon be more intelligent than us', Russia troop deaths hit 20,000 in five months - US, France May Day protests leave dozens of police injured, 'My wife and six children joined Kenya starvation cult', On board the worlds last surviving turntable ferry. What happens if a woman doesnt want children? Since children always remains in the mothers care, sometimes the father plays little role in the upbringing. Evolutionary Spirituality Viewpoint: The magical world of 'The Female-Led Future' Artificial womb technology is also a part of reproductive cloning, because a woman can freeze her eggs at 25, have a career, then have the eggs unfrozen and placed in a artificial womb when she decides to become a mother. If men disappeared who would build our homes, fix roof tops, repair roads, do our plumbing, wiring and take away the trash? Its Me, Margaret Rated PG-13?? Women are the only ones who traditionally can inherit land. At Google, 21 percent of technical roles are filled by women, according to company figures released in June. As this realignment takes place Hillary Clinton may well go down in history as this centurys equivalent of Al Smith. Moreover, Birkelund expects gender stereotyping to gradually change in the future. When we look at . I have, much to my chagrin, become that person at parties that people like to challenge on whether or not we "actually need feminism". You decide. Men are little more than studs, sperm donors who inseminate women but have, more often than not, little involvement in their childrens upbringing. Since only a patriarchal society would be neo-puritanical, a matriarchal society would pose no restrictions on sexuality or dating, and would be considered to be libertarian by late 20th century standards. This would also become a form of birth control among couples who found this form of intercourse to be a suitable alternative to traditional intercourse. She is not alone: although her grandmothers generation, in their 60s and 70s, still practise walking marriage, as do many women in their 40s, about half of women in their 30s live with their partners the fathers of their young children. Al Smith was the Democratic nominee for president in 1928 and the first Roman Catholic ever nominated by a major political party. If it runs its course, the usual reasons for staying together for the children, societal or financial reasons dont apply. Biotechnology In some cases, the father's identity is not even known. A Brother's Price. The trend continued in the first two Democratic nominating contests in 2020 with women making up 58% of Iowa caucus participants and 57% of voters in the Democratic primary in New Hampshire. Here are the facts: 1. I grew up in a world where men are the bosses, she says. On board the worlds last surviving turntable ferry. The kingdom of women: the society where a man is never the boss This is the concept of the "ball-busting girl-boss". Technology foresight Matriarchy - TV Tropes Mosuo, China. Meanwhile, the Great Recession was taking place worldwide. When Prime Minister Tynan made it mandatory for men to stay at home and look after the children and do the household chores, she put provisions in for married lesbian couples. When you look at social media that is more image . US Presidential Elections 2028 (Joe'sWorld), 2028 US Presidential Election (Populist America), Scenario: Eastern European Democratic Crises, Explore the Future--All pages longer than 3000 bytes--pages longer than 10,000 bytes in, people who burn buildings and books containing information that would be useful to the cause of matriarchy and global unity, all motorized vehicles will be driverless,, All pages longer than 3000 bytes--pages longer than 10,000 bytes in, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. They are united through a matriarchal marriage and Christina is considered the head of the household. According to its TIFF synopsis, Sawers envisions a world where women have stopped giving birth to boys. They will formally adopt a child, either from an unrelated Mosuo family or, more commonly, from one of their maternal cousins, she says. Want more stories like this? A relatively common motif in speculative fiction is the existence of single-gender worlds or single-sex societies. With the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton, what had been a modest gap of variable proportions has turned into a chasm so wide no Republican presidential candidate will be able to cross it for years to come. Actress and Activist Sophia Bush at Collision Conference, 2017 in New Orleans, Louisiana. RyansWorld: United States of Venus This increasing attachment to the Democratic Party reflects a deep-seated belief by women that most Republican men dont see the world the way they do. 10 Minangkabau. Others went as far as to say that womens suffrage was a mistake and that things like the gender wage gap doesnt exist. In Wood's imagined future, Vanara world settled by and populated by womenis the most powerful planet in a future galactic civilization, because it controls the means of interstellar travel. Even fewer head on to further education. Grandmother sits at the head of the table; her sons and daughters live with her, along with the children of those daughters, following the maternal bloodline. Have a tip or story idea? Lauren Boebert Wants 'Patriots' To Get Kicked Off of Planes Because America? The Akan social organization is fundamentally built around the matriclan, wherein one's identity, inheritance . All matriclan founders are female, but men traditionally hold leadership positions within the society. Scenario: Bill Faloon "A policy prescription to correct a confidence gap in women might be: Let's find talented women and tell them, 'Hey, you're good at math. Unless there were complications from childbirth, women would have to use normal vacation days when choosing to have a child. It felt viscerally wrong to read about women becoming violent as soon as they become dominant (wed like to think wed be able to do a better job if we were in charge, right? In the end, who knows what would happen if women were to become the dominant force in our world? Centuries of relying on their wit instead of brawn have influenced the women we know today. A few generations ago, before Chinas one-child policy which extends to two in rural areas families were huge. Is a society that, in many ways, emancipates women from marriage, and gives them sexual freedom, actually producing glorified 1950s housewives who have no choices other than motherhood? However, sexual intercourse will remain for pleasure purposes for the matriarchal hedonistic society of the not-so-distant future. According to Kate Lee with the Workplace Gender Equality Agency, pressure from family and the wider society are some of the biggest factors preventing women from entering male-dominated industries. Self-masturbation among men increased greatly - particularly after the Household Act was passed. Recurring debt ceiling fights will only be solved by budget reform. I was once made to wait before talking business with an elderly Mosuo man until he had bathed his familys twin baby girls and changed their nappies.. More often than not, women opt out of pursuing a career in a male-dominated field due to culture, society, and lack of support from their families. WATCH:Heres howCanada rates when it comes to the gender income gap. Is climate change killing Australian wine? As a method of reproduction, human cloning will eventually supplant sexual intercourse for reproductive purposes, just like nanotechnology will gradually supplant traditional agriculture so that foie gras and caviar can be grown for the masses instead of the wealthy elite. The first step is to fix these glaring inequalities. Husbands will adopt this mantra in their lives: I am subordinate to my wife because she is the head of the family; just as philosophy is the head of scientific endeavors. More housekeeping roles will eventually be assigned to males as society evolves into a worldwide federal government with a matriarchal society. In 2016, Clinton led Trump by 13 points (54% to 41%), but in the 2018 midterm elections women opted for Democratic rather than Republican congressional candidates by 19 points (59% to 40%). Herland is a truly old school feminist utopia, first published in 1915. These statistics aren't just numbers - they are the basis for gender inequality. I think it might be the stuff of dreams, of visions, of stories yet to be told. My takeaway: men cant live with us, cant live without us.. Although men have no paternal responsibilities it is common for women not to know who the father of their children is, and there is no stigma attached to this they have considerable responsibility as uncles to their sisters children. But is it as good for women as it sounds and how long can it last? What It's Like To Be A Woman In A Male-Dominated Industry All rights reserved. In the absence of marriage as a goal, the only reason for men and women to have anything resembling a relationship is for love, or enjoyment of each others company. Feminist activism is on the rise in China, battling ongoing discrimination; China still describes unmarried women over 27 as leftover. AKAN. Who runs the world? Less intelligent teenagers are content with basic studies, becoming a househusband and changing their kids' diapers while their smarter peers will colonize Mars in addition to other planets and galaxies. As a result, skirts and dresses would make a major comeback in 2030. A world in which women everywhere are given equal access to education, have control of their own bodies and are fairly represented by the leadership that drives social change and affects the way we live. Of course, the men of the world do not react well to teenage girls developing what is explained as a genetic mutation but really amounts to a superpower, with governments soon deciding to separate these unfortunate girls to prevent them from harming boys while they learn to handle their powers. Nationally, the University of Chicago Harris/AP-NORC Poll in January 2019 showed that the suburban vote had shifted from an even split in party preference in 2016 to a 7-point Democratic advantage, 46-39, in just two years. I'm a "soft" person. That year, Nevada, both of whose U.S . This nineteen-point gap was 8 points higher than the 11-point gap as measured in 2016 general election exit polls. Even though the trend toward the Democratic Party among women is most pronounced among college graduates, it is also visible both among those who went to college but didnt graduate and those with only a high school education.
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