Geez, darn, babe - The strong Irish roots of New York slang words. A few of these I actually wouldn't have even known were slang, because I have used/heard them so much (namely gawked, brutal and mortified). Appreciate your reading,votes and sharing! PDF Want to learn some useful words and phrases in Irish Cant? For example, Im going to call in sick. Translation: I did not. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Japan Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. grander. SmithereensFrom the Irish smidirn.88. . Sample Usage: Crank your gob, mate! Theres a lot of Irish insults to describe someone stupid. Thanks vespawoolf! Howsagoin?! Deadly is used by Aboriginal people in Australia in the same way. Or something along those lines? Could I ask where you found them (ie your sources?) Photograph: Eamonn Farrell/Photocall2. Give outTo give someone a talking to, from the Irish tabhair amach. Right. The everyday words you didn't realise came from Romany Gypsies Photograph: Cern39. Suzanne Ridgeway (author) from Dublin, Ireland on November 19, 2013: Hahaha that was gas! I for years always dated foreign men and then met an Irishman on a blind date and that was 5 yrs ago, still going strong!! Splitting the stonesAs in the sun is . I was chatting to a friend from London recently over pints about the Irish phrases and slang words that he couldnt get his head around when he first moved to Ireland. One day I will get over there and look up my ancestors, the O'Dowds.greatly enjoyed this hub! BogThe name for the peaty wetland found across Ireland is the Irish for soft.19. Illustration: Jost Amman. Suzanne Ridgeway (author) from Dublin, Ireland on September 23, 2013: Thanks for the comment! Tell the world! I'm not slagging you, It's on the top of my list. Travel Blog includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories. The act of getting the messages has over the years just become the act of getting some shopping in as apposed to getting your telephone/telegraph messages. Sentence: run down has the bant and gets it off him. Every time I went to buy something in a sandwich shop or get a bed at a hostel, the person behind the counter would ask me, "Are you okay?" Here's a Dublin one for you: document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. What does Peaky Blinders mean in slang? - TimesMojo I dont use the word feck personally, but its a word that I associate with the magnificent Father Ted series, which is why its part of my favourites. For example, Bout ye, chief! Travel Blog: The Travel Tart, Offbeat Tales From A Travel Addict! This is a Dublin insult thats generally pronounced, SCAR-LEEEEH FOR YER MAH FER HAVIN YEEEE. Thats Tommy Monaghans young fella. AcushlaAn old term of affection, from a chuisle mo chro (pulse of my heart). That tool Michael Carthy was caught up in Cronins yard last Monday night with young Tony Slattery. Appreciate your votes and sharing!! Feck is a polite way of saying f*ck. HEY. refers to a posh person, Go away (polite version), used to show surprise or shock, Flamboyant, also very generous, throwing money around, A serial at the pictures (movies). If someone says "the craic was 90" it means the fun, laughter and joviality was amazing. No one is quite sure where the phrase originated, but theories abound: One has it that the phrase originated with the Christy Moore song The Craic Is Ninety in the Isle of Man, while others believe the 90 represents speed. For example, Get out of the bed, lazy hole we need to clean the gaff after the party last night. Will I, yea?!. Bingo Wings - flabby underarms. For example, Her new fella was here last night. And sure any he has its all beside the mark, describing the sound of a gull, in Finnegans Wake.40. Don't forget to test your slang street cred and your gift of the gab ability, by taking my small quiz at the end! Now, you have sparked within me an interest and desire to go to Ireland! Glad you enjoyed it was fun putting together! Actually, it's used to describe anything. If work was the bed, that lazy bollocks would sleep on the floor. Like very sorry? For each question, choose the best answer. Gypsy Rose Lee from Daytona Beach, Florida on June 23, 2012: Voted up and funny. Is there a word or phrase for a situation where someone had an accident and wasn't badly hurt, just a bump on this head? For example, Im going to go in there now and eat the head off of him!, Cmere to me can mean two things: the first is to literally come here, for example, Cmere to me and tell me what happened?. Madeleine Salin from Finland on June 21, 2012: Very interesting and it's always nice to learn new words. Mar 28, 2023. Much fun was had compiling our unusual language here!! Ah, tool. For example, Its a grand aul day today Mary. My stomach is in bits. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Travel TV Funny Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Not as offensive: Go and ask my bollox. :-). It emerged from the notoriously disorderly Donnybrook Fair, which began in the 13th century and ran for 500 years, and itself is derived from Domhnach Broc, or Saint Brocs Church. This term means its raining heavily. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Finland Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. But could the term have emerged from another raucous Irish party, the traditional-music session?42. A disposition, a state of being, a sin to not be any, the craic like many quintessentially Irish things, from St Patrick to chippers isnt Irish at all but is very much our own.6. !LOL what an idea!! Photograph: Eamonn Farrell/PhotocallA history of Ireland in our favourite words: 2 Gubu. A rake ofA lot of, or many.77. This word is often used to describe someone as being arrogant or self-importantlike, "Don't get all uppity on us"but it has a pretty disturbing history. Carrie Lee Night from Northeast United States on March 17, 2014: Great fun!! BaloobasA term originating from the name of the Baluba tribe, in what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Mallacht na baintr ort: A widow's curse upon you. Act the maggot is a verb that means to mess around, by behaving foolishly, for example, or by avoiding work. Pronounced kware, this word can be used in a variety of ways to mean great, very, and terrific.. outside, The best, expression of approval. Anyone who has travelled to Ireland knows that the Irish have a great sense of humour (check out my list of Irish Slang!). Your feet must be bogging. For example, Ah, nice one! said Karen, as she took the bag of chips from Kate. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Solomon Islands Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Again, its a term related to fastening collars to animals. 33 Irish Insults And Curses: From 'Dope' And 'Hoor' To 'The Head On Ye' And More. Tina Kellegher as Sharon in The SnapperA history of Ireland in our favourite words: 63 A1. English Literature. For example, Ross, ya pox! It is widely known as the Cant, to its native speakers in Ireland as De Gammon, and to the linguistic community as Shelta. Weather type: Rainey. . Its name emerged from the Aztec or Nahuatl word for testicle. Sound. This is another female-specific word thats reasonably offensive. I know. From press trips to content development find out what The Travel Tart can do for you! Ill pop a little note beside the more offensive phrases and words so that you dont end up getting yourself in trouble. We use Unreal to describe something that so good its actually hard to believe. Theres a lotof different Irish slang for drunk or to describe someone thats had far too much to drink. Today Ive got another guest post from Giles who has previously written about the Future of Cars and Weird Driving Laws. Hes a sound lad. Photograph: Bullock Brothers/Sean Sexton/Getty16. Suzanne Ridgeway (author) from Dublin, Ireland on June 22, 2012: Cheers chef-de-jour! Photograph: Bullock Brothers/Sean Sexton/GettyA history of Ireland in our favourite words: 16 Boycott. This is another relatively tame one. Their place in Irish folklore was solidified by the 1959 Disney film Darby OGill and the Little People. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Travel Songs Funny Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Cheers Brett.Tesol!! Yer man is used to describe a man Youll often hear this used when someones describing someone that they dont like, however it can also be used when you dont know someones name. Its pissing down out there., Weather type: Rainey. Its pure shit out. While the language is practiced mainly through oral tradition, with very little written history of it, the words This is another Irish phrase you can use to describe someone thats tight with their money. TenterhooksThe hooks on a tenter, a tenter being a large wooden frame used in clothmaking. Donkeys years is used to describe a long passing of time. The term is often used in politics or business to refer to someone who uses smooth talk to get their own way, or borderline-nefarious means for personal benefit. funny, offbeat and weird aspects of world travel today. Its used to describe someone thats falling about the place trying to impress a figure of authority. Stop acting the maggot. Weather type: Sunny. This is another one for describing someone thats stupid. Now, for our American readers when we say dope in Ireland, were not talking about anything dodgy. I love it. Someone thats a waster. Glad you enjoyed and i appreciate your votes and sharing! We have a million different ways of describing something as good or great in Ireland. I would have ever guessed the meaning of some of these words and phrases! I have never been to Ireland but if I am lucky enough to get the chance to visit, your hub here will come in quite useful! It's funny, though: the thing that wrong-footed me when I first arrived in Ireland isn't on this list. If ever there was a Gobdaw its that lad. Police Act: What you need to know; Ask your MP to sign our pledge card; How to complain about a politician's language; Policy & Publications; Heritage Menu Toggle. A useless scut if Ive ever seen one. Comes from the Irish word fster, meaning fussy sort of behaviour.90. Bag of Taytos a packet of potato chips. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Travel Books Funny Guides, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. They have lived as a distinct ethnic group with their own culture, language, and values, distinguished from . Banjaxed. Minus craic and dry shite are both fine ways to describe someone thats being boring. Havent seen you in about ten years. Should be framed and in a pub. Proud of that too, lassie! And FYI, my ancestors came from Old Ireland. A slightly more vulgar Irish insult up next thats used to describe someone thats cheap/tight with their money. You can leg it to the shops, or you can leg it around the corner to meet one of the lads. The state of him. Mallacht mo chait ort: My cat's curse upon you. Yoke - A word used instead of saying "thing". Here, I have highlighted the most commonly heard words, their meanings, and provided examples of how they are used in everyday speech. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Myanmar Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Its rotten out. or very bad news, Local biscuits, used to be made by Jacobs, Ladies underwear also Dont get ur knickers in a twist, Call around to someones house on business, I really hit the guy hard, knocked him out, 3 meanings To rain hard, To make an attempt at something or To go out actually means total idiot, Broken -A (Generally Irreversable) State of Disrepair, The part of a mans body between his balls and arse, Very crowded, busy as in town was black!, Body Off Baywatch, Face Off Crimewatch, eg. So today, Ive collected over 800 Irish slang expressions just for a bit of a laugh so you can lose a bit more time to the internet that youll never get back! This is a well-written, fun hub. Another origin could be from the Co Mayo town of Kiltimagh, or Coillte Mach, with culchie emerging from the Irish word coillte, or woods. The word sap is usually used to describe someone you dislike That sap Karen was here again on Tuesday. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Ecuador Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. If you hear someone saying that theyre Going to the jacks or maybe someday someone will ask you Where are the jacks in an Irish bar somewhere in the world, theyre referring to the toilet. Too bad April Fools' Day is past. Its a good day for drying. banjo, Referring to someone you are talking about. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Zimbabwe Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Hi, Im Anthony, a travel writer and blogger from Australia who loves the funny side of travel. For example, She was down here last Sunday. Its another one for very drunk people. Translation: Dirty. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Travel Podcasts Funny Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Lock-inThe illegal period of drinking in a closed pub after hours that Saoirse Ronan blew the cover on when she tried to explain the concept to Jimmy Fallon last year.10. WhopperMassive, and therefore great. We're really sorry about this, but it's getting harder and harder to tell the difference between humans and bots these days. We had a wonderful time and although we didn't always understand we had fun trying. I love visiting Ireland just for the banter you have with the locals in the pub and all around the place. Young Slatterys like his aul lad. Gas, when used by the Irish, means funny.. I used to use, and here this one used, back during my days in school. Now, if youre not familiar with the word Bollox or Bollocks, its slang that refers to a mans testicles. Hopefully you will get to visit us over this neck of the woods and have a head start in the speech! Thanks for sharing and passing this on. Some Travellers of Irish heritage identify as Pavee or Minceir, which are words from the Irish Traveller language, Shelta. Which words did the Irish invent for our own use, and which ones travelled around the globe? Photograph: Chema Alba/Moment/Getty52. I spent a lot of time nodding and smiling, and then admitting I had no idea what they were talking about. For example, That lad keeps on texting me. If youve read our detailed guide to Irish insults, youll have an idea of the types of slags that Irish people throw at each other. It would make you jump up and never come down again! and never thought of it being another "Irish" saying or phrase but it obviously is one! 21 Best Things To Do In Galway City And Beyond, 17 Easy St. Patricks Day Cocktails + Drinks. Youll often hear the word Class paired with Pure, for example, That new full-back theyve brought on is pure class.. The only way you got those types of correspondences was to get them from the post office which would normally be in your local shop (in rural areas anyway). The Gypsy language, then, or what with some qualification I may call such, may consist of some three thousand words, the greater part of which are decidedly of Indian origin, being connected with the Sanscrit or some other Indian dialect; the rest consist of words picked up by the Gypsies from various languages in their wanderings from the East At one point, a fella came in and the two exchanged words at the end of the bar. Photograph: Universal via GettyA history of Ireland in our favourite words: 58 tenterhooks. He made a right bags of that. So much of this looks like Australian slang to me. However this is recognised by the Government as an under count as many are scared to disclose . I use this about 20 times a day. Here are some Irish slang words for describing both good and bad weather. Photograph: iStock/GettyA history of Ireland in our favourite words: 74 avocado. Theyre all big huairs in that family. You can use this word to say something is bad or awful. And Ive only actually heard it used in Ireland once. I did have fun compiling this, it has to be said! Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Norway Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Tell the world! I have a friend called Mayo Declan thats a master at this. If you hear someone refer to a person as a Fine thing, it generally means they find that person attractive. Gypsy, Irish Slang Words, Jokes, Funny Irish images, Irish memes, Irish Sayings, Irish Slang Terms, Irish Phrases and more. Theres a theory that it comes from sionnach, as in fox perhaps to be sly or devious, or to mess around.A history of Ireland in 100 words: 98 banjaxed. For example, The pub last night was wedged with culchies.. Pint of guinness mixed with Bulmers (cider), A laming blow to the male genitalia with a foot. It's easy enough to see the words now, but to hear them - that's a whole different story. The vulgar use of this Irish saying is often heard when someone has an iffy tummy, for example, Ive had a bad dose of the shits all day. ScoopSlang for a drink that was for a time ubiquitous in Dublin, as it overtook jar.37. He could peel an orange in his pocket, 20. Photograph: iStock/Getty74. Shes only after putting diesel in her aul ones petrol car. Thats what some might call being wired to the moon. Bang on is generally used as a response and is another bit of Irish slang for good. Joshua Zerbini from Pennsylvania on June 29, 2012: Suzie, this was a hilarious hub! Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Uruguay Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Learn how your comment data is processed. I'm from Cork and this quiz if fairly accurate but theirs 4 meanings for lash as the creator said "raining heavy "give it a go" and go drinking" but theres lash to hit example: "If you dont cop on you'll get a lash!". Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Singapore Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Congrats. Actually, its used to describe anything. In Ireland, at times, youll hear someone being referred to as a thick or the thick. Hope that helps! Youll generally hear people use this when describing how long its been since theyve seen someone, or how long its been since theyve done something. This Irish insult is fairly offensive. New York City: Listen out and hear the influence of the Irish ringing through. As long as it didn't put you off visiting our wee Emerald Isle! Susan Zutautas from Ontario, Canada on August 23, 2012: What a gas :) Really enjoyed your hub. This is fantastic!! For example, Cmon. Published by Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart on. Suzanne Ridgeway (author) from Dublin, Ireland on July 01, 2012: Hi annart, Thanks so much for reading and voting, appreciate your comments! Craic is pronounced crack, and it means general banter or fun. Now, if I can just figure out how to afford that trip to Ireland I long for. Mary Strain from The Shire on August 23, 2012: Loved this! A way to describe a person who is a bit stupid, or at least very annoying. Its origins are uncertain, but one theory is that derives from a Romany word for a market town. . Although this falls into the Irish phrase/insult category, Ive only ever really used it with friends, in a reasonably tame manner. Youll often hear Irish people refer to a person or a situation as Gas. ShenanigansAn Irish-American favourite, it certainly sounds as if it derives from Irish, but its origins are unknown. Shes in rag order.. For example, He was slagging me, so I gave him a kick in the bollox. 31 Irish Slang Terms You Should Know - Mental Floss Are the Shelbys Gypsy? livingabroad from Wales, UK on June 19, 2012: What about "to be sure, to be sure"? BeourThis term for a girl, attractive woman or someones girlfriend, which has various spellings, emerged from the term for woman in Shelta, the old Traveller language.61. NixerThe etymology of a side job, or a short-term gig for cash in hand, is unclear but surely has to be simply nix from the German nichts, or nothing with an -er at the end.47. I said like alllllllllll of these to people I know and they were soooooooooo confused. To be continued , Fried breakfast (typically sausage, bacon, eggs and pudding), Home, to have a free gaff means you are home alone, An unusual way of walking e.g. Heres a handful of slang words that are used to describe a girl/woman. Voted up, funny, and awesome. This is another tame bit of Irish slang used to describe a man or woman that youre less than fond of. The Scottish might be able to shed some light on it, given that to be banjoed means to be hit as hard as possible, and subsequently banjoed almost means wrecked.53. WhiskeyFrom the Irish word for water, uisce. Then again I live in Massachusetts, and it sometimes seems we have as many Irish people as Ireland does :) Certainly interesting - esepcially how some of these phrases we also use, but for entirely different purpose. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Travel Movies Funny Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Arriving in Ireland, you may be forgiven for thinking you have been hoodwinked, cajoled, led up the garden path, or just plain misinformed as to the language widely spoken here. Dying cloth and then (left) drying it on tenter frames. Suzanne Ridgeway (author) from Dublin, Ireland on September 14, 2012: What quick work you are! Translation: Keep quiet. Or, more likely, gabhal, which has multiple meanings, including a fork in a road, gap, junction or, of course, crotch?30. LOL It's funny that you mention dating an Irishman. To Eat the head off of someone means to get very angry at them. For example, Sorry pal can you tell me where the jacks is?!. You are so right, and I am forever using it! Shes a little wagon that one. Donkeys years is a phrase Irish people use meaning a long time (as in, Ive known him for donkeys years, an example given in the video above), as is yonks. Photograph: Richard Boll/Photographers Choice/Getty21. But its usually used to describe someone thats being irritating. For example, Hes a cute hoor that fella, always manages to get a free ticket to the concerts in the Phoenix Park. This is where the word 'gypsy' comes from and should explain why it is incorrect to name Irish Travellers as 'Irish Gypsies'. Comes from the Irish phrase T an ghrian ag scoilteadh na gcloch.44. Hes a miserable little pox. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, France Funny Travel Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. More of a clich to be honest! And who said Strine was an Australian invention? For example, Here, were heading for a few pints in OTooles before going into the match are you coming? I cant, man, I was out last night and Im dying Ah, for fu*k sake, man, youre some dryshite. Nice one is an Irish saying thats used to show approval of someones behaviour. Youre some clown. LOL Glad you enjoyed, appreciate your continued support and votes:-). enjoyed it all morning. me? (usually meant in humour), Salt and vinegar (in Chinese take-away accent), Means Sorry and also Excuse me, Pardon me, Someone who hasnt got good co-ordination, Anyone who wears glasses (kids nickname), Typical nickname for someone with the surname Murphy, The last 1/4 of a cigarette leave us a stabber, Very drunk were getting steamed (steamboats) tonight, Embarrassed after getting caught doing something ye shouldnt, When someone is talking rubbish while under the influence, Gypsy/travelling person/insulting term for a low-class female, Garbage dump/dirty, messy place That pub is an awful tip, Someone who is always looking for a handout, Betting shop for horse or greyhound racing, Means youre starting trouble, usually in a playful way. For example, Ah, man, the heads bouncing off of me. Here are a few Irish colloquialisms to help you understand the next person you meet from Derry, Dublin, or Donegal. People in Ireland speak English, but not exactly the Queens English. With a little help from the Gaelic languagecalled Irishthe populace of the Emerald Isle has devised its very own collection of weird and wonderful words and phrases. This was one of the most enjoyable posts that Ive written in a while. Travel Blog Website includes Silly Photos, Videos, Weird Unusual Humor, WTF and Stories, Travel Blogging Funny Guide, Destination Tips, News, Advice, Information. Vespa Woolf from Peru, South America on June 22, 2012: This is great!! So you would go to get your messages and pick up any shopping you might need. LOL. And I made perfect score too. A great fun hub, really well put together, great stuff, well done, thanks for sharing, voted up, Lee. Theyre unreal. Im laughing while typing this one as I havent heard it in years. The first could be a reference to someone whose name or identity is uncertain or momentarily forgotten (you know who Im talking about, whats his face, yer man from down the road), the second a coded reference that intentionally omits the identity (we all know what yer wan will think about that).79. ShamrockFrom the Irish seamrg, meaning young clover. Irish Travellers and their Language | Lingoblog ! translates into I definitely wont be doing that. Tell the world! A melodeon is a small organ, so we can imagine a feline walking across one would not sound that great. The perfect way to take someone who is overly arrogant down a peg or two? Pronounced Flue-tered, this one describes a person thats on the wrong side of 9 pints. Theres shit everywhere. Bags (To make a bags of something) Make a mess of doing something. 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved. Irish Travellers, also called Pavees, Mincirs, or An Lucht Siil (Irish: "The Walking People"), a traditionally nomadic ethnic minority indigenous to Ireland. Its worth noting that when someone says that theyre grand, they may not necessarily be so. Yer man/Yer wanOne of the reasons referring to someone as yer man or yer wan is so interesting is that it has contradictory meanings. Although it is not spoken much in the UK, the Romany language is an . I love the word huair although Im never sure whether or not its spelt Huair or Hoor. Very interesting and useful as well. Yes, savage is also Irish slang for good. Will you stop being minus craic and come out for a few pints. LashAnother word the Irish have attached multiple meanings to. The things f*cked. For example, I saw you chatting to him for about 4 hours. Craic generallymeans fun but, as is the case with many bits of Irish slang, theres multiple ways of using it. A crowd, out to have a raucous time but being a bit of a nuisance! The word Yoke is used to describe something. GallivantingThats enough gallivanting for one week may be a very Irish phrase so much so that it has ended up on tea towels but it comes from early 19th-century English (gallant), as a term for flirting with women, or to gad about.43.
Ashley Cooper Kerns, Articles I