lt was also meant to scare Scalawags, white Southerners who supported Reconstruction (Doc A, cartoon). I can help you save hours on your homework. In the South, the ku klux klan were openly killing and intimidating people who supported abolitionists or were anti-slavery. Colby's testimony was part of an effort to expose the cruel and illegal nature ol the Klan's activilies. (The PowerPoint works well for this. To avoid a crisis, an informal agreement - now called the Compromise of granted Hayes the Presidency' In return, and this was a huge point, Hayes promised to remove the last federal soldiers from the South' This almost guaranteed that all-white governments would reclaim power in the South' When Rutherford B. Hayes agreed to remove federal soldiers, he was simply putting an end to an already dying effort. rn rg77 attempts to reconstruct the South officially ended, leaving white-only governments in power. ls lhls Protecting Life, Liberty, or Property?" Freedmen (F): African Americans who were freed from slavery during and after the Civil War Carpetbaggers (CB): Northerners who went south after the Civil War to help Freedmen and Reconstruction Scalawags (S): Southern whites who supported Reconstruction Radical Republicans (RR): Northern Republican Congressmen who supported African-American citizenship and punishment for former Confederates Ku Klux Klan (KKK): A white supremacist group that opposed Reconstruction and equal rights for freed slaves Headline A: "Federal Troops Sent South to Enforce Reconstruction" Freedmen: Carpetbaggers: Scalawags: Radical Republicans: Ku Klux Klan: Headline C: "Financial Panic of Fear Loss of 3 Million Jobs" Freedmen: Carpetbaggers: Scalawags: Radical RePublicans: Ku Klux Klan: Headline B: "Hiram Revels Elected Senator From Mississippi in 1870 First Black Man to - Enter Congress" Freedmen: Carpetbaggers: Scalawags: Radical Republicans: Ku Klux Klan: Headline D: "Rutherford B. Hayes Elected President in 1876 Agrees to Remove Federal - Soldiers from Louisiana and South Carolina" Freedmeni Carpetbaggers: Scalawags: Radical RePublicans: Ku Klux Klan: 2013 The DBQ Proiect This page may be reproduced for classroom use 31, 32 Establishing the Context General lnstructions. However, the amounl of high-level scandals that took place during his presidency is staggering. Many ol the most corrupt off icials were friends of Grant whom he personally appointed.. The shooter, believed to be 38-year-old Francisco Oropeza, is on the run and a massive police hunt is underway to locate him. Who Killed Reconstruction: North or South? Colby was attacked because he was a leader who threatened white control. charlotte jones anderson family best airbnb near london miss scarlet and the duke based on book north or south: who killed reconstruction hook exercise. The Boston Evening Transcripts letter argued that blacks are not fit to be in political authority and just needed a period long enough to forget about the slavery conditions and to rise as a generation, (Document D). But it was also a hopeful time because the terrible war was over, the slaves were Iree, and North and South would be united once again. Public Policy B. The . We know him as Honest Abe, born in a log cabin. Who killed Reconstruction 2019 - Hook Exercise: Reconstruction - Studocu There were two major problems. Dubois. north or south: who killed reconstruction? Flashcards | Quizlet The Whiskey Ring involved government tax collectors who accepted bribes to help whiskey dis_ tillers avoid paying taxes. After reading the Background Essay, reread w.e.b. Question: What is the character of those men who were engaged in whipping you? Democracy: Starting with Solon In the present day, the term democracy is well known. The purpose of the military districts was to provide firm military control of the ex-confederate states and to assure that Radical Republican policies, e-specially those concerning Freedmen, would be carried out. He was stabbed five or six times, and then hanged on a hook in the Grand Jury room. 1304.109h/326.091 Parts (5): Narrators, The Election of 1860 By Ron Miller - Jewett Academy I. The artist portrays black politicians as corrupt, buffoon-like, and fat. Reconstruction happened after the Civil War. Northern artist's portrayal of the South Carolina State Legislature during Reconstruction. lt shows how powerless the Freedmen were without forceful governmenl protection. He called me. Freedmen (F): African Americans who were freed from slavery during and after the Civil War Carpetbaggers (CB): Northerners who went south after the Civil War to help Freedmen and Reconstruction Scalawags (S): Southern whites who supported Reconstruction Radical Republicans (RR): Northem Republican Congressmen who supported African-American citizenship and punishment for former Confederates Ku Klux Klan (KKK): A white supremacist group that opposed Reconstruction and equal rights for freed slaves Headline A: "Federal Troops Sent South to Enforce Reconstruction" Freedmen: Carpetbaggers: Scalawags: Radical Bepublicans: Ku Klux Klan: Headline C: "Financial Panic of Fear Loss of 3 Million Jobs" Freedmen: Carpetbaggers: Scalawags: Radical Republicans: Ku Klux Klan: Headline B: "Hiram Revels Elected Senator From Mississippi in 1870 First Black Man to - Enter Congress" Freedmen: Carpetbaggers: Scalawags: Radical Republicans: Ku Klux Klan: Headline D: "Rutherford B' Hayes Elected President in 1876 Agrees to Remove Federal - Soldiers from Louisiana and South Carolina" Freedmen: Carpetbaggers: Scalawags: Radical Republicans: Ku Klux lhe OBO Projecl This page may be reproduced lor classroom use 5, 6 Step Two: Establishing the Context General Instructions ' Review the Timeline on the Background Essay Questions page and the map showing military districts.. Pre-teach the bold{aced vocabulary. Who Killed Reconstruction: North or South?. Chapter 15, Section 5. Africa is the culture of Gaia, the first to appear, and hence the one that suffered most the destructive age of mankind - the age of the machine, first with its people used as cargo slave of gunboats, justified by the Ham Damnation - a Jewish racist 2023-04-23 can you take cbd gummies on a airplane cbd gummy from mycbd And cbd gummy bears private label cbd fun drops gummies. cbd gummies uly best vegan cbd gummies, green roads cbd gummies how many 1000mg cbd gummies can i eat eagle hemp cbd gummies for smoking.. After all, they couldn t bear to kill this boy.Seeing that he agreed, Lu Mingyi couldn t help but heaved a sigh of relief, and said Ah Liang, thank you very much, I ll buy you a drink when I get back.A Liang also smiled, and said My brother, why are you . Liberty University DigitalCommons@Liberty University Discipleship Materials Center for Global Ministries 2009 Step 10: How to develop and use your testimony to explain the gospel? The North also had magazines that were very racist which shows that Reconstruction wasn't even working in the North. After the destructive battle of the Civil War between the North and the South, large efforts were put into place to help restore the destroyed Southern society. I was lonely at first in the East. This shifl in attitude toward Southern blacks is not surprising given that many Northern states had tight restrictions on black suffrage until the 1sth Amendment was passed.. lf Northern racism was the reason the Federal Government became less interested in Reconstruction, then who was really responsible lor bringing Reconstruction to an end _ Northerners who were unwilling to lorce change, or Southerners who used violence and terrorism to resist change? However, there is also a great deal of resistance to change. 2. W.E.B. the worksheet activity to the class. The Klan wants all Republican Reconstruction governments to be overthrown. Albion Tourgee was a white Northern soldier who had moved to the south after the war; he . Editorial cartoons use humor and satire to show a position about current issues. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. PDF North or south who killed reconstruction dbq questions and answers Thus they were seen as prime threats and targets. In all reality, although Plessy v. 572 Words. You and I What will they do? Document A. He is looking for corruplion and scandals in his administration. So it is a great irony of history that the election of 1876 officially crushed the American dream for millions of black Americans living in the South. 2. Although these are not actual headlines, the events did happen. Would give Blacks citizenship, the vote, education. When would you go? Black churches were founded, public schools were built for black children, and universities like Howard, Fisk, Morehouse, and Hampton were established for black students seeking higher education. Vocabulary and Concepts Yog may want to pre-teach the six bold-faced terms in the essay. English 10 Of Mice and Men Chapter 1 Questions (16pts) 2. The Changing Border of the Southwest, Name: Abraham Lincoln. 2. lts.iob is to provide a sense ol time, place, story, and introduce important vocabulary and concepts. 3. First of three "Reconstruction Amendments" passed after Civil War (1865-70) 14th Amendment (1868) (1) All persons born in the U.S. are citizens; (2) no person can be deprived of life, liberty or property without DUE PROCESS OF LAW; (3) no state can deprive a person of EQUAL PROTECTION of the laws. Often, charismatic individuals gain power and influence others. The original Northern objective in the Civil War was the preservation of the Uniona war aim with which virtually everybody in the free states agreed. What is President Grant trying to lind in the barrcl? No curator can assert that the chemistry of spirituous liquors has killed the taste for good wine or that the chemistry of cooking has killed gastronomy! The 13th Amendment ended slavery. The South killed Reconstruction because of their lack of interest in equal rights, their violence towards the North and blacks, and the North's growing absence of . Cbd Gummies Uly | Systems-Wide Climate Change Office clearly, southern resistance stood in the way of Reconstruction's success. Sample Lesson Handout 4 Stereotype and Caricature The Cartoon: This cartoon is a lithograph by Joseph Keppler expressing fears about the impact of Chinese immigrant labor. However, plan dead by stating the question with key terms defined: Reconstruction means rebuilding. Democratic, Chapter 1 Questions (16pts) 1. Harper's WeeklY, September 2,1876 Overview: The twelve years after the Civil War proved to be a difficult time for America. The fact that he was killed in a courtroom also suggests that the KKK wanted to threaten everyone involved in the courts, not just in the State Legislature. north or south: who killed reconstruction hook exercise. Houston holds week-long NUCLEAR training exercise led by the FBI and the military to learn how best to deal with a nuke dropped on a US city . Reconstruction slowly died when the South kept resisting the help from the North. Called Reconstructionby historians, this era saw an increase of freedom for former slaves. 2. Who ran for President in 1876? People won t buy from you until they trust you! north or south: who killed reconstruction hook exercise Who Killed Reconstruction: North or South? - Start your day off right, with a Dayspring Coffee Another brave, honest Republican citizen has met his fate at the hands of these fiends, (Document A). Grant was distracted by all the problems his administration,aced, and Reconstruction became just one ol the problems. Note: Tourgee was a white, Northern soldier who settled in North Carolina after the War. The most likely student responses to the headlines are as follows: Headline A: "Federal Troops Sent South to Enforce Reconstruction" F: CB: S: RR: KKK: H H H H Headline C: "Financial Panic of Fear Loss of 3 Million Jobs" F: CB: S: RR: KKK: U U M Headline B: "Hiram Revels Elected Senator From Mississippi in 1870 First Black Man to Enter Congress" - F: CB: S: M RR: H KKK: U Headline D: "Rutherford B. Hayes Elected President in 1876 Agrees to Remove Federal - Soldiers from Louisiana and South Carolina"" F: U CB: U S: RR: U KKK: H 2013 Tho DBQ Projsct, 5 Hook Exercise: Reconstruction Directions: Below are several groups that played a key role in the Reconstruction period' With a partner, read the descriptions of each group, and then read the headlines at the bottom of the page. If President Grant was busy with scandals, what is likely to happen to his focus on Reconstruction efforts in the South? A group lormed to carry out an illegal activity, e.g. Five people were killed, including Mr Garcia's wife and son. Called Reconstruction by historians, this era saw an increase of freedom for former slaves. How does the way that John Stephens was killed support the idea the Ku Klux Klan was a terrorist organization? 26-1 arth II: imepace History: Civilizations, I: Africa: Gaia To avoid a crisis, an informal now called the Compromise of granted Hayes the Presidency' In return' and this was a huge point, Hayes promised to remove the last federal soldiers from the South' This almost guaranteed that all-white governments would reclaim power in the South' agreement - When Rutherford B. Hayes agreed to remove federal soldiers, he was simply putting an end to an already dying effort. The KKK formed as a social club in 1866 and quickly evolved into an organization that used violence to intimidate Freedmen and any who sought to support Republican Reconstruction governments.. Talking to our children about Violence and Terrorism: Living in Anxious times Living in Anxious Times: Introductory Remarks Since the September 11 attack America has changed. However, there was also great resistance to change. In contrast to the south, the northern 1874-76 harvests were abundant and ordinarily would have provided ample reserves to deal with the kharif deficit in 1878. What did they say? In 1877 attempts to reconstruct the South officially ended, leaving white-only governments in power. Discuss the Document Analysis questions: '1. catalytic oven dangers; johnson elementary school richmond, va; florida department of corrections . On July 4, 1852 a writer was asked to speak at an Independence Day celebration in Rochester, New York. This cost lhe government millions ol dollars. Reconstruction by historians, this era saw an increase of freedom for former slaves. 22. Then, the students will sort, BOOK 1, PART 3, LESSON 4 THE FORGIVING FATHER THE BIBLE: Luke 15:11-32 THEME: We can discover what Jesus wants us to do and be by hearing the parables Jesus told. lstt Date ofdef@t of radical Re@trstruction government Military district boundary -L*l CoDfederate stes NN MHICO firridry In the aftermath of the Civil War, the Policy of Reconstruction MEXICO the for was developed purpose of reconnecting the eleven states that had left the Union and welcoming the millions of freedmen (former slaves) as full American citizens. However, each democratic government has a unique way of implementing, World Book Online: The trusted, student-friendly online reference tool. An example of the problem is seen in a letter written in 1B7o by Albion Tourgee, a white ex-soldier who went South to become a judge in North Carolina and help reconstiuct that state. 'Have students read, or read aloud to them, the Background Essay. THEME: We should take every opportunity to tell others about Jesus. Summary. You can t read a sentence or a paragraph without knowing at least the most common. Also, terms like scalawag, carpetbaggei, and Radical Republicans are introduced. According to the letter from the Boston Evening Transcript why did some people believe blacks were unfit to be government otlicials? A. To use this website, you must agree to our, Sample Lesson Handout 4 Stereotype and Caricature, Chapter 15: The South After the Civil War, Republican Rule. Third parties usually impact government by: A. Electing large numbers of politicians, FLORIDA BECOMES A U.S. TERITORY By Laura Harder and Toni Migliore Summary: After the British returned Florida to Spain, Florida came under Spanish rule for a second time. Before the civir war most African Americans in the south were sraves. north or south: who killed reconstruction hook exercise Evidence: supporting detail lrom documents with document citation Letter from Albion Tourgee about Klan terrorism (Doc A, below) Cartoon showing hanging of Carpetbagger and Scalawag (Doc A, above) Abram Colby testimony about being whipped Oy Klan(Ooi b) Argument: connecting evidence to the thesis Argument is presented in paragraph 4 Paragraph #3 Baby Thesis for bucket two: Northern negrect was another big reason for the death of Reconstruction. Albion Tourgee, former Union army soldier and Judge during reconstruction, describes the killing in a letter to Republican Senator Joseph Abbott: "He was foully murdered by the Ku-Klux in the Grand Jury room of the Court House on Saturday.He was stabbed five or six times, and then hanged on a hook in the Grand Jury room" (A). Bitterness on both sides ran deep, and so did fatigue. In the background of the image, other white men are shown not only allowing this foul treatment to proceed but are in agreeance as well, (Document B). With the South's economy and pride shattered into pieces and the freedom of former slaves at stake, it was the responsibility of the North to lead the Reconstruction, an era that would help rebuild America's economy and install equal civil rights for all citizens . 1. was born a. in a log cabin in Kentucky in 1809. b. in a hospital in Springfield, Illinois in 1865. New York b. Philadelphia c. Washington, D.C. d. Boston, Marty's Big Mistake A short story about character by Wes Fessler Marty mouse was walking home from school one sunny day. 3 Pages. October 20-21, 2011, Springfield, Illinois, CHAPTER 15: Compound Sentences Answer Key PRACTICE 1. How does this document help answer the DBQ question? Evidence: cartoon showing a barrer of 991d1. Resistance was strong in the South as documents A and B show. step Five: Bucketing and chickenloot Have students complete the bucketing and chickenfoot work page. The irony was that in the same year it was celebrating the anniversary of its freedom from Engrand, the united states was ending its effort to protect freedom for blacks in the South. Abraham Lincoln had iust been murdered and the nation was in mourning. Whal is a possible connection between government corruption in the North and the end ol Reconstruction in the South? John was left with five to six stab wounds, and hung on a hook in the senator's . MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology First, Northern politicians got caught up in several scandalsla cartoon of the time shows President Grant looking into a barrel iull of scandal and corruption including the Whiskey Ring, the Tammany Ring, and the Belknap Affair (Doc c, cartoon). Carpetbaggers were recent arrivals from the North, and scalawags were white Southerners who supported Reconstruction' For a while, it seemed that the dream of Reconstruction might come true. Northern and Southern perspectives on Reconstruction differed dramatically. Explain the basic structure of the Georgia state constitution. The struggle for the continuance and advancement of Reconstruction resulted in collapse. WHY Through this activity, your child. When the terrible Civil War finally came to an end during 1865, it left a United Nation in two, injured and distrustful halves. Restate his famous summary of reconstruction in your own words. Sixteen African Americans were elected to Congress and numerous others served at state and local levels. The KKK and other groups often targeted individuals in key positions of power including judges and government officials. PREPARING FOR THE LESSON MAIN IDEA: Jesus, Sample Lesson Handout 1 Symbol and Metaphor TEACHING GUIDE The Cartoon: This cartoon on the drive for women s suffrage appeared along with an article in the magazine Judge, March 3, 1917. The Constitutional Convention met in: a. Materials: Copies of Documents Transparency of Booker T. Washington Document, TEACHER S NOTES INTEGRATED SKILLS TEACHER S NOTES LEVEL: Pre-intermediate AGE: Teenagers / Adults TIME NEEDED: 90 minutes + project LANGUAGE FOCUS: Linking words, understand vocabulary in context, topic, 1776 Only people who own land can vote Declaration of Independence signed. Was the North or the South more responsible for ending the effort to establish rights and protection for Southern blacks after the Civil War? It was the one hundredth anniversary of the Declaration of lndependence. The KKK was attacking government officials and judges. Blacks had been in slavery so long they had not yet had the time to learn the skills of citizenship and self-rule required lor democracy. 4. It was time to reconstruct! Then, with the presidential election of 1876, Reconstruction was dealt a death blow. They sold him into slavery in Egypt. Lesson Summary Summary The Election of 1860 demonstrated the divisions within the United States just before the Civil War. April 2012 ~SHARING MY PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE~ Dear Friends, It is a certainty that shared values encourage cooperative relationships. What were their political parties? Time range is generally two to five 45 minute class Step One: Hook Refer to the Step One teacher notes in the Mini-Q. Essentially the federal government sought reforms in the southern states that the white majority was not willing to concede. That spring, the sun shone every day. He was foully murdered by the Ku-Klux in the Grand Jury room of the Court House on Saturday. There was a plan called Reconstruction for healing the nation and making it strong. Grieving dad reveals what sparked Texas massacre
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