Nerissa and others standing nearby represent the women of Troy. Not only Antonio but his friends also feel deeply distressed over the sad fate which threatens Antonio. So he stands puzzled, looking anxiously at the crowds. d. metaphorical clich, This section may include dates, deadlines, or a summary. Twenty merchants, The Duke himself, and the noblemen of greatest reputation, have all tried to persuade him; But no one can drive him from the envious plea of default, of justice, and his promise to pay. But in a moment everything belongs to Bassanio. It was a token of Portias love and remembrance and if it was ever lost, it will mean the end of their love. Answer: SALARINOs assessment of Shylock is perfectly correct; and we agree with it though we also know that Antonio too had been ill-treating Shylock and had even been spuming and denouncing him for his greed and usury. Question 6. Answer: At this point of the play, we can easily conclude that Portia has already fallen in love with Bassanio. The speaker wants to honor and celebrate Lincoln's accomplishment of winning the war. What are Bassanios observations about the eyes of Portia in the picture? Question 3. life's simple pleasures. \\ Midas was a miserly king. You have got me one. Tags: Question 3. Question 2. Answer: She transfers ail these things to Bassanio with a ring. Question 3. Answer: It advises him to be satisfied and not to run after anything new. Why does he choose the leaden casket? Answer: Portia stands watching anxiously which casket Bassanio is going to fix upon. He wishes to be like "one more rich in hope," perhaps meaning hopeful or literally wealthy; "featured like him," refers to someone who is handsome, with beautiful features; and another is "with friends possessed," or popular, unlike the poet (as has been established in the first two lines). Question 5. Answer: Others present on the scene are Portia and Nerissa. Never did I know A creature that was shaped like a man, So eager and greedy to destroy a man completely. I'm new too. Passage 12 (Act III, Sc.II, Lines 250-269). Bassanio/ has the wisdom and good luck to choose the leaden casket which contained Portias portrait. In case of such a failure she would have entertained such a sinful wish. What did Bassanio say about his wealth when he first told Portia of his love? Celine's professor did not realize that Celine was using a(n) ______________ to make the topic sounds less explicit. Answer: It can be approved by the authority of a holy quotation. While it has been reviewed by human transcribers, it may contain errors. Each partner contributed the following assets (the noncash assets are stated at their fair values on January 1, 20X7): JordanONealCash$60,000$50,000Inventories80,0000Land0130,000Equipment100,0000\begin{array}{lrr} Shakespeare's Sonnets Sonnet 73 Summary & Analysis | SparkNotes c. Opening with the main idea. So he chose the dull-coloured leaden casket which challenged him to dare something for love. ke roses,end underline,. Outward show of beauty is the deceitful shore, which might attract a sailor, but the sea ahead of it is dangerous. This is why he is doubtful of his success even when it has been achieved. O Captain! Why does the speaker repeat the refrain "life doesn't frighten me at all"? With these lines, the speaker compares death to "rest and sleep" and even uses the word "pleasure" to describe how one should feel about death. The professor agrees, thinking the topic will be on the benefits of fri Explanation: In the poem "O Captain! Answer: Portia tells Bassanio to desist from making the choice of the casket. The poem was first published in 1888without a titlein Henley's first volume of poetry. \text{Inventories} & 80,000 & 0 \\ b. How does he compare the words written in the letter? Shylock, according to SALARINO, is a greedy and revengeful man who wants to destroy Antonio. b. His request was granted. Lead threatens rather than promises anything. It is only after the result of Bassanios choice is known that Gratiano discloses the agreement he and Nerissa had reached regarding their own marriage. How do some cowards try to show themselves to be brave? merchant-marring rocks : rocks, which ruin merchant by wrecking their ships. So it has the intrinsic unassuming worth. He has just chosen the right casket. Portia does not want to break the wish either, nor does she want to lose Bassanio. Because you shall go away on your wedding day, Bid your friends welcome, show a happy face; Since you are bought so dearly, Ill love you dearly. What is Portias anxiety? The author talks about the victory when he asks for the captain to "hear the bells", which is most likely a reference to . The ship imagery at the beginning introduces the idea of life as a journey with dangers. Read these lines from Whitman's 'O Captain! My Captain!.' Where on the This poem is an extended metaphor, in which the Captain represents the President's Lincoln death, and the safe . The final couplet of Sonnet 29 declares that this joyfulness brought about by a thought of the fair lord is enough to convince the speaker that he is better off than royalty. appeals to the audience's emotions in a similar way? What amount of ordinary income and separately stated items are allocated to them for years 1 and 2 based on the information above? Mark's cheeks are soft. We start here Flashcards | Quizlet Lines 1- 4. English Flashcards | Quizlet You shall have gold To pay the little debt twenty times over: When it is paid, bring your true friend back with you. Which impact is Lincoln most likely hoping to achieve with the above statement? All the wealth that he had ran in his veins. My Captain!" Because thinking of your love makes me feel so rich that I wouldn't switch places with kings. In what way Portia sums up her qualities? Explain . Do these eyes move? Has not a single one attained its object? Principal of $3,500 was paid on the installment note. that they were black, poor, and different from white people; enlightenment; lost innocence and learned inequalities of life at school and learned to compare herself. Define dirges. Produced by Carlos Prieto , Nina Feldman , Rob Szypko , Stella Tan and Alex Stern. It also shows Jessicas character, and some might fancy that this betrayal of her fathers confidential talk is not an admirable trait. Cite an example. Read these lines from Whitman's "O Captain! My Captain!." Read these lines from Whitman's "O Captain! PORTIA : I would keep you here for a month or two Before you gamble for me. It is an extended metaphor that celebrates and mourns the arrival of the ship and Lincoln's death. It may be said that the inscription on the leaden casket appeals to Bassanios gambling and adventurous spirit. Closing with a purpose Question 2. How did the fortune of two persons stand on the caskets there? behave; hold back your thrills; Be happy slowly; limit this excess; I feel your blessing too much; make it less, Because Im afraid of having too much joy! Answer: Portia tells Bassanio to desist from making the choice of the casket. For intermission, no more pertains to me, my lord, than you : for delay in seizing an opportunity is no more a fault in my nature than it is in yours, as the matter fall : as things turn out. In religion,what damned error, but some sober brow will bless it, and approve it with a text, hiding the grossness with fair ornament : similarly in religion it is possible for some wicked doctrine to appear fair and true if expounded by a serious priest, and concluded by a text from the Bible.simple : plain; unmistakable, stairs of sand : these would indeed be very untrustworthy and unreliable steps to walk upon. Question 1. Who is the speaker of these lines? Why does Portia feel she can sin? green-eyed jealousy : jealousy is personified here, and said to be a monster with green eyes. Edited by MJ Davis Lin, Michael Benoist and Lisa Chow. Question 4. His : effort has been rewarded with success. ", Sonnet 20 - "A woman's face with Nature's own hand painted", Sonnet 30 - "When to the sessions of sweet silent thought", Sonnet 52 - "So am I as the rich, whose blessed key", Sonnet 60 - "Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore", Sonnet 73 - "That time of year thou mayst in me behold", Sonnet 87 - "Farewell! InterestonbeginningcapitalbalancesSalariesRemainderJordan3%$12,00060%ONeal3%$12,00040%. Depreciation expense was $6,000. The fact that the lark rises from the "sullen earth" at "break of day" implies that the day is much happier than the night; day break is compared to the dawning of a thought of the beloved. He also feels in disgrace with "men's eyes," implying that the general public looks on him unfavorably. What does he find in the leaden casket? How many cowards, whose hearts are all as false As stairs of sand, still wear the beards of Hercules and frowning Mars on their chins, Who, if searched inside, would have livers as white as milk; And the only thing these men do to look fear fulls to put on velvet clothes Look on beauty And you shall see its bought by the pound: Which works a miracle in nature, Making them who wear most of it look the lightest. The person who did not have money enough to arrange a journey from Venice to Belmont, has now enough to repay his loan many times the principal amount. At last, he was able to secure the promise that Nerissa would marry Gratiano if Bassanio won the hand of Portia. The land was subject to a $50,000 mortgage, which the partnership assumed on January 1, 20X7. What role the music will play if in case Bassanio succeeds? Have all his ventures failed? Moreover, there is the case of beautiful hair, which is often an artificial wig which has been purchased. & \textbf{Jordan} & \textbf{O'Neal} \\ $23.18+$14.86+$55.18\$23.18 + \$14.86 + \$55.18$23.18+$14.86+$55.18, b. Question 3. Question 4. The people of the country are celebrating Lincoln's victory. He walked into his new classroom.A girl came up to him and said, ",begin underline,Your cheeks are li Then music is Sounds as the trumpets when true subjects bow To a new-crowned king; music is Those sweet sounds at sunrise That creep into the dreaming bridegrooms ear And summon him to marriage. Thus, there is nothing to fear in death, for death will . Answer: After choosing the right casket, Bassanio comes forward to claim beautiful Portia as his future wife. Sonnet 104 is a sonnet. a poem that has fourteen lines and uses any of a number of formal rhyme schemes, in English. The people of the country are celebrating Lincoln's victory. Define blundering. 4. Answer: The scroll says that such a person may make his choice as wisely as he may be very lucky. Oh! Intermission no more pertains to me my Lord than you. Answer: Gratiano proves that he is no less smart and quick than his master, Bassanio. \text{Equipment} & 100,000 & 0 \\ These are the symptoms of the disease called love. A captain has died on his ship. The speaker begins by declaring that it was a blessing, a free act of God's compassion that brought her out of Africa, a pagan land. Question 3. Question 1. What is Bassanios opinion about beautiful looking women? Bassanio was able to choose the right casket simply because he had the wisdom of interpreting the inscriptions on the three caskets. The title of the poem, 'Invictus,' which is Latin for "unconquered," was given by the editor of "The Oxford Book of English Verse."This poem is a favorite in popular culture, making appearances in movies such as Casablanca and the Nelson Mandela movie of the same name. Question 2. Or it will be like the sweet sound of the dawn that steals into the ears of the sleeping bridegroom. Wishing I were more like someone with more hope in his life, or someone very handsome, or popular, "Desiring this man's art, and that man's scope, / With what I most enjoy contented least;". Question 4. PORTIA : How all the other passions fly to the air, As doubtful thoughts, and rash-embraced despair, And shuddering fear, and green-eyed jealousy! "My name is Sadie. & \textbf{Jordan} &\textbf{ O'Neal} \\ Add money amounts. What does "the prize we sought is won" refer to? $99.20+$3.47+$18.63\$99.20 + \$3.47 + \$18.63$99.20+$3.47+$18.63, Margaret Walker and her sister would play house, which they referred to as playing "Miss Choomby," because her father had said that Miss Choomby was a name of a black lady, cause someone to be perplexed and confused, tuberculosis, a lung disease that was widespread in poor communities, blood disease caused by a lack of iron, often due to the lack of good nutrition suffered by the poor, African American communities which were thriving but poor, deprived of the possession of something, especially land or a house, acting with complete knowledge of the world. My Captain!". Hochul. GradeSaver, 19 October 2005 Web. (b) until it is confirmed, approved and attested by Portia. But let me hear the letter of your friend. He was prepared to risk everything for the sake of love. Go, Hercules! They own 25 and 75 percent, respectively. Define bewildered. In "I Hear America Singing," the speaker describes various "carols" that arise from different figures in the American working class as people go about their work. To whom does the speaker compare himself ? Bassanio is both thrilled and puzzled. Why does Portia think herself fortunate? He was happy to have a new friend.QuestionWhat is the meaning of "Your cheeks are like roses" as it is used in the passage?Answer options with 4 options1. He may win; And what is music then? In large graven letters on the wall of the newly opened National Museum of African American History and Culture on the National Mall is a quote from poet Langston Hughes: "I, too, am America." But all these emotions vanish at the sight of Bassanio making the right choice. (a) peals of praise (b) until confirmed, signed, ratified by you. Gentle lady, When I first gave my love to you, I freely told you that all the wealth that I had Ran in my veins, I was a gentleman; And then I told you the truth. Question 2. So he was in danger of starving to death, and had to pray to the gods to withdraw their gift, thou pale and common drudge : Silver is called a pale and common servant, passing from man to man (i.e., in the form of silver coins), meagre lead : unattractive lead, in comparison with gold and silver. The first quatrain, which employs the metaphor of the winter day, emphasizes the harshness . "Mark nodded and looked down at his feet. What was the reaction of Portia to the choice made by Bassanio? 3. Thus it became impossible for him to eat anything. Much to the professor's surprise, the speech is about friends who engage in sexual behavior. Why does Bassanio reject gaudy gold? Invictus by William Ernest Henley - Poem Analysis Question 5. Sonnet 104: What type of poem is this? CashInventoriesLandEquipmentJordan$60,00080,0000100,000ONeal$50,0000130,0000. c. Opening with the main idea. Beshrew your eyes : means Curse you! though the expression is always used in a humorous and light-hearted manner, where a curse is not intended, overlookd : the evil eye. But she is bound to honour the will of her father. Question 2. She wishes to detain him there for a month or two before allowing him to take the final plunge. Answer: Portias treatment of Bassanio as a suitor is different from her treatment of other suitors. If he had the present money : if he had the money at the present time, confound : ruin; reduce to beggary, plies : continues to approach; presses, and doth impeach the freedom of the state : to impeach in legal language, meant to bring an accusation against. Shylock brings the charge that Venice is denying him his legal rights, and therefore is violating the free rights which foreigners were supposed to enjoy, magnificoes of greatest : port, the greatest nobles of Venice were termed Magnifici, the Hoble-minded or magnificent ones Of greatest port may be rendered as of the most noble carriage, when I was with him, I have heard him swear : this is an indication of the passage of time showing that Jessica is speaking of things by no means recent. The people of the country are celebrating Lincoln's victory. He will have the fortune of marrying this beautiful rich lady. Each partner withdrew$200 each week in anticipation of partnership profits. A captain has died on his ship. PORTIA : I might exceed making a count of virtues, beauties, Livings, friends. Writing the subject line Still is happy because she is not too old to learn. As for beautiful women, they adopt artificial means to look attractive. Now he goes, With no less confidence, but with much more love, Than young Alcides went to redeem The sacrifice of young women made by howling Troy To the sea-monster: I stand for sacrifice; The rest aloof are the Dardanian wives, With tear-stained faces coming out to view The outcome of the event. The partners allocated the net income for 20X7 and closed the accounts. Upon supposed fairness : upon the head of a lady who has a reputation for beauty, undeserved because the hair is not really her own, but has been cut from the head of some other person who is now dead and in the grave, dowry : possession, guiled : a shore which is dangerous to shipping, he beauteous scarf Veiling an Indian beauty : thought of the negroes of the West Indies as Indians. In religion, What damned error is there that some sober face Will bless it, and approve it with a text, Hiding the grossness with a beautiful ornament? Answer: Bassanio compares ornament to a deceptive sea-shore which leads a ship into a dangerous sea. Bassanio and Portia have expressed their love and commitment to each other. Answer: Yes, it really goes hard with Antonio for a time. How could he see to do them? Answer: The words in the letter stand for wounds on the body of his friend. It is a poem of both loss and celebration as their leader died but they won by the end of the civil war. America by Claude McKay | Poetry Quiz - Quizizz For many years, the tradition in the House has been for speakers to vote only on very significant matters or if their vote will be decisive.) Making them lightest that wear most of it : Women who wear the greatest amount of artificial aids to beauty are the lightest (in morals) whereas we would expect to find them heaviest. An Analysis of "On Being Brought From Africa to America" by Phillis This transcript was created using speech recognition software. Answer: She wants him to go to the church with her and legally make her his wife. Jordan and O'Neal agreed to share partnership income and losses in the following manner: JordanONealInterestonbeginningcapitalbalances3%3%Salaries$12,000$12,000Remainder60%40%\begin{array}{lrr} Question 1. purchasd by the weight : the beautiful colours and complexion of womens faces have been bought (in the form of cosmetics) in chemists shops. Shakespeare's Sonnets Sonnet 29 - "When in disgrace - GradeSaver Answer: If Bassanio succeeds in his choice of the casket, music will be like the sound of trumpet at the coronation of a king. Do you think Bassanio is satisfied by his praise of Portias beauty? The style is clearly indicative of a maidens unexpressed love which she is finding hard to conceal. What is the source of her satisfaction at this stage? In "Annabel Lee," how does the poems use of internal rhyme contribute to the tone of the piece? What promise she takes from Bassanio after giving him the ring? One half of her already belongs to Bassanio. Bassanio cannot believe that he has won until Portia Confirms this fact. What have you learned about the literature of civil rights by reading these poems? my Captain! How can we obscure the show of evil in law? The money-lender has imposed a dreadful condition that if the money is not repaid within three months, he would have the right to cut of a pound of flesh from any part of Antonios body. C. People are crowding the shore, waiting for a boat to dock. Since this fortune falls to you, Be content and seek no other new one. Answer: Bassanio looks like young Hercules who saved the life of Virgin Hesione from being sacrificed to the sea-monster. What is the speaker referring to? Answer: The object was to capture the hearts of men. Shylock succeeds in making Antonio feel miserable because of his demand for a pound of Antonios flesh. Out of Many, One: Rhetoric in The Gettysburg Address and "O - Quizlet It became hard for that greedy king who wanted to have all gold in his life. Answer: Portia humbly states that she has no accomplishment and no experience to boast of. She wishes to be rich beyond reckoning in point of virtue, beauty, wealth and friendship. She disparages her wealth, and wishes it to be ten times as great it is at present for the sake of Bassanio. My maid Nerissa and I will live as maids and widows In the meantime. In religion, damnable errors and sins, if supported with a quotation from the scripture, look like good deeds. c. allness statement Now all these things-servants and herself belong to Bassanio. Examiners are encouraged. O the bleeding drops of red, Where on the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead. This is done in accordance with the instructions given in the scroll. Total partnership capital after Hill was admitted totaled $450,000. The "Daily Show" correspondent Roy Wood Jr., seemingly spared no-one in his roasts during Saturday's White House Correspondents' Dinner. It might also be compared to the beautiful scarf covering an ugly Indian woman. \text{Interest on beginning capital balances} & 3\% & 3\% \\ Question 4. The speakers of both poems (Grasshopper & Solitude) show an appreciation for. Let's be friends. Closing with a purpose The partnership's inventory at December 31 ,20X7, was $20,000. See answers Advertisement Advertisement hardysouthern hardysouthern The poem, generally, is about the Civil war and the death of President Abraham Lincoln, who is the Captain. The North has won the Civil War. During 20X7, the following events occurred: 1. Answer: He managed money through his friend who signed a bond with his enemy and got the money. My Captain!." Where on the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead. You see me Lord Bassanio where I stand, Such as I am: What does Portia want to say in above words? Gratiano got the benefit into the bargain. Give evidence from the extract to show that he is in such a mood. Question 3. Question 3. Thus, when Bassanio won, victory came to Gratiano as well. Bassanio would not have anything to do with it. On that date, Hill invested$99,800 of cash into the partnership for a 20 percent capital interest. , endship. If you are well pleased with this, And hold your fortune for your bliss, Turn to where your lady is And claim her with a loving kiss.. Here are parted lips, with sugar breath; so sweet a bar Should tear such sweet friends apart. He caught the time by the forelock, and he has achieved success. A celebration is being held by the passengers of a ship. Passage 13 (Act III, Sc.II, Lines 270-289). Where are the speakers at this moment? He was happy to have a new friend.QuestionWhat is the meaning of "Your cheeks are like roses" as it is used in the passage?Answer options with 4 options1. Answer: Portia admits that she is as a whole nothing better than an ignorant girl having no training or experience of life. Out of Many, One: Rhetoric in The Gettysburg Address and "O - Quizlet Oh, love! Why is the speaker doubtful whether what he sees is true? She was unemotional and business like while talking to the Prince of Morocco and the Prince of Arragon. What, not one came in? Answer: Gold is referred to as gaudy which means that it is showy with no real worth of its own. (a) peals of praise means shouts of acclaim by spectators on winning a prize. Thus the first should have been left without its companion eye (unfumishd = unaccompanied), doth limp behind the substance : moves like a lame person (limp) in an unsuccessful effort to keep up with the original, continent : that which contains; the container, you that choose not by the view : the whole principle on which the choice of the caskets is founded is expressed in this line, namely that men should not choose by outward appearances, but should look deeply for the real meaning of things. Question 4. Who is the owner of her estates now? Why does she speak in this manner? First go with me to church and marry me, And then go away to Venice to your friend; Because you shall never lie by Portias side With an uneasy soul. Answer: A moment ago she was the mistress of this beautiful house. My Captain!" by Walt Whitman, the speaker is referring to Abraham Lincoln who has tragically died. Assume that UpAHill Corporation has $100,000 of qualified property (unadjusted basis) in both years. The progress made by the soldiers has more impact than words. Interest expense incurred on the mortgage was$2,000, all of which was paid by December 31, 20X7. If he really loves her, he will find it. My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will; Which statement best describes the significance of comparing Lincoln's death to the death of a captain on his ship in "O Captain! All these possessions she wants in order to be rated high in Bassanios opinion. The people of the country are celebrating Lincoln's victory. lord : used as owner without regard to sex. rise up and hear the bells; questions and answers for nuts for skeptics to crack, It was Mark's first day of school in a new town. Is today your first day? When I'm having bad luck and am looked down upon by other people, I cry alone in self-pity, "And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries, / And look upon myself, and curse my fate,". Principal of $5,000 was paid on the mortgage. My Captain!"? This appreciative attitude is a humble acknowledgment of the virtues of a Christian country like America. He learnt the lesson that other things in life were far more important than gold. Answer: Portia tells Bassanio that for her ownself she would be quite contented to be what she is. The speaker celebrates each individual song, which . \text{Remainder} & 60\% & 40\%\\ More books than SparkNotes. How does she submit herself to Bassanio? My Captain!". Question 4. [CDATA[ "Mark looked up from his shoes and smiled at Sadie. \end{array} Question 4. Answer: The passage tells us that some damage has been done to Antonio, His ships at sea are supposed to have been ruined. \text{Land} & 0 & 130,000 \\ Karine Jean-Pierre | 1.7K views, 59 likes, 3 loves, 75 comments, 8 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from RT: Press briefing by White House Press Secretary. With noble courage and grace she speaks openly of that which any woman less sincere or less wise would have tried to pass over. Thus, Antonio has secured the loan at the risk of his own life. You don't have to be scared. Answer: Portia tells Bassanio to make his choice of the three caskets. With reference to silver, its coins are of a very busy common currency. give it away, Let it predict the ruin of your love J And be my opportunity to cry out against you! for wooing here, until I sweat again : Gratiano says that his love suit was hard and difficult matter, and compares it to bard labourWhich makes a man perspire, swearing : making declarations of his love, if promise last : if her promise still holds good. D. A celebration is being held by the passengers of a ship. Lincoln fell and was seriously injured. Writing the subject line In this excerpt, Lincoln uses brevity to create a dramatic impact. On January 1, 20X8, the partnership decided to admit Hill to the partnership. Question 4. Answer: The show of evil in law can be obscured if the legal argument is seasoned by the pleasing voice of an advocate. crisped : curled. Passage 6 (Act III, Sc.II, Lines 114-124). I'm new too. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. Question 1. Why is gold referred to as gaudy? But she is happy that she is not yet so old and rigid that she cannot learn. Read these lines from "O Captain! Which line from Whitman's "O Captain! When I told you That I had nothing, I should have told you then That I had less than nothing, because indeed I have indebted myself to a dear friend, Indebted my friend to his notorious enemy, To feed my needs. It is here that Gratiano has his turn to speak. Passage 9 (Act III, Sc.II, Lines 148-161). He walked into his new classroom.A girl came up to him and said, ",begin underline,Your cheeks are li In a law case, for example, very unworthy and corrupt arguments concealed their wickedness if these are delivered in a pleasing voice. Her worth is yet to reveal itself in her brilliant interpretation of law while defending Antonio in the law court. Answers: 3 here are severd lips, parted with sugar breath : her lips are slightly parted by the sweet perfumed breath which passes in and out. I come off to the side, to give and to receive. Bassanio says that the portrait is so near to being alive that the artist has almost created life.or whether, riding on the balls of mine, seem they in motion : or is it the fact that their image is taken up by my own eyeballs, which seem to impart motion to them?
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