>"Eduardo" perfectly fits my definition of a complete mental case. |------------------------------------------------------------------------. 63 of the 77passengers and 9 of the 11 crew were killed. The aircraft then banked to the right until the left wing struck the cab of an excavator 1,500 meters from the runway threshold. Accessed 10-7-2016 at: http://newspaperarchive.com/us/wisconsin/kenosha/kenosha-news/1979/11-29/page-39?tag, ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization). Aircraft Accident Digest No. The guy who announces the go-around procedure sounds half asleep. This runway was closed for repairs at the time. 1979 Accidents. 1983. Here's a scan of an article from Flying Magazine, the occasion being ALPA investigation into this crash (article begins on page 100, also at one point it breaks and continues after several pages of classified ads): Just as a point of interest, C Gilbert the Capt had was a Marine in the Pacific during WWll. 74 UPI. touched down on the dirt on the left of the edge of Runway 23 Left, which was closed to traffic. The aircraft struck heavy equipment on runway 23L as the crew attempted to execute a missed approach. Oct 31, AP: Mexico City (AP) A Western Airlines DC-10 jetliner bound from Los Angeles with 88 persons reported aboard crashed while landing in fog and smog at the Mexico City airport today, plowing into two buildings, and Red Cross officials at the scene said they had recovered 55 bodies from the wreckage. [1] While there are a number of estimates of 74 or 75 fatalities, these are all from newspaper reports and could well reflect that early reports included the deaths of two or three locals on the ground. This amazing book chronicles the events of Oct. 31, 1979, when Western Airlines Flight 2605 crashed in Mexico City. At 0542 h on 31 October 1979, Western Airlines Flight 2605, a DC-10 aircraft, crashed while landing on Runway 23 Left at Licenciado Benito Jurez International Airport, Mexico City. [7] (Safety Recommendation A-80-59.). Unfortunately (and that word is an understatement - perhaps tragically orstupidly works better) they forgot to cross to the right as cleared, and landedon the left which was closed for reconstruction and flew into a bulldozer. Washington, DC: NTSB, 8-18-1982. The Safety Board believes that a separate instrument approach chart is needed for the 33 airport runways that utilize the sidestep maneuver in the United States. Mexico City International Airport has two runways: Runway 23 Left (23L), and Runway 23 Right (23R). If you wish to view this informative episode you may contact me at. The site is '10 years old by now and contains info on the background of the cockpit crew and cabin staff: A very interesting thread which has sparked memories as I was working for Mexicana at, WA 2605, A 35 AOS DEL PEOR ACCIDENTE AREO EN LA CIUDAD DE MXICO, http://www.pprune.org/aviation-histoern-airlines-2605-information.html, http://books.google.com/books?id=8BVg=PP1&pg=PA100#v=onepage&q&f=false, http://www.reocities.com/tresbros/blackbox.html. Because of refurbishing work on runway 23L, the flight was cleared for a runway 23R approach. Eddy Valenciana is able to recount the incident in detail as a victim, witness and survivor. John Mazor wrote in message <7gn32l$ua$1@autumn.news.rcn.net> John Mazor wrote in message <7gnkn0$2go$1@autumn.news.rcn.net> Donald Richards died in the crash. Pictures of great freighter aircraft, Government Aircraft Accessed 10-6-2016 at: http://newspaperarchive.com/us/indiana/logansport/logansport-pharos-tribune/1979/11-01/page-21?tag, Wikipedia. View original page. It seems to me that with only one of the two runwayseven being ILS-equipped, the approach chart would have clearly statedwhich one that was. When the aircraft was on final approach, the control tower operator repeated that the runway in use was 23 Right and drew the attention of the pilot to the fact that he was left of the flight path he should be following to land on the runway in use. 101-109. This final impact caused the structural breakup of the aircraft, heavily damaged the two-story reinforced concrete building and caused a fire that consumed most of the aircraft structure. As Flight 2605 approached Mexico City International Airport, air traffic controllers cleared it for aninstrument approachusing the ILS of Runway 23L, with an expected landing runway of 23R. On October 31, 1979, at 5:42 a.m. CST (UTC-06:00), the McDonnell Douglas DC-10 operating the flight crashed at Mexico City International Airport in fog after landing on a runway that . This pushed us apart. DC-10 Passenger List. Orange County Register, Santa Ana, CA. This guy writes like, I'm not revealing his name, but he is *alledgedly* one of the two surviving, The flight was cleared on a 'circle to land' approach, by using the ILS on the, On Mon, 3 May 1999 17:35:49 -0400, "John Mazor" <, Well KRC, this person (who calls himself Eduardo Valenciana, BTW) is making, I got all the e-mails saved, so anyone e-mail if ya want me to forward them, On Wed, 5 May 1999 19:18:17 -0500, "Dan Rupp". "as the surviving F/A aboard 2605, I am finally free to speak. [9] On page 103 notes the fatalities as 11 of the 13 crew, 61 of 76 passengers and 1 other (truck driver). Officials said the poor visibility played no role in the crash, though the airports log showed that at 6 a.m. 16 minutes after the crash there was zero visibility., Witnesses said the plane touched down normally, but then seemed to bounce and veer to the right. 23R was the open runway, 23L was closed for resurfacing. The airplane operated on a flight from Los Angeles International Airport, CA (LAX) to Mexico City-Benito Jurez International . Weird crash - the pilot-not-flying didn't make any radalt callouts (200 above touchdown, 100, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 is normal) or 'decision height'. The approach lights are on runway 23-left. Accessed 10-5-2016 at: http://newspaperarchive.com/us/california/santa-ana/santa-ana-orange-county-register/1979/10-31?tag, Associated Press. [6] There were 73 deaths. I did not see any wounds. Among the places of residence can be counted 34 in the United States mostly California. Nor did I read his previous book). Now airborne, the aircrafts right landing gear collided with a truck located on the left shoulder of the runway which was closed for repairs. Inside the plane there was a lot of fire and a lot of dead people. To me, Eddy was clearly deeply affected by being a survivor, needed to talk, and I sensed no ego or pride in his story. What did those with a vested interest have to hide? 21. The accident and subsequent investigation prompted the release of NTSB Safety Recommendations A-80-59 and A-80-60. Looking for some Western Airlines history. The Douglas DC10, even before 1979 suffered multiple hull loses and even for a time, held the accolade of being the aircraft involved in the deadliest air disaster to have occurred at that time.. I've never seen pics from this crash at allamazing how much wreckage there is! Of the 17 surviving passengers, 15 were injured. The transcription of the magnetic tape which contains the communications between the control tower operator and the crew of aircraft N-903WA reveals that at one point the control tower operator asked the pilot whether he could see the approach lights on his left, to which the pilot replied negative. On October 31, 1979, at 5:42 a.m. the flight crashed at Mexico City International Airport in fog, after landing on a runway closed for maintenance. Ground fatalities were reported as being just one (the driver of the truck parked on Runway 23L) to as many as three (the driver and two people in the Eastern Airlines building). My left hand and my foot is burned and my shoulder is dislocated. The end of the right wing eventually struck the corner of an aircraft repair hangar, causing damage to the hangar and also fracturing the DC-10's right wing. A 5:00 a.m. weather report indicated visibility of two to three nautical miles depending on direction; by 6:00 a.m. (shortly after the accident) visibility was described as "zero." [15] Cites EXC-AEE (1979-11-06). Western Airlines Flight 2605 was an international scheduled passenger flight from Los Angeles, California, to Mexico City, Mexico. One person on the ground was fatally injured. 2605 I participated in an indepth investigation by ABC News 20/20 along with retired WAL Captain Ralph Baxter. Not pretty. Side-step maneuver. Accessed 10-5-2016 at: http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/side-step+maneuver, United Press International, Mexico City. Pascalais wrote in message <19990502162013@ng-cg1.aol.com> Dan Rupp wrote in messagenews:7gieve$jd7$0@dosa.alt.net >Dan,>IIRC, parallel runways One was closed for maint..>Low ceiling Low Vsby>Forget which runway the approach was aligned..(23L)>Aircraft broke out and landed (23R)..>Don't recall much more Old man, short memory>>Al>>Dan Rupp wrote in message>news:7gieve$jd7$0@dosa.alt.net>> Thanks, but does anyone how many of the crewmembers were killed? Not a pilot. One off-the-wall theory I've heard in regards to this crash was thatthe crew believed that 23R was the closed ILS runway and that 23L wasthe proper one. The October 31, 1979 flight left Los Angeles International Airport at 1:40 AM PST, and was scheduled to land well before sunrise in Mexico City. This caused the landing gear leg complete with the two rear tires, wheels and brake units to be thrown about 70 m beyond the point of collision with the truck. NTSB writes that there was one. Fatal commercial air transport crashes, 1924-1981, AJFM&P, March 1983, p.56. Captain Charles Gilbert was the pilot of Western Airlines Flight 2605 when it crashed at Benito Juarez International Airport in Mexico City on October 31, 1979. There was no published visual representation of the sidestep approach available to the pilots. Of the 76 passengers and 13 crewmembers aboard, 61 passengers and 11 crewmembers were fatally injured, and 13 passengers and 2 crewmembers were seriously injured. The controller several times refers to "23 right" but the crew neverreads back "23 right." Between the time of their beginning the approach and the crash, they were advised that the landing runway was 23R four times by approach control or the tower. As Flight 2605 approached Mexico City International Airport, air-traffic controllers cleared it for an instrument approach using the ILS of Runway 23L, with an expected landing runway of 23R. Plane Toll Hits 75. Evening Review, East Liverpool, OH, 11-20-1979, p. 1. Moderators: richierich, ua900, PanAm_DC10, hOMSaR, Military Aircraft Western Airlines was a major airline based in California, operating in the Western United States including Alaska and Hawaii, and western Canada, as well as to New York City, Boston, Washington, D.C., and Miami and to Mexico City, London and Nassau. 75 UPI, Mexico City. The airport was quite dark, as twilight had only started 5 minutes before the crash, and there was ground fog obscuring the runway. DC-10 crew at fault. Hutchinson News, KS, 12-15-1979, p. 2. The controller also points out that the>aircraft is left of the assigned runway, which the crew merely>acknowledges but does not explain or say that it will correct. I found a site which recently added some pictures I've never seen, as of November 11, 2014. 11-1-1979, A12. I was riding shotgun in a Bonanza>several years ago, and we did one at Wiley Post Airport in Oklahoma>City - we used the ILS for 17L right down to about 1/2 mile out, then>split off and landed on 17R. DC-10 crash: Another black eye for manufacturer. Kenosha News, WI, 10-29-1979, p. 40. 28 Nov 1979: Air New Zealand: 901: The impact of the landing gear shattered the truck, fatally injuring its driver, and creating a debris field 400m by 100m in area. western airlines flight 2605 passenger listoffice furniture liquidators chicago June 14th, 2022 mazda 3 2021 bose sound system [13] Notes 11 crew deaths and 2 crew minor/no injuries; 61 passenger fatalities, 13 serious injured and 2 with minor/no injuries. (You young folks will have to Google her.) Accessed 10-5-2016 at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Airlines_Flight_2605. He was on this flight to investigate the El Salvadoran civil war. Nathan Diller, USA TODAY. Time: 05:42 Operator: Western Air Lines. Flight Safety Foundation. Props and jets from the good old days, Flight Decks And when confronted with your previoussummary of how 2605 crashed he said, "concerning the statement, it is one of many mis-information statementsreleased by "the powers that be," to continue the cover-up. Last I heard, he is an F/A for Delta in Portland,">>Donald Richards died on board. Confusion Over Runways Caused DC-10 Crash. Pharos-Tribune, Logansport, IN, 11-1-1979, p. 21. Claiming that he pulled an FA out of the wreckage>that could so easily be traced as a victim says to me that he's out in>la-la-land somewhere, probably near the Rancho Runamuckka. (Class I, Urgent Action) (A-80-60).. Chip was not mobile due to a leg injury, so Eddy had to help him out. AIRLINE: FLIGHT : 07 Jul 1962: Alitalia: 771: Unable to make out your last message, will you please repeat : 07 May 1964: Pacific Air Lines: 773: Skipper's shot! "Error de Pilotos." She stopped him in the middle of the cabin and said, "Don't you feel it? While the ALPA report conceded that the pilots had landed on the wrong runway in the face of published minimums, it criticized the Mexican accident report as being of "inadequate depth and detail" and containing "significant errors.". "Eduardo" perfectly fits my definition of a complete mental case. Aircraft painted in beautiful and original liveries, Airport Overviews 28 U.S. deaths. This would bring total to 73. When the car was full with seven or eight people, I came here to the hospital I feel very lucky. (UPI. From Airsafe.com:31 October 1979; Western Airlines DC10-10; Mexico City, Mexico: Thecrew inadvertently landed on a closed runway parallel to the activerunway. Rich Ahrens wrote in message <372E2AD1@visi.com> You're right. Also killed on the ground were an Eastern Airline employee working in a building flattened by the plane[21] and the driver of a truck hit by the plane at the top of runway 23-left, Western Airlines officials said. Western Airlines Flight 2605, nicknamed the "Night Owl", was an international scheduled passenger flight from Los Angeles, California to Mexico City, Mexico. Sidebar on Nationality and On board fatalities. Accessed 10-6-2016 at: http://newspaperarchive.com/us/indiana/logansport/logansport-pharos-tribune/1979/11-01/page-21?tag, United Press International, Mexico City. Seventy-two persons on board the aircraft and one person on the ground were killed in the accident. Three seconds before the collision with the truck the engine throttles were opened. I liked and trusted each of them very much. Why? Thirty days, After thecrash, the FAA went to Mexico and along side La Officina De NavagacionEspacio Mexicana, developed a side step manuver for U.S. pilots into BenitoJuarez Airport. at 0140 h local time on 31 October 1979. subsequently instructing the cleared the crew to approach Mexico City via Tepexpan, [p. 102], Twenty minutes before the accident to aircraft N-903WA, a B-727 aircraft of the Mexicana Airline which was performing Flight No. In continuing toward 23L below that height, by definition the crew was deviating from their cleared approach. However,23L was the only runway equipped with ILS, and the WAL crew elected touse a side-step approach by which they'd follow the ILS of 23L to acertain point and then veer off and land on 23R. The aircraft touched down with the left main gear in the grass left of 23L and with the right main gear on the runway shoulder. Thirty days>After the>crash, the FAA went to Mexico and along side La Officina De Navagacion>Espacio Mexicana, developed a side step manuver for U.S. pilots into Benito>Juarez Airport. (Class II, Priority Action) (A-80-59), Publish and Advisory Circular, or amend an existing Advisory Circular, to disseminate information on the sidestep maneuver procedures, terminal ATC communication procedures, radar separation and equipment requirements, and landing minima applicable to the use of the sidestep maneuver by American air carriers at both domestic and foreign airports. The tower operator informed the crew that the runway in use was 23 Right and provided the crew with information on the weather conditions prevailing at Mexico City International Airport, and landing data. To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! I knew one of the surviving FAs, Donald (Chip) Richards, before the crash, and I met the other FA survivor, Eddy (Eduardo) Valencia, in the LAX FA lounge after the crash, where he told me his experiences--before, during and after the crash--in great detail. Of the 89 people on board, 72 were killed in the crash.Western Airlines Flight 2605 Cockpit Voice Recorder ( CVR)Watch: The Story of Man Who Hasn't Slept for 50 Years! ASN Narrative: Flight 2605 departed Los Angeles at 01:40 for a flight to Mexico City. The data obtained from the aircrafts flight recorder shows that the crew was making an instrument approach. [6], 73 Aviation Safety Network. In the final conversation, the tower told the pilot, who was making an instrument approach, There are banks of fog, and also twice told him that 23-right was the correct runway for landing. The horizontal shaft which carries the two front wheels and the associated brake units also broke off and were projected forward over a distance of over 400 m. After breaking off, the right landing gear leg struck the right tailplane and elevator, severing the two almost completely. The crew then attempted to abort the landing, and the DC-10 became. It was broken in tow parts and when I was not very far away from the plane I heard it blow up. First of all I don't believe there ever was an official NTSB report on this accident. Update now. On October 31, 1979, at 5:42 a.m. CST (UTC06:00), the McDonnell Douglas DC-10 operating the flight crashed at Mexico City International Airport in fog after landing on a runway that was closed for maintenance. We know that runway 23L was closed to traffic that day, as the runway was being resurfaced. No U.S. investigator was allowed on the crash site nor allowed to investigate the wreckage or airport facilities. [end of p. 101]. [2] Crew members of aDC-10 that crashed Oct. 31 in Mexico City killing 75 people were responsible for the accident because they violated airline safety procedures, the Mexican government said Friday [Dec 14]., [3] The death toll from last months crash of a Western Airlines DC-10 has risen to 75, authorities said. used 2017 honda pioneer 1000 for sale; how to threaten someone and scare them aired nation wide on January 15, 1988. Western Airlines Flight 2605. 10-5-2016 modification. This is a challenging airport and approach in vmc conditions. One part of the DC-10's left wing travelled well off airport grounds, impacting a residential building on Matamoros Street in the Pen de los Baoscoloniaand causing a fire there as well. . Plane Toll Hits 75. Evening Review, East Liverpool, OH, 11-20-1979, 1. NTSB Safety Recommendation(s) A-82-91 through -93: .On October 31, 1979, a Western Airlines, Inc., DC-10-10, crashed while making an instrument landing system (ILS) approach to the Mexico City International Airport. We were close, but when the companyparaded us around the system in a "dog & pony show," other crew members werequick to cataterize us as "hero" and "the one that got pulled out." The procedure is shown as a straight-in approach to an adjacent runway, as a circling approach to the sidestep runway, or as a note at the bottom of the chart giving ceiling and visibility minima. Emergency Medical Kits are essential to saving airline passengers, but doctors say regulations are outdated More than 674 million passengers boarded a flight in 2021, according to the FAA 21. The cockpit voice recording of the last seconds of the flight indicates that the first officer and captain agreed that they were cleared for 23R, though they were still on approach to 23L. CARRIER: Western Air Lines FLIGHT: 605 AIRCRAFT: Douglas DC-10-10 REGISTRY: N903WA S/N: 46929 ABOARD: 88 FATAL: 72 GROUND: 1 DETAILS: The aircraft struck a vehicle after landing on a closed. DC-10 Crashes in Mexico City. The Register, Orange County, CA, 10-31-1979, p. 1. Navigation error blamed in Antarctic crash. Lawrence Journal-World, 11-29-79, p2.[5]. Survivor Tells of Crash. Pharos-Tribune, Logansport, IN, 11-1-1979, p. 21. Reply 25th Jan 2014, 08:03 # 8 ( permalink) Newforest2 Join Date: Feb 2008 Location: Germany Posts: 552 Likes: 0 Received 0 Likes on 0 Posts "the other crew member is F/A Donald Richards whom I pulled out of thewreckage. The aircraft first flew in 1973 and in six years had logged a total of 24,614 flight hours. Approximately 3.3 seconds after the touchdown and in a 10-11-degree nose-up attitude, the right main gear collided with a dump truck loaded with 10 tons of earth. We were close, but when the company>paraded us around the system in a "dog & pony show," other crew members were>quick to cataterize us as "hero" and "the one that got pulled out." We know that one flight 2605 survivor died on Nov 18. Flight No. Last I heard, he is an F/A for Delta in Portland,", Donald Richards died on board. To accomplish this, the crew would follow the ILS glide path toward Runway 23L, and as soon as they sighted the runway, they would reorient the aircraft to land on 23R.
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