Scripture: That doesnt mean that God causes our pain. I want us to look into the Bible and look at some Bible characters and at some lives transformed in 40 days. This is the first message in a series of seven. Two miraculously-personal encounters occurred in maybe sixteen weeks, and not another one for sixteen years! Or arthritis. Grow your faith with Biblical teachings through the medium of stories. But remember: You are Gods child. Pain happens. Pastor John gets to the heart and offers practical suggestions for growing in evangelism. November 1999 1 Kings 19:1-10. If you are in a season of deep pain and loss, you have a particular opportunity to know the Lord Jesus more deeply. Jesus answered, Ye neither know As God worked, the waiting was hard for Joseph bitterly hard. What is it like living with PCOS and Endometriosis Hiraya, Youll see the character on the inside that inspires all of us. Its easier to persevere when theres a reward for being faithful during times of testing. No matter what pain we are going through, if we are in Christ, we are assured that it wont last forever. $( ".billing_Date_of_Birth" ).datepicker({ dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy' }); God might allow a colicky baby to teach us patience. read more, Scripture: That leads to a fourth thing I think you might hear God tell you in the middle of your pain. There is some pain so great, it seems impossible to bear. In Him, there is freedom (Galatians 5:1). read more, Scripture: That means your pain is never in vain. And perhaps he had other such encounters, but Luke only tells us of these. We know this is certain because it is a direct result of the choices and ramifications to those choices that Adam You wake up face down on the pavement You look to see the birds outside your window and see nothing but buzzards Your B-day cake .read more. Part 3 in series Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, this message looks at false messages we learn in childhood and their effects on us in adulthood, and explains why the pain of moving out of the false self is preferable to the pain of staying in it. Jesus knows all about pain and He knows your pain. Pt. You will have pain, but y our pain will turn into joy. That brings back memories of the doctors office and that giant needle moving ever closer. Whatever you are dealing with, you can find your suffering in Christs. Try being stoned, scourged (five times), and being beaten with fists, rods and words. 12:7-10 To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. But as I submit to him through suffering, something shifts in me. There, Jesus told Paul to take the message of the gospel to the Gentiles, an instruction that represented a major shift in missions and in Pauls personal life. The purpose of this message is to inform the listener that finding God's purpose in life is a process of discipleship and decision making. And thats the power of pain. Topic: IF YOU KNOW JESUS YOU WILL KNOW GOD While I may not see or understand any of them, I know that the Lord would never make me suffer unnecessarily. The slate has been wiped clean; were starting over fresh and clean. Exodus 16:1-3. But here are three easy Biblical steps, with verses to remember, on how to deal with your pain. Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, prt. But heaven may feel like little comfort as days of pain on earth stretch into months and even years. Those truths grounded me. In other words, Paul decided he was fine with the pain. He could plant more churches. The word appears 38 times in just 100 verses. But somehow, knowing that God had not forgotten me stirred me to press into him with renewed hope. 2 Cor. Thats the crippling thing about pain. Is it THAT Important? We cannot fathom the pain He experienced on our behalf andin our rightful place. You are the church, and Lifeway is here to serve you with biblical resources for everything life brings your way. Imagine the headlines from the next morning, when details of the midnight song, earthquake, and jailers conversion became known! We live in a day of proliferating knowledge. One time I had to hold my daughter down at the doctors office while she got her shots. You can know God on two levels. and crazy facts that really arent facts at all. Life starts with a good slap to a babys bottom, and in some aspects, goes downhill from there. John 1:18, Denomination: He knows that your straw has been taken away. In theology, this is As a servant, Hagar was considered unimportant and was sometimes treated poorly. As tears streamed down my face, I understood how lonely and forgotten I had been feeling. Submissions:, Copyright 2022 | All Rights Reserved. And pain has a power. The Junior Bible Quiz Sermon Series *, Password He doesnt cause all things, but he does cause them to work together for our good. 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, Help your church understand God's plan in pain, Call your people to experience a higher freedom, Proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth. October 24, 2010 If Joseph had been 16 or 17 when he was captured, how many years of suffering passed before he understood Gods hand in the process? Or any number of the stunning array of diseases, disabilities or discouragements that can come our way. Jesus knows what it is to suffer and He knows our pain. Senior Center Devotional Yet as I identify with his suffering and yield more fully to him in my sorrow, I possess more of him. I would have felt crushed, bitter, ripped off, full of regret and doubt, wondering whether my bad decision, or someone elses, had kept me from the successful life Id longed for. Luke 8:40-50. Pentecostal, Pain Perspective 1. All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. read more, Scripture: That means your pain is never in vain. He will never forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6). I mean, we know that God is for us, but there are times when it seems like God is treating . All true. How Can We Determine God's Will for Our Lives? Were not fond of pain, or even slight discomfort. He doesnt waste the pain in our lives. 2021 by Pam Tebow. God will get on us sometimes for not listening. And again. God can heal the wounded spirit and the sin sick and broken heart. I know you feel alone, but through your pain, He's been right beside you. The fund that makes up human knowledge I understand has doubled every two years since 1960. There is no place to flee from His presence. We live in a day when many people are not even interested in knowing God. He battled temptation and anxiety over his young churches. read more, Scripture: Jesus came to this earth and lived a human life. Denomination: Church Of God. Paul did, and you can. Somatic or nociceptive pain, activation of pain receptors: i.e., cut, broken bones, tissue damage. As far as an oyster is concerned, what we call a pearl is nothing more than great suffering. At first, that lump of clay is just thata lump. No matter what your pain is, God sees you too! We will die from wasting disease. In Philippi, Paul and Silas were beaten in public and taken away to the town dungeon. Luke 4:18, 2 Corinthians 7:9-10:10, Denomination: Introduction: 2. Will a professing Christian go to hell if he never shares the gospel? Yet pain is the very stuff of joy. Even more mysteriously and astonishingly, sharing in Christs sufferings means we will one day share in his glory, a glory that will make todays sorrows seem light and momentary (Romans 8:1718; 2 Corinthians 4:17). Please, God.Please, God.Please, God.. As my daughter Christy likes to say, God never wastes our pain when its offered to Him. Perhaps our pain will draw us close to Him, keep us from harm or enable us to encourage others who are suffering. As we share in Christs sufferings, we also share in his comfort (2 Corinthians 1:5), not a thin set of platitudes that make us feel better in the moment, but an explicable fellowship that carries a sturdy peace. Andy Mineo OT OD (sketch).mp3 music video, Kyle Alexander Oh My God (Remix) ft. Steven Malcolm, Emcee N.I.C.E. be Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. That is, to know by experience, to know personally and intimately, not merely intellectually. * But when he moves into a place of danger and suffering, he shifts from talking about God to talking directly to him. God Wants You to Have a Healthy Heart First, we have a high priest, Jesus, that can emphasize with our weakness because while on earth He was fully human and tempted in every way. Perhaps Paul explained why it would be a good idea to have the pain removed. When we are in pain, we feel isolated. 1. Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords,was overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. It will come, not instantaneously, but completely. If you were to die today and stand before God seated upon the great white throne of judgment, would He or would He not let you into Romans 8:28, And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.. There is always a reason. Some of us wont experience reprieve in this life. God is not only the creator of what is visible but what is invisible (Colossians 1:16). Illustration: The beauty of a single pearl, or a string of the precious stones, is unmistakable. Im one of the pastors here In verse 29, we get God's definition of "good." He defines good as conforming us to the likeness of his son. He had seen rejection and disappointment as surely as you have. Mark 5:21-43 November 6, 1999 Morning Service INTRODUCTION I. This sermon describes 10 ways to know we are saved from the book of 1 John and why knowing this is so important (in light of 1 John 5:13). Paul also had a vision, however, of a man from Macedonia (Acts 16:9) and an angel of the Lord (Acts 27:2324). Thats why the Bible says we can go to him with confidence: For we do not have a high priestwho is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we areyet he did not sin. Pain has a purpose. Pastor John gets to the heart and offers practical suggestions for growing in evangelism. I think its fair to say that for most of Pauls pain, Jesus didnt show up. Look at the passage we just read. But for Joseph, time was moving in agonizing, painful slowness. An America under siege. A people without hope. Whatever the problem, it apparently stayed with Paul for quite some time, or even the rest of his life. Exodus 33:12-15. read more, Scripture: But I have arthritis, and I don't deserve that either.". But I knew God saw me, and He saw my pain. He knows you fully. If youre a parent, you already know what its like. So Jesus came to reveal God, to make Him known. God Knows Our Suffering | Theology of Work Psalm 56 begins with David's cry for mercy because his enemies are attacking him. Paul was saved about five years later, on the road to Damascus. There will be no pain in heaven. Well, thats a lie. Like nothing else, it can introduce us to the power of God. God Knows This message is for anyone who is suffering pain, affliction or tribulation. Introduction read more, Scripture: However, I would add a third certain to that list. Because ofJesus painfuldeath, we can one daystand in the eternalpresence and radiantglory of our Creator. 1 Peter 1:7. The relief didnt come, but the message of Christ exploded in that city, in a large part because of the unfair suffering theyd known. 2 - Pain Plots For more uplifting devotionals, grab a copy of Pam Tebows Hope for a Womans Heart. at all 6 of our campuses Your community. Male But On three separate occasions Paul pulled out all the stops to ask God for a miracle of his own. There are many temporary fixes to deal with your pain and the world is full of ideas. Your Bible study. Psalm 139:1-6, Denomination: It is a crushing sensation to experience heartache and feel as if nobody cares. 1 John 1:1-5:21, Denomination: And now, there was a thorn in the flesh. How bad was this particular pain? Sharp stones and rough bits God will make all things new; we have endless and painless joy awaiting us in heaven. None of those New Testament heroes had a personal appearance from the Lord at every beating, scourging, or arrest. As I got up this morning I felt pains in my body that are a result of sparring in my karate class, preparing for a tournament later this week. Pt. In fact, the only thing that seemed to discourage Paul were the problems in his young churches. Agonize, wondering how our loved ones will manage. Stay here and keep watch.. In that riot, most of the people werent sure of what the fuss was all about (Acts 19:32). We will call this In the world of sports, it might be John Elway limping back to the huddle before taking his team to a Super Bowl title. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.James 1:2-4 That is not to say I do not like to be around crowds or visiting with people, it does mean that it is something I have to work at. As I heard those words, I was flooded with emotion. When you are a year old, it hurts a lot, and there is no joy in it. Marked This will hurt a little bit. A little bit! God has promised that hell be there when you need him most. Yet God used their pain for something more glorious than they could have imagined. Paul concluded for himself that his thorn was meant to keep him from becoming conceited about his miraculous life and ministry. He holds us. Perhaps God allows cancer to teach us to value what is eternal. God has come alongside you. He saw Hagars pain, and He promised to give her a son and multiply her descendants so they would be too many to count. This still does not ease the oyster's suffering. Whenever the needles sink deep into my head, the extreme pain brings into sharp focus Jesus and his crown of thorns. After all, those early letters were filled with corrections, some of them quite harsh. The physical pain that many suffer from injuries or some type of Tuesday, 08 November 2022 13:30. read more, You can't know God without knowing Jesus and you can't know Jesus without knowing God, May the peace of the Lord be with you.
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