montar jugar gustar ir alquilar hacer. Contact us Example: Lennie covered his face with his huge paws and bleated with terror. Along with this, Candy and his dog create a parallel with George and Lennie., Candy is isolated after the loss of his hand since he is no longer able to work in the field with the other men. Evaluating quality. Candy had to agree to let Carlson shoot his old dog because the author mandated it for plot purposes. Learning of Candys dogs condition helps readers understand how Candy himself might feel. 61). $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% There is noeasy answer to this question; Candy may feel sympathy for the dog and want to avoid any further bruises or harm, or he may hope that by leaving the situation the dog will be less likely to become aggressive. George is a little guy and Lennie is a powerful giant. While Candys dog may be old and useless now, Candy doesnt want to let go of their connection and the good times they shared when he herded sheep with him., The skinner had been studying the old dog with his calm eyes. An he aint no good to himself. After this scene, Candy finally lets Carlson euthanize his dog. Construct a garment that has a collar, sleeves, and pockets. Why do George and Lennie travel together? After shooting the dog, Carlson cleans the gun carefully. Why does Carlson want to shoot Candys dog? - Answers Candy regrets allowing Carlson to do the deed becasue he knows that it was his responsibility to put the dog down out of love and mercy. George feels that he can trust Slim. Candy was an old, One of the first people George and Lennie meet is Candy, an old man who is missing his right hand due to an accident at the ranch. for a group? Carlson laughed. Carlson says that he will shoot Candy's dog in the back of the neck where the neck and head meet. Carlson feels that this was the best thing for the dog. Whynt you get Candy to shoot his old dog and give him one of the pups to raise up? After the passing of his dog, Candy became emotionally depressed., Candy lives a lonely life on the ranch. Candy takes an immediate dislike to the Old Dog and openly expresses this to Carlson. He thinks he will soon be not useful to the ranch because he will be disabled and old, much like his dog. Carlson is a middle-aged man. He aint no good to you, Candy. Project. For the next 7 days, you'll have access to awesome PLUS stuff like AP English test prep, No Fear Shakespeare translations and audio, a note-taking tool, personalized dashboard, & much more! In the novel Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, the character Carlson shooting Candy's dog is a very significant event. Why is the man in the magazine? What is the significance of the killing of Candys dog and how does it mirror the killing of Lennie? Why does Lennie have a dead mouse in his pocket? "That stink hangs around even after he's gone." They says he wasnt no good to himself nor nobody else. He didn't expect to end up doing back-breaking farm labor for room and board plus fifty dollars a month in wages. I don't care if you're the best welter in the country. What does Lennie say, specifically, that shows this violence? It is old and can no longer walk, meaning that it is likely only going to get worse as time goes on. When Steinbeck was plotting his story he wanted to end it with George killing Lennie. Slim throwed a scare into you. Candy had to agree to let Carlson shoot his old dog because the author mandated it for plot purposes. Why does Carlson want to shoot Candy's dog? As Carlson describes Candy's dog as "so God damn old he can't hardly walk" and that he " [s]tinks like hell, too," Carlson is trying to convince Slim to agree with him and persuade "Candy to shoot his old dog.". Who is to blame for the death of Curleys wife? The ending puts a "frame" around the story. "No, Lennie. First of all, he says that the dog . Why Does Carlson Shoot Candys Dog | Get Quick Answer Here Report your findings. Both the book and the play came out in the same year, 1937. I never been mad, an' I ain't now. When they arrive at the ranch, Lennie and George meet Candy and his elderly dog as they are introduced to the others in the bunkhouse. Related Read: Why do dogs lay down when they see another dog? When they can me here I wisht somebody'd shoot me. Here, Candys dog once again symbolizes the fear and realities of an aging farm worker. He cant bring himself to shoot his pet himself, and we suspect this is going to be the same fear that keeps him from making anything more of his life. Carlson believes the dog is too old and decrepit to be of any use. Candy virtually has no choice but to let the dog go because he would be shunned by the men and Carlson would continue to badger him, and then probably act on his own, anyway. Stinks like hell, too. Why does George lie about the gun? A ranch workers life during this time period was determined by his usefulness, and survival was directly linked to his ability to physically work. When Curley comes into the bunkhouse, for whom is he looking? This causes Candy to become even more lonely and isolated. What are the two main reasons why Carlson Wants Candys dog to be put to sleep? The following questions and answers are taken from the eNotes Study Guide to Of Mice and Men . You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at By signing up you agree to our terms and privacy policy. What is Carlsons problem with Candys dog? Nous partageons galement des informations sur votre usage de notre site avec nos rseaux sociaux, publicitaires et partenaires d'analyse. One thing he probably had in mind at the outset was that he wanted to end the story with one man killing his friend out of compassion. Why does Curley react the way he does ? As the dog was being executed, Candy laid in bed and stayed silent. The dog struggled lamely to the side of the room and lay down, grunting softly to himself and licking his grizzled, moth-eaten coat. In the book he is disabled, he is missing one of his hands. George agrees and with Candy's investment, which is half the cost of the ranch George described, the dream becomes more tangible. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. He wants to keep his hand soft for his wife. Fifth, the dog can no longer eat solid food; Candy gives the dog milk. He is an outcast and is discriminated against. In "Of Mice and Men," George kills Candy's dog to euthanize it. Carlson believes the dog is too old and decrepit to be of any use Whit enters the bunkhouse with a magazine featuring a man he used to work with. Please wait while we process your payment. Carlson explains to Candy exactly why the old dog should be put out of its misery. Outline all the reasons why Carlson wants to shoot Candy's dog. Everybody. When she confronted him about it, he claimed that the dog was "just a nuisance" and that he "had to shoot it." Lennie, who is still dreaming about the rabbits, also smiles, which leads Curley to confront him aggressively. "You tried to throw a scare into Slim, an' you couldn't make it stick. Candy replies that he has had the dog for too many years to kill it, but Carlson continues to pressure him. Carl says that the old dog should be put down because he's no good to himself and is going to become a cripple. Charleston insists that candy puts the dog down because it is far too old and it is suffering. eNotes Editorial, 25 Jan. 2014, Please wait while we process your payment. In Of Mice and Men, how and why does Lennie kill Curley's wife? Before George meets Lennie in the woods in the final scene, whose gun does he take, The structure of the novel most resembles a ________, Lennie scares the girl in the red dress in the town of Weed, Of Mice and Men was first published in 1937, Curley keeps vaseline in one of his gloves to help soothe a boxing injury, A cat house is an another term for whorehouse or brothel, George is the first person to discover Curly's wife dead body, Candy will still go buy the farm on his own, he will not be deterred by George and Lennie, Whit reads aloud a letter he sent to the editor that he wrote and was published in a Western Magazine, Curly always wears a bull whip to show that he has much more power than any of the other ranch workers, Curley's wife invites Lennie to hold her hands and rub her shoulders, English 1 Exam Study Guide Of Mice and Men, Financial Statement Analysis Exam 1 Comprehen, Financial Markets and Institutions Chapter 7, Financial Markets & Institutions Chapter 6, Financial Markets & Institutions Chapter 5, Block 2 pain pathway and synaptic transmission. The next day he has no dog, and when the other guys go out to the field he has nobody to comfort him. Why does Carlson want to shoot Candy's dog? Here, Candys dog symbolizes Candy as an old man and the effects of getting older. Though the pet was once the best damn sheep dog as Candy states, it was put out once it stopped being productive. The main reason why Carlsons killing of Candys dog was justified is because the old dog was well past its years and of no use to anyone. He didn't want to shoot his dog because of that reason too. He pressured Candy into putting the dog out of his misery and evidentially shot the dog himself. How do the characters react to Carlsons insistence on shooting the dog? By the way he acts towards other characters in the novella. Additionally, Carlson believes that the dog is a threat because it might bite him or someone else. Renews May 8, 2023 Carlson is a bitter man. But this friendship didn't last because Carlson continuously complained about the odor produced by the dog. In response to this, Lennie states, "You jus' let 'em try to get the rabbits. John Steinbeck and Of Mice and Men Background. Of Mice and Men Exam Review Flashcards | Quizlet The reason Steinbeck wanted George to kill Lennie was that he wanted to end the story quickly and with finality. Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. (one code per order). ", "Well, I cant stand him in here," said Carlson. Sometimes it can end up there. Related Read: Why does my dog bite my other dogs neck? Curley is beating Lennie up and Lennie is not protecting himself. Curley is looking for his wife. Whit closed the magazine impressively. Candy is reluctant to have his dog killed, but Carlson argues that the dog is in pain and that it would be better for the animal to be put out of its misery. What happened that made George stop playing tricks on Lennie in Of Mice and Men? The structure of the novel most resembles a ________. They could see how much pain Candy was in, and they wished they could have done something to help him. Lastly, he states that the dog is "no good to himself". Related Read: Why is my dog eating frozen dog poop? He has raised the dog since it was a pup, and he could not bear the pain it would bring him even though the dog would feel no pain. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. She knew that Carlson was not telling her the whole truth and that he was just trying to make himself feel better. The killing of Candys dog foreshadows Lennies death. On the simplest level, Candy doesnt want to kill his dog because he loves it and remembers lots of great times they had together. Nosotros generalmente (ver) __________________ la tela en casa. First, the dog is "stiff with rheumatism.". When George tells Lennie that they need to build a stake, he is talking about money. Candy's dog is a loyal companion that has been with him for . He told Lennie to think of the land and the rabbit, then shot him right in the spine and neck to cause instantaneous, painless death. Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. How is Lennie different from the other men? to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. 57, 58), To live off of the fat of the land implies that the land will offer people whatever they need to survive. The characters provide information for the reader and the future audience through their dialogue. He aint no good to you, Candy. The weapon George uses to kill Lennie had to be a pistol because George had to keep it concealed. Whit enters the bunkhouse with a magazine featuring a man he used to work with. Bad things happen when Lennie tries to take care of himself. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. This event likely contributed to Candy's eventual downfall, as he became increasingly bitter and isolated after losing his only companion. Candy's dog was shot by Carlson after he chased a rabbit onto Carlson's property. Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. Carlson suggests shooting Candy's dog because he stinks. A ranch workers life during this time period was determined by his usefulness, and survival was directly linked to his ability to physically work. There is no investigation or interrogation. on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% I wisht somebody'd shoot me if I got old an' a cripple.". Get Annual Plans at a discount when you buy 2 or more! The other ranch hands felt conflicted about Carlson shooting Candy's dog. When they can me here I wisht somebodyd shoot me. Curley flops like a fish. to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. He can't chew nothing else", and Hes all stiff with rheumatism. Free trial is available to new customers only. Latest answer posted December 31, 2020 at 3:22:45 PM. Latest answer posted December 07, 2020 at 5:10:16 PM. He is rejected by the people of the ranch due to him being old and handicapped. Get him outa here, Candy! If you was to take him out and shoot him right in the back of the head right there whyd hed never know what hit him.() Carlson made it obvious that he wanted to kill Candys dog but that the dog wouldnt suffer. This creates loneliness because he thinks of his future. He would only allow himself to do something; Lennie and the dog both need someone else to survive with and both grew up with either George or Candy when they were younger. Candy loves his old companion and can't bear the thought of killing him, but Slim, surprisingly, sides with Carlson: he'd want to be shot if he were old and crippled. How to stop dog from biting other dogs' necks? SparkNotes PLUS Carlson is a brutish man with a gun; Candy is an old man with a hand missing. Was Carlson killing Candys dog justified? His hand is cut off, so he cant lift stuff. The dog is seen as useless and smelly, therefore it was seen as more of a nuisance to Carlson and the others in the bunk house. At the same time, the concept of shooting something to save it from a miserable life foreshadows the tragic events that will unfold between George and Lennie at the end of the story. Worse than the dog parallel, though, is that Candy (unlike his dog) is emotionally broken by this whole affair. What is Carlsons solution to the problem of the dog? "Outline all the reasons why Carlson wants to shoot Candy's dog." Fearing that his age is making him useless, he seizes on Georges description of the farm he and Lennie will have, offering his lifes savings if he can join George and Lennie in owning the land. This event is a clear indication of Carlson's personality, and it is one of the reasons why he is not a likable character. In this quote, Candy talks about what they done to [his] dog because he wasnt no good to himself nor nobody else. He repeats Slims earlier sentiment about wishing somebodyd shoot him when he was no longer able to work and earn money at the ranch. Why is Crookss room set apart from the others? On the line provided,correctly spell out the following word by adding the suffix given. Of Mice and Men Study Guide Chapter 3.docx - Of Mice and What is Slim's response? Lennie was attracted to the same type of girl in Weed. The guys leaves him back at the ranch while they go to drink and sleep with women. "God awmighty, that dog stinks. Why does Carlson want to shoot Candy's dog? If George tried, for example, to hit him with a club, he might fail to knock him out, and Lennie might kill George instead. These characters try to stop Carlson from shooting the dog, but they are not successful. Explain the following passage and its function in the story: Foreshadowing leading up to what could possibly happen( since there was conflict between curley's wife and the men. Carlson explains to Candy exactly why the old dog should be put out of its misery. Explain some similarities between Candy and his dog and George and Lennie in Of Mice and Men. Then, Candy doesnt want Carlson to shoot his dog because its his only companion. In John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men, who actually steals Carlson's gun? On page 44, the men are discussing Candy's dog in the bunkhouse. That dog aint no good to himself. John Steinbeck had to work out the plot for his novel before writing it. Why did Candy agree to let Carlson shoot his old and sick dog? The bus driver lies to George and Lennie. Candy was heartbroken when her dog was shot. Why does carlson suggest shooting candy's dog? - Related Read: Can my dog smell my other dogs ashes? What is Carlsons problem and what does he tell Candy to do? Before Curley goes to the hospital, he agrees to pretend that he has caught his hand in a machine. The dog is unable to do anything for itself and Candy is struggling to care for it, meaning that Carlson may have thought that it would be better for everyone if the animal was put down. Why does Curley wear a Vaseline-filled glove on one hand? Why does Carlson shoot Candy's dog? answer choices . Also, Lennie's statement reflects the violence of the men's society. 60). Wed love to have you back! Latest answer posted August 09, 2017 at 8:49:59 AM. Whatever Carlson's reasons for shooting Candy's dog, it is clear that he did it with the best of intentions. Already a member? Why does Carlson insist on shooting Candy's dog? Latest answer posted December 31, 2020 at 3:22:45 PM. As Carlson describes Candys dog as so God damn old he cant hardly walk and that he [s]tinks like hell, too, Carlson is trying to convince Slim to agree with him and persuade Candy to shoot his old dog. Through this description, Candys dog symbolizes how old age and decline are viewed by the ranch workers of this time period. Why do you think the author spends so much of the narration talking about what a kind person Lennie is? Candy had with his dog and the one George has with Lennie. Want 100 or more? In "Of Mice and Men", Carlson shoots Candy's old, disabled dog because he believes that it is the humane thing to do. Find several examples in the text, and then explain how the animal references connect to what the reader already knows about the characters. You can have a pup if you want to. He seemed to shake himself free for speech. Candy says, "I don't mind takin care of him." (45). 502 Words 3 Pages Why does carlson want to shoot candy's dog? Mentally, Lennie survives with the rabbits. You'll also receive an email with the link. George describes to Lennie the sights, sounds, and smells of the farm they hope to someday own and the description interests Candy. Related Read: How to teach dog to greet other dogs calmly? No doubt Carlson was in World War I and brought it back as a souvenir. The primary motivation for Carlson wanting to shoot candy's dog is that the dog cannot see or eat solid food, which means that it is not properly taken care of. $24.99 There is a hidden purpose behind Carlson's shooting of Candy's old dog. After his dog was shot, it was almost described as if it was Candy that got shot. "Why does Candy agree to let Carlson shoot his dog?" Candy and his dog seem to be extensions of one another, each moving slowly and with obvious handicaps that affect their usefulness and well-being. And he sees where Carlson keeps it under his mattress. When Carlson shoots Candy's dog, George learns how to kill quickly and painlessly with a pistol. This also leads to Candy wanting to join George and Lennie on there dream to own their own ranch., Age is an obstacle the character Candy faced in Of Mice and Men. She was angry at the person who shot him and felt like she needed to take revenge. His dog enters later in chapter two, whom is described as a dragfooted sheepdog, gray of a muzzle, and with pale, old eyes(Steinbeck 26). Carlson wants to shoot Candy's old dog because it irritates him. for a customized plan. At the same time, the concept of shooting something to save it from a miserable life foreshadows the tragic events that will unfold between George and Lennie at the end of the story. | Lennie catches Curley's next punch in his massive paw and crushes down on his hand. Had him since he was a pup. While Carlson is speaking to Slim (in chapter two of John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men ), he states the many reasons that Candy's dog needs to be put down. Throughout the fight there are many animals references referring to either Lennie or Curley. Why not? What happens as a result of Lennie's taking care of himself? When Carlson kills the old dog he explains where he will place the shot to make death painless. On one hand, they understood that the dog was old and sick and that it needed to be put down. What is the relationship between Candy and his dog? Although Carlson promises to kill the dog painlessly, his insistence that the old animal must die supports a cruel natural law that the strong will dispose of the weak. The author needed to establish that George had access Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this answer and thousands more. What do we learn about Curley's relationship with his wife, based on this event? How does Carlson explain to Candy how he will shoot his dog what is Candys reaction to Carlsons plan how does he finally react after Carlson completes his task? You can argue that his reasons are partly good and partly just selfish and mean. Examining ethics. Ill have thirty dollars more comin, time you guys is ready to quit.. What are carlson's reasons for shooting the dog? As Carlson describes Candys dog as so God damn old he cant hardly walk and that he [s]tinks like hell, too, Carlson is trying to convince Slim to agree with him and persuade Candy to shoot his old dog. Through this description, Candys dog symbolizes how old age and decline are viewed by the ranch workers of. Central Idea Essay: Who Is to Blame for the Death of Curley's Wife? Carlson knew that Candy loved that dog, and he knew how much she would miss it. Carlson's reasoning for wanting to shoot the dog is that the dog is old and suffering. nous utilisons les cookies afin de personnaliser le contenu et les publicits, de fournir des fonctionnalits pour les rseaux sociaux et analyser notre traffic. Candy is introduced in the start of chapter two, he is described indirectly by the narrator as a Stoop shouldered old man(Steinbeck 18). Ultimately, Candy agrees to Carlson's request, and the dog . "That stink hangs around even after hes gone." For entertainment, Lennie believed anything that George would say (gullible) The pranks stopped because Lennie almost drowned, Lennie needs George for survival. He also observes how Candy works the mechanism when he cleans the weapon after using it on the dog. Why did Steinbeck choose the title Of Mice and Men? Candy suggests doing this because the dog is old, smells, and is crippled. It would have to be a handgun because a rifle would be too conspicuous, both when he stole it and when he used it on Lennie. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. Hes all stiff with rheumatism. What are carlson's reasons for shooting candy's dog? Trace the parallels between the relationships of Candy and his dog and George and Lennie. Accessed 1 May 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions.
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